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I like the mindcraft look, makes the composition more fun!
Looking interesting - lots of great detail. Can't wait to see the figures added!
Oh no! My Render machines C drive has gone kaput.
I had literally just finished rendering a WIP of one of the characters to show you (a mornings work), and it froze, then went blue screen of death. Now the drive is not found in the bios.
Ugh. If I can't recover by when the Entry thread starts up then I'll enter the non-character version, but hopefully after re-build on a new drive the .car file was on the D drive and we are back in business.
A real shame - I was pleased with the first background character. I used a number of kit bashing hacks to create it. Oh well.
[EDIT] I've downloaded the EASE US DATA RECOVERY program which found missing / corrupt boot files. It's late now so will try it tomorrow - here's hopin' [/EDIT]
sorry to hear that Scififunk
hope you can recover everything
Sometimes a good computer shop can help.
@WendyLuvsCatz @UnifiedBrain - thanks guys will be back in action ASAP.
Meanwhile folks keep those entries coming. Light is an excellent theme to work with.
Thank you! Yes it was a HDRI for the background and for the fill light. I also used one bulb to soften the shadows.
Thank you for your kind words!
thanks very much _
Thanks so much ~~
Thanks Wendy - good to know w- ill try plonking next :)
ahh good luck !!
pleasure, thanks for the well wishes - hopefully I'll get to play with the Carrara scen I started last week soon
FENgari that's a classy work "The Last Thing I saw"
Freelight that scene is what it's all about - superb exmple of Carrara render - congrats
@/Mystiarra - I'd forgotten about Luminance - is it still available - nice recall find - wind in the hair is spuerbula ... er superbula
thanks SciFi ah I am sorry they are old ones I dug up - that bent effect from memory is by placing a disrted lense in front of the carrara camera
tertific use of soft focus on The Pit in your render
I made a video as an experiment many years ago seeing how closely carrara emulated optic of prescription lenses - including astigamtic distortion
put in fast forward if you watch it !
wow Veronika - great lighting, love the reflections and even the contrapuntal pose - excuse spelling :)
ha ha you beat me to it, I was going to do a cut out spider to make a shadow on a poor scared kid - still might do :)
I'm starting to smile at this and it isnt even finsihed yet :)
heres a couple of very old vids with different lighting effects - most of the stuff modelled by me
this first one is the best not safe for work - used Carnegie motion thingos for the pole dancer - beware poke through is all I can say
mainly cone lighting
various lighting
more stuff
a basic setup
with infinite plane with water shader applied, atmosphere is realistic sky with both a moon and sun light set in position for an eclipse and just the one basic light set at around a strength of 150
Shrimp boat from Renderosity store and gulls from DZFire here at Daz.
Bright Eyes
@Headwax - re: focus - thanks - and it should make more sense when the foreground character is added.
re: distorted lense in front of the carrara camera - WHAT A CLEVER IDEA! I watched the video. I had guessed it was some kind of lens effect but to place a distorted lens in front of the camera - I've got to try that when I can.
I've got a new hard drive now, re-building the old PC with a new Drive, lots of problems to overcome, hope to be back in the game soon.
@Stezza - Great pic! - What intregues me the most is the grainy effect you've achieved on presumably a carrara native render. Was that achieved with a plane in front of the camera which is say 97% transparent? I used to do something similar for Z-plane effects in the background, but I'd never thought of doing that in the foreground. Or is it a completetly different technique? Anyway compoisition with the sea gulls, and sea is excellent, and the overall colouration of the light is very good. Lens flare helps as well. A lovely pic.
Andrew, thank you so much for your kind words! These poses are characteristic of the dancers. They are characterized by good isolation of some parts of the body from others. This is achieved by long training sessions. By the way, the prototype for my figure was a real-life dancer.
I'm back!
Had to rebuild the PC from a new Hard Drive. Painful.
So here is a WIP of one of the background characters. From a lighting point of view very much a WIP - there is a small plane above him emitting white light, which looks better from the original camera view point, but even close up allows the face detail to be seen more easily. Sadly that is lost in the main shot as there are not enough pixels for it to truely show through (I think - or maybe some light trick can fudge that).
Anway It's a Lorez masked hero, with the face mask semi hidden and with his top ears kit bashed down, a (Willander?) hooded cloak (kitbashed with lower section scrunched up so you cant see it), a Hockey Face mask for M4 with the eyes widened.
No texture on the cloak top yet, and the mid-riff should be a jagged pattern where the white meets the red.
Otherwise "rise" fella "rise".
gamma 2.2, ambient 0
volumetric clouds, indirect lighting
realistic sky, sunlight with soft shadows
a lot of group; fire + bulb.
ed3D - keeps getting betterer !
Headwax - nice vids - hope you get some quality time to work on your entry/entries
Stezza - lovely boat scene
Sci Fi Funk - looking great, glad you got your computer back up and running !
shlomi laszlo - nice work
I do use a plane at times ( secrets out! )
but the GMIC Carrara plugin can also be used
here is an example of a plane in front of the camera using a colour gradient and noise filter with bump knocked up to 250%
the noise in the transparency channel is set at around 20% and is duplicated into the colour mixer channels as well
@Stezza you complete star! That's great info right there - I hope others are paying attention - or is it just me who is behind the curve?
I've used a similar technique in the past but with the noise filter, bump and colour gradient you've taken it to new levels for me. Thanks very much.
In fact those exact techniques should make my background characters look right in entry #2 which I'm working on right now. Can't wait to try it out. Cheers.
@Bunyip02 - Thanks, I was actually suffering withdrawal symptoms without a Carrara screen in front of me. So it's great to be back.
WIP of ENTRY #2 - Now with background characters.
With thanks to @Stezza for increasing my knowledge of the semi-transparent plane idea - now with grain effect! I didn't go for a gradient in the end becuase the scene was naturally doing that for me.
So from a light point of view, there is a giant flower configuration power source underneath them (texture emitter using the same flower texture to shine with), which is driving the Logan's Run Style Carousel participants higher. The plane is giving the appearance of a beam. I went for a plane becuase that way the light source gets to shine naturally around the pit.
For the kit bashers out there, I made one model (see last WIP), then exported it out as an OBJ 6 times with different poses. I then brought them back in and used duplicate with symetry to get 6 mirrored poses. So I now have 12 fairly unique figures. I changed all the shading domains to point to a single set of shaders to save memory space (otherwise my octane crashed). It was a bit tedious unless someone knows of a quicker way to reassign them - I did it by hand.
Final thing to do is to add the foreground character.
Explanations of the lights as described in earlier posts, except when I added the foreground character I realised I needed another light so you could see his face. The blending of the new white light and yellow foreground light gives the foreground section more depth and 3D interest - so we got away with it. (For a moment there my idea lay in taters as I realised you couldn't see the expression on the face (with only the one foreground light).
The blue section that looks like sky in the left hand corner is in fact one of a series of blue lights mounted at the top of the pit (see round the rim for more).
The gun is kept plain otherwise it's one of the first things you see. I believe that the out of focus carousel participants are the first thing to catch the eye, then the foreground character, then the tunnel, then the gun, then whatever. (hopefully!)