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Thank you so much!
Well, do you want the whole story?
Just kidding, here's the short version...yeah you could damn well say so, I'm of course using his shaders, and if I run into trouble I can scroll through atleast 60 pages of his invaluable tips and answers to my (mostly stupid) questions in the awe thread. So @wowie, tks again for your incredible patience:) This is the final AWE Shading Kit version so no need for testing and bug-tracking anymore. And, dare I say, this is about how far one can push 3DL 12 (that still uses the Renderman Shading Language (RSL) in terms of speed and physically based/plausible rendering. And one must not forget that @Mustakettu85 (she uses her own beautiful shaders) has played a major role in developing the shaders, scripts and whatnot. You could say wowie took her shaders and optimized them, added features, cleaned up the code and created a UI that is as userfriendly as possible (don't forget the very detailed documentation).
Now, the scenery is created from scratch totally inside DS, a large 200x200m primitive plane on which I used mcasual's Elevate script with height maps made in GIMP, a free PBR texture set from Texturehaven, a primitive water plane with my custom heightmaps, plants from the DAZ store ultrascattered, again using my custom scatter maps (GIMP). So mostly using free stuff here, shaders, scripts, textures, even softwares. The plants and Ultrascatter I most probably payed hard earned money for
. The scene could use some more diversity though...
Well I was just thinking of going deep into the woods to do my thing, when I saw your post:) And at the same moment rain started pouring from the skies, which was really needed here
...a little context - call me crazy but I actually went through the now 100 pages in the 3DL lab thread the other week, for a number of reasons. I got the impression wowie refused to take credits (responsibility?
) for aweSurface? Be it anywhich way, the two of you did some magic together, and the rest is of course history:)
I had an interesting accident last week with 3DL. I was just starting to set up some toon characters for OpenGL and 3DL -- my thoughts were to generate an animation usign OpenGL to test it (at about a second a frame for 1080p, it seems to be a great way to test a whole animation before rendering the final in 3DL). I was dropping a lot of the specularity to flatten things out a bit when DAZ Studio crashed (very, very rarely happens fo me, I think my 2012 iMac crashed a total of 11 times in 10 years, and seven of those crashes were due to the bug that crashes D|S if you hit command-R to do your renders).
When I opened my file back up, it was broken; 3DL renders were beautifully rendered in very flat colours; if I could get a simple black line around the geometry, I would buy a plug-in or package for this effect. Rendering it in OpenGL gave a very weird, oddly-highlighted effect.
For lighting, I was only using Omnifreaker UberEnvironment2; when the scene crashed, it broke the light. Deleting the light and adding it back in fixed everything, but now I want to find a way to break it again.
If anyone has any suggestions on how to get this flattened effect again (preferably with an outline) I'd love to hear it.
Beautiful effect:)) Sorry to say I'm clueless but wondering if related to this issue that @3Diva posted a while back?
What lighting mode did you use? Did you overwrite the "fixed scene"?
The effect you're looking for should be possible with scripted rendering, though? If I recall correctly, the hidden (in render settings) toon shading just converts dz default to dz toon, i.e. it dithers the colors, but it's possible it could screw up things if accidentally enabled?
Also the point based occlusion script can produce some fast rendering interesting effects. Especially if you disable occlusion:) And it's worth remembering that the UE2 is hardcoded for use with that script, allowing for fast use of the bounce light modes;) Use ambient only and you will atleast be safe from any PBR influences:))
Thanks Sven, I'll need to start digging itno that. Most of the time I'm more of a "rigtht out of the box" guy when it comes to lighting, but I can see happens now when thngs are changed enough.
Sadly, I did not save the damaged file.
Trying to improve my tonemapping skills;)
Nice portrait work Sven!
Title: Please Don't Breathe So Hard!
Hehe cool! Always loved the way you play with shadows!
Dry Spell
Cool, she could have starred in a 3d version of "El Topo" by Alejandro Jodorowsky))) Great movie IMO
Mari By Candlelight
Light/Skin/Skimp Test;) (exported to jpeg due to size)
Some Aiko4.
She wants to know if she can sit next to you.
Is it hot in here?
Ah, so it's not just me.
Excellent job, Sven, as always.
Tks, guys, for commenting:)
quick fabrics test
---the land of the midnight sun...
That old M4 outfit is still useful;)
Great render, Sven. I have very little interest in photorealism, working more with toon characters and styles and only using 3DL for any higher-end renders I need to do. I've always been happy with most of my 3DL work where, to me, they usually look as good today as they did when I first started using 3DL. I'm very appreciative, though, to see just how good 3DL *can* look when I see the work you and the others do here; it's inspiring.
Thank you! I agree it's very inspiring to see all different render styles in here. One of the strengths of biased rendering;) Regarding realism; I guess, if I really were into that, I'd first stop using my Genesis1 morphs and go for the latest generation haha. Secondly I'd look into something like V-Ray or latest 3Delight. The thruth appears to be I just like to use what I have and try to make the most of it. (Although I seriously lack good hair models and male content.)
..still, I feel that you are giving Daz Iray quite a run.
I need to get a good HCC CPU before I can really dive fully into 3DL (still working on a decade old 6 core Xeon) Looking at an 18 core Broadwell Xeon or possibly a dual 16 core setup.
From what I've been reading about G9 supposedly the joints are being described as "rubbery" and "bent tube-like". I'll stick with G3/8.
Oh, and hair has often been a major fail point for realism unless you have really beefy hardware that can deal with all the polys and intricate shaders.
As always, the key is your target audience. Personally, I look at the image as a whole; if I can't immediately tell if it's a photo or not, or if I even have to stop and look more closely, for me, that's "real" enough -- for me, and probably 90% of the people we interact with on a daily basis, like friends, family and co-workers. None of them are going to go to any lengths to try and figure out if it's a photo or not.
If the target audience is professinal 3D artists, or some of the iRay crew here, then yeah, you'd probably have to up your game a bit, but not *that* much.
I would always prefer to make a hundred "pretty realistic" different images than render one image a hundred times to try and get it as photorealistic as possible. No shade on those who are enjoying the challenge of making that "perfect" image, if that's what they're having fun with, more power to 'em!
It doesn't stop me from smiling from time to time when I hear about someone purchaing a new Nvidia card to help speed things up and I remember spending the same amount on a new 3D printer with a yea's of printing material and at the end of the day, I don't have a photorealistic image to show, but I do have a real character of mine sitting on my desk.