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Instances are created at render time and disposed when render finishes, very clever and efficient I must say. That's the reason preview render is empty.
That explains it. When the render engine was crashing it must have stopped the plugin from removing the instances so I had the group of them still there.
I did a quick hover through the log file and noticed two things
I will try, but Daz Connect is offline. I hate it. It has caused both of my Win 10 computers major problems and years of extra work and no fun for me. I had seen that Iray GeoLocator line before, but since Iray doesn't work on Mac's, not sure what affect it can have.
Getting rid of the scene file is easy.
I am just now thinking of all the uses for this product. Here I used it to create a lush Irish Landscape.
Iray doesn't work on Macs? As far as I am aware it will run on the Intel Macs but, since Apple fell out with Nvidia, it will take hours to render.
Well it does, on CPU, right?
I checked my Geolocator plug-in and it showed green on the chart. But I deleted it in DIM and deleted the file, then redownloaded it and reinstalled it and updated the metadata. I then reopened D|S and looked at the log file. And the error remains. I just opened up one of my Win 10 computers and that line appears with that error on line 227 as well. And to my knowledge, it has not given me grief on previous renders.
I will freely admit I am hopeless at reading the error log, not only for its small size but also for its language. But, I also notices a series of errors on something given as '.../pluginsource/DzIrayRender... and not seeing a path ... due to error -2' (I really need to open the forum on the computer I have the issue on!)
I want to note that the installment of USXT does not cause D|S to not load on the Win 10 computers, and they have these same errors.
To be honest, the log so often shows so many errors due to morphs/character/eyelashes... that I tend to ignore the whole thing as a waste of my time, since it will refer to something I don't have installed and is not a required product. And I have tried to track down duplicate IDs and stuff.
I really appreciate any help I can get. This is so far above my pay grade I am at a dead loss.
OK, I'm stupid. How do you get this to work?
There seems to be no script in the package and every preset throws an error message:
2022-03-22 20:36:05.609 [INFO] :: Determining missing assets...
2022-03-22 20:36:05.617 [WARNING] :: Invalid node selection for "preset_properties" type.
2022-03-22 20:36:05.617 [INFO] :: Error loading asset: D:/PoserContent/Daz 3D/Studio/My Library/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library/environments/landscapes/ultrasceneryxt/presets/usx preset 01 vernon.duf
When I put the USX Camera View object in the scene, I can select it and choose a preset but nothing happens. So ... unlike USC : No script, no documentation ... what am I missing?
It's a panel, rightclick between tab panels and add USXT panel
Ah, thanks - I also noticed that after restart 2 or 3 there is a "Create -> New UltraSceneryXT" option at the very bottom now
There's also a + symbol in the top left hand corner of the main Ultrascenery XTpanel which does the same thing.
The biome and water node are hidden by default. If you need to access them in the Scene pane for some reason, you can Show Hidden Nodes.
Another texture map export to Daz from Worldcreator.
What is the procedure for using a scene made with USC with a scene made with USXT ?
Thank you very much Howie !
And kudos for your work : once again, you have indeed opened new horizons !
I defer to the real pros on this thread, but in my modest example back on page 10, I simply created the XT object, then slapped a new USC object on top of it and proceeded from there. To show the incredible scale of XT, this screen shot shows the USC object - the small greenish square, circled with red - at center on an XT object.
Same here. At default scale, the USXT terrain is 1000m square, the US terrain is 64m square.
Thats really cool!
Here is what I'm doing working with the product.... I'm no expert by any means, either.
I'm having a lot of fun with it !
Enjoying this.
Trying one without water to stitch XT + USC together ...
Using world creator with USXT has been great so far but here are a few things that I've noticed:
1. Using a normal map really helps with extra detail in the terrain v.s just using a heightmap alone.
2. I used 16 bit PNGs for height, normal and color maps for best quality.
3. Some banding and noticible artifaxing occured on the mesh but a smoothing of about 2 helped without washing out the details.
4. World creator can export terrain data at 1/8 precision while USXT mesh is maxed out at 1024 resolution so detail is limited but not too bad.
5. Finally, I hope to see USXT with a higher resolution option to choose from.
Yeah the lack of 16bit images is a limitation of the version of QT framework that Studio currently uses - when DS5 is eventually released I should be able to do something about that.
There might be a case for just developing a WorldCreator importer plugin or something - I tried higher poly count terrains in UltraScenryXT but the actual quality improvement did not warrant the extra time processing the terrains. To go to 2048 resolution meant everything took 4 times longer but didn't really look any better. However for importing WC terrains it may be reasonable as all the calculations are already done. So something I'll think about (plus I'd actually need to purchase WC etc first).
I also have World Creator 2022 (WC) and it would be tremendous if you could somehow leverage what WC can do with UltraSceneryXT. Whatever plugin, converter, importer, extension, etc. that you developed (whether for terrains, textures, biomes etc.) that brought the power of WC into Daz Studio via UltraSceneryXT would be instabuys.
To be able to design and texture terrains in WC, and then share the result of that with people who only have UltraSceneryXT would be a dream come true! Please make this happen!
I agree very much with PM3D and I will be happy to share with everyone as well. Just a side note: USXT handled everything I threw at it like a boss without any problems at all. So I give USXT a 99.99% rating. The 1024 resolution limit in USXT is NOT a big deal since I will not be doing much, if any, terrain closeups. I am a VERY HAPPY purchaser of USXT. Also, I am an active member on discord for world creator and I will share how well USXT and WC works together. Keep up the good work, Howie.
Thanks for all the great replies to my question!
Ooooh! I see castles in my future. And dragons!! Both of which dwarfed US....
Thank you HowieFarkes for yet another amazingly powerful and versatile product!
I tried to get a Tropical Island look:
This started with USX Preset 03 Tassili with Material USX Terrain 05, Biome 05 Mixed Forest 02, and USX Water 00.
I changed the Terrain's Min Altitude (m) to -10 to get a shallower slope into the water, to simulate a beach.
Played with the Bedrock colors in the Terrain's Surface settings.
Then I edited a copy of the Biome's .json file to replace the Fir and Oak trees with 4 different Palms/Plants from The Resort Pool.
Added the yacht, and on the beach a G8F and a G8M both with hair and beachwear, and an Inflatable Boat.
That didn't stress my PC at all: It used 530MB of Geometry memory and 1.2GB of Texture memory, and rendered in 15 minutes on a RTX 2070 8GB card - i.e. there appears to be plenty of headroom for more complicated scenes. This opens up huge possibilities, and I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. Looking forward to all the Add-Ons to come...
...and it holds up well when you zoom in a bit: