- - Spyro's Render Thread and Projects - -



  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    Some recent renders ;-P

    Wow I LOVE that pony tail may I ask where you got it? I've been looking everywhere for a none-fantasy style that's just a simple, but detailed one like that! Great renders btw!

    Thank you, that's most appreciated!! :)

    In regards to the hair, I often mix hair sets... Generally I like a hairstyle for it's head section... and another for it's plat or ponytail. If it's possible I use it. I set the head section invisible (with the visible tail that I like) and vice versa.

    Hair Tails I have used in my renders here so far are:

    Pony tail (teen girl, NOT platted)

    Plat (Young Teen boy Rats tail lol and Adult Hispanic female)

    I like these tails as they are quite flexible and have various material zones. Colour is also easy to blend with other hairstyles :cheese:

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    'Commando' - A render with inspiration from Colin Salmon. He's an awesome actor! :cheese:

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Work In Progress - BIG scene I'm makeing... just a couple of WIP low-res renders.

    This scene is chewing up my computer CPU useage... I'm thinking all characters that will be in the finished render will be 'layered in' during post work. Funny that this scene is so demanding on my computer... I've build very massive sets on 3d's max, and it runs smoothly.

    600 x 585 - 504K
    600 x 585 - 483K
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    First character layer... WIP (Low Res, No lights, No postwork) RAW lol

    1500 x 1464 - 635K
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Correction: There is lights, just nothing has been done to them, nor are they actually going to be used in the 'Actual full render'

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That's going to be cool. Very much like my Primitives project but not. The render times in DS are more that likely the Lighting and Texture maps, the Trans maps will really eat time with Good lighting and render settings.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I'd say your right... There's more trans maps on here than I can count! But it needs the trees so I'll get over it LOL... I created the tribal guys earlier for fun... Then I thought, why not put them to use in a bigger project rather than let them get burried in the runtime archive. Course, I gonna need more tribe peoples too, It'll be fun :cheese:

    I also like the idea of 'pre-technology' or 'historical' times. And mythical art is great... For now though I'll use what I got going... Soon ill have to invest in some orcs, trolls, elves, whitches and so on haha!

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    Yeah, I'd say your right... There's more trans maps on here than I can count! But it needs the trees so I'll get over it LOL... I created the tribal guys earlier for fun... Then I thought, why not put them to use in a bigger project rather than let them get burried in the runtime archive. Course, I gonna need more tribe peoples too, It'll be fun :cheese:

    I also like the idea of 'pre-technology' or 'historical' times. And mythical art is great... For now though I'll use what I got going... Soon ill have to invest in some orcs, trolls, elves, whitches and so on haha!

    OH SNAP!! You just kicked a stuck gear loose for me. I really need to test my cave clothing items on genesis with the new autofit. I so hope I'm a happy camper. Thanks loads!
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Awesome, you got inspired! The conversion for cloths is much better now... Morphs remain in the clothes!! There is only one fault :( Shoes dont convert to well Im afraid

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    WIP project update. (no lighting, raw render)

    1500 x 1464 - 3M
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Progress Render...

    Useing lights but at the same time minimizing render time. Raytrace is out of the question unless I'm prepared to render at 24hrs.

    1000 x 976 - 810K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Environment Test Render.

    1000 x 976 - 1M
    1000 x 976 - 1M
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Merged main characters and set. Previsual render.

    1500 x 1464 - 3M
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Some tribal guy extras for the scene.

    703 x 962 - 315K
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited December 1969

    really nice set of renders :) nice work

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    Spyro, you're becoming one of my favorite artists/illustrators here. :) Love the renders, love your characters, love the custom/kitbashed outfits. And the WIP environment is looking pretty nice, too! Keep up the good work...I'll be watching with interest.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Thanks very much guys!! Scott you totally made my day in that statement!! Now I'm compelled and motivated to work on, thanks :cheese:

    WELL... I think I'm gonna go play skyrim and assassin's creed for some 3d inspiration. I think I want to observe the environments as I might do some work in 3ds max and build a version 2 set for my jungle village render. I'm thinking some low polly objects for the background and what not might just improve my render time as well as user interface lagging on daz. Plus I could build even better village!

    I also think It would be the best way to go, as the jungle floor I'm working on isn't very 'village friendly' It's all totally un-even ground. I'm even haveing trouble placeing set extras in the scene! Any ways, I'll post my progress in 3ds Max as I work on it. But, I'll start that maybe tomoz, It's very late here! (Or exceptionally early)

    Thanks again Scott and Ivy!!

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    3Ds Max Render.

    First thing I did, was export the 'Environment Floor' to 3ds Max. Editing the poly now, to suit my needs for the scene. To start off with, I sliced the several planes in half... As I'm only useing about a quarter of the map in Daz.. There's no need to have so many polygons If I'm not even going to use it!

    Below, the environment has been cleanly sliced in half. I now have half the thousands of polygons count. Hyperthetically this scene should be more gentle on Daz and my computer.

    800 x 600 - 257K
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    3ds Max.

    Making a Valley.

    800 x 600 - 301K
    800 x 600 - 246K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Spyro, I must say this first. Great work. Now I'll say this I hate people with better toys. ;-)

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Spyro, I must say this first. Great work. Now I'll say this I hate people with better toys. ;-)

    Jaderail, you may want to check this out and see if you qualify to get 3ds Max and a bunch of other Autodesk software for free (educational/non-commercial license): http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=20307823&linkID=9240617

    I qualify as an employee of a university, but I don't have any time to learn another program right now (maybe I should download it for future use, though).

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Spyro, I must say this first. Great work. Now I'll say this I hate people with better toys. ;-)

    Jaderail, you may want to check this out and see if you qualify to get 3ds Max and a bunch of other Autodesk software for free (educational/non-commercial license): http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=20307823&linkID=9240617

    I qualify as an employee of a university, but I don't have any time to learn another program right now (maybe I should download it for future use, though).LOL!! I'm a Fifty year old retired due to health live on a pension and SSD person. I thank you for the thought but it has been a long time for me from the last time I fit that (any of the choices) bill. I'm not going back to school just for free software at this point.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    Well, I figured it might be a long shot, but thought I'd mention it just in case. Wasn't sure if you might be a veteran or if your status might count as being "unemployed."

    Anyway, sorry for derailing the topic. :-P

    Spyro, your work (aside form the 3ds Max stuff, which might be a bridge too far) is very much in line with what I'd like to accomplish.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    He is GOOD isn't he? And right up my road with the early man stuff. (I'm working very quietly in the background.)

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    3ds Max.

    Making a Valley.

    this is great .. i hope to achieve this someday

  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    Spyro, I must say this first. Great work. Now I'll say this I hate people with better toys. ;-)

    Jaderail, you may want to check this out and see if you qualify to get 3ds Max and a bunch of other Autodesk software for free (educational/non-commercial license): http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/dl/item?siteID=123112&id=20307823&linkID=9240617

    I qualify as an employee of a university, but I don't have any time to learn another program right now (maybe I should download it for future use, though).

    I already have the full student package. but it cost me a arm and a leg for class tuition. almost would have been cheaper to buy the programs out right. But then I wouldn't know what to do with them...

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    LOL it's all good guys, chatters fine, my thread needs a filler occasionally haha!

    3ds Max progress render.

    Making the valley work, by editing the poly. I dont just want to copy the existing cliff face, as that just adds back all the poly count I cut off earlier. So I'm lifting up the ocean floor, which will become MY own cliff face. I have lots of improvements to make to the environment to suit a village. Unfortunately, I will need to Re-UV Map the whole thing, then completly re texturize it as well. (I'm thinking I mught add Bryce to the list of software)

    800 x 600 - 284K
  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I would chatter anyway, that's what I do best. Ivy's got me in a playful mood. I've got a little thing going for her Spooky Creepy Art thread.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Rebuilding the floor of the environment. The original object was all triangular polys, I prefer the neater squares. Atm, I'm defineing the beach and waterline.

    800 x 600 - 103K
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Update Test Render.

    800 x 600 - 109K
    800 x 600 - 99K
    800 x 600 - 82K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
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