- - Spyro's Render Thread and Projects - -



  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Triangular Polygons are a nightmare to edit!!! But I love the model, So I linger on.

    Backtracking and editing the existing mountain. Trying to locate the edges of the plane to create a carved edge.

    800 x 600 - 124K
  • IvyIvy Posts: 7,164
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    Triangular Polygons are a nightmare to edit!!! But I love the model, So I linger on.

    Backtracking and editing the existing mountain. Trying to locate the edges of the plane to create a carved edge.

    are you going to be selling this when your done?

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    LOL, Probebly not. As I'm editing the tropical bundle bought from Daz. Im only doing this because I like the product, but atm it doesnt suit my render needs. The biggest issue is that it has too many poly's and is too demanding on my comuter when in daz. I also need more dry and leveled ground so that I can put a village in there. I'll be making my own village houses and what not. Might even make some of those free standing tropical fire tourches. I'm full of Ideas LOL. Just need the land to work before I start them.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Can I just say your avatar is so beautiful! She reminds me of actress Liv Tyler. She's stunning!

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Update, I've cleared a path, and am still to make it a little more leveled, It will be textured with a stone like path. The camera is aimed similar to the scene I rendered in daz. (Note this is a no-smoothing render, I'll smooth it once I've got closer to completion)

    800 x 600 - 131K
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Smoothed surface with some alterations. (I wish Daz supported multiple smoothing groups, this would be heaps more realistic!)

    800 x 600 - 182K
    800 x 600 - 115K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Ok, I'm getting allot more happy with the map now. I've pretty much planned exactly where the trees and plants will go. I've done some more work on the carved (water eroded) pathway, all the banks of the path will be forest. Plants will sprout along the edges and some grass will be in there as-well.

    800 x 600 - 114K
    800 x 600 - 146K
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Labeled Concept of Finished designated areas.

    800 x 600 - 305K
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    waiting for the textures - look like a cool one

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    LOL, the texturing is going to be complicated! I'll re-use what I can from the original product, But considering the UV mapping will need to be re-done, It's going to be quite fiddly I think.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Wish you could paint textures directly onto the 3d model!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited September 2012

    Spyro said:
    Wish you could paint textures directly onto the 3d model!

    just for you -


    or you could use Bryce

    Post edited by bigh on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Thanks Bigh, I'm trying to learn Bryce, though I only just got it the other day, Can you paint textures directly on the model? (that would be very beneficial!)

    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Max Render.

    Working on extending the seccond half of the island. Also made a bridge :)

    800 x 600 - 226K
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    Thanks Bigh, I'm trying to learn Bryce, though I only just got it the other day, Can you paint textures directly on the model? (that would be very beneficial!)

    not like you can in Curvy3d .
    you can put a texture on your models in Bryce and then work on it .

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    I shall give it a go Bigh :cheese:

    Max Render. Progress on extension of Island two. (The main section of the village)

    I'm feeling I've gone way over my head. There is so much work that needs to be done, it's such a drag. This will be much longer than I had hoped. I intend to make a render of this for the homecoming PC challenge. (September) I really hope I can finish this off within the week, but it might be pushing it.

    800 x 600 - 206K
    800 x 600 - 220K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Max Render.

    Ok here it is. I've decided thats it... No more poly editing. It's time to texture and UV map. If I keep editing, I'll never stop. And considering this is really only for a few renders, It's not worth much more time with endless alterations. Now I must learn bryce so I can texture it :ohh:

    800 x 600 - 125K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    purple mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Whats a pure white landmass without a bright purple bridge? LOL!!

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    Whats a pure white landmass without a bright purple bridge? LOL!!

    :) works for me

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Well, I was very stupid!! I've spent all this time editing a terrain model in 3ds max.. Because of this I had to re create the UVW Map, and now its all so much more complicated!!! I should have sent it to hexagon, edited the mesh and sent it back. No fiddleing with import export, no uvw mapping, only minor texture alterations and I would be posing characters and rendering right now! DAMMMMMMMM Why I not think of this last week!?! :down:

    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012


    I get to keep the UV Mapping and textures from the original land by using hexagon and making my alterations morphs. I'll soon be altering the textures, but there is a few more things I want to do first. One is fix the visible join between the cliff face and the forest floor. But it shouldn't take too much. I think after all this my speed of mesh editing has greatly improved!! LOL

    1000 x 976 - 386K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Daz Render 2 of Jungle 2.0

    No lighting set up, But I've placed down the main trees and plants in the render :)

    ADDED: Daz Render 4 of Jungle 2.0

    No Lights set up. Adjustments to jungle trees, and added the village basics.

    1000 x 976 - 735K
    1000 x 976 - 645K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Tribal Extra #1 (Jungle Scene)

    856 x 1952 - 418K
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    Tribal Extra #1 (Jungle Scene)

    don't want to mess with him ;-)

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Tribal Woman extra, for the jungle render.

    512 x 1348 - 289K
  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Spyro said:
    Tribal Woman extra, for the jungle render.

    great job

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited December 1969

    Thanks :cheese: The arms were actually hard to pose... It seems genesis can not have her arms above her head without removing limitations.

  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Test render of the floating people in the gray abyss LOL (They're for the jungle render :P )

    Plus... I wasted most of my night making a bow. God UVW mapping sucks!

    1270 x 1182 - 214K
    1000 x 976 - 141K
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
  • SpyroRueSpyroRue Posts: 5,020
    edited September 2012

    Low-Res Test render, again for the jungle scene. Getting close me thinks!! Just terribly slow in daz!... This render included the compiled layers: People, Lights and Cameras, Base Land, Objects and Huts.

    One thing I'm a little bugged with is that characters at a distance show broken textures and seams. (I hope a high-res Large render will fix it! I don't want too much post render work!) I think I'm happy with the lights thus far with a bit of adjustments of angles and parameters I think it will work for what I want, Though I'd have to add pre-placed trees and plants that I set up earlier, to know for sure.

    EDIT: Uploaded Larger image.

    2000 x 2000 - 2M
    Post edited by SpyroRue on
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