Michael and Friends Appreciati…
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Michael and Friends Appreciation Association [Lots of images, please.]
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Fortunately, no one can copyright a title.

Even something like my full given name and those of just about everyone else in that research I've found in genealogy have been used repeatedly over the years. Based on that fact alone evilded777's Red's career and plots would need to basically be copied verbatim from the DC sources to be in danger of losing law suit for plagiarism. Not that similar behaviour isn't very common in Hollywood but they have staff lawyers.
Eh. Still not a big deal. Unless your series is about a retired, extremely dangerous former government hitman forced out of retirement by neurotic government officials that take out a hit on him, you're probably OK.
Wait ... is that why there are four guys in the Boys Next Door? They're all characters in your story that are taking out high government officials who attacked them first!
(That's not going to work unless one of them is really Helen Mirren in deep disguise, though.)
testing things out
Looking good, D. This guy's face has so much personality and character. Excellent work!
Thanks! ;)
ha. No.
4 just seemed like a good number. Others in this thread might be interested, if you don't know, I released a set of character shapes for Michael 7, you can find a link in the freebies thread an in my Art Studio thread.
Out-take from my current project. This is an M4 that I've modded to use the V4 textures & morphs. Skin is Corvena (except for the irises) and his costume -- what you can see of it in this version is kitbashed from a variety of male & female outfits. Right now I am attempting to get his hair in order; it's Neftis' Mon Chevalier which is perfect for him, but those front strands are driving me crazy trying to figure out how to hide them, or at least tidy them up so he doesn't look like a birch broom in the fits.
Rendered in PoserPro 2014, minimum of postwork -- border, signature & a wee bit of mist -- using Photoshop CS2.
Oops, forgot to add his nails are also not from the Corvena set. But I think it's another pack I have by the same PA.
Here's a quick 3DL render of M4 wearing Mon Chevalier. The top image is default, the bottom image has two sections hidden from his bangs. Is that what you wanted to do? (All done in DS.)
Was this updated? Because my default looks like this. That is an unmorphed M4 in Poser Pro 2014. The hair always had that shape in every Poser version I've used it in since I bought it, so it isn't a new issue. What I want to do is shorten it and add some back curl like in this second picture. I only want to move the bangs back a little off his face but the strands on either side won't cooperate. The bit I've circled is most troublesome, it either flies out in the wrong direction, sinks part way into his face or looks like there's a knot in it. Too bad I can't send him to my own hairdresser. After all, if she can sort my crazy hair ...
One more, this time with default hair texture. Again, standard M4 no morphs dialled in. The arrow is pointing to the problematic area, it really does look like a bit of a tangle, or as if the strand is growing out of a really odd place on his head. Definitely a "wild" hair.
I don't think it's been updated. Looking closer at the texture map, I suspect that tangle you're seeing is part of the texture.
I thought so too. But even when I change the texture it still isn't right. Here's a screenshot, as you can see the bangs and front strands are set to 0. Thereoretically that part of the hair should look like your default render, alas it does not. Not sure if it's because of the differences between Studio and Poser or because mine is simply borked. Think maybe I'll try it in Daz & see what happens.
Update: Does exactly the same in Daz Studio, in fact from this screenshot you can see it more clearly. Renders like that too. Definitely not right, think I'll re-download & see if that helps. It may not have been updated but I'm using the original files and they may have gotten corrupted after so many years and so many moves from system to system every time a hard drive or a computer died.
I was playing around with it, substituting other hair textures and transmaps, and got a rather thin looking hair. I also saw what looks to be a sort of crimp in the area you're having a problem with. I have no idea how to fix something like that. I'm not a modeler, (Can't keep Hexagon from crashing long enough to learn anything,) and I suck at a D-Forms... And not knowing Poser, I have no idea if this next idea is feasible, but... have you tried using a second hair, maybe something with that curl you want, and just hiding the part of Mon Chevalier that you don't like, and hiding all but the curl of the second hair? Sort of a kitbashed hair style...
Heh, that's how I got the rather interesting "outfit" he has on in the full scene. The style just didn't exist -- and certainly not for a male -- so I swiped a pair of Vicky's, did a little magic in Poser's material room, and voila! new "Gothy" skimpwear. Would not mind having to kitbash the hair, if only I could find something suitable to borrow from. Glyn comes pretty close, but not enough curls. Still, it's a thought.
The supersuit made me really want to render Nightwing. In part because its really one hell of an cool looking suit, and also because its a suit that I can actually make, no buckles and other fancy stuff, just nice and clean. I made the texture in blender, which was exciting because I'm generally pretty crappy at texturing. Its not perfect, but I already spent way to much effort on it for something I was doing on a whim so its done.
Rendered in the boobs and butt pose because I can. Also super shiny because I can.
Boobs & butt pose looks just as sexy-diculous -- on the guys as well as the girls. Ain't nothin' wrong with that.
Super shiny also looks good, some things just need to be super shiny.
Yep. Sexy-diculous. Great word... I read it as sexy-licious the first time. Your word is more fun to say out loud.

Can mean either "ridiculously sexy" or "should be ridiculous but somehow manages to be sexy" or "sexy and ridiculous all at the same time". Feel free to use it as you please. On other subject, I just installed the Mon Chevalier hair to a separate runtime and it was indeed updated since I bought it way back when. Has more fits and that tricky strand part is not quite so tricky, the "knot" does not appear to be in the new version. Or at least not as prominent, I'll know tomorrow when I play around some more. Way past my bedtime now, so it's off I go and goodnight. :-)
Goodnight. I look forward to seeing if the updated hair works better for you. Can hardly wait to see the finished image when it's complete...
I went and found an image I did using the Mon Chevalier hair, set up in Poser (old version) and rendered in Bryce (of course) I have a sideways on view, and don't see the problem that you are experiencing. this image was done over 2½ years ago.
I'm calling this Mirror, Mirror.
The mature and young version of William facing off...and now I must go and fix seam issues. lol
With the warm winter that we're having, the snakes have come out of bed early and are making it difficult to walk the dogs on our normal bush tracks. Back to shorter suburban walks and rendering piccies more often, I feel.
I love this concept - kind of like youth vs maturity. You might, if you use that hair again on those characters, adjust the Z Scale of the hair to allow it to square up with the forehead so you don't get floating hairs. Other than that it turned out really cool. I have to say I'm kind of partial to mature William. :) Looks good!
Ahhh Butch Butch Butch - how do you have such a handle on Male sexyness?! Your renders lately have been giving my heart a workout! heheh I don't know what it is about your characters but they are definitely my "type". And wow, the looks they give the "camera" ....whew, bedroom eyes. Be still my heart. hehe :D
In that case, thank Merlin for snakes.
A 2-year old render, eh Chohole? Wish my older stuff was as good, I look back now at some & go "what the heck was I drinking?" Because anybody would surely think I was plastered when I put 'em together. Nice job, maybe some day I'll dig out my copy of Bryce & get reacquainted. I think my hair problem is :crosses fingers: fixed. The version I was using was from March 2009, according to my order history, and had no fits for Freak 4, among others, while the one I downloaded last night does. So it was either updated and I didn't know about it or else mine got somehow broken. Anyways, I am hopeful.
Definitely yummy. :note to self: Use "Butt & Boobs" pose on guys more often: