and thats the way it is. (formerly: Breaking the silence)



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...thank you.

    SSI retirement is pretty strict about the minimum age of 62.

    Disability is a mess because of those who abuse the system. Because of this, the approval process has become so encumbered and convoluted many who would rightfully qualify don't bother.

    It also is not based on how your condition impacts the type of work you can do but on how much it lets you earn in a year. For example there are a few things I can still perform, however, most of them not as good as I used to and/or not without being in continual pain and discomfort. That is not taken into account.

    Arthritis is one of those odd ailments as well, usually affected by changes in weather. It is not "always there" like say, being blind or having some other debilitating chronic/congenital condition. There are some days when I feel good enough to can get around OK, and others where it is difficult just to get out of bed and go to the kitchen to make brekkie.

    The bottom line is this, along with my age, has made it extremely difficult to find employment in a flat job market and that is not a criteria for receiving disability.

    Tonight is the State of the Union address. We'll see if this gets things rolling for approval of the UC extension.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited January 2014

    Frank0314 said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...speaking of Oracle, the last two times I was referred to them by one of my "head hunter" sites (clerical/admin positions - not into the techie stuff) I got a 505 error that their career/job site was down and to check back later. Did the next day and the site was still down.

    Have you heard anything from the guy you know that was going to turn in your resume. I think it was a data job
    ..I sent it to hm on the weekend. He would have just handed it in yesterday. If they are interested in interviewing me, I should hear from them by the end of the week.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,918
    edited December 1969

    Keeping fingers crossed

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    Keeping fingers crossed

    Same here!
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited January 2014

    ...well last night was the State of the Union address. While there was mention about the UC situation and the fact that employers were not hiring those who have been out of work for and extended period of time, nothing was mentioned about the discrimination against older unemployed people.

    This really frosts me.

    Many of us are caught in between as we are still not "old enough" to qualify for SSI retirement, yet we get passed over for younger applicants.

    It's like they never thought about the baby boom of the 1950s and that we were going to get old. This is a major part of the reason why today there are as many (if not more) long term unemployed since the end of WW II.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited January 2014

    ...and yet another delay.

    According to an article in Businessweek today there will not be a vote on extending benefits until next week . This may be to little too late for many as bills, rent, and mortgage payments are due at the beginning of the month.

    Since the Extended programme expired, States have lost 1.76$ billion in local revenue.

    One state which which pulled out of the extended benefits programme before the December deadline witnessed the largest contraction of it's labour force with participation shrinking to a 37 year low as many people became discouraged and simply stopped looking for work after the programme ended.


    Update: Apparently should it pass, benefits will be retroactive to the end of this past December. so we will be compensated for all the waiting. Good thing I continued to file my work search reports.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ...yes this is good news.

    I also listened to the speech Tuesday night and while encouraging, one thing was left out, the issue of the age discrimination which is also a large part of why there are so many long term unemployed. In all the discussions and blogs I have read through, I came a cross a lot of posts that mention "I'm over 50-", or "I'm 60- and nobody wants to hire me because of my age."

    I am writing to the President on this matter as something needs to be done on this front as well. Technically age discrimination is against the law. The loopholes and "excuses" many employers use to get around it need to be done away with.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...well sent the letter off as well as complemented Senator Elizabeth Warren of MA for her "spot on" speech.

    Other than that, more foot dragging in Dee Cee. There will finally be a vote on procedural issues tomorrow. I thought this was supposed to be their #1 priority when they got back from vacation. In the meantime they've been discussing and voting on other measures of a less critical nature. It's been over six weeks now., beginning to reach the end of my rope.

    Spoke with my landlady and she understands but I am still not comfortable. She is semi retired and now makes a fair part of her income off of those of us who rent the main house. She is not one of those rich slumlord rental corporations or development firms, she is an individual who has a modest lifestyle and is a very socially conscious person as well. I know she can't afford this.

    Even if I were miraculously hired tomorrow, I wouldn't see a paycheque for nearly a month as most places today pay on the 1st & the 15th.

    it is beginning to become very discouraging.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    I can't believe that things still haven't been sorted out for you. Do you have any TV or radio stations in your area with a 'Consumer Champion' type show, if you do I'd get in touch with them and make your plight known. One good thing I've noticed throughout all your posts it that you have an eloquence that people take notice of. This could really go in your favour. I'd put yourself out there and make your voice heard by whatever means. Get on the local news and let folk know where you're at.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ...thank you.

    I have been.

    Many comments posted on the Washington Post site and other news sites relating to this that get thumbs up.

    As mentioned wrote a letter to House Speaker Boehner, one to Senator Elizabeth Warren of MA, and one to the President himself. In the Letter to the president I mentioned one of the reasons for the large number of long term unemployed was because of the high number of older people out of work who are being discriminated against in the hiring process because of their age. I also urged him to pressure the matter so we can get s quick resolution.

    Our main local news site is a piece of rubbish. I actually wrote an editorial about the fact there has been little to no coverage of this locally. Seems the NBA team, high school sports, and the latest murder investigation are more important. Another issue is the site has a huge community of trolls who are allowed to freely flame any comments they don't agree with. At least the Washington Post is pretty conscious about such behaviour and hopefully the representatives in Dee Cee actually read it.

    Well, today is the preliminary vote (finally). Continuing to put apps & resumes out and filing my weekly work search reports however becoming weary of the constant rejection.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ...well looks like that is that.

    The the three month EUC extension measure failed by one vote. Six weeks of waiting and hoping are over.

    I have nothing to pay my rent with, nothing to pay taxes with come April with should I find out I owe anything. My chances for finding a job have just gone lousy to nearly impossible once I'm out on on the street. No phone for interviews contacts, no internet to facilitate a job search, no bus fare to get to interviews, nothing.

    Unless an unforeseen miracle occurs, I and almost 1.8 million others have nothing left to look forward to.

    Looks like it's time to pack everything up and find a comfy place under a bridge.

    I hope these people receiving six digit salaries and lifetime pensions can sleep tonight knowing what they've done to the lives of millions when you include families with children.

    Take care and keep rendering everyone.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    I can't believe this has happened,

    I mean, this was your worst case scenario. That's the trouble with bureaucrats, they sit in big cushy rooms, making all these big decisions, and yet, they have no idea what impact those decisions will have on the people they will affect the most. If it doesn't directly affect them they don't care. It's sickening!

    I know you won't take this lying down, it's time to stand up and fight. Make it known that, like the guy in Network, you're mad as hell and you're not going to take it anymore!

    Go get 'em!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ...I wish I could, but hard to do so from a cardboard condo under a bridge somewhere.

    Once I am out, I no longer have net access, no longer have even have power, and thus will have no more voice. Maybe this is what they want.

    I don't know what to do anymore. My family is really in no position to help. Even if I were hired tomorrow, I wouldn't see a paycheque for three to four weeks. Without the resources to pay this month's rent, it's pretty moot. Nobody will hire you if you don't have an address, a phone or a way to make it into work.

    I may have to go down to our state's Human Services once the weather improves (we're currently being hit with moderate snow which for here basically paralyzes the city) and see if I can qualify for direct assistance to at least keep a roof over my head as well as a means of communication and net access to continue my work search. After yesterday, not counting on anything anymore though.

    Been trying to get Daz to refund the 70$ auto payment for annual PC membership that was taken out of my account earlier this week (Thursday was the expiration deadline) as I need everything I can get. No point in continuing the membership when I'm pretty much broke.

    My enthusiasm for doing any 3D work has pretty much tanked anyway. Haven't done anything new in almost two weeks.

    Not feeling very chipper right now. More like emotionally drained, totally exhausted, and completely disgusted by all this.

    Thank you for the concern and the encouragement.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • caravellecaravelle Posts: 2,419
    edited December 1969

    If everybody who spends a lot of money here just for his pleasure would give a small sum, this could help for a while. I am willing to do so. Send me a PM, please.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...PM sent. Thank you.

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,191
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...PM sent. Thank you.

    KK if you are still here I can help a little as well. Send me a note please.

  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...I wish I could, but hard to do so from a cardboard condo under a bridge somewhere.

    Once I am out, I no longer have net access, no longer have even have power, and thus will have no more voice. Maybe this is what they want.

    I don't know what to do anymore. My family is really in no position to help. Even if I were hired tomorrow, I wouldn't see a paycheque for three to four weeks. Without the resources to pay this month's rent, it's pretty moot. Nobody will hire you if you don't have an address, a phone or a way to make it into work.

    I may have to go down to our state's Human Services once the weather improves (we're currently being hit with moderate snow which for here basically paralyzes the city) and see if I can qualify for direct assistance to at least keep a roof over my head as well as a means of communication and net access to continue my work search. After yesterday, not counting on anything anymore though.

    Been trying to get Daz to refund the 70$ auto payment for annual PC membership that was taken out of my account earlier this week (Thursday was the expiration deadline) as I need everything I can get. No point in continuing the membership when I'm pretty much broke.

    My enthusiasm for doing any 3D work has pretty much tanked anyway. Haven't done anything new in almost two weeks.

    Not feeling very chipper right now. More like emotionally drained, totally exhausted, and completely disgusted by all this.

    Thank you for the concern and the encouragement.

    This is just awful,

    Over here we have an organisation called the Citizen's Advice Bureau, if you have anything like this in your area it might be a good port of call. They may be able to get a handle on your situation and advise you of the best way forward. In cases as extreme as yours there simply HAS to be someone that can help. I refuse to believe there is nobody out there that can help.

    While you still have web access, do as much research as you can, make the calls, bang on the doors. There must be something.

    I wish to god I had more to offer...

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ....I really don't know of anything like that here. In this nation when the safety net disappears, you are pretty much left to fend for your yourself. This is why the homeless issue is so bad here and now bound to only get worse.

    When I mention I do not have what it takes to survive on the streets, it's not just the weather (which right now is downright wintery with cold and snow) lack of basic "services", and decent food, but the competitiveness. Effectively, life on the streets has a distinct "pecking order". There are those who have been out there for a while, some even make a living at it, and in some cases a good one at that (I've read of "professional" panhandlers pulling in as much as 20,000 - 30,000$ a year). These people are territorial and can be ruthless. If you step in their turf prepare to get hurt, physically. Then there's muggers and drug addicts who will rob you blind or worse. Crack use is especially rampant here where live and those addicted to it often become extremely violent prone. You may go to sleep one evening and never wake up again.

    I'd be surprised if I was able to hang onto my notebook for more than a couple days without having it stolen and or beaten up in the process. At my age and with my arthritis I cannot defend myself physically.

    This is what I have been most afraid of.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • RogerbeeRogerbee Posts: 4,460
    edited December 1969

    All I could find was this:

    Not much I know, but, it could be a start. Maybe they have hostels or something. Is there a YMCA where you are!?

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    Rogerbee said:

    All I could find was this:

    Not much I know, but, it could be a start. Maybe they have hostels or something. Is there a YMCA where you are!?

    she don't do church .
    we posted that before .

  • bighbigh Posts: 8,147
    edited December 1969

    bigh said:
    Rogerbee said:

    All I could find was this:

    Not much I know, but, it could be a start. Maybe they have hostels or something. Is there a YMCA where you are!?

    she don't do church .
    we posted that before .

    how about the - Welfare department in your city or town ?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ...that's a long shot as well and when the weather improves I'm going to try that. Usually they tend to serve families and singles with children, not individuals who live by themselves however maybe my age might actually help there.

    Right now the city is somewhat paralyzed with a snow event which has dumped about 4" on the city (which for here is a major snowfall) and forced widespread closures of schools, government offices (including DSHS that handles welfare/food stamps), some businesses and cancellation of numerous events/workshops.

    We are expecting a second round of snow today with totals of 3 - 5 more inches. Clouds are already thickening and I wouldn't be surprised to see it starting up again soon.

    As to the link, It's not so much that I'm not involved with any church as they usually only cater to families and singles with children as well. What assistance they may have for people like me would be day labour which is usually heavy/strenuous work that I cannot do because of my arthritis.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,191
    edited December 1969

    Hey KK I tried to respond to your PM but your mailbox is full could you send me the info please?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...going to take a while, seems you can only delete 5 messages at a time and there's no way to expand the number of messages listed.

  • shadowhawk1shadowhawk1 Posts: 2,191
    edited February 2014

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...going to take a while, seems you can only delete 5 messages at a time and there's no way to expand the number of messages listed.

    OK PM sent!
    Post edited by shadowhawk1 on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ...OK deleted about 60 old messages.

    BTW good not to give out email addy publicly. you might want to delete that as I have room in the inbox now.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,450
    edited December 1969

    Internet access is always available in libraries.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...true but extremely limited time (here only a maximum of two separate 1 hr sessions per day due to the high demand) and one can't save any profiles, bookmarks, or faves.

    I use about 30+ different websites for my job search and spend at least 6 hours or more per day going through them all. Many (particularly the state/federal employment ones) require more "cryptic" passwords with combos of upper/lowercase numbers and special keys. Being mildly dyslexic I have all my different passwords saved in my system's FF & Norton setups. There is no way I would ever remember them all off the top of my head.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited February 2014

    ....just like to take this moment to again thank everyone who posted with words of assistance and encouragement here.

    Hoping the weather here improves so I can go down the the local human services office tomorrow (if they are open) to see if they can offer any kind help. We were hit with a triple barrel of storms in the last four days, 2 with snow and then yesterday afternoon/evening, an ice storm which have totally paralysed the city.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
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