and thats the way it is. (formerly: Breaking the silence)



  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,918
    edited December 1969

    icprncss said:
    Frank0314 said:
    It was changing my home page about every 20 minutes to their search page

    That's when you'd like to go find the person who added all that to the installer without warning you it was there and strangle them...have you tired doing a system restore to the last point before you installed RealPlayer?

    You ain't kidding. I lost a day and a half of work cleaning out 60+ entries of addware and malware

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    Daikatana said:
    Yes MS is ending support for XP. It is also true that you don't need to give up the laptop. Just , as a previous poster said, be careful in how you use it. I did just check on Open Office and it does have a utility to create and or convert to .pdf now. Also Avast Antivirus is a very capable product. I have used it myself in the past. Couple that with the free versions of utilities like Ccleaner and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for periodic scans and you will get decent results.

    One thing you need to do right now is create a "restore package" for this laptop. Get the last service pack for windows XP in a form that you can download and burn to a cd for future use. Microsoft's service packs are generally cumulative fixes so having the last one published should have the important patches and bug fixes for you. You can find that here :

    Burn this do a dvd and store it alongside your windows XP install disk. Also find all the latest versions of drivers and system utilities that you are using and burn them to a disk as well. This is whats going to allow you to restore your laptop if things go south in the future.

    From a previous post, a reluctance to consider linux was mentioned . Its something you might want to consider. At least you will have an active support community to work with should you run into trouble in the future. I am adding a link here:

    that will allow you to download and create a "live disk" that will, providing you follow the directions carefully, allow you to create a "live disc" so that you can check out linux without having to uninstall XP. Just remember to follow the directions exactly AND to have backed everything up and created/collected the "restore package" for your laptop. Maybe you will find you like linux or maybe you wont but I present this in the interests of giving you an option. Options are important.

    Good luck, keep fighting , and keep us posted?

    ...actually have the latest SP for XP available. I did read one article that mentioned being able use XP online after support ended and Norton received a very high rating (99). The only 100 went to a more expensive business oriented AV package. None of the freeware ones scored as high.

    Again I don't wish to spend valuable time having to learn my way around a totally new OS platform and play "home IT specialist" constantly monitoring running and updating AV applications, & whatnot when my primary goal is to get reemployed (which is a "full time job" in and of itself). A number of the freeware AV and anti malware apps also have pro versions that are more "comprehensive" but which also cost as well.

    If I could afford it yes, I would migrate to Win7 32, though finding a legit version of an older release of Word/Office that is compatible (so I could save some money over having to purchase 2010) is another question. I have a backup drive that I can use for my current system so I can reinstall the files and other applications I need after installing 7. One of my more valuable applications, Google's Picassa (I use it for my personal home gallery), is still supported by Win7 as are all of my 2D apps. As I no longer use my notebook for 3D work, all the older scene files are on a flash drive for archive purposes. I may just reinstall 3Advanced to open them when I need to.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,918
    edited March 2014

    If you upgrade go with Win7 Pro. It's 64bit and can use up to 64GB of RAM. A 32bit is only gonna allow you to use 4GB of RAM and only 3GB is usable. Win7 is ten times more stable than WinXP and Vista. If you get a custom built you can still get Win 7. Most off the shelf computers are going to have Win8. You can custom build a machine for less money normally and it will have more to it.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...@Frank & Paradigm67, that is exactly what I want to avoid having to go through.

    Windows may be annoying, and my current ISP may be a bit more expensive, but they both work, are reasonably reliable, and save me the headaches and time having to deal with such things (or more likely, having to find someone with the expertise who can fix such ills and then having to find some way to pay them for their time).

    My signature below kind of sums it all up.

    BTW as is, I do not take my notebook out with me much more anyway, not only due to it's age, but I am now using an external keyboard as several of the the keys on it are dead and dragging around the extra keyboard is a real pain. Furthermore, it actually costs me more per month to go to the local coffee shop to get online (in purchases) than it does for my current monthly ISP plan. I estimate I am saving around 35$ per month which on my budget is significant.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    Frank0314 said:
    If you upgrade go with Win7 Pro. It's 64bit and can use up to 64GB of RAM. A 32bit is only gonna allow you to use 4GB of RAM. Win7 is ten times more stable than WinXP and Vista. If you get a custom built you can still get Win 7. Most off the shelf computers are going to have Win8. You can custom build a machine for less money normally and it will have more to it.

    ...can't do that on the notebook as it is a 32 bit chipset. Furthermore it's MB only supports up to 4GB.

    My workstation is a home build with Win7 64.

    Also can't build a notebook on my own and custom built ones tend to be very expensive. It would be cheaper just to buy an of the shelf one wipe the drive then get a Win 7 OEM to install on it. No need for Pro as the best I could find would be one with 16GB (and those are well over 1,000$) and I don't intend to use the notebook for 3D since I already have the workstation.

    However that is all moot anyway as I cannot even afford 99$ for the basic Win7 Premium OEM anyway.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,918
    edited December 1969

    Why not use your desktop and not worry about updating you laptop till your situation is better.

  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:

    Again I don't wish to spend valuable time having to learn my way around a totally new OS platform and play "home IT specialist" constantly monitoring running and updating AV applications, & whatnot when my primary goal is to get reemployed (which is a "full time job" in and of itself).

    Well... the skills involved could turn into a paying job, but only if you're reasonably happy doing it. I worked my way through college doing freelance computer support (25+ years ago) and I still do it sometimes for a bit of extra cash.

    But your on-job-training program sounded promising-- how's that going? Any news?

    Also, have you considered a CafePress store or similar to sell some of your render art on t-shirts, mugs, and such? You can open a simple store at CafePress for free. It's hit-or-miss as a way to earn anything-- I've set them up for a few people, and sometimes they make money, other times they just sit there. But if you have something like a web comic, blog, Deviant Art page, etc. to draw traffic to it, it can pull in enough to pay your Xfinity bill, at least.

    Some free CNC learning resources, in case you're still interested in that idea:

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited March 2014

    ...the workstation was not built with heavy Net use in mind for security and performance reasons. There is not even a sound card as I never intended it to be anything more than primarily a 2D/3D graphics workstation.

    I usually keep it offline unless I actually need to use the DIM, pull something from ShareCG or Rendo, or upload a pic to here or my DA gallery. If any of those sites ever become a vector for viruses and malware, well then we're all crocked no matter what.

    Being online also takes up extra processor and memory resources (I've seen FF take over 300MB and a fair percentage of core use at times). This is why I keep using the notebook for "routine" online work such as searching the Net for jobs, participating on forums and viewing tutorials. For the latter, this setup works perfectly as I can actually follow along with the steps shown in a tutorial vid on the workstation at the same time, in a sense being walked through the process.

    Yes, there is a method to my madness in how I set this up.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited March 2014

    zigraphix said:
    Kyoto Kid said:

    Again I don't wish to spend valuable time having to learn my way around a totally new OS platform and play "home IT specialist" constantly monitoring running and updating AV applications, & whatnot when my primary goal is to get reemployed (which is a "full time job" in and of itself).

    Well... the skills involved could turn into a paying job, but only if you're reasonably happy doing it. I worked my way through college doing freelance computer support (25+ years ago) and I still do it sometimes for a bit of extra cash.

    But your on-job-training program sounded promising-- how's that going? Any news?

    Also, have you considered a CafePress store or similar to sell some of your render art on t-shirts, mugs, and such? You can open a simple store at CafePress for free. It's hit-or-miss as a way to earn anything-- I've set them up for a few people, and sometimes they make money, other times they just sit there. But if you have something like a web comic, blog, Deviant Art page, etc. to draw traffic to it, it can pull in enough to pay your Xfinity bill, at least.

    Some free CNC learning resources, in case you're still interested in that idea:

    ...just don't have the head for that kind of stuff the way it is today. One has to pretty much stay on top of changing trends to keep current which would take away from other pursuits. I actually tried it once about twenty years ago after the development company I worked for went under. Discovered I basically had to "eat, sleep, and breathe" tech journals (which were still pretty much in "dead tree" format back then) to keep a competitive edge. Major burnout for me.

    taking the NCRC certification tomorrow. this is an evaluation of work skills that many employers regard highly (some even list it as a requirement) as it is a prerequisite for the OJT programme. Normally this costs 50$ but the State of Oregon covers the cost for residents. Been attending a lot of other free workshops and labs that also lead to qualifying for the OJT programme. Next week there is a career fair at the nearby community college where a lot of locally based employers will be at (including several that I have my eyes on).

    Thank you very much for that link (bookmarked). Been researching more into what this involves and apparently the programmes used are akin to "macros" (which years ago I worked with and wrote to format journal articles into readable format from raw typesetting files).

    I only have a DA page. Not involved with web comics or GN's at he moment as I don't have the supportive software. No blog or .url either as I don't have a domain.

    Am on LinkedIn though. Being careful on fleshing out my profile as most of my education after high school is pretty much useless ("Traditional" Art & Music) neither of which I can do anymore because of my arthritis and which I never finished (no degree).

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • zigraphixzigraphix Posts: 2,787
    edited December 1969

    Great news about the NCRC certification! Best wishes for you on that. It sounds like the OJT program may be just the ticket for you.

    It would be great if it turns out that the CNC stuff helps you out. Or maybe it will help someone out, anyway. :)

    The CNC world is growing fast, too. In addition to subtractive lathes and routers, additive printing is really taking off. I heard a news story this week about a family being able to use a 3D printer at home to make prosthetic fingers for their two-year-old daughter. They only cost about $5 per set that way, so the family doesn't have to stress if she loses them. They get the files from Designing stuff like that would be a great field to get into. :)

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited April 2014

    ...well, as if things couldn't get any worse. Our elected officials take another vacation (two weeks) without approving the UI extension. To add to that, I'm now in in the hole to the tune of about 750$ between taxes, rent (as my account was short since I had to shell out the full cost for my ISP bill to keep it running), and associated overdraft fees.

    Four months of foot dragging on the EUC measure with apparently no end in sight. This should have been a "no brainer" and been extended before the new year. Now about three million people (including yours truly here) are in the process of being pushed over the edge of the financial cliff.

    With this latest news, what is left of my credit score is most likely trashed which means I will probably never get a job as employers are now using that as a means to weed out applicants. There is no fairness, no justice anymore. I've lost all faith.

    Thank you all for the help, encouragement, ideas, suggestions, support and putting up with my rants.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    I wish I could say something encouraging KK, but I can't think of anything that's going to make you feel better. It's unfortunate there isn't at least a light at the end of that long dark tunnel.

  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625
    edited December 1969

    I'm still hunting a job too. All I'm asking is minimum wage. I've tried convenience stores, restaurants, fast foods, Family dollar and General Dollar. If I see another online ethics test I might go nutz. I even tried housekeeping positions. I can't understand how come no one will even hire me and train me for one of these jobs. I am sure nothing in these jobs will be beyond me. Its not like I can't do any of this or these jobs require a lot of training. Oh well, good luck getting a job. I never wished to be a college student but with many of these jobs that is what the boss wants. I mean what do you want me to say I'm dying to get ahead and I have loads of ambition and that's why I am 40 and applying at Burger-King? Sorry couldn't resist that one. Good luck with the job hunting.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited April 2014

    Miss B said:
    I wish I could say something encouraging KK, but I can't think of anything that's going to make you feel better. It's unfortunate there isn't at least a light at the end of that long dark tunnel.

    ...with my lousy fortune as of late, would probably end up being a speeding TGV, ICE, or Shinkansen coming the other way.

    Can't even go out and buy a Lotto ticket as a last gasp effort.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited April 2014

    I'm still hunting a job too. All I'm asking is minimum wage. I've tried convenience stores, restaurants, fast foods, Family dollar and General Dollar. If I see another online ethics test I might go nutz. I even tried housekeeping positions. I can't understand how come no one will even hire me and train me for one of these jobs. I am sure nothing in these jobs will be beyond me. Its not like I can't do any of this or these jobs require a lot of training. Oh well, good luck getting a job. I never wished to be a college student but with many of these jobs that is what the boss wants. I mean what do you want me to say I'm dying to get ahead and I have loads of ambition and that's why I am 40 and applying at Burger-King? Sorry couldn't resist that one. Good luck with the job hunting.

    ...yeah hearing that "you're overqualified" line is getting pretty old.

    People scream at you to "take any job" but when employers hide behind what amount to nothing more than "excuses" to not hire someone, what is one to do? Being 60, with no degree, suffering from severe arthritis, having been unemployed for just over a year, and, as I mentioned above, most likely having an abysmal credit score after yesterday, I feel there is a far more working against me than for me any more. Can't even consider early SSI Retirement as I won't be eligible for another 20 months.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,918
    edited December 1969

    Have you tried getting on disability

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969 I may have mentioned earlier, thanks to all the fraudulent claims corruption and abuse in the programme, the process has been made so convoluted I feel that applying a high level security clearance with the NSA would be easier and faster.

    Furthermore it really isn't based on how one's disability affects what he or she can do as it is based on how much one can earn (maximum 16,000$/year). This programme needs to be completely overhauled to also focus on transitional training for people like myself who are not 100% disabled to help us get into a new occupation we can fit into and perform. That would do a lot to eliminate a good part of the fraud currently occurring.

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,918
    edited December 1969

    You don't even have to go into the office anymore. Everything is filled out online and they send all the paper work to all your doctor you listed. They may send you to one of their doctor which they pay for. It a pretty easy process. Now getting excepted is a whole other ball game. I got denied my first time and am in the appeal process now.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited April 2014

    ...that's the rub, the appeal process which most often ends up in having to get an attorney to push it though so you don't end up waiting for months on end. Were the programme less attractive to those who submit fraudulent claims as I outlined, much of this could be eliminated and in most cases, an appeal wouldn't even be necessary.

    Anytime there's a chance for what some feel is "free money", there will be abuse and corruption which only makes it harder on those who have a legitimate claim. I'd rather have on the job training, reeducation, and placement assistance through such a programme than just a receiving a monthly cheque.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • scathascatha Posts: 756
    edited December 1969

    I hear you there, Kyoto. It has taken me 2 years to finally get my disability approved (2 months ago), endlessly fighting with bureaucracy in the UK and this while being a heart patient with just 60% heart functionality left. The sheer stress of it all almost got the better of me at times.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...well, the news today is far from good. As a matter of fact, rather devastating.

    After four months of being strung on, waiting, hoping, the EUC measure is pretty much dead and buried thanks to one single person.

    Feeling both numb and betrayed right now as well as wanting to seriously punch something.

    I don't know what's left. Even the employment department is sending out discouraging signals about older folks such as myself being "unhireable". This is a disaster of monumental proportions as millions have just been pushed over the edge of the cliff.

    I've lost what little faith I had left in what our institutions stand for anymore.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...goodbye to hopes and dreams.

    ...goodbye to compassion

    ...goodbye to common sense.

    ...goodbye to what's left of human dignity.

    ...goodbye, and may everyone here have better fortune than I.

  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    ...goodbye to hopes and dreams.

    ...goodbye to compassion

    ...goodbye to common sense.

    ...goodbye to what's left of human dignity.

    ...goodbye, and may everyone here have better fortune than I.

    I'm upset to read this Kyoto. I had always hoped something would turn around in your favor.

    This is devasting, and if you really and truly have to leave us, we'll all be remembering you, and wishing you were here in this nuthouse with the rest of us.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,970
    edited December 1969

    Ah, crap - I am sorry to hear that. I can only hope that there's a last minute turn round of events.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited May 2014

    ...thank you.

    Still around mostly in lurk mode until I lose my internet.

    Enthusiasm is pretty much gone, never finished my challenge entries, heck, haven't even turned the workstation on for days.

    Feeling totally discouraged and defeated.

    Expecting to receive my first ever eviction notice any day now.

    A couple friends who have been assisting me have run into financial issues of their own and no longer able to help. I do not fault them. They went far above and beyond what I would expect anyone to do and I'm extremely grateful for what they have been able to do.

    My anger is towards those who were charged with representing us and who have chosen to turn their backs forcing us into economic oblivion. I have never seen such vehemence against people in need as I have witnessed over the last couple weeks. So many have lost everything they worked their entire lives for. In the weeks to come so will many more. What was once the "American Dream" has become the "American Nightmare".

    It's come down to the point we literally need some sort of miracle (if you believe in such things) to help us.


    If you have a job, no matter how difficult or "unrewarding" it seems. do everything you can to keep it. There are people who have degrees, decades of experience, who are constantly being turned down not just in their chosen field but even for jobs like fast food and retail. Things are not as rosy as the news media makes them out to be and recovery, relating to job growth, has been sluggish at best.

    Believe me, being unemployed has not been all "skittles and beer", particularly for the last four months. The phase "it's a jungle out there" woefully underestimates just how bad the situation actually is.


    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • KaribouKaribou Posts: 1,325
    edited December 1969

    I truly am sorry, KK. And it isn't fair. My parents, small business owners for over 20 years, aged 66 and 72, are on the brink of losing everything because government contracts were pulled when the sequester hit. They aren't eligible for unemployment because they're self-employed. They lent the business most of their savings to keep it afloat during the start of the recession. It was just turning a profit again when the sequester hit and everything ground to a halt. And social security won't pay the mortgage. There's no justice in the world. I've never known two people who've worked harder. My parents have perfect personal credit. Perfect. But if the business fails, they'll be bankrupt. And seeing them face such dire circumstances is devastating, because I'm helpless to do anything. In a few months, I might be able to help, but right now, anything I'd offer would be nowhere near useful. And I'm not sure they have a few months.

    I'm with you on the miracle thing, too. Wish I could offer more than words of understanding.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited December 1969

    ...I know. Those who are supposed to be supporting us have no consonance whatever.

    Small business is the engine which employs the majority of the nation's workrforce. By making it tougher on this sector, they have basically insured that there will be no recovery for the hard working people in this nation. The well being of corporations and wealthy are more important than those who actually help to keep this nation afloat.

    Sad, very sad.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,940
    edited May 2014 update.

    OK everyone looks like this is it. Received an eviction notice today. While it gives me 90 days, it also means I forfeit personal belongings like what furnishings and other "salable" items I have including my computers and bike (which is my only way of getting around). Once this happens I can pretty much forget getting back on my feet ever again for without an address, clean clothes, Net access, transprotation, what has been a difficult task (finding work) will become impossible. I'll be lucky if I survive more than a month or two as I do not have the savvy or attitude it takes to survive out there.

    I don't fault my landlady as she has actually been very accommodating, However, it's come to a point as she is semi retired and makes part of her living off the rent I pay. She has also extended the deadline for one week instead of the standard 72 hours for me to come up with a payment. Even if I could scrape up the cash, I'd be in the same position again next month.

    Through the good graces of a few friends I have been able to stay afloat, however they can only do so much.and again I understand.

    Furthermore, after over four months, it looks like the UI extension measure is going to finally go down in flames.

    So all I worked for, all my dreams are gone. Leela's story will never get told now and most likely I will be dead before the end of the year as I do not have the savvy or skills to survive on the streets. Once on the streets, there is no getting back on one's feet, especially for someone of my age.

    Am I discouraged? Yes. After spending 6 - 7 hours a day seven days a week looking for work and getting nothing but rejection after rejection, it is hard to keep up at this anymore. Those of us who have been unemployed and constantly turned down because of it have been forsaken as employers use that as a strike against us. Add to that discrimination based on age and now, on credit standing and it's a "one-two-three" punch.

    Apologies everyone, but that apparently is the the way things are.

    Again thank you for all your support. Looks like it's maybe time for the Kid to finally ride off into that last sunset.

    ...yippie kai yay...

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
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