Ds Creative- The Magazine for Daz Studio users!



  • scathascatha Posts: 756

    We're aware that is the case, provided you have an issuu account (which is another ton of spam in your mail), but participation as asked for is not.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    scatha said:

    We're aware that is the case, provided you have an issuu account (which is another ton of spam in your mail), but participation as asked for is not.

    I haven't received a single piece of spam from Issuu...yet.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,681
    edited August 2015

    If you don't like the 100% free DS Creative just because it's on registration sites, then it's your loss. No problem to put it on a commercial subscription only site for those who refuse to register, but again, then you need to register there and shell out like $4 a month to read it, and I guess no one is really interested in that. 

    Post edited by Totte on
  • erostewerostew Posts: 214

    Just read issue 14 and it's great as usual. The link for the Spiritfoxy Tamara freebie is a 404 if you read the downloaded pdf. It works on Issuu.com version. I was going to post the working url but I guess the staff might not like that.

    Thanks to Spiritfoxy and Wolfy for the freebies!

  • scathascatha Posts: 756

    Who said we haven't registered? Please do not presume things like this, I stated no such thing. I merely pointed out that asking for participation through facebook is a no-go for many.

  • erostewerostew Posts: 214

    Oh yeah: As far as it goes I have no problem at all with getting the mag from Issuu. They usually send me an email once or twice a month about updates and if it bothered me I could probably dig through the settings and stop even that small amout. No big deal and no flood of spam ;)

    There will always be people that get something for free and then whine about the colour or it not being purchased from their favourite store.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,681
    erostew said:

    Just read issue 14 and it's great as usual. The link for the Spiritfoxy Tamara freebie is a 404 if you read the downloaded pdf. It works on Issuu.com version. I was going to post the working url but I guess the staff might not like that.

    Thanks to Spiritfoxy and Wolfy for the freebies!

    Issuu has problems encoding links sometimes in the pdf generator, I know Phil works on it. 

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433

    For the last two months I have been unable to find the magazine at Issuu, and I don't like FaceBook! I had an account a few years ago and FaceBook allowed hackers to hack it three times! The third time, was the clincher when the hacker changed my password. I emailed all my fiends and told them not to trust anything from that account. A couple of my friends told me the account still exists, but nothing has been posted in it for several years! You'd think the account would be deactivated by default by now! I will not be using Face Book ever again! Three strikes and its out!

    As for the DS Magazine issues I have not been able to find, I like the magazine for the tutorials and the awesome artwork, as well as the Vendor and Artist profiles and interviews. And the freebies are awesome too! I would so love to be able to find the last 2 or three issues.

  • 3Ddreamer3Ddreamer Posts: 1,291

    For the last two months I have been unable to find the magazine at Issuu, and I don't like FaceBook! I had an account a few years ago and FaceBook allowed hackers to hack it three times! The third time, was the clincher when the hacker changed my password. I emailed all my fiends and told them not to trust anything from that account. A couple of my friends told me the account still exists, but nothing has been posted in it for several years! You'd think the account would be deactivated by default by now! I will not be using Face Book ever again! Three strikes and its out!

    As for the DS Magazine issues I have not been able to find, I like the magazine for the tutorials and the awesome artwork, as well as the Vendor and Artist profiles and interviews. And the freebies are awesome too! I would so love to be able to find the last 2 or three issues.

    Here is the root folder which you could bookmark for future


    And I don't do facebook either, this thread is my link to DS Creative

  • scathascatha Posts: 756

    and this is exactly why I made my post. Participation only possible through facebook makes you lose out on input, due to the growing number of people staying away from these social media sites.

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433
    3Ddreamer said:

    For the last two months I have been unable to find the magazine at Issuu, and I don't like FaceBook! I had an account a few years ago and FaceBook allowed hackers to hack it three times! The third time, was the clincher when the hacker changed my password. I emailed all my fiends and told them not to trust anything from that account. A couple of my friends told me the account still exists, but nothing has been posted in it for several years! You'd think the account would be deactivated by default by now! I will not be using Face Book ever again! Three strikes and its out!

    As for the DS Magazine issues I have not been able to find, I like the magazine for the tutorials and the awesome artwork, as well as the Vendor and Artist profiles and interviews. And the freebies are awesome too! I would so love to be able to find the last 2 or three issues.

    Here is the root folder which you could bookmark for future


    And I don't do facebook either, this thread is my link to DS Creative

    Thank you! That link works well!

  • TotteTotte Posts: 13,681
    scatha said:

    and this is exactly why I made my post. Participation only possible through facebook makes you lose out on input, due to the growing number of people staying away from these social media sites.

    There are two very good reasons to use facebook:

    (1) As the number of people wanting to join the group is consanty about 5 a day, with facebook, you can to 90% certaintly check weather it's a spammer or a legit user, 90% are spammers that try to join. With a privately managed forum, it's almost impossible to check who is joining so you need a handful of full time mods just to keep clean. I've run several forums but most of they are dead just because of the sheer load of spammers wanna join and the admin burden to filter out the legit users.

    (2) Hosting a site mean costs and work and as DS Creative free of charge with no income as it has no ads, there is no budget or free time to handle that. 


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634

    I am not trying to convince anyone to do something that I do but I hated FB with gusto and with a gentle nudge for Totte I succumbed and made a new account (I canceled my first account years ago) but this time I made a new Google Mail account just for FB use. I don't use my real name or at least my full name or where I live etc. I only accept friend requests from fellow renderers not matter what software they use. And a year or so later I find I rather enjoy FB when used for good. I don't get inundated with Friend requests like I did last time, all in all a positive experience.

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433

    As I said before, 3 strikes and you're out! Facebook exhausted all of its strikes in less than a year! I will not ever darken that doorstep again. I am a member of one of the best forums online, and hackers, spammers, and the like quickly learn they are not welcome at that site. We have a pretty good amount of security there, and our administrators are quite vigilant.

    FaceBook is a social network that is easily compromised by all manner of E-Crooks. I prefer to be cautious where such sites are concerned. So I don't see something I might like because I am not on any of those sites! Well I'm not feeling any bad stuff because of it!

  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,501

    The issue can be found on issuu without problems. Just look up issuu DS Creative.

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433
    mtl1 said:

    The issue can be found on issuu without problems. Just look up issuu DS Creative.

    Thanks but I have the link bookmarked in a special bookmarks folder now. It was searching on Issuu that was not showing me the new issues, and I missed out on one of the freebies in issue 12 because of it. All searches were done when I was logged in at the site, and I used exact search words. Why I was getting no results, is a complete mystery to me. I had begun to think it was no longer available. Issuu has some issues with their servers, I think!

  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,119

    Thank you for the great issue 14.. If you have an account with Issuu you can download it to your computer.. it's easier for me to read that way... ;)

    Thank you for the gifts.. I will use them wisely ;)

    Keep up the great magazine... I greatly apprecate it :)  Hugzzzzzzzzz


  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,565

    While I know that to have a free magazine without ads you have to make some compromises, I happen to hate these online magazine apps and will not sign up on principle, even though that means I lose the PDF download option and I miss the issue when someone reports it as "mature".  Just giving you a data point.

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433
    edited August 2015

    OK, I have something to report here and it may or may not amaze you!

    First of all, let me say I am not by nature a superstitious person. That said, there are things that cannot be logically explained!

    Case in Point:

    All my life I have known that the number 13 has great significance for me, and I have always wondered why so many people have a phobia about it. The truth is, thirteen has brought me much good fortune. Every Friday the 13th has been fortunate for me in one way or another, and sometimes in more than one way.

    As I indicated in a recent previous post in this thread, I had been unable to find DS Creative for a couple of months. In fact I missed out on a freebie that was available for a limited time in issue 12. I did finally get the other ones offered in that issue today.

    Well I just got through browsing through issue 13, and wouldn't you know it? Out of 14 freebies offered in that issue, I got 13, and would have got the 14th if I had the outfit it was made for. Thirteen vendors provided free gifts for the issue and one of those vendors gave away two gifts. Even without grabbing that texture set for the Navy Combat Uniform, that brings the amount of freebies I did get from that one issue to 13! So I leave it to you to decide if this is a stroke of my kind of luck, or if it means nothing. All I know is it seems more than a coincidence that this continues to be the way I am affected by the number 13.

    Post edited by Mage 13X13 on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    You're welcome. =)  13 is my luicky number too.

  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433
    Fisty said:

    You're welcome. =)  13 is my luicky number too.


  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,634
    edited August 2015

    My birthday is on the 13th and is also my lucky number. I just hate when it falls on Friday LOL.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,760

    ...I find Monday the 13th to be more foreboding as it is...a Monday as well..

  • Jack238Jack238 Posts: 117

    Hi, Another great issue. Thanks. I am registered at Issuu and can also say I only get a few emails a month all relating directly to Issuu so no problem there. I use Firefox to read it so there is no requirement for a special app. I look forward to the issue each month.

    I am not a big user of FB either and I provide them with minimal information which of course is all correct or I would be breaking their terms of use and I would never ever do that. (I like to take advantage of marketing hype like 10% off if I like some company on FB and I was going to buy the product any ways.)

    There are lots of other magazines available on Issuu that deal with all kinds of topics and many covering artistic areas like photography or GIMP or Blender that can be fun and useful to check out when waiting for the next issue of DS Creative.

    Please keep up the good work. It is appreciated.




  • Robert FreiseRobert Freise Posts: 4,317

    Great issue thank you

  • ZelrothZelroth Posts: 910

    I shall also chime in with Great Issue!  I look for each new issue the first or second day of the month, and just love exploring each one.

    I don't particularly care for FaceBook, but I am generally a lurker more than a sharer to begin with.  I don't and haven't had problems (::fingers crossed::) with FB, but I think that is mainly because I keep my "friends list" very small(less than 20) just truly friends and family that I like to keep informed of what's going on with them.  I post extremely seldom there - usually just a comment on one of my friends post, and I do not have much personal information answered.


  • Llola LaneLlola Lane Posts: 9,119
    edited August 2015

    not sure how to delete a post in the new forums.

    Post edited by Llola Lane on
  • AtiAti Posts: 9,105
    edited August 2015

    I honestly don't get this problem with facebook. Using facebook is an OPTION. You can sign up with simply an e-mail address and nothing more. See "Create Account" at the top of the page. :)

    Post edited by Ati on
  • Mage 13X13Mage 13X13 Posts: 433
    Ati2 said:

    I honestly don't get this problem with facebook. Using facebook is an OPTION. You can sign up with simply an e-mail address and nothing more. See "Create Account" at the top of the page. :)

    In less than one year on FaceBook The site allowed  my account to be hacked three times, compromising my personal info, which to be honest was not much provided to the account anyway. The third time it happened my password was changed with no warning to me, and after five years now the account still exists because I cannot get in to deactivate it. Trust me, I tried! My three strikes rule applies especially to FaceBook, and anything else of the same type. Besides, all the drama that gets started on the site and the perpetrators try to get you to join in it? No way! I have niether the time or patience for such excrement!


  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    Ati's wondering why people are griping about Facebook on the DS Creative thread, Mage, as signing up for Issuu doesn't require Facebook.

This discussion has been closed.