Daz Studio 4.9 Beta Now Available..



  • diogenese19348diogenese19348 Posts: 927
    edited October 2015
    nicstt said:
    ghosty12 said:

    People have been predicting the doom of Daz for years now. I find smart content and DIM extremely easy to use and works great for workflow. I'm sorry not everyone agrees.

    The 'challenge' of the digital experience will only be for people who curate a very particular directory structure and refuse to ever have to be online, ever, to unlock the newest content (whenever that happens). For the vast majority of users, that is utterly transparent.


    It's unfortunate when progress leaves people behind, but for those willing to move with it, the benefits are great.

    It's also unfortunate that people seem to think that screaming at and castigating Daz as wicked people up to no good is appropriate dialog, and I'm really debating taking a protracted vacation from this forum.

    I know what you mean, the ranting on these forums is starting to get old and fast and even I am thinking of taking a vacation from this forum..

    On other things:

    At first I was a bit shocked by these changes but then after thinking long and hard and with a level head I realized that sooner or later Daz had to do something to try and stem the flow of content being swiped and posted elsewhere..  I mean when you look at it people hate when they get their house broken into, their car being stolen and so on you get right peeved about it and after it happens you put an alarm system in your house and car to try and stop it from happening again..

    I am a hobby artist who has done some work for a small website, and over the years I have see some of its premium content being posted on other sites for all to see, and that means loss of revenue for such a small site that relies on people paying to see it..

    And well people will not pay for it if they can get it elsewhere for free, so is the same with content here the only way Daz can recover the costs of supplying Daz Studio for free and via the store content, and some folks may want to see how much it costs for a 3Delight license it is not cheap and I can only imagine how much Daz pays Nvidia for the use of Iray in Studio..

    In the end is seeing something like this happen with Studio 4.9 and into the future in the first place, no it isn't but while you have the undesireables posting paid content out on the Dark Web for all to download things like what is coming with Studio 4.9 will continue..

    Its on the Dark Web too? I thought it was just availble through torrents?

    dclane said:

    Me, I love DIM and I think Daz Connect sounds awesome. So hey.


    I think we'll all lose out in the end, whether or not we're on board with the idea of Daz Connect. The hackers are always up for the next challenge, but the average consumer doesn't want to be challenged by their digital experiences, they want ease of use, control and flexibility, and will just stop buying if these aren't a factor. The PAs will be the first to be affected by the resulting drop in revenue, and will eventually vote with their feet by going off to sell elsewhere or finding something more profitable to do.

    No content management system is going to be much fun once there's hardly any new content for it to manage, even if it works for you.

    The people that Daz Connect is aimed at losing were never going to put their hands in their pockets anyway. Irritating the people who do spend money here will just prompt them to stop doing so and we'll lose the PAs when they do. Bad news all round.

    I have to start asking. I am not being mean, or picking on you, I genuinely want to know. How does the encryption of the content challenge you? What does it prevent you from doing? 

    The encrytion of content doesn't challenge me unless it starts getting in the way of what I am trying to use legitimately purchaced content for.  By the descriptions staff have given, I don't think that is going to happen which is why I am not jumping up and down and turning red.  The problem is I also do not believe it is going to help your piracy problem any, and in no way is it going to increase your sales; the non-customers are going to stay non-customers.  The question is, at that point, does management see that DRM is not helpful, or decide that they need further restrictions to make it work.  And I think THAT is what is casuing all the angst.

    Not what you are proposing now, but what that path will lead to in the future.  From other companies that have gone the DRM route, it usually isn't pretty.  Sony went so far as root-kitting computers to attempt to stop piracy.

    I really need to be able to put stuff where I can find it, if I had started out when smart content was finally working I could probably use it - but I have years and years of stuff I have meticulously put where I can find it, and I don't have time to set it all up as metadata in a database.  Again, you have covered that aspect of it, and I am aware you guys understand that, so I'll drop it.

    My bottom line is that DRM never has turned pirates into customers, I'd love to see an industry study anywhere that shows it has.

    "And I think THAT is what is casuing all the angst." - I've highlighted it above to show which part it's from.

    Yeh, this bit is what worries me. What happens when all this doesn't do what is expected.

    I'm kind of hoping I like the new system; as much as I like how my content is organised, it could be better. I don't like the smart content as it is now, and don't have much time to figure the new system out, but I'll try; I want to know if I'm on board before I spend more cash.

    Zev0 said:
    Renpatsu said:
    Zev0 said:

    The encryption is tied to your account. That means you cannot distribute the product. Eg like giving somebody else a copy of your game that requires a serial number that you own. This does not mean you cannot send to other apps to modify. If that was the case us content creators would not be able to make content or update a product if it was encrypted in that manner. If it is in your account and you own it, and you want to edit and modify, I see no reason why you cannot. But it won't work if distributed. That is what I understand from what I have read. So how will this stop piracy? Well, the way I see it is if you get an illegal copy of a product where the encryption doesnt match your account, Daz can pick it up and block it, or trace the encryption from the person who distributed it. So in theory, it can work as an anti piracy measure. Unfortunately piracy is out of hand, and something needs to be done. It cannot continue the way it is. All product released this week are already on warez sites and sometimes it really makes you wonder why you bother at all if it's just stolen the next day.

    Zev, I love your products, but believing that all this crap will actually prevent piracy and bring in customers that were previously lost is IMHO rather naive.

    It's not being naive. People like getting things for free if they don't have to pay for it, even people with the highest moral ground. How often do you hear of users waiting for discounts and refuse to buy a product at full price? Now imagine if some can get it for free off illegal sites. Think they are going to say no? On my products alone, there are more warez and torrent Downloads than purchases. Naive? Sorry. If they aren't made available for free, more would buy. This whole saying "those who torrent or DL from warez won't buy anyways" is a load of rubbish.They would buy if the free temptation didn't exist.

    Zev0, I can't find any study that supports that.  Yes, people like paying lower prices, we all wait for discounts, but we don't steal.  There is a vast difference between waiting for a sale and shoplifting.  By definition, if you get something from a pirate site (or out of the trunk of someone's car), that merchandise is stolen.  The question is, if you take away the stolen route, does that translate into higher sales for any digital product which are mostly for entertainment purposes.  It hasn't tranlated into higher sales for Music, Movies, or Books, in fact there are some studies out there that point out the opposite effect - DRM reduces sales.  I can point you to some links, but they  can be easily Googled.

    With digital content, the way you increase your sales is to improve the rapor with your customers.  DRM reduces it.  I understand the frustration with piracy, it frustrates me as well.  But the issue really isn't reducing piracy, the issue is increasing sales. DRM has never proven capable of doing it.  If you could get the pirates to start paying it would lower prices for all of us, I'd love to see it happen. 

    As I have said in other posts, I have no problem with DAZ trying DRM as long as it does not effect my use of content I have purchased, and we are repeatedly being told they are being careful to make sure that doesn't happen.  I'm good with that.  I don't think DRM is going to increase your sales to people that were formerly stealing your work though.  If they cared they wouldn't be stealing from you.

    Sadly, at least one person must purchase the product for it to by piratted; alternatively it is a Daz employee, neither of which is a pleasant thing to contemplate.

    So while there are studdies that show DRM impacts negatively on sales, trying to stop theft is a legimate part of any person's or organisations purpose, and one has to accept folks will try various methods.

    Personally I feel this could have been rolled out in a different way. The wording could have be done differently, but that's a water and bridge issue.

    "Sadly, at least one person must purchase the product for it to by piratted; alternatively it is a Daz employee, neither of which is a pleasant thing to contemplate."

    Hey nicstt, it's even better than that.  Most likely the doot-heads downloading the stuff from warezz sites have accounts here too - the DAZ program itself is free, there's no reason to warezz it, and they probably want to update to the latest version.   Which brings about some spectacularly interesting possibilities that don't include DRM...

    Post edited by diogenese19348 on
  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227
    edited October 2015

    One of the reasons I've felt comfortable spending thousands of dollars on content here is that I have confidence that once I download the content, I'll be able to use it for as long as I want, in any way I want (within reason), on any future machine I may be working with. Adding DRM to the content makes me extremely worried that I will have unforeseen trouble accessing my content in the future. 

    Obviously, no company wants to purposefully inconvenience their customers, but in my experience software that needs to "phone home" to verify that I am a legit user can frequently cause headaches. Just as an example, in the last day I've been locked out of using my paid for copy of Marvelous Designer because I upgraded my computer's hard drive and Marvelous Designer mistakenly now thinks I'm trying to use their program on another system without logging out of the old one. (Oops, I should have deactivated my MD account before upgrading any hardware, sheesh...) Still trying to resolve that issue. It's problems like that which would prevent me from ever investing the kind of time and money into Marvelous Designer which I've happily invested in the up to now no-strings-attached DAZ ecosystem.

    I'm a person who really likes to tinker with my tools, and in addition to the money I spend on DAZ stuff, I spend hundreds of hours making my own custom morphs and shaders. The idea that some fluke in the DRM system or unforeseen event could cause me to lose access to my content or the work I've put into it makes me feel light headed and that I should switch platforms as soon as possible to an application that lets me do my thing without needing to jump through hoops.

    It's simply the worry that future content may give me access problems that will have me looking for any possible alternative before I buy it, certainly I won't buy anything with DRM on a whim impulse purchase. I'd only buy such content when I absolutely need it and can't get it somewhere else or make it myself. That would cause at least this user to spend a lot less money here. I love DAZ content, I wish we didn't have this looming in the future.

    Post edited by pearbear on
  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 828

    Here is a very interesting question which I hope someone will step up and answer:


    What happens when Daz3D decides to close up shop and no longer exist as an entity?  Will all the lovely DRM Infested content similarly dry up and blow away? Such has happened before with both music and e-books.  By infesting the  content with DRM, Daz3D is not only making a "walled garden" but also putting its customers at risk of losing some pretty large investments should the company ever decide to close up.   And yes, at this time there may be no plans to close up shop, but as has been stated many times before, nobody has a crystal ball.

    Protecting the content creators is good.  This method of doing it is bad.  Please, step back from this ill-advised plan.  Dont lock your customers in a walled garden. 

    Funny irony here.  Unrestrained creativity is important to art's survival.  Daz3D is a company that makes its money off of people trying to create art.  By locking the customers into a walled garden Daz3D is restraining creativity.  This fact alone should be enough to cause them to re-think this crazy idea.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 14,970

    In the past I believe some companies with DRM have enacted special downloads when going out of business, so customers can continue to use their content for however long they maintain their backups.

    It would be nice if Daz thought through a contingency plan along those lines.


  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 828
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    When the files are moved into cloud ( hackable content) that is why encryption is necessary.

    Sorry, about Carrara.  When you get no response regarding the future or potential you can pretty will expect... (we all know)

    Smart developers stay away from forum threads like this. I'm just not as smart as they are.

    I don't do "cloud servers".  I manage my own data on my own computer. 


    Daz Connect is just a different way to get your content, with the upcoming offline support you can install without even being online.

    And just how long will we be waiting for this "upcoming offline support"?  Will it be before 4.9 goes "live" or is it one of those things that will be given to us in the timeframe generally known as "Daz Soon'?

  • Daikatana said:
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    When the files are moved into cloud ( hackable content) that is why encryption is necessary.

    Sorry, about Carrara.  When you get no response regarding the future or potential you can pretty will expect... (we all know)

    Smart developers stay away from forum threads like this. I'm just not as smart as they are.

    I don't do "cloud servers".  I manage my own data on my own computer. 


    Daz Connect is just a different way to get your content, with the upcoming offline support you can install without even being online.

    And just how long will we be waiting for this "upcoming offline support"?  Will it be before 4.9 goes "live" or is it one of those things that will be given to us in the timeframe generally known as "Daz Soon'?

    DAZ_RawB has said several times that the offline install option will be available before the end of the beta.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    What if a comet hits the earth before then... Hu?

  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 828
    Daikatana said:
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    When the files are moved into cloud ( hackable content) that is why encryption is necessary.

    Sorry, about Carrara.  When you get no response regarding the future or potential you can pretty will expect... (we all know)

    Smart developers stay away from forum threads like this. I'm just not as smart as they are.

    I don't do "cloud servers".  I manage my own data on my own computer. 


    Daz Connect is just a different way to get your content, with the upcoming offline support you can install without even being online.

    And just how long will we be waiting for this "upcoming offline support"?  Will it be before 4.9 goes "live" or is it one of those things that will be given to us in the timeframe generally known as "Daz Soon'?

    DAZ_RawB has said several times that the offline install option will be available before the end of the beta.

    Thank you for replying so quickly.  I guess I missed that fact in all the deluge of information.  Apologies for asking a redundant question.  This beta has given many of us a lot to think about and consider.

  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 828

    In the past I believe some companies with DRM have enacted special downloads when going out of business, so customers can continue to use their content for however long they maintain their backups.

    It would be nice if Daz thought through a contingency plan along those lines.


    If they have, or if they are, it would be wonderful if they would let us know this.  If there was a guarantee that people would not lose access to their investments should Daz3D fold up operations, it might go a bit towards easing some very valid concerns from people who have been burned in the past by cloud based services and DRM.

  • Daikatana said:
    Daikatana said:
    DAZ_Rawb said:

    When the files are moved into cloud ( hackable content) that is why encryption is necessary.

    Sorry, about Carrara.  When you get no response regarding the future or potential you can pretty will expect... (we all know)

    Smart developers stay away from forum threads like this. I'm just not as smart as they are.

    I don't do "cloud servers".  I manage my own data on my own computer. 


    Daz Connect is just a different way to get your content, with the upcoming offline support you can install without even being online.

    And just how long will we be waiting for this "upcoming offline support"?  Will it be before 4.9 goes "live" or is it one of those things that will be given to us in the timeframe generally known as "Daz Soon'?

    DAZ_RawB has said several times that the offline install option will be available before the end of the beta.

    Thank you for replying so quickly.  I guess I missed that fact in all the deluge of information.  Apologies for asking a redundant question.  This beta has given many of us a lot to think about and consider.

    Sorry, I wasn't trying to hep coals of fire on your head - just saying that since it has been said several times it's a fairly strong commitment.

  • Daikatana said:

    In the past I believe some companies with DRM have enacted special downloads when going out of business, so customers can continue to use their content for however long they maintain their backups.

    It would be nice if Daz thought through a contingency plan along those lines.


    If they have, or if they are, it would be wonderful if they would let us know this.  If there was a guarantee that people would not lose access to their investments should Daz3D fold up operations, it might go a bit towards easing some very valid concerns from people who have been burned in the past by cloud based services and DRM.

    Hypotheticly if DAZ were to cease operations exactly what program where you planning to use all that DRM free content in?

  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 828
    edited October 2015
    Daikatana said:

    In the past I believe some companies with DRM have enacted special downloads when going out of business, so customers can continue to use their content for however long they maintain their backups.

    It would be nice if Daz thought through a contingency plan along those lines.


    If they have, or if they are, it would be wonderful if they would let us know this.  If there was a guarantee that people would not lose access to their investments should Daz3D fold up operations, it might go a bit towards easing some very valid concerns from people who have been burned in the past by cloud based services and DRM.

    Hypotheticly if DAZ were to cease operations exactly what program where you planning to use all that DRM free content in?

    Nothing to prevent me from taking the time to learn 3dsMax or Maya or even Blender.  There are already exporters that will allow much of the content I have purchased to be used in those packages.  I use Studio because its what I started with and am currently working on learning Carrara ( which uses everything from my library but Genesis3 and Iray specific products.)  If DAZ did cease operations, I would probably end up going with the subscription based services from Autodesk.  Yes it would be more expensive and I would definitely have to rearrange my budget but, it IS an option.   Blender is free of course but I would probably be up and running again faster if I spent more to have better support acess while I was learning.  Thats my hypothetical aswer to your hypothetical question.

    I sincerely hope that DAZ never closes up shop.  I like having the software solution and a good amount of my content coming from the same company.  Personally I have had nothing but good experiences with DAZ.  I hope that does not change.  However, this new way of doing things that DAZ is presenting in the 4.9 beta does have some possible issues that come along with the bug fixes and updates to the render engine

    Post edited by Daikatana on
  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    Is there another thread that explains Daz connect more?

  • Jan19Jan19 Posts: 1,109
    pearbear said:

    One of the reasons I've felt comfortable spending thousands of dollars on content here is that I have confidence that once I download the content, I'll be able to use it for as long as I want, in any way I want (within reason), on any future machine I may be working with. Adding DRM to the content makes me extremely worried that I will have unforeseen trouble accessing my content in the future. 

    Obviously, no company wants to purposefully inconvenience their customers, but in my experience software that needs to "phone home" to verify that I am a legit user can frequently cause headaches. Just as an example, in the last day I've been locked out of using my paid for copy of Marvelous Designer because I upgraded my computer's hard drive and Marvelous Designer mistakenly now thinks I'm trying to use their program on another system without logging out of the old one. (Oops, I should have deactivated my MD account before upgrading any hardware, sheesh...) Still trying to resolve that issue. It's problems like that which would prevent me from ever investing the kind of time and money into Marvelous Designer which I've happily invested in the up to now no-strings-attached DAZ ecosystem.

    I'm a person who really likes to tinker with my tools, and in addition to the money I spend on DAZ stuff, I spend hundreds of hours making my own custom morphs and shaders. The idea that some fluke in the DRM system or unforeseen event could cause me to lose access to my content or the work I've put into it makes me feel light headed and that I should switch platforms as soon as possible to an application that lets me do my thing without needing to jump through hoops.

    It's simply the worry that future content may give me access problems that will have me looking for any possible alternative before I buy it, certainly I won't buy anything with DRM on a whim impulse purchase. I'd only buy such content when I absolutely need it and can't get it somewhere else or make it myself. That would cause at least this user to spend a lot less money here.

    And I was absolutely certain that someone had a vendetta against me. wink  With the log in issue.

    I love DAZ content, I wish we didn't have this looming in the future.

    Yes, and yes.  yes  I hope it is all resolved to everyone's satisfaction. 


  • DaikatanaDaikatana Posts: 828
    Zev0 said:
    Renpatsu said:
    Zev0 said:


    It's not being naive. People like getting things for free if they don't have to pay for it, even people with the highest moral ground. How often do you hear of users waiting for discounts and refuse to buy a product at full price? Now imagine if some can get it for free off illegal sites. Think they are going to say no? On my products alone, there are more warez and torrent Downloads than purchases. Naive? Sorry. If they aren't made available for free, more would buy. This whole saying "those who torrent or DL from warez won't buy anyways" is a load of rubbish.They would buy if the free temptation didn't exist.

    Seriously?  You are equating waiting for discounts to piracy? Maybe you did not intend to but your statement can be construed as insulting to quite a few people.  Yes.  I do wait for sales on a lot of products.  So what?  I do have a job and bills to pay and a budget to try and stay within.  This is a NORMAL situation and nothing about it is disrespectful, dishonorable, or illegal.  So what if I dont buy your creations during the intro period every time you release something.  If they are something that I find useful I DO buy them and you still get a percentage of what I pay. 

    I really hope you did not intend your post in the manner in which it is read.


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Daikatana said:

    In the past I believe some companies with DRM have enacted special downloads when going out of business, so customers can continue to use their content for however long they maintain their backups.

    It would be nice if Daz thought through a contingency plan along those lines.


    If they have, or if they are, it would be wonderful if they would let us know this.  If there was a guarantee that people would not lose access to their investments should Daz3D fold up operations, it might go a bit towards easing some very valid concerns from people who have been burned in the past by cloud based services and DRM.

    Hypotheticly if DAZ were to cease operations exactly what program where you planning to use all that DRM free content in?

    The copy of Daz I have; of course, that presumes it is registered. :)

  • Renpatsu said:

    If you know the IT security business, then you do know that 100% security does not exist, to the contrary. Especially as everything is in the user's control. Believing that these measures are safe is just futile.


    Zev0 said:

    ... and do not impact your working experience.

    My working experience is impacted by this, thank you very much.

    I am going to ask this, because I genuinely need to know. How? Please be specific in how this has an effect on your workflow. 

    On a different site I just posted an answer to this same statement:

    I own a Adobe Photoshop CC license. I use CC often at work when I have an intermittent Internet connection. Even though I have a valid license I get a "Trial time limit" has run out at least once a week. Most of the time it's once a day.

    Then I have to find an Internet connection, log in, validate my license, wait for the registration to update and download...

    Last month I was on the road. With a very slow and very expensive Internet connection. Which only worked some parts of the day.

    Before I left I installed the new Reality. I registered, installed the license, and tested it.

    First day on the road, Reality said my license was invalid. I had to get the internet connection, re-register, etc.

    I had to redo the license every time I rebooted. Sometimes crippling my work flow when the internet connection was unavailable.

    I mention this because even the most stable, bulletproof online licensing scheme will encounter hiccups. Most of the time these are easily overcome with a readily available Internet connection.

    When that connection is unavailable then it is crippling.

    I also want to add how my workflow typically goes:

    I set up a lot of scenes mostly while travelling and having no internet connection. When I get home, I move these scenes over to one of my Desktops.

    One Desktop will be rendering a final version.

    At the same time at another desktop I will be doing test renders on a scene that needs minor tweaks. When the tweaks are done (and the other render is done) I will move it to the first desktop for final rendering.

    Again, at the same time, I will be working on my laptop with a less refined scene. Setting it up to the point where I can shift that to the minor tweak desktop.

    With the new "only one log in at a time" scheme, all of this goes right out the window.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    Renpatsu said:

    If you know the IT security business, then you do know that 100% security does not exist, to the contrary. Especially as everything is in the user's control. Believing that these measures are safe is just futile.


    Zev0 said:

    ... and do not impact your working experience.

    My working experience is impacted by this, thank you very much.

    I am going to ask this, because I genuinely need to know. How? Please be specific in how this has an effect on your workflow. 

    On a different site I just posted an answer to this same statement:

    I own a Adobe Photoshop CC license. I use CC often at work when I have an intermittent Internet connection. Even though I have a valid license I get a "Trial time limit" has run out at least once a week. Most of the time it's once a day.

    Then I have to find an Internet connection, log in, validate my license, wait for the registration to update and download...

    Last month I was on the road. With a very slow and very expensive Internet connection. Which only worked some parts of the day.

    Before I left I installed the new Reality. I registered, installed the license, and tested it.

    First day on the road, Reality said my license was invalid. I had to get the internet connection, re-register, etc.

    I had to redo the license every time I rebooted. Sometimes crippling my work flow when the internet connection was unavailable.

    I mention this because even the most stable, bulletproof online licensing scheme will encounter hiccups. Most of the time these are easily overcome with a readily available Internet connection.

    When that connection is unavailable then it is crippling.

    I also want to add how my workflow typically goes:

    I set up a lot of scenes mostly while travelling and having no internet connection. When I get home, I move these scenes over to one of my Desktops.

    One Desktop will be rendering a final version.

    At the same time at another desktop I will be doing test renders on a scene that needs minor tweaks. When the tweaks are done (and the other render is done) I will move it to the first desktop for final rendering.

    Again, at the same time, I will be working on my laptop with a less refined scene. Setting it up to the point where I can shift that to the minor tweak desktop.

    With the new "only one log in at a time" scheme, all of this goes right out the window.

    You only need to log in to download/install/update content. Not to run the software, not use content, not render.

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Daikatana said:
    Zev0 said:
    Renpatsu said:
    Zev0 said:


    It's not being naive. People like getting things for free if they don't have to pay for it, even people with the highest moral ground. How often do you hear of users waiting for discounts and refuse to buy a product at full price? Now imagine if some can get it for free off illegal sites. Think they are going to say no? On my products alone, there are more warez and torrent Downloads than purchases. Naive? Sorry. If they aren't made available for free, more would buy. This whole saying "those who torrent or DL from warez won't buy anyways" is a load of rubbish.They would buy if the free temptation didn't exist.

    Seriously?  You are equating waiting for discounts to piracy? Maybe you did not intend to but your statement can be construed as insulting to quite a few people.  Yes.  I do wait for sales on a lot of products.  So what?  I do have a job and bills to pay and a budget to try and stay within.  This is a NORMAL situation and nothing about it is disrespectful, dishonorable, or illegal.  So what if I dont buy your creations during the intro period every time you release something.  If they are something that I find useful I DO buy them and you still get a percentage of what I pay. 

    I really hope you did not intend your post in the manner in which it is read.


    I hope Zev0 didn't mean it as it reads. (If Zev0 or any other PA has issues with Daz's sales methods, then I suggest they take it up with them.)

  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,506
    Daikatana said:
    Zev0 said:
    Renpatsu said:
    Zev0 said:


    It's not being naive. People like getting things for free if they don't have to pay for it, even people with the highest moral ground. How often do you hear of users waiting for discounts and refuse to buy a product at full price? Now imagine if some can get it for free off illegal sites. Think they are going to say no? On my products alone, there are more warez and torrent Downloads than purchases. Naive? Sorry. If they aren't made available for free, more would buy. This whole saying "those who torrent or DL from warez won't buy anyways" is a load of rubbish.They would buy if the free temptation didn't exist.

    Seriously?  You are equating waiting for discounts to piracy? Maybe you did not intend to but your statement can be construed as insulting to quite a few people.  Yes.  I do wait for sales on a lot of products.  So what?  I do have a job and bills to pay and a budget to try and stay within.  This is a NORMAL situation and nothing about it is disrespectful, dishonorable, or illegal.  So what if I dont buy your creations during the intro period every time you release something.  If they are something that I find useful I DO buy them and you still get a percentage of what I pay. 

    I really hope you did not intend your post in the manner in which it is read.


    I don't think he meant it in that fashion but what he's saying *is* actually true and describing basic macroeconomics. All consumer industries have a race to the bottom, which massively hurts content creators and sellers. Piracy is simply an extension of that supply-demand curve, in that there will always be near-infinite demand of a good that is essentially free, legal or otherwise.

    Unless reasonable and effective measures are taken to protect content creators, this race to the bottom will only get worse.

  • RCTSpankyRCTSpanky Posts: 850
    edited October 2015

    The music industry has failed against piracy, the film industry too and DAz will also failed on this as long as one can save any files. I'm sure, that the new DAZ Content politics will bring new energy for Poser.

    Post edited by RCTSpanky on
  • mtl1mtl1 Posts: 1,506
    RCTSpanky said:

    The music industry has failed against piracy, the film industry too and DAz will also failed on this as long as there are some vendors who share their own content and the content of others via bittorrent or on other platforms.

    iTunes, even before when their music files were DRMed, would disagree with you. The piracy surrounding the music and film industry is a *way* larger and nuanced discussion than simply "DRM doesn't work".

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 794

    I won't knock it until I've tried it.  I was skeptic of using DIM when it first came out, but now I actually try to convince people to use it.  Keep in mind the saying "it's always ugly first before it gets pretty".  And honestly, it is what it is.  If you like DAZ Studio and their contents, you will buy them, why? because you like working with DAZ Studio with the recent improvements made to the software plus contents for other programs tend to be more expensive, just my two cents on this whole issue.  Change is good.  Give it a try.  I have more of a beef with artists who come out with certain products (that I buy) and do not maintain them to work with an upgraded version of a program or plug in, but that's for a different forum thread.

  • Renpatsu said:

    If you know the IT security business, then you do know that 100% security does not exist, to the contrary. Especially as everything is in the user's control. Believing that these measures are safe is just futile.


    Zev0 said:

    ... and do not impact your working experience.

    My working experience is impacted by this, thank you very much.

    I am going to ask this, because I genuinely need to know. How? Please be specific in how this has an effect on your workflow. 

    On a different site I just posted an answer to this same statement:

    I own a Adobe Photoshop CC license. I use CC often at work when I have an intermittent Internet connection. Even though I have a valid license I get a "Trial time limit" has run out at least once a week. Most of the time it's once a day.

    Then I have to find an Internet connection, log in, validate my license, wait for the registration to update and download...

    Last month I was on the road. With a very slow and very expensive Internet connection. Which only worked some parts of the day.

    Before I left I installed the new Reality. I registered, installed the license, and tested it.

    First day on the road, Reality said my license was invalid. I had to get the internet connection, re-register, etc.

    I had to redo the license every time I rebooted. Sometimes crippling my work flow when the internet connection was unavailable.

    I mention this because even the most stable, bulletproof online licensing scheme will encounter hiccups. Most of the time these are easily overcome with a readily available Internet connection.

    When that connection is unavailable then it is crippling.

    I also want to add how my workflow typically goes:

    I set up a lot of scenes mostly while travelling and having no internet connection. When I get home, I move these scenes over to one of my Desktops.

    One Desktop will be rendering a final version.

    At the same time at another desktop I will be doing test renders on a scene that needs minor tweaks. When the tweaks are done (and the other render is done) I will move it to the first desktop for final rendering.

    Again, at the same time, I will be working on my laptop with a less refined scene. Setting it up to the point where I can shift that to the minor tweak desktop.

    With the new "only one log in at a time" scheme, all of this goes right out the window.

    You only need to log in to download/install/update content. Not to run the software, not use content, not render.

    Then either I am not understanding the point of this encryption and key.

    Or you are not understanding the point I am trying to make.

    Theoretically what happens if, for some reason, the decryption key on my computer is deleted or damaged. How do I then access my purchased content? If I don't need the key except for installing, why encypt it at all?

    Plus you avoided my other question. What happens when I, as a legitmate user, attempt to access my content on two (or three) different machines at the same time?

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    Renpatsu said:
    You only need to log in to download/install/update content. Not to run the software, not use content, not render.

    Then either I am not understanding the point of this encryption and key.

    Or you are not understanding the point I am trying to make.

    Theoretically what happens if, for some reason, the decryption key on my computer is deleted or damaged. How do I then access my purchased content? If I don't need the key except for installing, why encypt it at all?

    If that somehow happens, you log in, your computer syncs and you are back up and running. 

    Plus you avoided my other question. What happens when I, as a legitmate user, attempt to access my content on two (or three) different machines at the same time?

    What happens? You access it on two, three, whatever, machines at the same time. You can only log in to one computer at a time, you don't need to log in except to download/install/update content. 

  • IkyotoIkyoto Posts: 1,159

    I can use stuff without a connection right now. If I can't in the future, I won't be a customer.

  • DAZ_SpookyDAZ_Spooky Posts: 3,100
    Ikyoto said:

    I can use stuff without a connection right now. If I can't in the future, I won't be a customer.

    You only need to log in to download/install/update content. Not to run the software, not use content, not render.

  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451

    I love DIM it makes downloading and updating so much easier, and installing more quicker, and apologies I also usually buy stuff on sale, if I don't get it on intro it gets wishlisted and sadly sometimes somethings sit longer than others 

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,717
    edited October 2015

    For those that are worried about being logged in to use DS 4.9, here is a screen capture of the welcome/login screen with DS 4.9. NOTE the "Work Offline" option (you can chose to have this display every time you start DS. or just have it start up with the preferred option selected) - simply select work off line and DS 4.9 works like 4.8. You don't need to login to your DAZ 3D account to use DS 4.9 or your content. You only need to login to use DS Connect. Seriously, IMHO instead of spreading and consuming so much FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt), it might be worth the time to download the Beta just to check things out yourselves. It won't affect your working version (non-beta Public Build) of 4.8, and you can see for yourself how this may affect you, and submit tickets based on your experiences to DAZ 3D.

    Now I'm not 100% happy with content DRM because in my experience, even the most un-obtrusive DRM schemes tend to be a real PITA at some point (even loosing your paid for product if a company suddenly goes away). But, I thought I should at least mention that right now, the DS 4.9 Beta does not limit your usage of DS or usage of your content in any way if you chose to work off line, nor does it force you to connect to DAZ 3D to use DS after the initial install/registration (you do need to connect to initially validated your installation).

    welcome screen.JPG
    577 x 601 - 39K
    Post edited by DustRider on
  • Renpatsu said:
    You only need to log in to download/install/update content. Not to run the software, not use content, not render.

    Then either I am not understanding the point of this encryption and key.

    Or you are not understanding the point I am trying to make.

    Theoretically what happens if, for some reason, the decryption key on my computer is deleted or damaged. How do I then access my purchased content? If I don't need the key except for installing, why encypt it at all?

    If that somehow happens, you log in, your computer syncs and you are back up and running. 

    Plus you avoided my other question. What happens when I, as a legitmate user, attempt to access my content on two (or three) different machines at the same time?

    What happens? You access it on two, three, whatever, machines at the same time. You can only log in to one computer at a time, you don't need to log in except to download/install/update content. 

    No offense but it sounds like DAZ is taking the cow half way to town and trying to sell it.

    If the key is only needed to install content then what is to stop a legitimate user from installing, then zipping up the installed content and posting that for download?

    If the content is still encrypted after installation (which I presume) then the key is needed to access content, which is where my problem begins, since I may not have internet access. Which means I will be dead in the water until I do. Which may seem like an unlikely scenerio to someone not having felt the pain of this same DRM issue. (Like being on a six hour plane and finding that nothig on your laptop works.)

    Now we get to the next question. Why do this? It's not going to stop any pirates because you really are not putting any hooks in to stop them. (I.e. when illegal content is used, the IP address is sent back to a server somewhere, etc.) And don't take that as a suggestion to do that or assuming that I think that would be okay, because I don't. I am just pointing out that you are waiving a stick with no force behind it.

    Not to mention:
    1. How long will it be before someone figures out how to dummy a bogus de-encryption key?
    2. Or sets up a recursive subroutine that intercepts the key transmit and sends back a false okay?
    3. Or pirates someone's legitimate key? (And how will that innocent person prove​​​ that it wasn't them? And will they loose access to their content because they are presumed guilty?)
    4. Or, even simpler, just cracks the encryption and hosts the de-encrypted files?​

    In the end, the pirates end up with better versions of the content then the legitimate users because it is all unlocked.

    Have you considered trying to beat the pirates at their own game? If you are concerned with torrents, then download some of the active ones. Record the IP addresses that are also downloading (not hard to do) and cross reference the prime seeder with your own IP logs. If it is a legitimate customer, you now have a pretty good case for who it is.

    Or create your own bogus torrent with DAZ content in it, but cripple the content. Put a timer in the content that locks the content after X number of days. Or offers an incentive to buy the content legitimately.

    I work in IT security. I know there is a problem. I know there is very little chance your scheme is going to even dent it. Smarter people have been working at this for years now and no one has a good answer.

    For every one person you have working security 40 hours a week, there are thousands of people actively working to break said measures.

This discussion has been closed.