Daz Studio 4.9 Beta Now Available..



  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    DAZ_Rawb said:
    Novica said:

    Oh, I have a headache. 


    "While there may be products in the future that are only installable through Daz Connect (possibly only for a limited time) all current products and many, many future products will be and remain available through unencrypted zips in DIM and the product library. "

    ISN'T THAT A TOTAL CHANGE IN WHAT WAS SAID- one of you guys said DIM would be phased out or gradually replaced? So now you're saying DIM is not going to go away, that we can use it for all the products we currently have, to download those?

    Here's why that is important- I read that the new encrypted products are by product number. HELL NO!!!! TELL ME AINT SO!!!! When I download files as a backup, I put them on an external harddrive, and I make folders for every single one BY PRODUCT TITLE. I can't be bothered to track down the product number to find a file. Has to be alphabetical! The files right now might not have the exact title, but near perfect, so I can look at the file and type a folder up, like presto! All my files are in alphabetical order .If I ever had to manually install a product, I can go to "Awesome Dress" in the "A's" and find it immediately. I absolutely shudder at thinking these future products are by product number only. No one else has even commented on that!

    So tell me how this would work- in DIM, I download the products and do NOT check the install after download. I move them to a different folder so when I refresh DIM, they are all back in que to be installed, it doesn't recognize they've been downloaded as they're gone from that folder. I can then download again and this time, click install after download and they are in my studio. (I know I can also make a new folder in DIM for that, then switch it back to the folder that goes to the studio.)

    With using the studio to install things, am I able to setup a different folder to send my backups to, then if I refresh the studio and change that folder, install them again? I'm SO not techical, but that's how I figure it would have to work. Regardless, it appears I will have to look up every blasted SKU to see what file is what product? YUCK.

    So, is DIM sticking around now forever? Cause that's a change from what was first posted. (And helps a LOT)  

    Being able to download unencrypted zips for your current products is planned to be available forever, when those purchases were made even though it isn't explicitly stated in the EULA you purchased with the assumption that you could get that unencrypted zip. Changing the rules post-purchase is just not something a nice company does and I like to think we are a nice company. DIM will still be usable for many years to come, I'm not going to give it the forever guarantee because it does require some additional server resources and the like so if the usage drops to infinitesimal levels we may take those servers offline.

    Novica said:


    I've seen this asked a few times- it's my understanding from the first 10 pages of the thread (somewhere in there) that whatever we have installed with DIM is going to a different location that what the new Studio installs to, so I am lost on a few things. (which didn't get answered in part)

    1. If Dim installed content is stored separately from Connect content that is downloaded- is the studio using both? Or will DIM stuff have to be downloaded again?

    Specifically to prevent Daz Connect from overwriting or interfering with DIM installed content everything that it installs loads into the "/data/cloud/" directory of your first mapped path. There will probably be some better configuration for that later, but for this beta that is where it goes. DIM content is still totally usable in 4.9, no need to redownload everything. If you have both versions installed (so you have Poser/Carrara support while still getting the instant fixes from Daz Connect) Daz Studio prefers content from the Daz Connect version.

    Novica said:

    2. Why, when first connecting, does the studio have to download ALL PRODUCTS metadata? Many people have over 10,000 products. What are you talking about for people with 6,000 products or more so far as time and storage on their computer? And I'm confused about metadata- sorry about this- but downloading the metadata, that isn't the same as downloading the files, right? Why would I need the metadata to all my products, if I'm not installing them right away? I have 3,000 installed in my studio, but that's only part of them. Why do I need the metadata put on my computer?  I can't possibly download the metadata for all my products. Can't there be an option /  fix for people who have more than average amount of products? 

    I answer the metadata question, hopefully to your satisfaction here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/935961/#Comment_935961

    Novica said:

    Lastly, from what I understand, the encryption key is per account, not machine. One comment mentioned having different ones for different machines, and I dont think that's right. You can only be online using one machine at a time, but can have the same studio setup on different machines. As said, you connect once to download/sync, then can stay offline if you want to, therefore using different machines with the one key. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    While the in-memory version of the key is the same for your account regardless of the machine, which allows for copying the encrypted files between machines, the stored version of that key is encrypted using a key generated from machine specific data. Also, the limit of one machine online at a time is the bare minimum that we will allow, depending on what IP address they are coming from and some other factors on your account (like, has your account been around for a long time) most users will be able to connect more than once.

    Some good stuff here, TY.

    Anyway, bed time. surprise

  • I've spent not only thousands but tens of thousands dollars in the DAZ store (just for fun - no commercial use).

    For me there's only one thing to say: I'm not willing to buy DRM protected (encrypted) content
    because I had some bad experience with such stuff in the past.

    Also sorry for the PA's who defend the new DAZ policy. I have a doubt that this will increase sales.

  • Rawb if you're still here I have a question? I downloaded and installed 4.9 beta but haven't opened it up yet. Will I still need to use Connect with your "1995 workaround"? Or will it be done another way?

    And thank you again for hearing us! smiley

  • DAZ_Rawb said:

    While the in-memory version of the key is the same for your account regardless of the machine, which allows for copying the encrypted files between machines, the stored version of that key is encrypted using a key generated from machine specific data. Also, the limit of one machine online at a time is the bare minimum that we will allow, depending on what IP address they are coming from and some other factors on your account (like, has your account been around for a long time) most users will be able to connect more than once.

    So, will it be possible to get a key for a machine which never, under any circumstances goes online?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Thanks Rawb. I'm going to give it a try and actually connect to see what happens. That means a hulluva lot of metadata coming my way. If you folks hear a loud Ka-Boom! then you'll know my computer exploded. 


  • MorpheonMorpheon Posts: 738
    CypherFOX said:
    Zev0 answered this best.  A faster, more reliable way of finding things in my 216G library is exactly what the user experience side of this is all about.

    And that can be done without the encryption. Any updated library features will be the sugar-coating to the DRM bitter pill.

    CypherFOX said:
    But maybe you have been given the truth; that it's all of these things.  Automating downloads and Smart Content management inside the application is about making it so folks can find the things they've bought easier.  Downloading directly to the install locations (no zips) is about speeding up the user experience for updates.  Encrypting the content at rest on disk is about foiling the pirates.  All of these things are true, and they all work together.


    Automated downloads, Smart Content (what a misnomer), and downloading files to install locations are fine features for those who want them, but many of us do not, and it's great that they're optional (for now, anyways). Again, you can do all of that without the encryption.

    CypherFOX said:
    They've been pretty outspoken that export still works; the primary reason (if I can guess) is that exported objects don't contain all the rigging, relationships, and other pieces that make the product more than just an object, so if someone 'steals' the exported content, it's lower quality than what you can get from DAZ directly.

    It works FOR NOW. I'm not seeing any kind of commitment to keeping it working beyond the immediate future, and there's plenty of incentive for DAZ to scuttle it entirely. (Purely for the sake of combating piracy, of course.) A pirate can buy one of Stonemason's sets (no morphs, no rigging) from DAZ with encryption for $40 (full price, no discount) OR they can download an exported OBJ with texture files and no encryption from a warez site for free. Hmm -- tough choice. And very possible if DAZ leaves in the ability to export to other apps. As for more complex items (Michael 7, for example), even a limited version for free with no encryption might be more tempting than paying for the fully-functional version with DRM from the DAZ store. (And believe me, it WILL be, for some, should anyone make it available -- which I'm betting they will).

    But -- as I've already pointed out -- that likely WON'T be the method the pirates opt for, anyways. They'll go with the tried-and-true: hack the app, not the content -- the app's where the real limitation will be, anyways. (That is, the ability to use the content at all without a valid encryption key -- everything else is just gravy.)

    Actually, I CAN get onboard the idea of cloud-base render-for-fee -- I wasn't implying that that was a bad thing in itself. What I can also see happening, though, is that DAZ then restricts us a to crippled renderer in an effort to push us to use that cloud-based render service (since the ability to export scenes to other rendering apps -- including Reality/Lux and Octane -- will likely have been stripped out). Or the excuse then becomes "licensing doesn't allow us to distribute a fully-featured renderer as we have customarily have done, so if you want a full render, please enter your credit card number now."

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,677

    Being able to download unencrypted zips for your current products is planned to be available forever, when those purchases were made even though it isn't explicitly stated in the EULA you purchased with the assumption that you could get that unencrypted zip. Changing the rules post-purchase is just not something a nice company does and I like to think we are a nice company. DIM will still be usable for many years to come, I'm not going to give it the forever guarantee because it does require some additional server resources and the like so if the usage drops to infinitesimal levels we may take those servers offline.

    Well that is good news if true. But at least once I have been made to check a new EULA to be able to redownload old purchased content, so it wouldn't be the first time the rules have been changed post-purchase lol.   

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    DAZ_Rawb said:
    Being able to download unencrypted zips for your current products is planned to be available forever,

     That's good to know. It would have been even better to know it clearly from the beginning.

    DAZ_Rawb said:
    Specifically to prevent Daz Connect from overwriting or interfering with DIM installed content everything that it installs loads into the "/data/cloud/" directory of your first mapped path. There will probably be some better configuration for that later, but for this beta that is where it goes.

     I get the feeling this is "have we thought this through properly?" take two. Some sample questions to consider — What happens to people using the beta who did the full re-download, if you do reconfigure the Connect data setup? Will everything be re-re-downloaded? Will the files in /data/cloud/ be automagically moved, or left orphaned and taking up HD space?

    Okay, a lot of my most critical questions about Connect (considering I'll never use it) have been satisfied enough for me to go ahead and use 4.9 when it comes out of beta. Not before then, though, I don't do betas. Better make sure you've thought of all the "they'll never set up their content like this" scenarios...

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

    I guess no-one has found the Carrara developers yet no

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817
    Stezza said:

    I guess no-one has found the Carrara developers yet no

    As I've said before, smart developers steer clear of threads like this. I'm just not that smart. 

  • Velvet GoblinVelvet Goblin Posts: 532
    edited October 2015
    CypherFOX said:

    You don't have to use it (vote with your dollars if it even ever becomes an issue), but arguing that because you don't like it, everybody should just GET USED to having more people steal their work than buy it...that's obscene.

    --  Morgan


    As a photographer, I have had to get used to being told that there is *no way* to prevent copyright infringement of photos that I make available to other people. I can make it slightly more difficult, or more inconvenient, and I can limit the resolutions I make publicly available. But the moment I send a file to someone else, it's out of my control. And there is nothing, NOTHING, I can do except register my work and actually sue people and web hosts who willfully infringe my IP.

    Pretending that there is a solution to this problem -- or trying to soothe frayed emotions by suggesting that even a partial solution will be in any way effective -- isn't doing anyone a service. The truth is that if you can't handle seeing your work infringed, being a freelancer is the wrong business for you -- because unless your work is utter rubbish, it will happen. I'm not saying that you must resign yourself to it. But I do think that there are a couple of things an artist or freelancer can do that would probably be more beneficial to your business and your mental health. 1. Talk to a copyright attorney, and learn how to pick your battles. 2. Accept that your work will be infringed and in many cases there is nothing you can do about those specific instances. 3. Get politically active and take on search engines, web hosts, whoever you believe is enabling infringement.

    Retailers hate shoplifting. That is a kind of theft that results in actual, calculable loss, as something tangible that cost money is gone. And retailers do as much as they can to prevent shoplifting. But no retailer can completely eliminate all external AND internal theft of inventory. And any retailer who lets their anger get the better of them over these losses will not be in business long. For retailers, it is a cost of doing business. Why on earth e-tailers should feel themselves somehow immune to such problems is beyond my comprehension. It is what is, folks, and getting too self-righteously outraged is only going to shorten your life, not improve it.

    Edit: All that said, I like Rawb's long response -- and the movie references. :) I also don't blame Daz one bit for attempting this, and it's quite surprising that they're actually going so far as to get customer input. Rawb's right: as far as DRM goes, what they're suggesting is about as mild as can be expected. I think it's unnecessary and probably mostly pointless -- BUT I am not a Daz executive or stockholder. It's not my place to decide what a business should do to protect its IP or even just to soothe the nerves of its employees/contracted artists/ or investors. But I do object to being told that being against DRM is tantamount to siding with copyright infringers. That's a blatantly false and inflammatory thing to say. C'mon, Morgan. Get real. We are all paying customers here. And as customers we are, regardless of our opinions, on the same side. :)

    Post edited by Velvet Goblin on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    I downloaded the Beta, and in the store section, it's showing PC Anniversary Bundle 3 at $80.10 instead of $9.95. Interestingly enough, the Fog product is correct, the Birth of the Wicked, and all other products around it are correct. It says at the top Logout so I assume I am logged in.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,238
    edited October 2015

    You might check again, I see the prices fine....though this is off-topic for the thread, unless you mean other than in the store.

    Post edited by Cris Palomino on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Probably means using the store connection within Studio...

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874
    edited October 2015

    You might check again, I see the prices fine....though this is off-topic for the thread, unless you mean other than in the store.

    I'm talking about in the studio 4.9.  I logged in and out several times BTW.  

    EDIT: I shut down the store twice (clicked off the tab) and the third time it worked, showing $9.95. This isn't exactly a confidence booster so far as using the store in the studio 4.9

    Post edited by Novica on
  • pearbearpearbear Posts: 227

    @DAZ_Rawb, I'm addressing this to you because you seem game for trying to soothe people's fears here, and I'm very worried that if encryption to future DAZ content becomes standard it will mean the end of me being a DAZ customer (I like buying from DAZ and don't want that to happen). My main concern (based on various troubles I've had with anti-piracy measures in other software) is that content/software I buy from anywhere (not just DAZ) that is encrypted and requires a key for every legal installation introduces the possiblity that at some point I will migrate to new hardware, and for whatever reason (such as the company changing hands, changing policies, or shuttering their doors) I can't get a new decryption key. The introduction of DRM to DAZ content would make it something I couldn't rely on in the long-term, and therefore would greatly change my spending habits here. I spend several thousand dollars a year here, somewhat secure in the knowledge that my content is backed up on my hard drives and I'll be able to access it on any machine I want to in the future, even if DAZ's company disappears one day. Over the years, this adds up to a significant chunk of change. I can't see myself buying thousands of dollars of content which relies on DAZ to send me a key every time I get a new computer for the rest of my life. That would be a foolish investment in my mind, since there is a definite possibility that DAZ users will live longer than the company DAZ will.

    If I continue spending here for the next ten years in the way that I have been, I could easily get $100,000 into it. However, I would never spend that kind of money on something that could one day just POOF be gone in some unforeseen future eventuality where decryption of the content becomes unavailable to me. Companies come and go every year. If I'm only allowed access to future DAZ content so long as DAZ exists to give out new keys, I'd expect to pay a far lower price for that more limited and potentially one day unusable product, like 90% off or it just ain't happening for me.

    I'm sticking with relatively future-proof content that I can back up indefinitely and don't need to seek permission to use after the initial purchase. I hope people at DAZ understand this point of view. I have nothing against anti-piracy philosophically or personally, and I have the utmost respect for the PAs in here who are defending this move by DAZ, but I simply can't afford to spend this kind of money on content that feels like it has a built in self-destruct feature where if the company closes, my content can no longer migrate to a new machine. Maybe I could spend a few bucks here and there with that kind of risk, but I could no longer justify to myself spending thousands a year.

    Anyway, Rawb or someone else, I hope you can make me feel better about this, cause it looks kind of dire to me.

  • Isn't providing an unencrypted product Zip file of drop and play content. A little like parking your car out the front of a halfway house with the windows down and the keys in the ignition with a little sign on the seat saying "Please don't steal me."? ...

  • ImagoImago Posts: 5,069

    Mimic 3.1 works Victoria 4 and Michael 4 as well, and Mimic 3.1 Pro works on those plus any other Poser 7 (or lower) figures that you have vismes set up for them. 

    Mimic Pro for Carrara works on all the the Poser figures which work in Carrara (Poser 7 or earlier), that have visme's or that you can create vismes for, Genesis, Genesis 2 Female and Genesis 2 Male and any Carrara native content that you have vismes set up for it.  

    The license for the engine for both Mac and Windows is a license for the 32 bit version of the engine. The company that the license was obtained from never did a 64 bit version of the engine.


    Are you aware we reached the generation 7? I use mainly Genesis 1/2 not V4!

    Mimic 3.1 totally lacks of support for Genesis 1/2/3 and the free plugins you can find online works only with LipSync in the 32bit version of DAZ, since in Mimic 3.1 you can't use them due the lacking of a working 3D model for it.

    Basically you are telling me "Buy Carrara and Mimic Pro because it's the only way you can make speech animation in a 64bit environment".

    Can't they just create a plugin for Mimic 3?

    Anyway better stop here, we are going OT...

  • RCTSpankyRCTSpanky Posts: 850
    edited October 2015

    If there is any key nessecary to use DAZ content it's only a matter of time, since Key generators are available. What you get is a little time, nothing more. DAZ should save the money for this protection things and invest more in really needed features, like dynamic hair and clothes tools.

    Meanwhile i understand users, who always use older versions. I think DAZ 4.8 will be on my computer forever.

    Post edited by RCTSpanky on
  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,235
    edited October 2015

    Why do people lock their houses when they go out, when all a burglar needs is a tool as complex as a rock to gain entry?

    Seems like leaving it unlocked and doors wide open would make more sense, then you would only need to replace your stolen posessions and not worry about replacing the smashed window or busted locks as well...

    Post edited by Design Anvil - Razor42 on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    DAZ_Rawb said:
    Stezza said:

    I guess no-one has found the Carrara developers yet no

    As I've said before, smart developers steer clear of threads like this. I'm just not that smart. 

    Well, you might prefer the alternative, that someone always draws the short straw; Murphy at work /nod

    pearbear said:

    @DAZ_Rawb, I'm addressing this to you because you seem game for trying to soothe people's fears here, and I'm very worried that if encryption to future DAZ content becomes standard it will mean the end of me being a DAZ customer (I like buying from DAZ and don't want that to happen). My main concern (based on various troubles I've had with anti-piracy measures in other software) is that content/software I buy from anywhere (not just DAZ) that is encrypted and requires a key for every legal installation introduces the possiblity that at some point I will migrate to new hardware, and for whatever reason (such as the company changing hands, changing policies, or shuttering their doors) I can't get a new decryption key. The introduction of DRM to DAZ content would make it something I couldn't rely on in the long-term, and therefore would greatly change my spending habits here. I spend several thousand dollars a year here, somewhat secure in the knowledge that my content is backed up on my hard drives and I'll be able to access it on any machine I want to in the future, even if DAZ's company disappears one day. Over the years, this adds up to a significant chunk of change. I can't see myself buying thousands of dollars of content which relies on DAZ to send me a key every time I get a new computer for the rest of my life. That would be a foolish investment in my mind, since there is a definite possibility that DAZ users will live longer than the company DAZ will.

    If I continue spending here for the next ten years in the way that I have been, I could easily get $100,000 into it. However, I would never spend that kind of money on something that could one day just POOF be gone in some unforeseen future eventuality where decryption of the content becomes unavailable to me. Companies come and go every year. If I'm only allowed access to future DAZ content so long as DAZ exists to give out new keys, I'd expect to pay a far lower price for that more limited and potentially one day unusable product, like 90% off or it just ain't happening for me.

    I'm sticking with relatively future-proof content that I can back up indefinitely and don't need to seek permission to use after the initial purchase. I hope people at DAZ understand this point of view. I have nothing against anti-piracy philosophically or personally, and I have the utmost respect for the PAs in here who are defending this move by DAZ, but I simply can't afford to spend this kind of money on content that feels like it has a built in self-destruct feature where if the company closes, my content can no longer migrate to a new machine. Maybe I could spend a few bucks here and there with that kind of risk, but I could no longer justify to myself spending thousands a year.

    Anyway, Rawb or someone else, I hope you can make me feel better about this, cause it looks kind of dire to me.

    Folks keep making the same point, or similar, and while there has been some good feedback: I'm still waiting. The killer for me, is logging onto a server to proved what I own is mine. Yes I own it, just like I own a book; there are restrictions on what I can do with the content, but the book I own. If I don't take care of it, then I lose it, but that is down to me (yes I am responsible not someone else). Whereas this system takes that responsibility away from me, even with the assurances made of there always being downloads; always is a long time. And as stated, all there has to be is a break in that feature of a day or two and we could be impacted.

    Those that don't make backups are leaving the responsibility with someone else; there choice.

    Those of us that make backups, well we're having that option changed (not exactly removed anymore) and then being told its for our benefit. angry

    You made adjustments, but we're waiting on one critical one.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,562

    To those who are saying they will never intall 4.9, once those products start appearing in the store with a little C for Connect icon in the bottom corner, they might quickly change their minds. It will be either change over or go without.

    And the push marketing approach of having products appear in the 4.9 software itself will have great appeal for the impulsive buyer.

    At least I think this is what Daz in banking on anyway. Time will show if they are right in their marketing decisions.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited October 2015

    I think what should be done when the time comes is that Daz should provide a free product with DRM so people can see if and how it affects them if in anyway. I do feel most people are just fearing the worst without even seeing how the new protection system will even work.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Okay, I'm astounded. Either I am not understanding, or I am really impressed.

    I installed 4.9. My 4.8 is separate, working like a charm. (For people who had that question.)

     But I'm confused. What's the talk about a serial number? Here's what my experience was:  it had a screen that had me give my email and password, so I would connect to my account. I did. Presto. All my Smart Content was there and so was the Content Library. The store was also showing. No serial number required.

    Keep in mind I had thousands (4,160 to be exact) installed in my 4.8 studio using DIM. It took what, a minute or two to sign in and my studio was there and setup. So I am REALLY confused. When we're talking about logging in to our account and ALL PRODUCTS metadata being downloaded, did that happen? Only 4000 are DIM'ed, but that's not anywhere near all of them. So how was this up and running in literally a minute or two? Is there a way to check for the metadata? (I'm not very technical.) 

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    Novica said:

    Okay, I'm astounded. Either I am not understanding, or I am really impressed.

    I installed 4.9. My 4.8 is separate, working like a charm. (For people who had that question.)

     But I'm confused. What's the talk about a serial number? Here's what my experience was:  it had a screen that had me give my email and password, so I would connect to my account. I did. Presto. All my Smart Content was there and so was the Content Library. The store was also showing. No serial number required.

    Keep in mind I had thousands (4,160 to be exact) installed in my 4.8 studio using DIM. It took what, a minute or two to sign in and my studio was there and setup. So I am REALLY confused. When we're talking about logging in to our account and ALL PRODUCTS metadata being downloaded, did that happen? Only 4000 are DIM'ed, but that's not anywhere near all of them. So how was this up and running in literally a minute or two? Is there a way to check for the metadata? (I'm not very technical.) 

    They aren't downloaded; they will download as you use them. If you donwload them all, it will take a (errr) while. The meta data is small, or relatively in your case.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    Are people getting the Public Build or the Beta? Is there a difference?

  • DAZ_JonDAZ_Jon Posts: 582
    nicstt said:

    The killer for me, is logging onto a server to proved what I own is mine.

    There seems to be a little bit of a misconception about this. You log into the server to get your key essentially that can decrypt data. You can install (getting a relationship file that is encrypted by your key) for every product you can save and use offline, or connect and get it online, essentially. This is almost exactly how DIM works except DIM is online only and it will work for any IM zip file even those someone may not legally own. But in order to download and install your content, be it through the store, through DIM, or now directly in Studio, it always checks if you own it. What the encryption does is make it harder than literally copying up the zip file they downloaded without any modifications for people to get copies that will work out to distribute. 

    People can still edit files if they really want to, although it is more laborious to get to it. We identified a way to do that which we'll go into when we get things a bit more polished so for those that really want to tweak the source, you can. The only thing which is harder now is manually categorizing your content in a file structure. Its been highly recommended not to move files around for a long time now, but we're going to have some discussions this week and early next week on some quality of life things we might be able do to accomidate those even though every developer of studio thinks it is silly to do it that way compared to categories or smart content.

    The harder issue is this one, and one not a lot have asked but has been part of our internal discussions since day 1...

    pearbear said:

    My main concern (based on various troubles I've had with anti-piracy measures in other software) is that content/software I buy from anywhere (not just DAZ) that is encrypted and requires a key for every legal installation introduces the possiblity that at some point I will migrate to new hardware, and for whatever reason (such as the company changing hands, changing policies, or shuttering their doors) I can't get a new decryption key.

    What happens if a Godzilla attacks Salt Lake and our entire system collapses and is unrecoverable and it is impossible to get your customer key again? That part is a lot harder and requires a degree of trust because we can't say anything about it that we can actually show you "hey, here is the solution right here" and isn't an applicable thing until you guys can start buying content which is Daz Connect only. The rough plan up to this point is a poison pill. We don't know if it is going to be in a policy form or technology form or both. It is still in the planning stages on exactly how we implement it. The basic idea is if Daz goes away completely, which we have no plans to go away and it isn't looking like that will be the case anytime soon, everything will be unlocked or released without the encryption. 

    Now I'll go to sleep and wait for the comments on how that doesn't mean anything unless you can show it, which we can't other than saying "yeah, we have something for that" and won't be able to realistically show or distribute it unless that sort of event happens. For those that are a little trusting and not prone to chase logical fallacies down the slippery slope to figure out our "true intentions" and how evil we are (seriously, some of the conspiracy-like theories that some have come up with on this literally made us laugh out loud), this sort of thing has been part of the discussion internally since day 1 and something we will either have in place or the policy in place before public release, depending if it is a technical solution or policy solution.. even though the techincal solution would still require part of a policy solution to be distributed in that instance.

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,238
    Novica said:

    You might check again, I see the prices fine....though this is off-topic for the thread, unless you mean other than in the store.

    I'm talking about in the studio 4.9.  I logged in and out several times BTW.  

    EDIT: I shut down the store twice (clicked off the tab) and the third time it worked, showing $9.95. This isn't exactly a confidence booster so far as using the store in the studio 4.9

    I hadn't found the store tab till now.  However, as stated, this is a beta.


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    Why do people lock their houses when they go out, when all a burglar needs is a tool as complex as a rock to gain entry?

    Seems like leaving it unlocked and doors wide open would make more sense, then you would only need to replace your stolen posessions and not worry about replacing the smashed window or busted locks as well...

    I lock the doors and windows... And set the alarm. wink

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,065
    edited October 2015

    The public build is the beta. Daz releases different types of beta's. Eg a public build is for the public to try out and give feedback, a publishing build is one that is stable to create content off. So for us PA's who want to develop using 4.9, we have to wait for the publishing build beta.  

    Public Build - This channel is where the builds that are not considered stable yet are provided for testing by the general public.  This channel typically provides a build that is in the BETA phase of development, but technically can provide a build in the ALPHA phase.

    Publishing Build - This channel is where builds that are not considered ready for General Release, but are considered stable enough to introduce into a production environment by early adopters, are provided our Published Artists.  This channel typically provides a build that is in the BETA or Release Candidate (RC) phase of development.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
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