Daz Studio 4.9 Beta Now Available..



  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664
    edited October 2015

    Can you please provide the ticket numbers for these bugs so I can check their actual status for you? 



    Note they were both deemed :Solved as either a known issue or a "told the dev team about it"

    I don't have a bug report number for the camera control or the sluggishness as they are both common complaints I (perhaps wrongly) assumed they'd been reported previously (see "Closed because we're already aware of issue" above)


    EDIT: Just in case, I have now sent in a report on the camera issue (#203972). So if it hasn't been on the books yet, it is now.

    Edit 2: reply to the camera report: We are aware of the issue and are looking into the cause. Sorry for the frustration.

    Which certianly is not "we've fixed what is probably the #1 performance problem with our software in our new update."

    Post edited by Scavenger on
  • DAZ_VinceDAZ_Vince Posts: 114
    edited October 2015

    I thought I would jump in to address some of the concerns as the FAQ is quite long and there have been lots of assumptions made. This post is also quite long but hopefully will clear up a lot of concerns and questions.

    The most important comment to make is that Daz Connect is optional. We fully expected experienced users that like hacking files on disk and organizing through folder structures would be furious at the idea of a system that handles it for you, so we made it completely optional. Yes, you can still download zip files and you can still install them through Daz Install Manager (DIM). You can still move those around on disk, and nothing is encrypted, and it works as it did in 4.8. Only 4.9 is better because we also fixed bugs, revved up 3Delight, Iray and OpenSubdiv to make things generally faster and more stable.

    The other thing we tackled is a better user experience for purchasing, installing and updating files through a cloud delivery system (Daz Connect). This is spectacularly useful for getting new users who expect things to simply work, like Steam. A new generation of users like to buy things in-app and the idea of a separate installer application is too complex and causes adoption issues. More users means more PA's making more revenue and more content and ultimately grows the community to the benefit of all users. This redesigned workflow with the ability to connect to a server allows us to fix all those bad images and categorizations, even on older products, and essentially give the user a much better experience. It's important to note that users still can add all their own categorization, even completely ignoring ours if they want. Nothing is being forced on users. Again, hardcore users that have specific drive structures aren't forced to use smart content, but for all those users who don't care about files on disk, this workflow makes using Daz Studio much easier.

    ​Now, on to encryption. Currently all products provided by Daz are available as un-encrypted ZIP files online. The sad truth is that hours after a product is released a few hundred people buy it and a few million infringe the copyright. For this reason, we have implemented a system that allows us to encrypt content downloaded through the application rather than provide a file that can be instantly posted online for all to copy. First and foremost we are a reseller of content that is built by an artist community, and protecting their products is a capability we now offer. For most users this encryption is completely invisible, it's similar to downloaded games through Steam and we even made sure not to encrypt images as they are often modified by even novice users. We also made sure existing workflows to move files around, download from different machines and “sneaker-net” files all remained possible. Some of this functionality is still in the works, but planned to be in the final 4.9 release.

    Again, I’d like to re-iterate, everything that worked in 4.8 still works, 4.9 still supports DIM and if you don’t use the web delivery system you will have no encrypted content. Installing 4.9 will auto migrate (make your content show up, not convert it in any way) and with no effort you will have access to all your 4.8 installed content in 4.9 as well. You can stop there and use Daz Studio 4.9 without ever logging in. If you decide to log in, you will get a metadata update for all the products in your account, this will fix some categorization issues and update product images. Installed products that are from different vendors or from Daz that aren’t attached to your account won’t get new metadata but will remain untouched and functional. If you choose to embrace Daz Connect there is a conversion process where you will be re-installing your products through the web services but you do this once and from then on all updates become much smaller, what used to be entire new .zip files for a simple metadata change turns into 10kb of updates through Daz Connect. This gives us the ability to finally fix all the bad metadata and missing icons, making searching for content a much better experience.

    If you use Bridges for apps, you can use Daz Connect as the Bridge gets its data through Daz Studio and is therefore decrypted on export. If you use Carrara or DSON Importer, do NOT use Daz Connect to install your products, keep using DIM as you did in 4.8. That workflow is still valid and remains functional. You can even make use of the filtered store inside Daz Studio 4.9 to make purchases and instead of installing your new products through Daz Connect, go install them through DIM to get the unencrypted .ZIP files for your archives and maintain DSON Importer functionality with them. As mentionned in the FAQ, file export remains unchanged and exports un-encrypted content to your favorite applications (even if the source was installed through Daz Connect).

    If you really hate using a search engine for your content (Smart Content) and really love organizing folders on your hard-drive, keep doing that and do NOT use Daz Connect. The Daz Connect services are there for the other 90% of users that don’t care how files are organized on disk and just want to buy and install content from inside the application, get suggestions for specific content categories as they work or want an automatic way to install the products they need to load a scene file without carrying a library of zips around with them.

    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect. When this will be, or which products it will be, has not been decided (and won’t be decided by engineering). For many contributing artists the content they sell is their livelihood and we realize that no one likes DRM but the ability to protect our community’s content is a valuable feature to attract more artists. Our task is to address these concerns in the least obtrusive way and if you give 4.9 a try I think you will realize to what level we care about our experienced hard-core users.

    ​Thanks for making it to this point, I hope this helps clarify some of your concerns.


    Post edited by rbtwhiz on
  • Jan19Jan19 Posts: 1,109
    DAZ_Rawb said:
    Jan19 said:

    If I could ask one more question, then I'll shut up.  In My Library, I dispensed with the main Content folder, so I just have all the subfolders in My Library.  I don't know why I did that.  To get rid of the extra tab, I guess.  Anyway, to use the new 4.9 with the Connect/Install system, do I need to reinstall items into a Library with a main Content folder?  Copying stuff over to a new Content folder won't work.  I just tried that.


    In order for them to be converted to Daz Connect enabled products without redownloading all of the files would have to be in the locations that they were installed by DIM.


    Otherwise we would have to run through and hash the contents of all of the files in the content library, which for many users with multiple hundreds of gigabyte content libraries it would take far too long.

    Thank you. :-)  I haven't used the DIM in a long time though, because I can't log in.  I don't know why, and it hasn't bothered me because I can download the files, unzip, then copy/paste from Content over to My Library.  And I can't remember if the DIM put everything under a Content heading or not.  But thanks...I'll just wait and see how the new system works, then go from there. 

    My Library IS the main content folder.   There should not be a folder named Content in the My Library folder.

    And that is one of the prime reasons for broken content...it's called nesting and doesn't work.

    Good.  :-)  If there should just be subfolders in My Library, I'm in good shape!

  • DAZ_Vince said:
    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect.

    And that's what we're taking issue with.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    1. "If you decide to log in, you will get a metadata update for all the products in your account, this will fix some categorization issues and update product images."

    Okay, what exactly does that mean? ALL THE PRODUCTS IN YOUR ACCOUNT- for people with 10,000 products like one poster, is his computer getting dinged with that bandwidth usage?  I am so not technical- but am I reading that right- the metadata update is a download that he has no choice of, the next time he is online with the studio that happens?

    2. "If you choose to embrace Daz Connect there is a conversion process where you will be re-installing your products through the web services but you do this once and from then on all updates become much smaller"

    HUH? I have to re-install ALL my products?  Do you mean even if I don't have them IN the studio and using them, everything in my DIM has to be re-installed? (and on my bandwidth usage?) 

    I'm so lost it isn't funny. And yes, I've read everything. I do agree that stopping piracy is important, but I also have to have usable folders on my external harddrive for backups- it wasn't long ago that your site was DOWN and people could not get to their content at all. FOR TWO DAYS.  And that's before this cloud mess.  From what I've read, we'll have folders, but with encrypted stuff, and that doesn't bother me if it helps the vendors. But I want to know about 1 and 2, because with thousands of products, this may be a deal breaker for me. Thanks for your help, and sorry I am not "getting" this.


  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,781

    That is also the point where I will have to say a complete goodbye  to Daz. sad

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    THIS. Absolutely THIS.

    Like SnowSultan, I manually organize my content, I rename folders to something a bit more logical, and I don't use Smart Content at all. I know EXACTLY where everything is in my vast runtime because of my own organization "rules". I most definitely do NOT want to be FORCED to have to use Smart Content, or be FORCED to have those folders that are installed, remain the same name.  

    These new developments are a bit confusing all right. Like Acanthis said, worlds will be destroyed if people like he and I - myself having manually organized my content for 15 years - either have our folder structures altered or are forced to use Smart Content from here on out. I like using DIM, but I move everything that it installs into logically named folders because it is IMPOSSIBLE to find anything manually otherwise.

    Not going to panic or badmouth these new cloud advancements, but I'll definitely hold off on upgrading for a bit.


  • Nyghtfall said:
    DAZ_Vince said:
    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect.

    And that's what we're taking issue with.

    For a minute I thought we were going to kiss and make up... and then the other shoe dropped. :(


  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    DAZ_Vince said:

     As mentionned in the FAQ, file export remains unchanged and exports un-encrypted content to your favorite applications (even if the source was installed through Daz Connect).


    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect. When this will be, or which products it will be, has not been decided (and won’t be decided by engineering).


    I do not use Daz Studio, I use Carrara.

    Presently when I purchase content I can load it directly into a Carrara scene via the Carrara browser.

    In the future, when content purchased from the Daz store is only provided in Daz Connect format, It will be unusable by Carrara directly (mainly due to the encryption, I would believe). Is there an update in the works for Carrara to allow Daz Connect content usage?

    If not, will I be able to export Daz Connect content from Daz Studio in an unencripted format, readable by Carrara and retaining poseability and texturing? This seems to be what you are saying. But since I don't use Daz Studio I am unfamiliar with its exporting capabilities in regards to Carrara. I would be very upset if I lost the ability to pose figures in Carrara.


  • ScavengerScavenger Posts: 2,664
    DAZ_Vince said:

    ​Now, on to encryption. Currently all products provided by Daz are available as un-encrypted ZIP files online. The sad truth is that hours after a product is released a few hundred people buy it and a few million infringe the copyright.

    While I appreciate the desire/need to prevent piracy, exactly how many times do content companies need to make things worse for honest customers to at most temporarily inconvnience people who are going to figure out how to circumvent those "protections"  with ease.  It's a model that just doesn't work. Here's a hint...Apple stopped using DRM years ago.

    Make a good core program, fix the problems, offer good content at reasonable prices..that's how you build a market.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817
    Novica said:

    1. "If you decide to log in, you will get a metadata update for all the products in your account, this will fix some categorization issues and update product images."

    Okay, what exactly does that mean? ALL THE PRODUCTS IN YOUR ACCOUNT- for people with 10,000 products like one poster, is his computer getting dinged with that bandwidth usage?  I am so not technical- but am I reading that right- the metadata update is a download that he has no choice of, the next time he is online with the studio that happens?

    When you first go online it does sync metadata and thumbnails for all products. Fortunately the thumbnail is very small (around 8kB) and a compressed version of the metadata which is a bit larger (25kB). This does add up to some data if you are up to the ten thousand product range, but fortunately even this is cached in the data/cloud directory so if you restore from a backup (or copy it to a new machine) it will only need to fetch anything that was updated.

    Novica said:

    2. "If you choose to embrace Daz Connect there is a conversion process where you will be re-installing your products through the web services but you do this once and from then on all updates become much smaller"

    HUH? I have to re-install ALL my products?  Do you mean even if I don't have them IN the studio and using them, everything in my DIM has to be re-installed? (and on my bandwidth usage?) 

    I'm so lost it isn't funny. And yes, I've read everything. I do agree that stopping piracy is important, but I also have to have usable folders on my external harddrive for backups- it wasn't long ago that your site was DOWN and people could not get to their content at all. FOR TWO DAYS.  And that's before this cloud mess.  From what I've read, we'll have folders, but with encrypted stuff, and that doesn't bother me if it helps the vendors. But I want to know about 1 and 2, because with thousands of products, this may be a deal breaker for me. Thanks for your help, and sorry I am not "getting" this.


    We have planned a feature to pull files over from their DIM installed locations so they can be updated through Daz Connect, but in the current beta the only way to hand a product over to Daz Connect is to totally reinstall it. Not ideal we are aware, fortunately the DIM content will work great without having to switch it to being managed with Daz Connect.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    The other thing- I use DIM to find my products. I click the "i" and zip to the readme- I don't have to have the product number to go find it. Unless they are going to put a link to the readme on all the product pages, it would be nice to keep the DIM. Or build that feature into this new strategy of doing things- where you can go to the ReadMe of a product and it will tell you where the darned thing is located. (And Smart Content is a mess- I remember things disappearing when you clicked out in the viewport, and you had to go click back through to get back to where you were.) 

  • RenpatsuRenpatsu Posts: 828

    The points I am mostly having issues with

    • Encrypting the data I actually want to edit and could so far.
    • Trying to shove meta data down my throat. So far I simply delete any meta data and prevent DIM from altering my PostgreSQL DB content. Finding something something in the meta data organised content is a huge pain (yes I tried) and so is custom organising from the meta data. Much, much easier to categorise from the file hierarchy, which won't be available for connect only products anymore.

    Again, trying to prevent privacy with the encryption won't cut it - those who want to pirate the data will still find workarounds. You basically make my life harder under the battling piracy pretense, which I do not find acceptable at all. IMHO this will probably be like how about every DRM enforcement try panned out before - a bad thing for consumers, pirates typically don't care.

    And, please, do not tell me that I can still all do that with my old data. By stating your intention to switch to this connect fully you don't give me any option.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,007
    de3an said:
    DAZ_Vince said:

     As mentionned in the FAQ, file export remains unchanged and exports un-encrypted content to your favorite applications (even if the source was installed through Daz Connect).


    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect. When this will be, or which products it will be, has not been decided (and won’t be decided by engineering).


    I do not use Daz Studio, I use Carrara.



    Has Carrara been ditched?

    a simple yes or no will suffice. angry

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817
    de3an said:
    DAZ_Vince said:

     As mentionned in the FAQ, file export remains unchanged and exports un-encrypted content to your favorite applications (even if the source was installed through Daz Connect).


    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect. When this will be, or which products it will be, has not been decided (and won’t be decided by engineering).


    I do not use Daz Studio, I use Carrara.

    Presently when I purchase content I can load it directly into a Carrara scene via the Carrara browser.

    In the future, when content purchased from the Daz store is only provided in Daz Connect format, It will be unusable by Carrara directly (mainly due to the encryption, I would believe). Is there an update in the works for Carrara to allow Daz Connect content usage?

    If not, will I be able to export Daz Connect content from Daz Studio in an unencripted format, readable by Carrara and retaining poseability and texturing? This seems to be what you are saying. But since I don't use Daz Studio I am unfamiliar with its exporting capabilities in regards to Carrara. I would be very upset if I lost the ability to pose figures in Carrara.


    I can't speak as to the future plans of Carrara, but I can say that sticking with DIM is your best option for now. There could be many options for exporting content from Daz Connect downloaded products but getting content that works directly is always going to be easier.

  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,007
    DAZ_Rawb said:
    de3an said:
    DAZ_Vince said:

     As mentionned in the FAQ, file export remains unchanged and exports un-encrypted content to your favorite applications (even if the source was installed through Daz Connect).


    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect. When this will be, or which products it will be, has not been decided (and won’t be decided by engineering).


    I do not use Daz Studio, I use Carrara.

    Presently when I purchase content I can load it directly into a Carrara scene via the Carrara browser.

    In the future, when content purchased from the Daz store is only provided in Daz Connect format, It will be unusable by Carrara directly (mainly due to the encryption, I would believe). Is there an update in the works for Carrara to allow Daz Connect content usage?

    If not, will I be able to export Daz Connect content from Daz Studio in an unencripted format, readable by Carrara and retaining poseability and texturing? This seems to be what you are saying. But since I don't use Daz Studio I am unfamiliar with its exporting capabilities in regards to Carrara. I would be very upset if I lost the ability to pose figures in Carrara.


    I can't speak as to the future plans of Carrara

    Who can?


  • I still haven't seen any answer to what will happen to POSER installers. The FAQ states that new content will eventually be migrated to connect only, what will happen to content made for Poser? Or will vendors eventually be denied making Poser versions of their products?

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,874

    "When you first go online it does sync metadata and thumbnails for all products. Fortunately the thumbnail is very small (around 8kB) and a compressed version of the metadata which is a bit larger (25kB). This does add up to some data if you are up to the ten thousand product range, but fortunately even this is cached in the data/cloud directory so if you restore from a backup (or copy it to a new machine) it will only need to fetch anything that was updated."

    I know you're going to want to smack me, (I'll duck) but when you say fortunately this is cached in the data cloud directory- are you saying when it does the sync of all my products it isn't doing it on my computer? It's doing it in the cloud? That doesn't seem right to me as you mentioned we could work offline. (Or was that if we continued to use the DIM for now?)  

    And sorry, sync what to what? The metadata to the thumbnails, or the cloud to my computer? (I probably need to duck again.) 


  • When the files are moved into cloud ( hackable content) that is why encryption is necessary.

    Sorry, about Carrara.  When you get no response regarding the future or potential you can pretty will expect... (we all know)

    I don't do "cloud servers".  I manage my own data on my own computer. 


  • de3ande3an Posts: 915
    edited October 2015
    DAZ_Rawb said:
    de3an said:
    DAZ_Vince said:

     As mentionned in the FAQ, file export remains unchanged and exports un-encrypted content to your favorite applications (even if the source was installed through Daz Connect).


    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect. When this will be, or which products it will be, has not been decided (and won’t be decided by engineering).


    I do not use Daz Studio, I use Carrara.

    Presently when I purchase content I can load it directly into a Carrara scene via the Carrara browser.

    In the future, when content purchased from the Daz store is only provided in Daz Connect format, It will be unusable by Carrara directly (mainly due to the encryption, I would believe). Is there an update in the works for Carrara to allow Daz Connect content usage?

    If not, will I be able to export Daz Connect content from Daz Studio in an unencripted format, readable by Carrara and retaining poseability and texturing? This seems to be what you are saying. But since I don't use Daz Studio I am unfamiliar with its exporting capabilities in regards to Carrara. I would be very upset if I lost the ability to pose figures in Carrara.


    I can't speak as to the future plans of Carrara, but I can say that sticking with DIM is your best option for now. There could be many options for exporting content from Daz Connect downloaded products but getting content that works directly is always going to be easier.


    Yes, I understand that is the best option for now. But my question still stands; ...Will I be able to export Daz Connect content from Daz Studio in an unencripted format, readable by Carrara and retaining poseability and texturing?

    This would seem to be to the only present path available to get Daz Connect only content into Carrara (if it will work). So... will it?

    Post edited by de3an on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,075

    As far as I can tell this is just a way to force people to use DAZ studio if they want to use DAZ content.

    As a Carrara user I realized the honeymoon was over when G3F arrived now we are heading for the divorce court.

    Yes I do use workarounds like exporting G3F as FBX, retargeting in iClone and importing her animated in that form, she is still poseable without limits but no longer useable with any other DAZ content.

    Now we are going to face these choices with all future content from DAZ if we wish to use it, an exported prop or rigged dressed figure none of which ever work well directly in Carrara for me, FBX straight from studio is a mess I need iClone 3Dxchange to make it useable. Getting obj with textures in C8.5 is difficult, I use C8.1 for that as something got broken there too.

    Since DAZ owns Carrara and are hardly going to sell it to a compeditor, all I see is a lonely grave when the divorce turns nasty and the potential for new lovers dripping with honey from the Hive with carrara useable content looms on the horizon.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817
    Novica said:

    "When you first go online it does sync metadata and thumbnails for all products. Fortunately the thumbnail is very small (around 8kB) and a compressed version of the metadata which is a bit larger (25kB). This does add up to some data if you are up to the ten thousand product range, but fortunately even this is cached in the data/cloud directory so if you restore from a backup (or copy it to a new machine) it will only need to fetch anything that was updated."

    I know you're going to want to smack me, (I'll duck) but when you say fortunately this is cached in the data cloud directory- are you saying when it does the sync of all my products it isn't doing it on my computer? It's doing it in the cloud? That doesn't seem right to me as you mentioned we could work offline. (Or was that if we continued to use the DIM for now?)  

    And sorry, sync what to what? The metadata to the thumbnails, or the cloud to my computer? (I probably need to duck again.) 



    Novica said:

    "When you first go online it does sync metadata and thumbnails for all products. Fortunately the thumbnail is very small (around 8kB) and a compressed version of the metadata which is a bit larger (25kB). This does add up to some data if you are up to the ten thousand product range, but fortunately even this is cached in the data/cloud directory so if you restore from a backup (or copy it to a new machine) it will only need to fetch anything that was updated."

    I know you're going to want to smack me, (I'll duck) but when you say fortunately this is cached in the data cloud directory- are you saying when it does the sync of all my products it isn't doing it on my computer? It's doing it in the cloud? That doesn't seem right to me as you mentioned we could work offline. (Or was that if we continued to use the DIM for now?)  

    And sorry, sync what to what? The metadata to the thumbnails, or the cloud to my computer? (I probably need to duck again.) 


    Sorry, I refer to sync but really it is just fetching updated metadata. So from metadata to thumbnails to product files it is always fetching it from a Daz server and putting it on to your local machine.


    The "cloud" in this picture is mostly just a webserver with a bunch of encrypted files on it that Daz Connect knows how to read and load on to your machine. Not a bunch of heavy duty servers processing a bunch of content for you, just serving up pretty much the same content you get through DIM but in a slightly different way.

  • DAZ_RawbDAZ_Rawb Posts: 817

    When the files are moved into cloud ( hackable content) that is why encryption is necessary.

    Sorry, about Carrara.  When you get no response regarding the future or potential you can pretty will expect... (we all know)

    Smart developers stay away from forum threads like this. I'm just not as smart as they are.

    I don't do "cloud servers".  I manage my own data on my own computer. 


    Daz Connect is just a different way to get your content, with the upcoming offline support you can install without even being online.

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232
    DAZ_Vince said:

    The most important comment to make is that Daz Connect is optional. We fully expected experienced users that like hacking files on disk and organizing through folder structures would be furious at the idea of a system that handles it for you, so we made it completely optional.

    If it's so important, why has it taken this long — dozens of pages of confused comments in multiple threads — before we see an Official DAZ Statement™ saying exactly that? Everything I understood from reading the original posts was that an option to not use Connect did not exist.

    No comment at the moment on my firm belief that the decision to go Cloud is a hideously mistaken idea that will bite DAZ in the anatomy before too long...

  • DAZ_Vince said:

    Yes, there will be a point at which some products may be only available through Daz Connect. When this will be, or which products it will be, has not been decided (and won’t be decided by engineering). For many contributing artists the content they sell is their livelihood and we realize that no one likes DRM but the ability to protect our community’s content is a valuable feature to attract more artists. Our task is to address these concerns in the least obtrusive way and if you give 4.9 a try I think you will realize to what level we care about our experienced hard-core users.

    ​Thanks for making it to this point, I hope this helps clarify some of your concerns.


    Because in his last paragraph he says this. My bold and red. Which pretty much left us right back where we started. LOL We can do exactly what we've been doing FOR NOW.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,609

    I'm not seeing any benefits to Daz studio users from the proposed changes to be honest. Is there a carrot? I'm not celebrating losing usability, privacy and encrypted files.

  • ByrdieByrdie Posts: 1,781

    At the moment I am downloading all my Poser installers. 292 down, about 2900 more to go. When those are backed up, I'll start on the Carrara and Bryce ones, then finally the Genesis and G2 stuff. I figure I will probably need another external hard drive to hold all of it, as no way do I have enough DVDs to burn it all to. I would have done this anyway, eventually, as one never knows when one will need an installer and backups are the best way to be safe rather than sorry. Just now I gotta do it sooner because I have no confidence I won't get burned by this wonderful new idea Daz has of infesting everything to come with encryption and DRM. no

  • And to be fair Daz_Rawb says this in the other thread:

    "I have some thoughts about some potential solutions for those of you that want to manage your content like it's still 1995 ;) , I'll discuss it with the development team and see what their thoughts are and if it could be something we include either in this release or a future release."

    His actual post here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/934521/#Comment_934521


  • PDSmithPDSmith Posts: 712

    First impressions of Studio 4.9.  

    1) My God DAZ when you are you going to get it through your heads? Really? Please!  People don't look at tabs sideways. You don't go to LasVegas and see all the signs sideways? Look at all the demos, the screens shots and tutorials from the last 4 years...every one of them has tabs on top! Even your own screen shots have the tabs on top....Start us off right, don't make us go searching or asking how to fix this annoyance. Every other decent 3D program has tabs on top...Why are you?

    2) Powerpose.  You still haven't updated this plug-in since Studio 3.??? Come on folks, I would have expected you to step up and 'lift' my templates for at least G3F.  A simple asking here might surprise you....

    More to follow as I futz.






  • PDSmith said:

    1) My God DAZ when you are you going to get it through your heads? Really? Please!  People don't look at tabs sideways.

    "Orient Tabs Along Top" is under one of the Window preferences.

This discussion has been closed.