My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    Figured out that the symbol I saw on my new watch is a bluetooth symbol not anything else.  I just found the button to activate the display to show the time.

    I did remember that today is the day to get the weekly freebie and monthly PC freebie so I got them when I could. now they are not letting you use your computer?  That is pretty extreme. 

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited October 2019

    Non-complaint:  I've got much of my new computer assembled.  I decided to use the new 650w power supply instead of the old 500w one.  Two reasons. 

    1) After re-consulting the software power budget analyzer and considering basic future growth (double the memory, add a nice graphics card, additional hard drive) the budget got up to 364 watts.  Smaller than 500 but I'd feel more comfortable with a little more wiggle room.

    2) The old 500w supply has permanently wired-in cables, lots of them.  More than necessary.  Snaking everywhere.frown  Can you say "rat's nest"?  Whereas, the new 650w supply is a modular system and I don't have to have all those cables.  Which makes it easier to keep an uncluttered space in a small mATX case.yes

    I've gotten the power supply installed and cabled to all the proper places and neatly tie-wrapped out of the way and non-airflow blocking.yes

    Motherboard and output port bay bezel have been installed.yes

    Hard drives are installed (650GB and 1TB), CD/DVD r/w drive is installed, internal speaker/beeper is installed, some of the frontpanel do-dads have been connected.yes (But still haven't figured out how to connect the frontpanel's SD,  and other various types of, memory chip panelfrown)

    I'm still waiting for my CPU chip, and its cooler and the Windows10-Pro OS which won't all arrive now until Monday.indecision

    I'm waiting to install the 16GB of RAM memory until after I inspect how much room the CPU cooler will give me.  Then testing will


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,105
    kyoto kid said:

    Figured out that the symbol I saw on my new watch is a bluetooth symbol not anything else.  I just found the button to activate the display to show the time.

    I did remember that today is the day to get the weekly freebie and monthly PC freebie so I got them when I could. now they are not letting you use your computer?  That is pretty extreme. 

    Yes i think so too.

  • Taoz said:


    I keep rendering the same scene over and over again... Because I can't get the blanket to look fluffy without clipping through part of the model. 

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  - Albert Einstein 

    That's not insanity!  Stubbornness, yes.  But not insanity.  Or else I could call my doctor insane for wanting me to give up butter for margarine.  Margarine is SO UNHEALTHY for us.  I'm going to have to go up against an MD here.  I think I can take him in an arm wrestling match, though.

    DanaTA said:
    DanaTA said:

    My wishlist is getting out of control again... I need a sugardazzy... laugh

    I crack myself up...

    laugh  I thought that was pretty funny!


    You're free to use it of course...

    It wouldn't work for me.  I'm a guy.


    What he said.  But it was funny; you should use that again sometime.

    I have some complaints.  I am asked to turn in this LG android tablet.  I  am not sure why I am under a technology ban but that does not include taking away my fire smart tv, my bluray player or my Roku.  I get to keep my stupid phone.  I am trying to figure out what is going on but the only one who knows what is going on is not talking to me for some reason.

    Is this technology ban for work or home?  And if it's for home, my next question is why the hell are you still there?  You've been doing this for neigh unto a year now, right?  Maybe Doctor Albert is right after all.  It sure is getting a bit past "stubborn".  What are you going to do about this?  frown

    Today I went to Claire's because last week they had a fitness tracker but apparently they only had one but it got sold already.  I went to a watch kiosk at the mall on the second floor.  Their fitness tracking watches were too expensive at this time.  So I went to Belk and asked if they had any cheap FitBits.  They did not have any fitbits but they have some iFitness bands on sale which made it cheap enough for me. Before I left the mall, I took it out of its box to find out that it needed to be charged a bit.   When I got home Ilooked for the app for it on this LG tablet.  They did not have one for Android tablets so I felt discouraged.  I took a shower and thought about returning the watch since it needs an android phone, iPhone or iPad.  After my shower I looked closely at the box and saw that the app works on android down to 4.4 I think.  I checked my stupid phone I am allowed to keep and saw that it has Android OS 4.4.4 or something like that. I had to remove my weather app in order to use the ifitness app, but it sort of works which is a plus.

    The fitness watch has two bands, one red and I think the other one is navy blue.  I am currently wearing the navy blue one.  I just checked by putting my wrist under my lamp and it is navy blue.

    Too much distraction.  You have more important fish to fry.  Fitness bands, really?

    Back to the technology ban or whatever it is. I am not sure about the rules or anything about it.  I cannot seem to reach the person who set it up.   I might be off tthe interent again soon because I think it is more of an internet ban but I am not sure.  It seems okay for me to watch Netflix and YouTube and keep my ancient phone.  This tablet is not the newest version of anything but it works.  Again I am not sure what is up.

    Are they watching your browsing habits?  If you're not using a VPN, then they surely are.  Sheesh, you need to take some action before they take it for you.

    I probably should use my October coupon soon.   Does anyone have any link to show only DO but no PC items?  I still do not have access to my computer but if someone has that link I can use my coupon before this device is taken away.

    Again, more distraction.  Focus, my dear, focus!  Your real-life issues are far more critical than this month's coupon.  I wish you luck.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited October 2019

    Semi-complaint:  I just figured out my last two problems with the front panel do-dads and how they connect to my new motherboard.  Yay!yes

    I was stuck with being sure the basic front panel do-dads (power switch, power LED, disk activity LED, and reset switch) were connected correctly.  Research on the Internet talked about the connections not being standard among motherboard manufacturers.frown  Question was... is my old HP case's do-dads connector compatible with my new ASUS motherboard connector?  Size was the same, keying was the same, and after some very careful inspection involving bright lights, and powerful magnifying glasses, and peering through a forest of cables I was able to find the teeny-tiny diagram on the ASUS motherboard that does indeed correspond with the pin layout for the old HP motherboard.  Yay!yes  Connected!

    But the bad news is that I have to give up on finding a place for my frontpanel Firewire socket to plug into my new  Looking at the old HP motherboard I see that it had a special IEEE-1394 socket(pink) into which the frontpanel Firewire cable connector(pink) would connect.  Diligent searching of my new motherboard manual does not reveal any IEEE-1394 compatability.sad  Research on the Internet seems to indicate that despite USB and IEEE-1394 being electronically similar it wouldn't be fully compatible.  However, this is a moot point because after connecting the two frontpanel USB2 sockets and the frontpanel SD (and other memory type sockets) into a USB2 connector on the motherboard I'm out of USB2 sockets on the motherboard.  And besides I only have one Firewire device (an old 350GB external hard drive) which also has a USB2 connector that can be used instead.  So, no biggie.

    Time to close up shop for the night and finish watching Sherlock Holmes.smiley  No more work on the new computer until Monday.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,872
    Taoz said:


    I keep rendering the same scene over and over again... Because I can't get the blanket to look fluffy without clipping through part of the model. 

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  - Albert Einstein 

    I never claimed to be sane... *insert appropriately insane emoji*

    Well in this world you have to be more or less insane to feel at home...

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975
    edited October 2019

    Complaint: Just noticed the thread name changed ......

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Mystarra said:
    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:
    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:
    McGyver said:

    I still can’t upload an image to the forums in iOS... 

    fluffy bottom pic?

    me three  gave up and xferred to pc  on pc seeing image is 4mb  thaz a lotta dawg


    You are having problems uploading pix too, right?… Have you upgraded to iOS 13 yet?

    Curious if this could be an issue... Maybe 12 no longer works with forum software...

    I just read about some of the changes with iPadOS (dumb name, but whatever) apparently it’s pretty much the same version of safari as on a Mac, so it should work like a computer when on the internet... Also finally one can use external memory with an iPad now... (possibly with iPhones too)

    I guess I’ll upgrade later today... gah... I hate getting used to new OSs but hopefully this will be better in the long run.


    i on 12.4.1  have auto updates off

    the external mem for iphone i looked at all say for pictures.  doesn't work for music files.

    Well, it’s still good if you take a lot of photos and don’t use the “cloud” (or can’t because of lack of cell service like if you are lost in the Bermuda Triangle or stuck on Skull Island)... for me, it’s great because I can drop my Sculptura and Sketchbook files directly onto a flash drive instead of emailing them or doing horrible Airdrop to the MacBook (which is very old)... 

    The prospect of using the “Sidecar” feature to allow the iPad to function as a graphics tablet for a Mac is kinda exciting and something I’ve been waiting for since some company showed off a proof of concept demo doing that with Zbrush... there’s not a lot of info on how that works yet, but one video I saw glossed over it while showing it being used with a painting program... The idea of being able to use 3D Coat with my iPad would make me consider buying a new iMac or Mac mini... 

    i been perusing the refurbs for a mac mini, want to run final cut pro x.

    encabulator accessories 

    You should look into the Micromarco Encabulator Pro... it has the most prefabulated girdlesprings per decaram 

    Fun fact, I just found out today that the Encabulator shtick actually goes back to 1944...

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    I just got back from JFK airport and I was really amazed that the parking facility for terminal 2 actually has a stronger urine smell than the lower levels of Grand Central Station in the mid 80s... but the odd thing was it's not a eastern queens urine smell as one would expect, it more of a Battery Park pee bouquet... maybe it was because of the rain or the high number of Uber drivers peeing there... I guess that's one of those mysteries I'll have to just guess at.

  • Semi-complaint:  I just figured out my last two problems with the front panel do-dads and how they connect to my new motherboard.  Yay!yes

    I was stuck with being sure the basic front panel do-dads (power switch, power LED, disk activity LED, and reset switch) were connected correctly.  Research on the Internet talked about the connections not being standard among motherboard manufacturers.frown  Question was... is my old HP case's do-dads connector compatible with my new ASUS motherboard connector?  Size was the same, keying was the same, and after some very careful inspection involving bright lights, and powerful magnifying glasses, and peering through a forest of cables I was able to find the teeny-tiny diagram on the ASUS motherboard that does indeed correspond with the pin layout for the old HP motherboard.  Yay!yes  Connected!

    But the bad news is that I have to give up on finding a place for my frontpanel Firewire socket to plug into my new  Aparently the old HP motherboard had a special IEEE-1394 socket(pink) into which the frontpanel Firewire cable connector(pink) would connect.  Diligent searching of my motherboard manual does not reveal any IEEE-1394 compatability.sad  Research on the Internet seems to indicate that despite USB and IEEE-1394 being similar it wouldn't be fully compatible.  However, this is a moot point because after connecting the two frontpanel USB sockets and the frontpanel SD (and other memory type sockets) into a USB connector on the motherboard I'm out of USB sockets on the motherboard.  And besides I only have one Firewire device (an old external hard drive) which also has a USB connector that can be used instead.  So, no biggie.

    Time to close up shop for the night and finish watching Sherlock Holmes.smiley  No more work on the new computer until Monday.

    Firewire is dead.  I say this having a Firewire audio interface.  I dread my next motherboard upgrade.  But at the same time, I'm feeling a tinge of "good riddance" as well.

    McGyver said:

    I just got back from JFK airport and I was really amazed that the parking facility for terminal 2 actually has a stronger urine smell than the lower levels of Grand Central Station in the mid 80s... but the odd thing was it's not a eastern queens urine smell as one would expect, it more of a Battery Park pee bouquet... maybe it was because of the rain or the high number of Uber drivers peeing there... I guess that's one of those mysteries I'll have to just guess at.

    It's not the Uber drivers.  It's probably the Uber passengers!

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...interesting, was looking at items on the store page and came across a set titled Tuscany Bedroom and Bath by Tesla3DCorp.  When I went back to the store page it wasn't there. I looked through all of Tesla3DCorp's store and didn't see it either..It also didn't have the 40% off discount even though Tesla3DCorp's store is one of the featured ones  in the extended PA sale.

    Wondering if it is something I wasn't supposed to see yet, but some site glitch revealed it.  Looks pretty.

  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378
    edited October 2019

    It's there under 3D Models/Places/structures/Interiors



    Post edited by Subtropic Pixel on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...just odd I couldn't find it in the PA's store or in the new releases.

    I put it in the cart and it then showed the 40% discount. 

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    ...and the inevitable question...toilet lid opens? devil

  • ...and the inevitable question...toilet lid opens? devil

    Please remember to put the seat and lid into the lowered position after use. Make sure there is no splatter on the seat. FLUSH. And just a dash of air-freshener.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,105

    I am trying to get out of here aka this stupid home.  My support team is supposedly looking for something better, however I do not know how or when.

  • Trying to figure out how to use a computer to render only but have all the assets stored on another computer... *blink* *blink*

    I don't know if this other computer will really work though...

  • Trying to figure out how to use a computer to render only but have all the assets stored on another computer... *blink* *blink*

    I don't know if this other computer will really work though...

    "*blink* *blink*" surprise  Curiously reminiscent of Colonel Bleep:smiley  (1:11 though 1:17)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I am trying to get out of here aka this stupid home.  My support team is supposedly looking for something better, however I do not know how or when.

    how are the rents there? carolina?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    kyoto kid said:

    ...interesting, was looking at items on the store page and came across a set titled Tuscany Bedroom and Bath by Tesla3DCorp.  When I went back to the store page it wasn't there. I looked through all of Tesla3DCorp's store and didn't see it either..It also didn't have the 40% off discount even though Tesla3DCorp's store is one of the featured ones  in the extended PA sale.

    Wondering if it is something I wasn't supposed to see yet, but some site glitch revealed it.  Looks pretty.

    Under the Tuscany Sun, cute chick flick 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    carrie58 said:

    Complaint: Just noticed the thread name changed ......

    iluv the new title.

    got my hotdawg pic in just in time

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Trying to figure out how to use a computer to render only but have all the assets stored on another computer... *blink* *blink*

    I don't know if this other computer will really work though...

    "*blink* *blink*" surprise  Curiously reminiscent of Colonel Bleep:smiley  (1:11 though 1:17)

    would need turbo encabulator fast back bone.  go fibre

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Semi-complaint:  I just figured out my last two problems with the front panel do-dads and how they connect to my new motherboard.  Yay!yes

    I was stuck with being sure the basic front panel do-dads (power switch, power LED, disk activity LED, and reset switch) were connected correctly.  Research on the Internet talked about the connections not being standard among motherboard manufacturers.frown  Question was... is my old HP case's do-dads connector compatible with my new ASUS motherboard connector?  Size was the same, keying was the same, and after some very careful inspection involving bright lights, and powerful magnifying glasses, and peering through a forest of cables I was able to find the teeny-tiny diagram on the ASUS motherboard that does indeed correspond with the pin layout for the old HP motherboard.  Yay!yes  Connected!

    But the bad news is that I have to give up on finding a place for my frontpanel Firewire socket to plug into my new  Aparently the old HP motherboard had a special IEEE-1394 socket(pink) into which the frontpanel Firewire cable connector(pink) would connect.  Diligent searching of my motherboard manual does not reveal any IEEE-1394 compatability.sad  Research on the Internet seems to indicate that despite USB and IEEE-1394 being similar it wouldn't be fully compatible.  However, this is a moot point because after connecting the two frontpanel USB sockets and the frontpanel SD (and other memory type sockets) into a USB connector on the motherboard I'm out of USB sockets on the motherboard.  And besides I only have one Firewire device (an old external hard drive) which also has a USB connector that can be used instead.  So, no biggie.

    Time to close up shop for the night and finish watching Sherlock Holmes.smiley  No more work on the new computer until Monday.

    Firewire is dead.  I say this having a Firewire audio interface.  I dread my next motherboard upgrade.  But at the same time, I'm feeling a tinge of "good riddance" as well.

    McGyver said:

    I just got back from JFK airport and I was really amazed that the parking facility for terminal 2 actually has a stronger urine smell than the lower levels of Grand Central Station in the mid 80s... but the odd thing was it's not a eastern queens urine smell as one would expect, it more of a Battery Park pee bouquet... maybe it was because of the rain or the high number of Uber drivers peeing there... I guess that's one of those mysteries I'll have to just guess at.

    It's not the Uber drivers.  It's probably the Uber passengers!

    do plains, l empty the pee tank on the tracks?


    was   on a cross country amtrak trip, they literally dump the pee on the tracks. is why they say not to potty while at the station

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited October 2019






    Post edited by Mistara on
  • I bought this bar the other day... Why are all the seats massively high? Even a 6 foot dude would be dangling his feet...

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    was 85F here yesterday.  today shiverr weather.


    is whiskey fixer upper weather

    dreams of warming my feet by a fireplace.  big ole lazy hound dog next to me.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the quote button not working.


    must be yayy high to enter bar ride

  • Complaint:  I know I said no work on new computer until Monday but I've been sitting here having read all the manuals cover to cover, twice!  Watched all the relevant YouTubes.  And wanting to do something.  But the status of the rest of my parts (CPU and CPU cooler) are still in limbo.  Amazon still reports them as "Not Shipped".surprisefrownsad​  They may yet arrive by Monday but they were promised last Monday then delayed until yesterday.angry  Sometimes Amazon sucks.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited October 2019

    do dragons purr? too


    squirrel tail cat teasrs

    i can feel the cold draft coming in that open window

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Complaint:  I know I said no work on new computer until Monday but I've been sitting here having read all the manuals cover to cover, twice!  Watched all the relevant YouTubes.  And wanting to do something.  But the status of the rest of my parts (CPU and CPU cooler) are still in limbo.  Amazon still reports them as "Not Shipped".surprisefrownsad​  They may yet arrive by Monday but they were promised last Monday then delayed until yesterday.angry  Sometimes Amazon sucks.


    quote button worked!

This discussion has been closed.