My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...well you'll know when you come home to find a new cat door installed in the back door.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well you'll know when you come home to find a new cat door installed in the back door.

    Well, that’ll explain his interest in the tape measure and the Sawzall... I just hope he doesn’t change the locks on me the way the stray kangaroo did.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,877

    On the way back we stopped at a decent grocery store and I picked up a month's supply of pistacios (no salt). Yay!  smiley

    A “month’s supply” of pistachios would fill my entire house. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...indeed, they are terribly addictive. I've gone through an 8 oz bag in one sitting. The only thing that curbs my habit is they are so bloody expensive. 12$ - 13$ a pound.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited September 2019
    kyoto kid said:

    ...indeed, they are terribly addictive. I've gone through an 8 oz bag in one sitting. The only thing that curbs my habit is they are so bloody expensive. 12$ - 13$ a pound.

    The store I get them from (in the "big" city) sells them for $7.99/lb if I have the store discount card.  They're wonderful.  No, literally!surprise  They are "Wonderful" brand pistacios.  I used to get them on my frequent automotive mini-adventures uptown, but now without a car I have to stock up to avoid pistacio withdrawl symptoms.  I looked into getting them through Amazon but the price scared me away.  Someday in the middle of the winter when I can't find anybody to drive me uptown for a couple months I may have to go cold turkey.sad

    I limit my consumption by using a small custard dish and only filling it up about 1/3 of the way.  I only allow myself one of those portions per day. It's enough to keep the shakes under control.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,877

    Finally broke down and bought Felton, just so that it would no longer hold any power over me.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited September 2019
    kyoto kid said:

    ...indeed, they are terribly addictive. I've gone through an 8 oz bag in one sitting. The only thing that curbs my habit is they are so bloody expensive. 12$ - 13$ a pound.

    The store I get them from (in the "big" city) sells them for $7.99/lb if I have the store discount card.  They're wonderful.  No, literally!surprise  They are "Wonderful" brand pistacios.  I used to get them on my frequent automotive mini-adventures uptown, but now without a car I have to stock up to avoid pistacio withdrawl symptoms.  I looked into getting them through Amazon but the price scared me away.  Someday in the middle of the winter when I can't find anybody to drive me uptown for a couple months I may have to go cold turkey.sad

    I limit my consumption by using a small custard dish and only filling it up about 1/3 of the way.  I only allow myself one of those portions per day. It's enough to keep the shakes under control.indecision

    ...that's a pretty good price. At the Safeway in my neighbourhood they're 5.99$ for an 8 oz bag when on sale. The only other market nearby is a Whole Paycehque and they're more expensive there.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    sww the 30 purrcent coupie no works on the ancestor thing, or fast grab.

    works on Kanadde 8

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    Dang it, I just realized I forgot to buy Pugsley the Pug when he was in fastgrab... stupid lousy brain always forgetting stuff...

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Gordig said:

    On the way back we stopped at a decent grocery store and I picked up a month's supply of pistacios (no salt). Yay!  smiley

    A “month’s supply” of pistachios would fill my entire house. 

    At least, if not several boxcars... pistachios are sooooooo addictive... even when you get that occasional one with a beetle larvae in it.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is milcat 8 face rigged?

    fitting v4 clothes to milcat 3  quite a chore.

  • McGyver said:

    That white kitty is rolling around in the leaves and dirt!  Do cats really clean themselves well enought? 

    That's whiter than my thightie-whities, even after they get a bleach bath.  And I don't roll around outside in my underwear.  Well, not any more since I got housetrained.

    The trick is to buy colored underwear... I get black ones... lots of leeway there... I can roll in mud or leaves and the wife never knows.

    I got news for you.  She knows.

    kyoto kid said:

    ...ugh, barely cracked 50° today with rain and drizzle. Was supposed to go to an outdoor rally (that was moved to today from last week because it was bucketing down rain then) but all the bones and joints ached way to much so I stayed in bed until late morning.

    Ugh 2 end of the month and end of the quarter, so I'm being carpet bombed with emails, most of which as asking for donations before midnight tomorrow when they have to file their income with various government agencies.  Normally Sunday is my lightest day (usually around 30- 35 when I wake up) but when I opened my email service there were already 102 and more kept pouring in. I'd get done with one only  to see five or more new ones had popped up.  Felt like I was bailing a leaky rowboat with a coffee cup.

    If it's too cold for you, move South!

    kyoto kid said:

    ...ugh, barely cracked 50° today with rain and drizzle. Was supposed to go to an outdoor rally (that was moved to today from last week because it was bucketing down rain then) but all the bones and joints ached way to much so I stayed in bed until late morning.

    Ugh 2 end of the month and end of the quarter, so I'm being carpet bombed with emails, most of which as asking for donations before midnight tomorrow when they have to file their income with various government agencies.  Normally Sunday is my lightest day (usually around 30- 35 when I wake up) but when I opened my email service there were already 102 and more kept pouring in. I'd get done with one only  to see five or more new ones had popped up.  Felt like I was bailing a leaky rowboat with a coffee cup.

    it was 90 here. bleh

    Here too.  I sweated.  No, that's not right; I worked from home today.  I thought about the heat and that made me break out in a sweat.  Yep, that's my story.

    What do I want to do today? frown

    So far I've:

    Rendered two nudes.

    Written 600 words of a story.

    Looked for sets for another story I want to create graphically.

    Avoided looking at my back account.

    Tried to settle my stomach.

    Shook my head at the world.

    And looked up homemade raccoon repellant recipies.

    I have a homemade family of moles.  I'm going to have to take action fairly soon or they'll dig up my house!

    McGyver said:

    I just found out that the cute kitty who is now hanging out with me is polydactyl... which has nothing to do with pterodactyls... he’s got six toes (possibly seven) on the front paws.

    So front paws only, does that make him an anterior-dual-polydactyl?

    kyoto kid said:

    ...well you'll know when you come home to find a new cat door installed in the back door.

    Well, as long as it's not a crossbow for hunting humans.  Or a space ship for launching them off-planet.  Or a giant mousetrap for mice the size of people (hint:  That would not be for mice)...

    McGyver said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well you'll know when you come home to find a new cat door installed in the back door.

    Well, that’ll explain his interest in the tape measure and the Sawzall... I just hope he doesn’t change the locks on me the way the stray kangaroo did.

    The stray kangaroo was actually a vacuum cleaner repairman and tortilla baking salesman.

    kyoto kid said:

    ...indeed, they are terribly addictive. I've gone through an 8 oz bag in one sitting. The only thing that curbs my habit is they are so bloody expensive. 12$ - 13$ a pound.

    The store I get them from (in the "big" city) sells them for $7.99/lb if I have the store discount card.  They're wonderful.  No, literally!surprise  They are "Wonderful" brand pistacios.  I used to get them on my frequent automotive mini-adventures uptown, but now without a car I have to stock up to avoid pistacio withdrawl symptoms.  I looked into getting them through Amazon but the price scared me away.  Someday in the middle of the winter when I can't find anybody to drive me uptown for a couple months I may have to go cold turkey.sad

    I limit my consumption by using a small custard dish and only filling it up about 1/3 of the way.  I only allow myself one of those portions per day. It's enough to keep the shakes under control.indecision

    We have that brand here in Publix stores.  You can get them un-deshelled or de-shelled...

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019


    kyoto kid said:

    ...ugh, barely cracked 50° today with rain and drizzle. Was supposed to go to an outdoor rally (that was moved to today from last week because it was bucketing down rain then) but all the bones and joints ached way to much so I stayed in bed until late morning.

    Ugh 2 end of the month and end of the quarter, so I'm being carpet bombed with emails, most of which as asking for donations before midnight tomorrow when they have to file their income with various government agencies.  Normally Sunday is my lightest day (usually around 30- 35 when I wake up) but when I opened my email service there were already 102 and more kept pouring in. I'd get done with one only  to see five or more new ones had popped up.  Felt like I was bailing a leaky rowboat with a coffee cup.

    If it's too cold for you, move South!

    ...I would if California or Hawai'i were not so bloody expensive, Portland living costs are bad enough. Besides don't have a car, don't even have a driver's licence and insurance to rent a U-Haul so this is pretty much home for me for the rest of my years.

    This however was a very unusual arctic cold snap for us this time of year (they even received an bit of very early snow east of the Cascades).  Normally in late September/early October the highs here are still in the low 70s. The high temperature we had yesterday was equal the normal low.  This kind of cold usually doesn't occur until mid - late November. 

    In Great Falls MT the low yesterday morning was 12° breaking the old record of 18°.  This is even unusually cold for them. as they didn't even get above freezing for their high on Monday (the normal high is in the mid 60s).

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • you know it is days like today that i really think the world should recognize that i'ma princess and deserve fresh donuts delivered to my door as tribute to my grace and wonderfulness...

    yet... i have no donuts.

    there is no beauty or kindness in the world...

    potential complaint: when you stumble on lighting you love but daz studio refuses to resolve the image to your ideas of perfection as quickly as you would like.

    actual complaint: i set up a scene that i thought was fairly well lit and should render pretty quickly. but nope. not only did it not render quickly but any attempt to multitask was rebuked. well at least the image looks decent. 

  • McGyver said:

    itting. The only thing that curbs my habit is they are so bloody expensive. 12$ - 13$ a pound.

    The store I get them from (in the "big" city) sells them for $7.99/lb if I have the store discount card.  They're wonderful.  No, literally!surprise  They are "Wonderful" brand pistacios.  I used to get them on my frequent automotive mini-adventures uptown, but now without a car I have to stock up to avoid pistacio withdrawl symptoms.  I looked into getting them through Amazon but the price scared me away.  Someday in the middle of the winter when I can't find anybody to drive me uptown for a couple months I may have to go cold turkey.sad

    I limit my consumption by using a small custard dish and only filling it up about 1/3 of the way.  I only allow myself one of those portions per day. It's enough to keep the shakes under control.indecision

    We have that brand here in Publix stores.  You can get them un-deshelled or de-shelled...

    Gad no!  If they were unshelled I'd make a pile of them and snort them through a milkshake straw.  All hope of cure from my addiction would be impossible.surprise  The work of unshelling them at least puts a throttle on my intake rate.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    doh nutz


    nerve pains starting in my toe. oww  is weird cuz i have no feeling in my toes, but dang that nerve pain makes it through the deadness

    last week was a lady on my bus in a wheel chair.  big bandages.  her leg below the knee was missing.
    my brain is still fixated on how she's gonna do her exer bike.  how can she keep her circulartion going if she can't pedal. gets the circulation going, lowers the blood pressure, all kinda of benefits.
    fixations by definition not entirely rational.  but i think about her several times a day.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,105

    Trying to get inspiration to finish drawing this so I can ink it and color it so I can call it finished.  Right now drinking coffee to see if that helps but all it is doing is making me feel like I need to check out a Lady's room.

    This drawing is based on a photo I found online.  I did not ask this dude if it was okay for me to draw him.  Wait if I could ask him any question what question would I ask.

    I probably should remove the bluetooth keyboard from my drawing so I can finish it.

    2560 x 1920 - 1017K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    what did Mrs Brady do all day?

    hubby worked. Alice did everything else.
    They never showed her being affectionate with the kids

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is it time for nooner nap yet?

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,105
    Mystarra said:

    is it time for nooner nap yet?


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    McGyver said:

    itting. The only thing that curbs my habit is they are so bloody expensive. 12$ - 13$ a pound.

    The store I get them from (in the "big" city) sells them for $7.99/lb if I have the store discount card.  They're wonderful.  No, literally!surprise  They are "Wonderful" brand pistacios.  I used to get them on my frequent automotive mini-adventures uptown, but now without a car I have to stock up to avoid pistacio withdrawl symptoms.  I looked into getting them through Amazon but the price scared me away.  Someday in the middle of the winter when I can't find anybody to drive me uptown for a couple months I may have to go cold turkey.sad

    I limit my consumption by using a small custard dish and only filling it up about 1/3 of the way.  I only allow myself one of those portions per day. It's enough to keep the shakes under control.indecision

    We have that brand here in Publix stores.  You can get them un-deshelled or de-shelled...

    Gad no!  If they were unshelled I'd make a pile of them and snort them through a milkshake straw.  All hope of cure from my addiction would be impossible.surprise  The work of unshelling them at least puts a throttle on my intake rate.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    Mystarra said:

    is it time for nooner nap yet?

    ...feels like it to me.

  • Mystarra said:

    what did Mrs Brady do all day?

    hubby worked. Alice did everything else.
    They never showed her being affectionate with the kids

    Mrs Brady was an amatuer detective and trashy romance novel writer.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...I thought she was the wife of New England Patriots' starting quarterback Tom Brady. 

  • you know it is days like today that i really think the world should recognize that i'ma princess and deserve fresh donuts delivered to my door as tribute to my grace and wonderfulness...

    Wait a minute.  It HAS recognized that.  The world just hasn't displayed that outwardly because it knows that you, being all-kind and gentle, would be disappointed in such a base display of emotion and grovelation.

    yet... i have no donuts.

    Yeah, the world has been wanting to bring up that topic with you for awhile now...

    there is no beauty or kindness in the world...

    Too many donuts make beauty very round and kindness less agile.

    potential complaint: when you stumble on lighting you love but daz studio refuses to resolve the image to your ideas of perfection as quickly as you would like.

    actual complaint: i set up a scene that i thought was fairly well lit and should render pretty quickly. but nope. not only did it not render quickly but any attempt to multitask was rebuked. well at least the image looks decent. 

    Maybe time to transfer funds from the donut account to the computer account?  cheeky

    kyoto kid said:


    kyoto kid said:

    ...ugh, barely cracked 50° today with rain and drizzle. Was supposed to go to an outdoor rally (that was moved to today from last week because it was bucketing down rain then) but all the bones and joints ached way to much so I stayed in bed until late morning.

    Ugh 2 end of the month and end of the quarter, so I'm being carpet bombed with emails, most of which as asking for donations before midnight tomorrow when they have to file their income with various government agencies.  Normally Sunday is my lightest day (usually around 30- 35 when I wake up) but when I opened my email service there were already 102 and more kept pouring in. I'd get done with one only  to see five or more new ones had popped up.  Felt like I was bailing a leaky rowboat with a coffee cup.

    If it's too cold for you, move South!

    ...I would if California or Hawai'i were not so bloody expensive, Portland living costs are bad enough. Besides don't have a car, don't even have a driver's licence and insurance to rent a U-Haul so this is pretty much home for me for the rest of my years.

    This however was a very unusual arctic cold snap for us this time of year (they even received an bit of very early snow east of the Cascades).  Normally in late September/early October the highs here are still in the low 70s. The high temperature we had yesterday was equal the normal low.  This kind of cold usually doesn't occur until mid - late November. 

    In Great Falls MT the low yesterday morning was 12° breaking the old record of 18°.  This is even unusually cold for them. as they didn't even get above freezing for their high on Monday (the normal high is in the mid 60s).

    Those places are all really THAT expensive?  Why, they're supposed to be havens; utopias, even!  I'm shocked, absolutely shocked.

    McGyver said:

    itting. The only thing that curbs my habit is they are so bloody expensive. 12$ - 13$ a pound.

    The store I get them from (in the "big" city) sells them for $7.99/lb if I have the store discount card.  They're wonderful.  No, literally!surprise  They are "Wonderful" brand pistacios.  I used to get them on my frequent automotive mini-adventures uptown, but now without a car I have to stock up to avoid pistacio withdrawl symptoms.  I looked into getting them through Amazon but the price scared me away.  Someday in the middle of the winter when I can't find anybody to drive me uptown for a couple months I may have to go cold turkey.sad

    I limit my consumption by using a small custard dish and only filling it up about 1/3 of the way.  I only allow myself one of those portions per day. It's enough to keep the shakes under control.indecision

    We have that brand here in Publix stores.  You can get them un-deshelled or de-shelled...

    Gad no!  If they were unshelled I'd make a pile of them and snort them through a milkshake straw.  All hope of cure from my addiction would be impossible.surprise  The work of unshelling them at least puts a throttle on my intake rate.

    Okay, that sounds painful.  And not fun.

    Mystarra said:

    what did Mrs Brady do all day?

    Anything she wanted.  And oh if you have ever read the autobiographies from the other actors, that was true IRL too!


    potential complaint: when you stumble on lighting you love but daz studio refuses to resolve the image to your ideas of perfection as quickly as you would like.

    actual complaint: i set up a scene that i thought was fairly well lit and should render pretty quickly. but nope. not only did it not render quickly but any attempt to multitask was rebuked. well at least the image looks decent. 

    Maybe time to transfer funds from the donut account to the computer account?  cheeky

    Funds? What are those?

  • Hah, I get it.  How's the job hunt going?  I know you can fix this.

  • I've been rejected so many times I'm about to give up and become a house wife... Or I need to hurry up and set up my Patreon, give many many patrons, sign a book deal, sign a movie deal, go on talk-show circuit and you all can point at the screen and say "what the heck is wrong with her eyebrows?"


    Controversial Complaint: There are some poses that where the model's ribs should show. I'm not underweight and if I stretch my ribs show.

    Non-Complaint: I had some dark chocolate. All is right with the world... Thought the chocolate is gone so the situation may escalate again.

  • I've been rejected so many times I'm about to give up and become a house wife...

    How does that work?  Do you marry a house?  If so, how do you choose?  Ranch or townhouse?  Good bones, long legs?  Inquiring minds want to know! wink


    Controversial Complaint: There are some poses that where the model's ribs should show. I'm not underweight and if I stretch my ribs show.

    Genesis 9.

    Non-Complaint: I had some dark chocolate. All is right with the world... Thought the chocolate is gone so the situation may escalate again.

    I have three dark chocolate Hershey Kisses left.  I'm holding on in case TSHTF and our financial system collapses.  I could probably buy a farmhouse with one kiss, cornseed, cattle feed, and fertilizer for a year with another, and still have a nest egg!

    On the job thing; never give up.  Something will break.  Besides, divorcing a house is really really complicated.  For example, who gets to keep the house?

  • I've been rejected so many times I'm about to give up and become a house wife...

    How does that work?  Do you marry a house?  If so, how do you choose?  Ranch or townhouse?  Good bones, long legs?  Inquiring minds want to know! wink


    Controversial Complaint: There are some poses that where the model's ribs should show. I'm not underweight and if I stretch my ribs show.

    Genesis 9.

    Non-Complaint: I had some dark chocolate. All is right with the world... Thought the chocolate is gone so the situation may escalate again.

    I have three dark chocolate Hershey Kisses left.  I'm holding on in case TSHTF and our financial system collapses.  I could probably buy a farmhouse with one kiss, cornseed, cattle feed, and fertilizer for a year with another, and still have a nest egg!

    On the job thing; never give up.  Something will break.  Besides, divorcing a house is really really complicated.  For example, who gets to keep the house?

This discussion has been closed.