Post Your Renders - Happy New Year yall
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Nice renders MDO2010, Evilproducer and Dartanbeck.
That poor guy's face says it all MD2010!
Glad you've got the Carrara upgrade, Evil. I like the image above with the Elf (?) in the woods and the others are great to see at full size also.
Dartanbeck, I almost bought that VW vehicle in the sale. It's great to see it rendered in your own landscape - same as Evilproducer has done.
This week I started my own vehicle. It's in Hexagon but I'm showing the first test renders here first. They're nothing more than a first look for me of what the finished article might be like.
So far, it's only half done. I wanted to give this my best shot and had the aim of building it in Hexagon, texturing, rigging and animating in Carrara and creating still renders with it in a Bryce scene.
In doing this I'll need to learn UV unwrapping, re-visit 3d painting and get beyond my current level of minus 101 in the texture room.
But these DAZ programs all still deserve to be used to the full.
EDIT: these are Renders in Carrara of the file exported from Hexagon.
Looks cool so far. Can't wait to see it textured.
Thanks, Evil.
I really will need to learn a lot about texturing in Carrara.
Apart from the headlamps, every part of the model began life as either a cube or a cylinder. It doesn't look it but there are well over eighty parts - I stopped counting - and it is only half done. I want to put in all the underside mechanics. Its a self-test because I have some thoughts of future projects if I can develop the skills.
Right at the outset, I took it into Carrara and found that I could 3d paint by choosing an image from my renders as a pseudo UV map.
The final texture of the real vehicle is basically a dull green but it will need some grunge, rust streaks, mud and some markings.
I know its the wrong forum, but here I've added an image of trying to get tyres made.
My latest work about universal love
title "Forbidden Love"
( Carrara 8Pro + Wings3D and a little postwork in Photoimpact8 )
Forbidden indeed! Nice job on the mood and lighting.
Here's an update on the procedural skin. This is Olympia 6. The skin is procedural. No image maps! The eyebrows and lashes are dynamic hair.
The weak spot in the shader is that there are no wrinkles at the the knuckles and a few other areas, such as around the eyes. Not sure there is a way around it though.
The first image is the raw render. I used full GI and SSS.
The second uses render passes to enhance the GI and SSS.
@marcus, I love tires. I hate tires. It seems they take as long as the rest of the model. Nice work.
@ EP very nice difference in the skin tones. Worth the render time I think.
@Mark, thanks for your kind comments. This was my first real stab at tyres (maybe I should re-phrase that) and it took a few attempts.
@Pimpy, very nice scene and thought-provoking.
@evilproducer great renders again. I agree that the difference is significant and worth it.
On the other hand (or, to go from the sublime to the ridiculous) ...
While I had my vehicle in Carrara I tried the non-photorealistic render on it. I didn't know that an outline was an option but was pleased with the discovery. So I compared it to a toon render. Both were done in haste but might be of interest. I really haven't delved into this but it's interesting that the colour of the main body smudges over the outline but the wheels don't.
I tried animating it and the black outline keeps it's integrity - it doesn't jump all over. I can see the possibility of creating sketch-like animations. There must be a way of creating further brushes (not a question - I simply haven't researched yet).
Anyway, I don't mean to start hogging this thread with a WIP, but I could post the short animated gif. (Not sure if these get on peoples' nerves!)
Here is the NPR and then the toon:
I just saw this thread on non-photorealistic rendering (not Carrara) but it's blown me right out of the water!
Thanks for the link to the thread on NPR images. I love that topic. Here are some posts in the Carrara forum.
General interest
Cripeman tutorial on the NPR settings (mostly background images)
Antara - how to create custom NPR brushes and add them to Carrara
WIPs discussion from the paradise lost challenge (lots of NPR-focused posts)
Sockratease using NPR for a cool anime-inspired image
with some Sockratease explanation of methods
Zgock combined the NPR with YAToon for these
Antara gave a lot of guidance on the NPR among these posts
Philemo comparing NPR and photoreal for line art
My cloud attempts (mixed success because of render times)
My charcoal smudge of office equipment
And great job on the vehicles, Marcus.
EP, could a multilayer top shader be used and then the same base procedural shader ofr the diffuse/etc., but change the bump/whatever for wrinkle areas? Thinking the opacity mask could be created using 3D paint to isolate the knuckles for a layer, corner of eyes for a layer,... Maybe not, just brainstorming.
Pimpy - just caught your render between all the tires. :)
Great job!
For those interested, there is an object clipping checkbox for each tab of the NPR render options if you don't want the brush strokes to bleed over the edge of the object.
I will now stop gushing about the topic of NPR renders. Sorry to derail. :roll:
Perhaps. With the Genesis figures and the multiple UV maps, I was trying to find a way to come up with a fairly nice skin that could ignore most of the UV nonsense. I was actually considering investigating if I could create some minor wrinkle morphs for the knuckles and eyes.
They're both the identical render. I just used PS to combine the layer passes.
Awesome guys, great job!
I'm going to begin working on some costume modeling for Dartan G2M and Rosie G2F, so I've set up my starting-point base scenes. Away from my Carrara workstation, I thought I'd set one up on my tiny laptop - see if I can get some practice in and possibly even create some keepers. I don't really need GI/IL, background, atmo, or anything like that... but why not? I can always turn the stuff off when I get to modeling, right?
...oh, right. I forgot to mention the setup! LOL
The scene is Genesis 2 Female without any morphs dialed. I've made a simple clay shader for all of the skin parts and left the inner mouth, teeth, and eye parts at their default shaders. Then I dragged the basic glass shader from the browser onto the eye surface and nails.
The Indirect lighting is using the default settings for Ambient Occlusion Only. I think I need to change the radius distance of that... very new to AO but it's so simple to set up and fast to render. I'll check my Jeremy Birn book for his advice. I love how easy it is to get decent lighting with a sun light and the realistic sky. Just cool!
Now I just Insert a vertex object and model away, saving the new files as they come. The process in DS to make them conform couldn't be easier. I have a video tutorial on that coming very soon. Very slick workflow.
I'll have to pay attention to that, as I grudgingly (very grudgingly) installed D/S 4.7.
Really nice work, that procedural skin really works. Regarding the weak spot, if needed wouldn't it be possible to use t he 3dpaint function to put wrinkle lines in (or more I was thinking to add makeup styles). Just spitballing here though, haven't tried anything like that myself.
Jonstark, I took your name in vain. Hope it is OK. Will pull it if not.
@ marcus
@ EP
@ diomede
Thank you very much!
Totally cool with me Diomede, in fact thanks for digging that up, just hope it's useful :)
Just awesome work here Mark!
Pimpy really cool render, lots of little details to love when blown up to full size too.
Marcus those tires are incredible, actually the whole thing looks pretty great.
And that thread! Wow, especially the first post, I would love to have some NPR settings that let my renders look so much like a real pencil-drawn look
I'll have to pay attention to that, as I grudgingly (very grudgingly) installed D/S 4.7.You're gonna love how easy and awesome it is! Truly sculpting anything you want! Awesome!
I absolutely agree with everything in the above posts by Jon Stark!
diomede, ROTFLMFAO!!! :ahhh:
This is an update to a WIP I posted earlier.
When I tried using straight GI before on this project (Howie Farkes Byodo In, Daz3D) it was for all intents and purposes “non-computable”. I let it run for 5 min on my i7 PC (8 cores) and not a single pixel resolved. So I had no choice but to run off a fake GI render, and after post work resulted in picture 1.
Now... using the new Fake GI + GI technique outlined here
the render speed was practically equal to the “Fake GI only” methods. I surrounded the Park area with a hemisphere of very low intensity bulb lights (pic 2) and rendered as described in that thread. That, after post work yielded pic 3.
The illumination was far better in this render and I noticed post work went a heck of a lot easier, I guess because I had more in the image to start with. I rendered one more (pic 4), again using the Fake GI + GI technique.
I create stereo-pair photos as a hobby, and this 3D scene-set really looks terrific on my 3D TV. For those interested, you can download my stereo version of pic3 and 4 here. They’re in the .JPS format (2 jpg images side by side… just rename to .jpg to see the pair).
BTW: StereoPhoto Maker is a wonder and totally free application with many features, including viewing stereo pictures in Anaglyph mode (red/blue glasses). So even if you don’t have a 3D display, with this program and even a cheap pair of paper r/b glasses you can view my or any stereoscopic image.
- Don
Fascinating work and information, Don.deCourcell. The rendering discussion you linked to is way out of my depth at this stage but I must get some of those glasses you mention and see such images! I've never yet seen a 3d television or cinema film - a situation I need to address some day.
I imagine the scene you show here would look amazing!
@Diomede64, many thanks for the trouble you must have gone to in producing such a long list of links on NPR! When I first tried Carrara, I made a couple of NPR renders and thought the feature was just for entertainment. Now I'd like to look at it further and you've already answered my first question about smudging and given me a ton of things to read up, so thanks again!
@Jonstark & &Dartanbeck; your comments on the vehicle are much appreciated. I'm showing a couple of images of it in the Hexagon interface (in shaded wireframe) down in the Hexagon discussion if you want a clearer view of its parts.
@Dartanbeck, I love what you're doing with the Genesis figure.
Pimpy really cool render, lots of little details to love when blown up to full size too.
Thank you Jon!
And here my last render with my new laptop :-) (i7 4710 /16 gbte ram /ge force 850m)
(I made it in Carrara 8Pro and Wings3D - the cat is the millenium cat and the rat is a free model that I found it on the web ... The Ivy of course I made it with the Ivy Generator by Thomas Luft)
After the discussion on porting landscapes to Studio in the 'Future of Carrara' thread, I thought it was interesting that "Village Road" appeared in the store today. So I had to take a look at it.
First off, I should say that this is a pretty small scene - it's just 90ft square, and comprises about 6 car-lengths of rising dirt track, with tree-covered embankments on either side. For the render, I added my tower, and the Range Rover model I've used before. You can compare it against the "small" (215ft x 215ft) landscape I was working on here:
Lighting was Realistic Skies, sun and my fake GI rig. Gamma 1.8 (Mac).
Some observations:
- This scene shows it is possible to get a decently good looking landscape in Studio, even if it's small (the one I've been working on is 4x the size...)
- This scene is not designed or in any way optimised for Carrara. It takes *well* over an hour to load, probably nearer two (I didn't time it, but I went out, did shopping, came back and wrote 500 words and it still hadn't finished)
- Once loaded, there's no noticeable lag moving about.
- I had to adjust the bump settings on the terrain. (to be expected)
- I had to place my tower about 30ft beyond the scenery prop to have it look right.
- The trees are quite low poly, and comparable to my smaller trees in terms of complexity.
- The high poly stuff is actually the "grass and small weeds". It might look pretty sparse, but there 's around a million polys there (this is where Carrara's replicators would excel). I've tried exporting replicated grass, but Carrara's obj export blows up way before that kind of poly count.