Announcing Reality 4 {Commercial}



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited December 1969

    ....well ran into the first issue. Got locked in a perpetual "Not Responding" loop trying to change from "texture type: "Math" to "Diffuse" for window the scene. CPU usage in Task Manger keeps bouncing all over the scale from about 20% to 90% and won't stop..

  • edited December 1969

    ruphuss said:
    Upgraders do get a further discount since they get it for 19.95 and new users for 29.97.

    I knew someone would say something like that
    now I try to explain
    new buyers get a free discount 40% without doing nothing
    upgraders did already buy the prog and get their discount from this action
    upgraders do not get a free discount about 40%

    I got a free upgrade, even after my PC+ membership expired.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited December 2014

    ...wait, you're saying as a PC member you got a free upgrade? I've been a PC member for many years and I had to pay the normal upgrade price.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,060
    edited December 1969

    he prob bought 3 new in time frame given which is irrelevant to whether in PC or not.
    this is what is confusing many, when 3 was returned to DAZ shop a month or so ago a free upgrade was offered to those who bought it then.

  • edited December 1969

    I hadn't bought anything in about a month. The price listed was $29.95 but then a message popped up at the top of the screen saying I could upgrade for free. I had version 2, which I bought about a month and a half ago.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited December 1969

    he prob bought 3 new in time frame given which is irrelevant to whether in PC or not.
    this is what is confusing many, when 3 was returned to DAZ shop a month or so ago a free upgrade was offered to those who bought it then.

    ...ahh more Daz Voodoo math.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,368
    edited December 1969

    maxarader said:

    As someone else has said this is a rather buggy release.

    I think a decent part of the dissatisfaction has source not in a bugs, but in a 2.5 habits.

    This is the first time I have used Reality so that's not my problem.

    I'm also finding sometimes I get two images on top of each other a sort of ghost of the previous image.

    I'm going to give it another week and if there's no word on any fixes I'm going to return it.

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited December 1969

    [This is the first time I have used Reality so that's not my problem.

    I'm also finding sometimes I get two images on top of each other a sort of ghost of the previous image.

    I'm going to give it another week and if there's no word on any fixes I'm going to return it.

    That sounds more like a Luxrender issue, and not a Reality issue. It's important to get the distinction correct. Reality converts the scene, but it's Luxrender which does the actual rendering.

    If you're getting 'over exposure' then chances are you're using the wrong resume data. It's similar to an old film technique people used to use to superimpose ghosts into camera film. You'd take one photo, then take another using the same film. The result is one 'ghost' transposed into the scene.

    In the same way, FLM doesn't merely record an 'image' nor even physical objects in the scene but rather the light calculations that Luxrender has used up to that point. So, when you introduce a new scene with new lights, it's using the old information as a starting point and superimposing your new work over the top. I hope that makes sense.

    It's important to look at Luxrender in a similar way to real world physics. That's how the light is calculated, and how the materials function. So far I've not seen any bugs which I could attribute to Reality itself, but there are more than a few known bugs with Luxrender as it's still in the process of being worked on.

    If you have specific problems, the best thing to do is post your experiences and see if anyone can help you out. It might have a simpler solution than you might think.

  • Coon RaCoon Ra Posts: 200
    edited December 1969

    providing physically-accurate rendering for those applications

    Does it? Doesn't it provide "scene (including materials and lights data) translation" into the render?
  • Mr BowenMr Bowen Posts: 396
    edited December 1969

    How long does the sale last? I'd like to get it, but I am seeing a lot of bug complaints.

  • MoussoMousso Posts: 238
    edited December 2014

    I'm one of those who struggles with multiple bugs but I dont regret upgrading. The character skins are fabulous with SSS and the bugs will get fixed. The weird thing is I know people who dont have any issues with R4. I guess its a computer thing.

    Post edited by Mousso on
  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,971
    edited December 1969

    There may well be bugs, it is after all quite a complex piece of software! However Reality 1 was pretty complex too, and that got better with the occasional bug fix,e then Reality 2 and 2.5, each getting better and better. I don't know about any of the testing process that went on but do know that quite a few people had beta versions fro this very reason, and knowing the work of at least one of them I have no qualms about the core quality of Reality 4.
    Paolo is pretty responsive and bugs will get fixed. I'd guess that he is waiting a decent amount of time to get a broad feel for what he needs to look at and fine-tune, fix and debug. From previous experience I would guess that a updated/bug-fix version will be forthcoming in a couple of months. Until then it is, as it has been from the original Reality, a damned worthwhile, impressive bit of software.

    From the skin of the thread I have done I have not noticed anyone extolling the new features, such as the Skin texture type (oh ye gods it looks nice!), the Cloth texture type (various material options, with choice of retaining existing texture maps).

    My recommendation would be jump on the bandwagon, come on in the Reality's lovely! :)

  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited December 1969


    I haven't had enough time to "play" so I have kept my positive and negative comments to a minimum.

    On the negative side; I have run into a fair number of errors / bugs, but none of them have been show stoppers and there hasn't been any more than I would expect from a new release.

    For the positive side, I would rather let a few images speak volumes. The attached images start as an experiment but quickly evolved into something with a little more potential.

    So the images can be understood, I am going to explain my workflow (which is standard for most of my images):
    1. Loaded in Stonemason's Urban Sprawl 2. The big one, with all of the blocks and the skydome.
    2. Positioned camera, did a quick test Reality / Lux render to check for errors / problems.
    3. Went back to DS and started deleting out the aspects of the scene that I didn't need. Pretty much everything that was not in view was deleted.
    4. Went back to Reality and started adding lights.
    a. Skydome was already set to emit light. Left as is.
    b. Streetlights were already set to emit light. Left as is.
    c. Picked through the textures for the building windows and converted a lot of them to light.
    i. Associated these window lights as one light group.
    ii. Modified the gain of each window light to vary them between each other (important for later).
    iii. Applied the building texture to each of these lights so that the windows still had character.
    5. Started the render. And it rendered fast. See the "Status.jpg" as proof. Rendered with two i7 Quads, so 16 threads total.
    6. Exported each image with each of the three light sources isolated. These are the images that I then take into Photoshop and start layering together.

    None of these images have been post processed, except for reducing the dimensions and converting to JPG.

    The important for later bit (mentioned above, which I almost forgot to explain)... By changing the gain of the window lights, I estimated their light properties in proportion to each other. That way when I was in Lux I would only have three light sources to work with: skydome, streetlights and windows. This reduced my flexibility a bit, but increased render time (I believe) and still allowed me to tweak the overall lighting.

    1500 x 789 - 311K
    750 x 395 - 124K
    750 x 395 - 119K
    750 x 395 - 80K
    761 x 22 - 31K
  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited December 1969

    Oh, and I did not modify any other texture that Reality defaulted to. I left everything as is, regardless of whether it picked "Glossy" for the pavement, etc.

  • StratDragonStratDragon Posts: 3,167
    edited December 2014

    if you keep your lights in different groups you can adjust them individually as the render is running, this is the nature of LuxRender so when your hours into a render and thinking this light was a little too bright you can bring it down while the machine is still doing the render and see the changes live.

    in R2.5 if you set a surface to matte, it came to Reality as matte, glossy went to glossy and the gloss level became the gloss level in Reality, so a gloss level in Studio at 100% translated to Lux as Glossy 9999% (10000 levels of glossy), metal became metal in Reality, anything named "glass" on the surface was translated to glass. I have not tried R4 for production yet so I don't know if these features remain.

    Post edited by StratDragon on
  • SerpentSerpent Posts: 4,075
    edited December 1969

    Kyoto Kid said:
    Legionair said:
    Kyoto Kid said:

    ...look really nice. Do you have Cloud 9, Skies of Economy, or Urban Sprawl 2 (it has a couple skydomes included)? Would love to see how one of those skydomes work.

    Okay, did a little experimenting...

    Urban Sprawl 2. No luck trying to get that to work on my laptop; it just doesn't have the juice to handle it. Adding US2 made my DS take a nap for approximately 10 minutes. I was able to render and the results were looking good at first glance, but way too grainy to share.

    However, the prospects looked really good. Enough so that I am going to try it at home and see the results.

    Skies of Economy were really problematic. The prop adds to the scene and is correctly set up. However the IBL settings do not translate, so that involved manually setting the IBL in the Reality window.

    I then tweaked the settings repeatedly but could never really get the sky to look the way I thought it should. I had the IBL jpg up as Lux render was going. No matter how I tweaked the light and exposure settings the sky just looked different. Either too dark or too bright, or the wrong hue. This one is probably going to need an update before it works. can load the skydome from US-2 separately, you don't need the whole set. For Skies of Economy use the Daz Studio, not the Reality version. After loading, expand the "Skyn" in the scene tab and simply delete all the lights and UE sphere parented to it. That should just leave you with the skydome. I do this a lot to substitute AoA's advanced lights when when rendering in Daz/3DL to avoid the glacial render times and high core temperatures that occur when rendering with UE.

    I tried loading my Skies of Economy Reality version and got the error "Could not find Reality Toolkit". :blank:


  • Hiro ProtagonistHiro Protagonist Posts: 699
    edited December 1969

    In regard to Skies of Economy (and Skies of Reality) they certainly don't seem to work as they do in previous versions of Reality. I've tried several ways of loading them in DS and they are not picked up by R4. I tried loading the EXR image in reality to match the one loaded in Studio, but I had to manually input the Y rotation, and also, for some reason the blue of the sky appeared darker in colour. I noticed though that there was a gamma correction of 1.4 so perhaps that was it. Not sure if that was from a previous ibl file I'd loaded.

    What I ended up doing is creating a simplified .ibl (sIBL) file for one of the skies. If you load a sIBL file inside Reality a sphere is created in Studio and from then on it works as expected. Y rotation set in Studio is synced to Reality (but not, apparently, the other way round, although this would probably not be much use) and the rendered sky matches with the Studio preview in position and colour, as far as I could tell (see image). The render was just a 15 minute one, with no other lights, and I didn't pay much attention to textures, etc.

    If anyone is interested in seeing a template for the ibl file, I've copied the code below. Just paste into a blank text file and save with the extension .ibl (e.g. SoE-Sunny4.ibl). It needs to reside in the same folder as the IBL and background images (in my set up, for Skies of Economy, this is \My Library\Runtime\textures\DimensionTheory\SkiesOfEconomy).

    You then run R4, enable IBL under Lights and click change to navigate to the .ibl file you created (not the exr or jpg file!).

    Name = "Skies of Economy Sunny 4"
    Author = "Dimension Theory"
    ;Put this ibl file in the same folder as the images below
    ; The image that is used in the DS viewport.
    BGfile = "SoE-Sunny4R.jpg"
    ; The image used by Luxrender
    REFfile = "SoE-Sunny4.exr"

    Of course you will have to make one for every sky you want to use, changing the file names.

    I'd like to know if there is an easier way (in case I am missing something), or whether this is something that will be fixed in future updates.

    558 x 800 - 162K
  • pcicconepciccone Posts: 661
    edited December 1969

    nDelphi said:

    I can only assume that the unlimited-time upgrade is from your website and not at DAZ 3D's store?

    I decided to purchase it now and get it over with. I want to purchase it from the DAZ 3D store because of the DIM installation possibility. I have no idea if it is available in DIM format, but just in case it is or will in the future.

    I cannot use that DIM, doing so would force me to create multiple installers and that would be just a nightmare.
    I will talk to – about the limit for the upgrade, that should not be.
    Thank you very much.
  • Slide3DSlide3D Posts: 194
    edited December 1969

    test "Pure GPU" mode
    meshlite + IBL
    speed 900 kS/s

    1066 x 989 - 101K
  • Jason GalterioJason Galterio Posts: 2,562
    edited December 1969

    Slide3D said:
    test "Pure GPU" mode
    meshlite + IBL
    speed 900 kS/s

    Very nice! I need to revisit the GPU mode next week.

  • Slide3DSlide3D Posts: 194
    edited December 1969

    same scene in "No acceleration" mode with skin and glossy materials (remember "Pure GPU" work with matte material ONLY)
    speed 190 kS/s

    1069 x 989 - 123K
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,130
    edited December 1969

    How long is the upgrade promo going to last?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited December 1969

    ...had a couple small issues occur

    Had my render camera set to the "Default Camera" in my scene but after a few test runs, it began rendering though Camera #3 even though the Default Camera was still selected as the rendering camera in the tab.

    Even though I deleted the Advanced Ambient and Advanced Distant light in the scene before adding the Reality Sun, they still show up in the "Cameras" tab (the Ambient Light also does not use the Daz "light as camera" function).

    Changed the material type for some window glass to "glass" in the Reality UI (was originally "glossy") and during rendering, received an error message in the log tab concerning diffuse values that couldn't be found for that glass surface.

    Other than these and the "Not Responding" issue I mentioned about earlier, been working pretty well, no ghosting or anything like that.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited December 2014

    TroutFace said:
    Kyoto Kid said:
    Legionair said:
    Kyoto Kid said:

    ...look really nice. Do you have Cloud 9, Skies of Economy, or Urban Sprawl 2 (it has a couple skydomes included)? Would love to see how one of those skydomes work.

    Okay, did a little experimenting...

    Urban Sprawl 2. No luck trying to get that to work on my laptop; it just doesn't have the juice to handle it. Adding US2 made my DS take a nap for approximately 10 minutes. I was able to render and the results were looking good at first glance, but way too grainy to share.

    However, the prospects looked really good. Enough so that I am going to try it at home and see the results.

    Skies of Economy were really problematic. The prop adds to the scene and is correctly set up. However the IBL settings do not translate, so that involved manually setting the IBL in the Reality window.

    I then tweaked the settings repeatedly but could never really get the sky to look the way I thought it should. I had the IBL jpg up as Lux render was going. No matter how I tweaked the light and exposure settings the sky just looked different. Either too dark or too bright, or the wrong hue. This one is probably going to need an update before it works. can load the skydome from US-2 separately, you don't need the whole set. For Skies of Economy use the Daz Studio, not the Reality version. After loading, expand the "Skyn" in the scene tab and simply delete all the lights and UE sphere parented to it. That should just leave you with the skydome. I do this a lot to substitute AoA's advanced lights when when rendering in Daz/3DL to avoid the glacial render times and high core temperatures that occur when rendering with UE.

    I tried loading my Skies of Economy Reality version and got the error "Could not find Reality Toolkit". :blank:


    ...I couldn't even get any of the sets to load properly. They would show in the scene tab but not in the viewport.

    Wondering this it needs to be updated for Reality4. I know that AoA's Advanced Lights and effects cameras were buggered by the 4.7 update.

    BTW: As to the Reality4 slowdown issue, is this happening on systems that have both an older and Reality4 installed, or systems with just Reality4?

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ANGELREAPER1972ANGELREAPER1972 Posts: 4,457
    edited December 1969

    How long is the upgrade promo going to last?

    from here Monday December 15

  • MythmakerMythmaker Posts: 606
    edited December 2014

    Hi people, another Reality 4 user here. First timer.

    GPU-only is indeed amazing fast. Now I'm not in as much a hurry to help beta-test latest Octane plugin. I'm only seeing the power of Luxrender now. Regardless of which acceleration mode I use, I would say for $50 any hobbyist should just install Daz Studio just so that they get to play with Luxrender's PBR via Reality.

    Of course, 3Delight is slowly revealing it has a lot to offer too with IPR and latest updates. Testing it against AoA's stuff which I just bought too.

    The more the merrier. I'm loving this development direction in Daz Studio.

    Legionair said:

    None of these images have been post processed, except for reducing the dimensions and converting to JPG.

    Nice final take. Love the dynamic range. Brings to mind a possibility: it would be really really cool to be able to generate a 360 degree HDR image at 2:1 ratio that we can import again. That way I can speed up render time by rendering the character/s and background separately. Know what I mean? Or is it already do-able?

    Oh, yes, I can confirm animation render is still buggy, reported and being fixed.

    Post edited by Mythmaker on
  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,368
    edited December 1969

    Anyone got any ideas why its only rendering 1 Genesis when there are 2 in the scene?

  • Midnight_storiesMidnight_stories Posts: 4,112
    edited December 2014

    Slosh said:
    I don't know if it's come up yet, but since installing Reality 4, DAZ Studio is really slow to load things. Even when I don't have Reality open, a skin texture takes 48 seconds to load, where it used to be about 10 seconds or less. Even loading a gray G2F into the scene takes almost a minute. I tried uninstalling Reality 4 and everything went back to normal speed. When I reinstalled, everything went slow again, so I'm fairly certain Reality 4 is the reason. Has anyone else had this issue?

    Yes I have this problem as well, I'm sure I've seen someone else mention problems with lagging and speed since installing Reality.
    I've picked up the same thing it's slows down DS4.7 loading anything thing it's lagging all over the place, and as soon as I get rid of the Reality .dll everything speeds up, so I can't really use it as it kills working in DS. it's like it's trying to convert every scene even if it's not being used. It's got to be a bug hope they sort it out soon !!!

    Post edited by Midnight_stories on
  • DecoyboyDecoyboy Posts: 508
    edited December 1969

    Hello all,
    I've only been testing here and there on renders, but I noticed my "go to" light is gone in R4. Was the soft box light really removed, or am I just missing it? I love that light. I see the mesh light has the ability to make walls around it, but just doesn't seem the same to me.

  • Hiro ProtagonistHiro Protagonist Posts: 699
    edited December 1969

    I've picked up the same thing it's slows down DS4.7 loading anything thing it's lagging all over the place, and as soon as I get rid of the Reality .dll everything speeds up, so I can't really use it as it kills working in DS. it's like it's trying to convert every scene even if it's not being used. It's got to be a bug hope they sort it out soon !!!

    That's very worrying. However, it doesn't seem to effect everyone—I haven't noticed any slow down on my system. I think it was Slosh who said it was taking about a minute to load a texture on G2, for example, but for me this operation only takes a few seconds as before.

    Are you (and others with this problem) using a Mac? I'm using Win 7 64 bit. It would be useful to know if this is platform-dependent.

    I also still have R2.5 installed. Looks like I'm going to still need it as R4 has a serious bug with Geo-Graft male gens and I do the occasional nude male work. They do not appear in the render at all and the map for the hip region is messed up. Strangely, a Geo-Graft I made to test my tutorial (on the back of G2M) renders perfectly. I don't know whether female gens work or not.

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