Darwins' Schtuff



  • Still totally hooked on his eyes. Great skin texture, very detailed.

    The ring looks great. How hard is Substance Painter to figure out ? 

  • Thank you both!

    Well, I haven't dug into SP much, but breezing through a couple of tuts for about ten minutes got me sorta understanding it.  So far, it's been touchy-for me.  Not enough time, but I plan to dig into that program more and can give you a better answer after.  So far, it wasn't too hard.

  • I love the tats, I especially love the chest tats, so cool! My only question is on the reaper leg one, what's the lines coming down from the blade that sort of looks like long hair stands? The line work doesn't match the rest of the tat so I don't think it's suposed to be there, but you can smack me if I'm wrong. I can't see the whole tat so I can't tell for sure.

    I missed the tattoo comment, sorry!

    It's actually blood coming off of the blade- I did it differently than the rest to look like an add-on after the main tattoo, so the line work isn't the same, nope. XD Good catch.

  • Thank you both!

    Well, I haven't dug into SP much, but breezing through a couple of tuts for about ten minutes got me sorta understanding it.  So far, it's been touchy-for me.  Not enough time, but I plan to dig into that program more and can give you a better answer after.  So far, it wasn't too hard.

    Thank you. It looks like a great programme :) 

  • Of course.  I plan to dig into it fully.  Hopefully. lol

  • Figured I'd play with an unused promo- Just Ren, wearing Dale's goatee, velum, and brows- all blonde.

  • Figured I'd play with an unused promo- Just Ren, wearing Dale's goatee, velum, and brows- all blonde.

    Looking forward to his release. Do you think it will be this month?

  • Damn...I don't normally go for blondes but I might make an exception for that one....Plus, it might make my world a bit more believable if all of the men are not dark haired or red headed lol.

  • Of course.  I plan to dig into it fully.  Hopefully. lol

    *snickers* That's what I say about Quixel. Which is why I asked about SP ..You know for comparison reasons :P 


    Ren looks great as a blonde.

    But...For my wallets sake I hope he doesn't get released until next Month.

    'Cause someone *points at DM* just released 2 chars at once :O and I need to find the funds for those first lol 

    They look great in their promos though yes

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,916

    I just blew half my budget for the obsidian warriors outfit and your siblings Jackson and Clarke...testing now

  • Aw, FM...  But, but...I HAFTA create!  Thank you!

    I hope you both like them.  My promos didn't do them justice in my mind, I should do more renders of them. XD

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited September 2017

    Wow, sneaky! How'd you slip two characters past us? They look great, and how cool that they are cross promoted with Arki! surprise

    EDIT: I put this on your Commercial thread too. Quick render of Clarke. She is fantastic and has a ton of options! 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Two characters?  Really?  In one month!?!  Sigh, you make it a little difficult to keep up at times.  At the moment, I have both in my cart while I debate with myself if I can really get both.  {{shakes head}}

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    Two characters?  Really?  In one month!?!  Sigh, you make it a little difficult to keep up at times.  At the moment, I have both in my cart while I debate with myself if I can really get both.  {{shakes head}}

    +1 Same here. And I don't want to run out of budget before Ren is released... What to do? What to do?

  • KnittingmommyKnittingmommy Posts: 8,191
    edited September 2017
    L'Adair said:

    Two characters?  Really?  In one month!?!  Sigh, you make it a little difficult to keep up at times.  At the moment, I have both in my cart while I debate with myself if I can really get both.  {{shakes head}}

    +1 Same here. And I don't want to run out of budget before Ren is released... What to do? What to do?

    I know.  Not that I mind DM being productive.  I love all of the characters he does.  More is always better.  Unfortunately, my wallet can't keep up if he's going to start being quite that productive.  It would be nice, though, if DM could manage to do this full time.  Just think of all of the characters he could create if that was his only job?  I'm not sure if that is one of this his goals, though it should be.

    Post edited by Knittingmommy on
  • Llynara said:

    Wow, sneaky! How'd you slip two characters past us? They look great, and how cool that they are cross promoted with Arki! surprise

    EDIT: I put this on your Commercial thread too. Quick render of Clarke. She is fantastic and has a ton of options! 

    I am sneaky- gotta keep people guessing, right?  Great render of her!  Love the action, and that look is perfect.

  • L'Adair said:

    Two characters?  Really?  In one month!?!  Sigh, you make it a little difficult to keep up at times.  At the moment, I have both in my cart while I debate with myself if I can really get both.  {{shakes head}}

    +1 Same here. And I don't want to run out of budget before Ren is released... What to do? What to do?

    I know.  Not that I mind DM being productive.  I love all of the characters he does.  More is always better.  Unfortunately, my wallet can't keep up if he's going to start being quite that productive.  It would be nice, though, if DM could manage to do this full time.  Just think of all of the characters he could create if that was his only job?  I'm not sure if that is one of this his goals, though it should be.

    Aw, thank you-everyone.

    As for being That Productive....nah.  I got lucky with a very understanding S/O so far.  I'll be slowing down this month and October, I think.  Maybe. >.> 

    Actually-the goal is to become a full-time PA; not just for Characters, but other stuff as well.  Lord, if I had that much time I would be able to improve my skill set greatly.  Greatly

    Still, I'm greatful I have the time I have to do what I love and a very understanding and loving soul who puts up with me and my swearing at the monitor like a drunken sailor that just found out his pockets were picked.

  • Lol!  Yeah, it is great to have understanding S/Os.  I know mine puts up with a lot while I attempt to finish one of my novels.  Well, when you get a chance, take a break and go cuddle with him and tell him how much you appreciate him.  He certainly deserves it.

  • I know he does. Definitely.  Gonna sign off for a bit, get dinner done, too.  Thank you, everyone, for the support.  I truly appreciate it a great deal.

  • Did this one last night for fun

    At the Entrance.

    He looks very cute! Just like the cool goth guy of my dreams as a young person.

    Love the new guy's skin, too. That tat over the pec is particularly nice.

  • Thank you, Serene!

    Gotta look over his textures again- Daz didn't care for the natural splotiness of his skin that I worked in...or it could be the lighting in the promos, dunno yet.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,916

    Here is Clarke in duplicate in the ne obsidian outfit. Not much seen of her here because of the lights but she is fun to play with. left is g3 right g8, not the it matters much

    Thanks a lot fot her, now I go play with her Brother ;)

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Keeping Watch

    "Oh to be human again, if only for a moment..."

  • Oh, nicely done, @Llynara!  That looks fantastic.

  • Oh, nicely done, @Llynara!  That looks fantastic.


  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited September 2017

    Thank you! Jackson is a lot of fun. So is Clarke. So many options! I used Jackson's 2nd brow here and the white facepaint. The different makeups really change his looks a lot. He is a chameleon. I suspect Clarke is too, have to play with her more.

    @Linwelly - your double Clarkes look great, as well as dangerous! 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,916
    Llynara said:

    Thank you! Jackson is a lot of fun. So is Clarke. So many options! I used Jackson's 2nd brow here and the white facepaint. The different makeups really change his looks a lot. He is a chameleon. I suspect Clarke is too, have to play with her more.

    @Linwelly - your double Clarkes look great, as well as dangerous! 

    Thanks a lot Lynara, that is one well made render from you as well!

    And I agree, he's a chameleon, when I first put him up for a first look I was wondering why he's got a different charm altogether, then I started playing and giving him expressions an bam, suddenly he was hot, well done Darwin!

  • Thank you ladies!

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087
    edited September 2017

    So- working on this guy- Garron.  

    This body type is more of a high elf/fae figure: Tall, lean, very muscular.  He has a human head/body morph combo as well.  Testers-though I have a scene rendering.  He's wearing Lennox's skin at the moment.


    Post edited by DarwinsMishap on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Ooh, he looks like he's going to be fun and a bit mischievous! 

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