My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • McGyver said:
    TigerAnne said:

    Okay, so a bit of a more serious question from me: Has any of you ever had your first name legally changed? As of right now, my "real" name isn't Anne, but that name has stuck with me in my head since I was a toddler. It's not so much that I hate my real name, it just doesn't feel like me. It's a name that several other people in my family have had, including my cousin (as a middle name). There's a specific emytology to it that just doesn't fit, a fact I think I remember my mother pointing out once, when she was disappointed in me. 

    My friend Dani changed her name for the exact same reason, as soon as she became an adult. (Her orginal name was really pretty, it just wasn't her.) An aquaintance from another forum changed her name from "the result of her Mum watching too many soap-operas" to Ruth, after someone accidentally called her that and she realised how much she would love for it to be her name. In both cases, it seems like their family and friends accepted their new name. My real-life social circle is... well, really conservative, and name changes are seen as a bit unnecessary. "Everyone" in my family hates the name they were given, but "it's how they've always been known," and how people would still think of them even if official papers said otherwise. I do have a "pretty" middlename, but it's just so many syllables. frown

    I’ve had my last name changed several times... technically three times... But I was a kid then and that’s a long story, but it screwed up soooo many things as I got older. 

    My first name has never changed but people constantly change it for me... it’s Victor, but if someone asks me my name it usually becomes Hector, Vincent or Nick... not “Nick” because I said “Vic”, I’ll say Victor and the person will say “okay Nick, I’ll get that package for you in a minute...” At this point I’ve given up giving my full name and just shorten it to “Vic” because I’m sick of Hector and Vincent, and they’ll probably turn it into Nick anyway... 

    My favorite is when I say “Vic” and they turn it into Frank or Tom... I went to get new tires a while ago and I was the only person there and the guy who took my info apparently had an attention problem... some other guy came along to ask me a question, looked at the clipboard with my name and said “Frank?”... since I was the only person there it was obvious who he was looking for but come on WTF, Frank and Vic sound nothing alike and it wasn’t noisy in the place... Restaurants are the same, they’ll ask for a name and I’ll say Vic and they’ll say Dave and I’ll say “sure, why not...” 

    My old username “Lord Vicore” was from a similar screwup.

    And just to clarify, I don’t have a strange accent, forked tongue, lip or tongue piercings, tusks, or huge buck teeth that might interfere with pronunciation.

    This amuses me! I shall hense forth call you Nick or Tom or Frank... Or perhaps Wictor Wictor. 

    I find it strange how many people can't pronounce Gina. This opened up a number of nicknames and confusions. I've been called Jennifer, Jeanie, Jenny, Gin (like the drink), Gwyn, Janet, Jane, Dina, Dana, Gyna, and Toots. Ok, I made the last one up (sort of, that was an online nickname).

  • Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    What are you doing to wear the N key out? I still have one of those sturdy keyboards (1999 vintage, I think) and the E key is looking slightly faded, so I don't think the colour went quite all the way through.

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7


    Richard uses his mind to type.

    Usually when my keyboard dies it is because someone (not me) poured diet pepsi or water or tea into it. Or someone (not me) let it get gunked up with her hair, make-up, lotion, and assorted grossness. Speaking of which... I need to clean my keyboards of the accumulated yuck. Can I put them in the dishwasher?

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited August 2019

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    What are you doing to wear the N key out? I still have one of those sturdy keyboards (1999 vintage, I think) and the E key is looking slightly faded, so I don't think the colour went quite all the way through.

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7


    Richard uses his mind to type.

    Usually when my keyboard dies it is because someone (not me) poured diet pepsi or water or tea into it. Or someone (not me) let it get gunked up with her hair, make-up, lotion, and assorted grossness. Speaking of which... I need to clean my keyboards of the accumulated yuck. Can I put them in the dishwasher?

    You can, and you may, and they would probably be clean.  But I wouldn't expect them to behave quite properly afterwards.indecision  'Speriment, let us know.enlightened

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • I don't want to post this on a centaur thread because, well, I don't like raining on people's parades, but I really, really, really have no use for centaurs.  So if we can more on at some point....  On the other hand, my wallet is staying intact.

  • I don't want to post this on a centaur thread because, well, I don't like raining on people's parades, but I really, really, really have no use for centaurs.  So if we can more on at some point....  On the other hand, my wallet is staying intact.


    i'm waiting patiently for my coupons and to see what sales we have then

  • Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    What are you doing to wear the N key out? I still have one of those sturdy keyboards (1999 vintage, I think) and the E key is looking slightly faded, so I don't think the colour went quite all the way through.

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7


    Richard uses his mind to type.

    Usually when my keyboard dies it is because someone (not me) poured diet pepsi or water or tea into it. Or someone (not me) let it get gunked up with her hair, make-up, lotion, and assorted grossness. Speaking of which... I need to clean my keyboards of the accumulated yuck. Can I put them in the dishwasher?

    You can, and you may, and they would probably be clean.  But I wouldn't expect them to behave quite properly afterwards.indecision  'Speriment, let us know.enlightened

    If it is already not working the worst it will do is continue to not work, so go for it.  I wouldn't use soap though and I'd air dry it don't use the drying cycle.  And make sure it is thoroughly dry before you plug it back in.  If it is somewhat working, I think I'd try something else first.

  • EtriganEtrigan Posts: 603

    I don't want to post this on a centaur thread because, well, I don't like raining on people's parades, but I really, really, really have no use for centaurs.  So if we can more on at some point....  On the other hand, my wallet is staying intact.


    i'm waiting patiently for my coupons and to see what sales we have then

    I acquired the centaur for V/M4 a few light years ago. It's still good enough for the 1 render per decade I find needs it. There are a lot of characters I can easily pass on. In fact, the pickin's have been pretty slim for a while. I simply cannot afford/justify $60 - $100 for a character bundle, and I'm smart enough to know that a la carte is more expensive, so I keep walking (scrolling).

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited August 2019

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7

    I think old keys were heat transfer printed... which melted the paint into the plastic surface slightly.

    Some of my really old keys (70s or 80s) seem to be co-molded... the lettering is actually different color plastic filling a recess in the surface... here’s a pix...

    You would be hard pressed to wear out that lettering... 


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • Etrigan said:

    I don't want to post this on a centaur thread because, well, I don't like raining on people's parades, but I really, really, really have no use for centaurs.  So if we can more on at some point....  On the other hand, my wallet is staying intact.


    i'm waiting patiently for my coupons and to see what sales we have then

    I acquired the centaur for V/M4 a few light years ago. It's still good enough for the 1 render per decade I find needs it. There are a lot of characters I can easily pass on. In fact, the pickin's have been pretty slim for a while. I simply cannot afford/justify $60 - $100 for a character bundle, and I'm smart enough to know that a la carte is more expensive, so I keep walking (scrolling).

    I bought a couple things (sets mainly) the other day but mostly I've been good. I'm on a budget of a budget.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    McGyver said:
    TigerAnne said:

    Okay, so a bit of a more serious question from me: Has any of you ever had your first name legally changed? As of right now, my "real" name isn't Anne, but that name has stuck with me in my head since I was a toddler. It's not so much that I hate my real name, it just doesn't feel like me. It's a name that several other people in my family have had, including my cousin (as a middle name). There's a specific emytology to it that just doesn't fit, a fact I think I remember my mother pointing out once, when she was disappointed in me. 

    My friend Dani changed her name for the exact same reason, as soon as she became an adult. (Her orginal name was really pretty, it just wasn't her.) An aquaintance from another forum changed her name from "the result of her Mum watching too many soap-operas" to Ruth, after someone accidentally called her that and she realised how much she would love for it to be her name. In both cases, it seems like their family and friends accepted their new name. My real-life social circle is... well, really conservative, and name changes are seen as a bit unnecessary. "Everyone" in my family hates the name they were given, but "it's how they've always been known," and how people would still think of them even if official papers said otherwise. I do have a "pretty" middlename, but it's just so many syllables. frown

    I’ve had my last name changed several times... technically three times... But I was a kid then and that’s a long story, but it screwed up soooo many things as I got older. 

    My first name has never changed but people constantly change it for me... it’s Victor, but if someone asks me my name it usually becomes Hector, Vincent or Nick... not “Nick” because I said “Vic”, I’ll say Victor and the person will say “okay Nick, I’ll get that package for you in a minute...” At this point I’ve given up giving my full name and just shorten it to “Vic” because I’m sick of Hector and Vincent, and they’ll probably turn it into Nick anyway... 

    My favorite is when I say “Vic” and they turn it into Frank or Tom... I went to get new tires a while ago and I was the only person there and the guy who took my info apparently had an attention problem... some other guy came along to ask me a question, looked at the clipboard with my name and said “Frank?”... since I was the only person there it was obvious who he was looking for but come on WTF, Frank and Vic sound nothing alike and it wasn’t noisy in the place... Restaurants are the same, they’ll ask for a name and I’ll say Vic and they’ll say Dave and I’ll say “sure, why not...” 

    My old username “Lord Vicore” was from a similar screwup.

    And just to clarify, I don’t have a strange accent, forked tongue, lip or tongue piercings, tusks, or huge buck teeth that might interfere with pronunciation.

    This amuses me! I shall hense forth call you Nick or Tom or Frank... Or perhaps Wictor Wictor. 

    I find it strange how many people can't pronounce Gina. This opened up a number of nicknames and confusions. I've been called Jennifer, Jeanie, Jenny, Gin (like the drink), Gwyn, Janet, Jane, Dina, Dana, Gyna, and Toots. Ok, I made the last one up (sort of, that was an online nickname).

    Wictor is actually one of the mispronunciations, but that’s usually accent based so it doesn’t bother me...

    Call me whatever you like... but... “Never call me Shirley...”

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    Happy belated birthday T-John!... very belated.

    I just happened to be snacking on my birthday ham when I came across your post... My birthday was months ago, so it’s really coincidental.

    Yes... Birthday Ham.

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    McGyver said:
    TigerAnne said:

    Okay, so a bit of a more serious question from me: Has any of you ever had your first name legally changed? As of right now, my "real" name isn't Anne, but that name has stuck with me in my head since I was a toddler. It's not so much that I hate my real name, it just doesn't feel like me. It's a name that several other people in my family have had, including my cousin (as a middle name). There's a specific emytology to it that just doesn't fit, a fact I think I remember my mother pointing out once, when she was disappointed in me. 

    My friend Dani changed her name for the exact same reason, as soon as she became an adult. (Her orginal name was really pretty, it just wasn't her.) An aquaintance from another forum changed her name from "the result of her Mum watching too many soap-operas" to Ruth, after someone accidentally called her that and she realised how much she would love for it to be her name. In both cases, it seems like their family and friends accepted their new name. My real-life social circle is... well, really conservative, and name changes are seen as a bit unnecessary. "Everyone" in my family hates the name they were given, but "it's how they've always been known," and how people would still think of them even if official papers said otherwise. I do have a "pretty" middlename, but it's just so many syllables. frown

    I’ve had my last name changed several times... technically three times... But I was a kid then and that’s a long story, but it screwed up soooo many things as I got older. 

    My first name has never changed but people constantly change it for me... it’s Victor, but if someone asks me my name it usually becomes Hector, Vincent or Nick... not “Nick” because I said “Vic”, I’ll say Victor and the person will say “okay Nick, I’ll get that package for you in a minute...” At this point I’ve given up giving my full name and just shorten it to “Vic” because I’m sick of Hector and Vincent, and they’ll probably turn it into Nick anyway... 

    My favorite is when I say “Vic” and they turn it into Frank or Tom... I went to get new tires a while ago and I was the only person there and the guy who took my info apparently had an attention problem... some other guy came along to ask me a question, looked at the clipboard with my name and said “Frank?”... since I was the only person there it was obvious who he was looking for but come on WTF, Frank and Vic sound nothing alike and it wasn’t noisy in the place... Restaurants are the same, they’ll ask for a name and I’ll say Vic and they’ll say Dave and I’ll say “sure, why not...” 

    My old username “Lord Vicore” was from a similar screwup.

    And just to clarify, I don’t have a strange accent, forked tongue, lip or tongue piercings, tusks, or huge buck teeth that might interfere with pronunciation.

    This cracked me up. :) My first name is "Karl" which I understand can be hard to hear sometimes. I don't even try to ask people to pronounce or spell my last name correctly most of the time.

    My favorite, though, was when I was spelling my name for someone on the phone who was going to send me a letter. I said "It's Karl, with a 'K', ..." like I normally do and then spelled my last name. A few days later I got a letter addressed to "Carl Withakay [last name]".

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited August 2019
    McGyver said:

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7

    I think old keys were heat transfer printed... which melted the paint into the plastic surface slightly.

    Some of my really old keys (70s or 80s) seem to be co-molded... the lettering is actually different color plastic filling a recess in the surface... here’s a pix...

    You would be hard pressed to wear out that lettering... 


    For a while back in the early '80s I worked for a small software consulting company that had a contract with a branch of the Harris Corporation (specifically Harris Intertype) that manufactured newspaper printing equipment.  We were creating an early version of a professional word processing machine for setting newspaper type.  We had access to some interesting high quality equipment (phototypesetters, teletypes, linotype machines, etc).  One of the things that came our way was a good sized box full of miscellaneous keycaps.  Everybody in the software part of the project (about 5 of us) rummaged through the box to find letters to create various words such as our names.  Somewhere around here I have my name permanently emblazoned on a piece of oak in old fashioned plastic keycaps of the co-molded type you described.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744
    McGyver said:

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7

    I think old keys were heat transfer printed... which melted the paint into the plastic surface slightly.

    Some of my really old keys (70s or 80s) seem to be co-molded... the lettering is actually different color plastic filling a recess in the surface... here’s a pix...


    You would be hard pressed to wear out that lettering... 


    I see what you did there. "You'd be hard pressed..." I guess you would be pressing pretty hard on your kyboard to wear those out! laugh

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited August 2019

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    McGyver said:

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7

    I think old keys were heat transfer printed... which melted the paint into the plastic surface slightly.

    Some of my really old keys (70s or 80s) seem to be co-molded... the lettering is actually different color plastic filling a recess in the surface... here’s a pix...

    You would be hard pressed to wear out that lettering... 



    mann if you glued some gears to those, you could sell it as steampunk on etsy, Heaven to betsy, regretsy

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    McGyver said:
    McGyver said:
    TigerAnne said:

    Okay, so a bit of a more serious question from me: Has any of you ever had your first name legally changed? As of right now, my "real" name isn't Anne, but that name has stuck with me in my head since I was a toddler. It's not so much that I hate my real name, it just doesn't feel like me. It's a name that several other people in my family have had, including my cousin (as a middle name). There's a specific emytology to it that just doesn't fit, a fact I think I remember my mother pointing out once, when she was disappointed in me. 

    My friend Dani changed her name for the exact same reason, as soon as she became an adult. (Her orginal name was really pretty, it just wasn't her.) An aquaintance from another forum changed her name from "the result of her Mum watching too many soap-operas" to Ruth, after someone accidentally called her that and she realised how much she would love for it to be her name. In both cases, it seems like their family and friends accepted their new name. My real-life social circle is... well, really conservative, and name changes are seen as a bit unnecessary. "Everyone" in my family hates the name they were given, but "it's how they've always been known," and how people would still think of them even if official papers said otherwise. I do have a "pretty" middlename, but it's just so many syllables. frown

    I’ve had my last name changed several times... technically three times... But I was a kid then and that’s a long story, but it screwed up soooo many things as I got older. 

    My first name has never changed but people constantly change it for me... it’s Victor, but if someone asks me my name it usually becomes Hector, Vincent or Nick... not “Nick” because I said “Vic”, I’ll say Victor and the person will say “okay Nick, I’ll get that package for you in a minute...” At this point I’ve given up giving my full name and just shorten it to “Vic” because I’m sick of Hector and Vincent, and they’ll probably turn it into Nick anyway... 

    My favorite is when I say “Vic” and they turn it into Frank or Tom... I went to get new tires a while ago and I was the only person there and the guy who took my info apparently had an attention problem... some other guy came along to ask me a question, looked at the clipboard with my name and said “Frank?”... since I was the only person there it was obvious who he was looking for but come on WTF, Frank and Vic sound nothing alike and it wasn’t noisy in the place... Restaurants are the same, they’ll ask for a name and I’ll say Vic and they’ll say Dave and I’ll say “sure, why not...” 

    My old username “Lord Vicore” was from a similar screwup.

    And just to clarify, I don’t have a strange accent, forked tongue, lip or tongue piercings, tusks, or huge buck teeth that might interfere with pronunciation.

    This amuses me! I shall hense forth call you Nick or Tom or Frank... Or perhaps Wictor Wictor. 

    I find it strange how many people can't pronounce Gina. This opened up a number of nicknames and confusions. I've been called Jennifer, Jeanie, Jenny, Gin (like the drink), Gwyn, Janet, Jane, Dina, Dana, Gyna, and Toots. Ok, I made the last one up (sort of, that was an online nickname).

    Wictor is actually one of the mispronunciations, but that’s usually accent based so it doesn’t bother me...

    Call me whatever you like... but... “Never call me Shirley...”

    Would  Sue   be OK?

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904


    I find it strange how many people can't pronounce Gina. This opened up a number of nicknames and confusions. I've been called Jennifer, Jeanie, Jenny, Gin (like the drink), Gwyn, Janet, Jane, Dina, Dana, Gyna, and Toots. Ok, I made the last one up (sort of, that was an online nickname).

    In my head, I always "hear" Regina as "re-gyna." frown blush What can I say, I'm a foreign savage who didn't know enough English to actually understand song-lyrics until I was 13-14.

    A friend of mine is named Nieves, and no one can pronounce it, even after she's told them how to. (KNEE-uh-vez) They can say "Danielle," But "Nieves" is just too Spanish for them. She's affectionately known as "Knives."


  • Someone called me Regina once... well maybe more times. I had no clue they meant me.

    Gina is pronounced Jeena.

    "Knives" would be an awesome nickname.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    TigerAnne said:


    I find it strange how many people can't pronounce Gina. This opened up a number of nicknames and confusions. I've been called Jennifer, Jeanie, Jenny, Gin (like the drink), Gwyn, Janet, Jane, Dina, Dana, Gyna, and Toots. Ok, I made the last one up (sort of, that was an online nickname).

    In my head, I always "hear" Regina as "re-gyna." frown blush What can I say, I'm a foreign savage who didn't know enough English to actually understand song-lyrics until I was 13-14.

    A friend of mine is named Nieves, and no one can pronounce it, even after she's told them how to. (KNEE-uh-vez) They can say "Danielle," But "Nieves" is just too Spanish for them. She's affectionately known as "Knives."


    Knives... I went out with a girl who had the nickname “Stabby”... it wasn’t fair though... you stab someone once, maybe twice and you get branded for life.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    I remembered this way after-the-fact... a friend named Regina whose last name began with a “V” used to get junk mail addressed to “Vigina”... 

  • i tried to make one of my daz models look like one of my gw2 characters... results were bad.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    TigerAnne said:

    Okay, so a bit of a more serious question from me: Has any of you ever had your first name legally changed? As of right now, my "real" name isn't Anne, but that name has stuck with me in my head since I was a toddler. It's not so much that I hate my real name, it just doesn't feel like me. It's a name that several other people in my family have had, including my cousin (as a middle name). There's a specific emytology to it that just doesn't fit, a fact I think I remember my mother pointing out once, when she was disappointed in me. 

    My friend Dani changed her name for the exact same reason, as soon as she became an adult. (Her orginal name was really pretty, it just wasn't her.) An aquaintance from another forum changed her name from "the result of her Mum watching too many soap-operas" to Ruth, after someone accidentally called her that and she realised how much she would love for it to be her name. In both cases, it seems like their family and friends accepted their new name. My real-life social circle is... well, really conservative, and name changes are seen as a bit unnecessary. "Everyone" in my family hates the name they were given, but "it's how they've always been known," and how people would still think of them even if official papers said otherwise. I do have a "pretty" middlename, but it's just so many syllables. frown

    ...actually did so for "professional" reasons decades ago back when I was an aspiring classical composer who loved the music of Bach (still do), So I shortened my first name to two letters, using the first letter of my first & middle name [ala "JS Bach"]. Yeah, the crazy things we do sometimes when we were young and idealistic (never ever got a tattoo though, sensitive skin).  Of course didn't realise my goal as you basically had to go to one of those expensive big name music schools to even be noticed, however the name stuck and became official via "common law" and now it is on my state ID, my Social Security Card, and all other legal documentation.  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7

    ...yeah they used to have the letters and numbers embossed into the key, now they just print the characters them which wear off in is a real issue for someone like myself who is dyslexic and no longer a two handed touch typist because of my arthritis. So many times I get ";/:" instead of "L/l" because the letter is worn off and that is my on my right hand's side which is fairly crippled. Thankfully I use A UK keyboard which puts the ' " ' above he "2".  Still it is annoying, and likely an obsolescence thing which makes you have to go out and buy a new keyboard. 

    I used to have one of those old keyboards that even had a hinged cover so when I was a way from the desk, the cat wouldn't accidentally hack into some super secret government site by walking across or laying on it.  Sadly it is very old and no longer compatible in this day of USB connectivity.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    Mystarra said:

    Remember morris. ? The finnicky ginger cat

    ...ooh, din din.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    What are you doing to wear the N key out? I still have one of those sturdy keyboards (1999 vintage, I think) and the E key is looking slightly faded, so I don't think the colour went quite all the way through.



    I don't know, never figured it out.  It's been bugging me too. frown It's not like I never announce numerous nice or nasty non-essential nit-picking nonsense to nobody in particular that requires numerous knocks of the "N" key.  Totally non-plussed.indecision

    ...along with the "L" key, both my "M" and "N" keys are now blank along with "A", "S", "D", and "E" while the "C"is almost gone.  The only reason I haven't replaced it is that it actually does have switches under the keys and is built a lot sturdier and it's harder to find UK keyboards here in the states.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    McGyver said:

    I remembered this way after-the-fact... a friend named Regina whose last name began with a “V” used to get junk mail addressed to “Vigina”... 

    At one of the Sims forums I hang at, a kid once started a thread asking for a hack to give his sims viganes. It took the mods about ten minutes to discover and lock the thread, but by then the other members had decided that "viganes" was a very nasty STD you should get treated immediately.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    McGyver said:

    Complaint:  Why are modern keyboards so flimsy?frown   This is the second identical HP keyboard that has worn the "N" decal off of the "N" keycap, and developed a depression on the "Space bar".  I miss the old keyboards that had mechanical movements and went "click" when you depressed them and had molded two color plastic keycaps that would never wear through the letter, and could substitute for cricket bats.  I regret that I've actually discarded plenty of those old keyboards in my foolish youth. sad

    It's not that I don't know where the "N" key is.  After all, it hasn't moved but I'm a neatnic and things out of place or unbalanced tug at my reality.indecision

    Non-complaint:  It's 8:30 in the morning and I'm listening to the Buffalo classical radio station over the internet (WNED playing Beethoven Symphony #7.  Enough said!heart  (head 'splode; the guy was completely deaf at this pointsurprise)

    Beethoven: Symphony #7

    I think old keys were heat transfer printed... which melted the paint into the plastic surface slightly.

    Some of my really old keys (70s or 80s) seem to be co-molded... the lettering is actually different color plastic filling a recess in the surface... here’s a pix...

    You would be hard pressed to wear out that lettering... 


    ...those were the kind of keys that old "cat proof" keyboard of mine had.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930

    ...apologies for the post spamming.  Woke up to 116 emails this morning which is far more than usual for a Friday (about double the usual count for that time of the morning) . Continued to be carpet bombed while trying to slog through the initial ones until finally (total of 184) I had a clear inbox (though 14 more just popped up).  Daz forum reminders, promotions, and order acknowledgements go to a different inbox so they don't figure into the morning counts.

    When dealing with various social causes takes up most of my waking day (and I'm retired), there is something wrong.  I feel I still need a vacation.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    kyoto kid said:

    ...apologies for the post spamming.  Woke up to 116 emails this morning which is far more than usual for a Friday (about double the usual count for that time of the morning) . Continued to be carpet bombed while trying to slog through the initial ones until finally (total of 184) I had a clear inbox (though 14 more just popped up).  Daz forum reminders, promotions, and order acknowledgements go to a different inbox so they don't figure into the morning counts.

    When dealing with various social causes takes up most of my waking day (and I'm retired), there is something wrong.  I feel I still need a vacation.

    Yeah, I get a bazillion charity and social cause emails too... after a while it’s too many and you end up knowing which to just delete and which are actually getting stuff done... a while ago I had a peice I did displayed in a local art museum (way less cool than that sounds) and somehow I must of ended up on the “someone who has more money than they know what to do with” list for various arts causes... now I keep getting emails for fundraisers and programs for artist... it’s fun to see how “real” artists are sold.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    edited August 2019

    ...yeah like I alluded to in another thread, "real" musicians and composers who are only recognised because they went to those unaffordable big name music schools. 

    I wonder how many Bach's, Chopin's, and Debussy's of our day never achieved their dream. and ended up in some stupid dead end job.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
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