My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • Trying to clean out my wishlist a bit and i find myself wondering why I put some of the items in it because now I'm like "Errr... nope".

    I've been trying to avoid adding specific models to it unless there is something unique about them. I was going to remove one but then saw one of the promo images. I must find the outfit... and hair...


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    DanaTA said:

    Worried:  Hurricane track has it going through major parts of Florida.  I have oodles of relatives still down there.  Some right on the beach in big tall condominiums and some on low ground near the shores.  I've been through a low category-3 storm (the one that brought the tree down on our livingroom and took out nearly a dozen of our palm trees, ripped shingles and nails from the roof and scattered them throughout the yard, destroyed the area's power for 5 days, took down traffic lights and left 3 feet of vegetation debris everywhere) but a category-4 storm would be the tipping point with complete roofs flying off, some buildings flying apart, condominium windows blowing out, major flooding, etc.  Doesn't look good.sad

    Not anymore; have you checkedd lately? It looks like it will stay just offshore of Florida and skirt up up the coast to us on the NC Outer Banks. I'm really worried about this one.

    Hmmm..., well, might still hit Florida hard, you never can tell.  The weather guys can be wrong.  For example, they were wrong last night! frown (*sigh*)  Millions of dollars, thousands of people, 21st century science, and 8 hours still blows your predictions out of the water (unintended pun).indecision

    Especially with this one.  It's been described as very erratic and unpredictable.  They were sure it was going to hit Puerto Rico, then it shifted to the north and mostly left them in peace.  But this is why they have that Cone of Uncertainty.  Hurricanes have always been rather unpredictable.  Just less so in recent years, but the further away it is, the more uncertainty there is.


    I’m going to offer to change the course of this hurricane...

    For a small fee, I’ll go somewhere and lay out all my power tools and start building something out of flimsy non-weatherproof materials... the hurricane will instantly shift to that direction. After doing this back and forth in different directions, I believe the hurricane will lose sufficient energy and die out into a weak tropical depression.


  • Fast Grab keeps calling me... tempting me... making me weak...

    Must resist... must... resist...



  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047


    kyoto kid said:

    ...major 'plaint.

    Those electric rental scooters that are showing up in many cities need to be banned as the people who use them are totally careless. (they are banned in some countries). 

    Tonight when I was at a favourite hangout, I got my beer and exited go to the table I was sitting at outside when I had to jump back (not an easy task with my creaky joints) to not get hit by some idiot barrelling down the sidewalk at full speed on one of those infernal machines.  As I recovered from that and continued to to my table another idiot on one of these scooters nearly clipped me from behind.  I yelled at him about almost hitting me and told him to get on the street (where these are supposed to be ridden as by law, that are motorised vehicles and not supposed to be used on the sidewalks) ) and he gave me backtalk. These things are a total bane to pedestrians.

    Going to write to the city tomorrow about this.

    Last week we stayed at Virginia Beach overnight and I’ve seen the same thing going on over there...

    I’ve complained about rental bicycles in NYC where any idiot can rent a bike and plod out into traffic without any sense whatsoever, but so far rental scooters haven’t become a problem... 

    I’ve read articles about cities regretting allowing scooter and bike rentals, but hadn’t actually seen the stupidity for myself... Holy bovines, that was a mess in Virginia Beach... scooters left wherever someone decided, dopes riding on the sidewalk, zipping through traffic, bunches of people meandering together in “clumps” in no particular lane or direction... apparently most scooters have one speed, off or full.

    Who thought giving mostly drunk or dumb tourists these things was a good idea?

    Rental scooter cities must become head injury capitals overnight.

    A few years ago a friend of mine told me about some guy out west who had come across old JATO packs, and was trying to by them for assorted automotive stupidity... I commented that if he didn’t buy them all, this could be my opportunity to start my rocket powered inline skate rental business... 

    Now that’s not seeming like much of a stretch given the safety and responsibility of the scooter rentals.

  • McGyver said:
    DanaTA said:

    Worried:  Hurricane track has it going through major parts of Florida.  I have oodles of relatives still down there.  Some right on the beach in big tall condominiums and some on low ground near the shores.  I've been through a low category-3 storm (the one that brought the tree down on our livingroom and took out nearly a dozen of our palm trees, ripped shingles and nails from the roof and scattered them throughout the yard, destroyed the area's power for 5 days, took down traffic lights and left 3 feet of vegetation debris everywhere) but a category-4 storm would be the tipping point with complete roofs flying off, some buildings flying apart, condominium windows blowing out, major flooding, etc.  Doesn't look good.sad

    Not anymore; have you checkedd lately? It looks like it will stay just offshore of Florida and skirt up up the coast to us on the NC Outer Banks. I'm really worried about this one.

    Hmmm..., well, might still hit Florida hard, you never can tell.  The weather guys can be wrong.  For example, they were wrong last night! frown (*sigh*)  Millions of dollars, thousands of people, 21st century science, and 8 hours still blows your predictions out of the water (unintended pun).indecision

    Especially with this one.  It's been described as very erratic and unpredictable.  They were sure it was going to hit Puerto Rico, then it shifted to the north and mostly left them in peace.  But this is why they have that Cone of Uncertainty.  Hurricanes have always been rather unpredictable.  Just less so in recent years, but the further away it is, the more uncertainty there is.


    I’m going to offer to change the course of this hurricane...

    For a small fee, I’ll go somewhere and lay out all my power tools and start building something out of flimsy non-weatherproof materials... the hurricane will instantly shift to that direction. After doing this back and forth in different directions, I believe the hurricane will lose sufficient energy and die out into a weak tropical depression.


    Thanks, but unless you're willing to build your flimsy structure in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, I don't think it will matter.

    kyoto kid said:

    ...major 'plaint.

    Those electric rental scooters that are showing up in many cities need to be banned as the people who use them are totally careless. (they are banned in some countries). 

    Tonight when I was at a favourite hangout, I got my beer and exited go to the table I was sitting at outside when I had to jump back (not an easy task with my creaky joints) to not get hit by some idiot barrelling down the sidewalk at full speed on one of those infernal machines.  As I recovered from that and continued to to my table another idiot on one of these scooters nearly clipped me from behind.  I yelled at him about almost hitting me and told him to get on the street (where these are supposed to be ridden as by law, that are motorised vehicles and not supposed to be used on the sidewalks) ) and he gave me backtalk. These things are a total bane to pedestrians.

    Going to write to the city tomorrow about this.

    This is indeed a law enforcement problem.  Banning something probably won't help change people's behaviors, and probably won't happen anyway in the town where you live. 

    After all, they are working very hard to get people out of their cars in your geographic location.  That means that they're fully on-board with scooters.  Writing is important, yes.  But I would recommend you spend more time asking them to enforce current traffic code.  Ultimately, you need to figure out a way to ACTUALLY BE HEARD.  Maybe figure out if you can get your local news to start reporting this?  I'm thinking TV, not newspaper (dead) or radio (not listened to by the people in your demographic).

    Good luck on this. I think you have an uphill climb (because you're asking to have current law enforced, not asking for new laws to be made), but if you can get things changed, that would be worthwhile.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited September 2019

    Complaint:  Arghhhh..., for the past two days, my left ear (my good ear) has been "ticking".  WTF! surprise  Semi-randomly about once every one or two seconds and sometimes in close pairs, I hear a tiny "tic.. tic..... tic-tic.... tic...tic.......tic-tic...". frown  I almost think it has something to do with my pulse.  Perhaps a tiny blood vessel nudging one of those ittsy-bittsy bones in my ear.  The semi-randomness might be related to my pulse fibrulations which are always doing some sort of rumba.  Or, possibly it almost sounds like a micro-bubble of air slowly escaping somewhere in there.  (*sigh*)  Getting old sucks.  The only saving grace is that someday in just a few years or even tomorrow, the insanity in the world won't matter to me.  When one realizes that the light at the end of the tunnel IS a train, priorities change.  Epitaph:  "I bequeath to you the problems of the world."devil

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,170
    McGyver said:
    DanaTA said:

    Worried:  Hurricane track has it going through major parts of Florida.  I have oodles of relatives still down there.  Some right on the beach in big tall condominiums and some on low ground near the shores.  I've been through a low category-3 storm (the one that brought the tree down on our livingroom and took out nearly a dozen of our palm trees, ripped shingles and nails from the roof and scattered them throughout the yard, destroyed the area's power for 5 days, took down traffic lights and left 3 feet of vegetation debris everywhere) but a category-4 storm would be the tipping point with complete roofs flying off, some buildings flying apart, condominium windows blowing out, major flooding, etc.  Doesn't look good.sad

    Not anymore; have you checkedd lately? It looks like it will stay just offshore of Florida and skirt up up the coast to us on the NC Outer Banks. I'm really worried about this one.

    Hmmm..., well, might still hit Florida hard, you never can tell.  The weather guys can be wrong.  For example, they were wrong last night! frown (*sigh*)  Millions of dollars, thousands of people, 21st century science, and 8 hours still blows your predictions out of the water (unintended pun).indecision

    Especially with this one.  It's been described as very erratic and unpredictable.  They were sure it was going to hit Puerto Rico, then it shifted to the north and mostly left them in peace.  But this is why they have that Cone of Uncertainty.  Hurricanes have always been rather unpredictable.  Just less so in recent years, but the further away it is, the more uncertainty there is.


    I’m going to offer to change the course of this hurricane...

    For a small fee, I’ll go somewhere and lay out all my power tools and start building something out of flimsy non-weatherproof materials... the hurricane will instantly shift to that direction. After doing this back and forth in different directions, I believe the hurricane will lose sufficient energy and die out into a weak tropical depression.


    Sounds like a reasonable plan!   laugh



  • chaynawolfsmoonchaynawolfsmoon Posts: 675
    edited September 2019

    my attempt to make a creek for this scene i'm working on has not been successful... crying

    Post edited by chaynawolfsmoon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    McGyver said:
    DanaTA said:

    Worried:  Hurricane track has it going through major parts of Florida.  I have oodles of relatives still down there.  Some right on the beach in big tall condominiums and some on low ground near the shores.  I've been through a low category-3 storm (the one that brought the tree down on our livingroom and took out nearly a dozen of our palm trees, ripped shingles and nails from the roof and scattered them throughout the yard, destroyed the area's power for 5 days, took down traffic lights and left 3 feet of vegetation debris everywhere) but a category-4 storm would be the tipping point with complete roofs flying off, some buildings flying apart, condominium windows blowing out, major flooding, etc.  Doesn't look good.sad

    Not anymore; have you checkedd lately? It looks like it will stay just offshore of Florida and skirt up up the coast to us on the NC Outer Banks. I'm really worried about this one.

    Hmmm..., well, might still hit Florida hard, you never can tell.  The weather guys can be wrong.  For example, they were wrong last night! frown (*sigh*)  Millions of dollars, thousands of people, 21st century science, and 8 hours still blows your predictions out of the water (unintended pun).indecision

    Especially with this one.  It's been described as very erratic and unpredictable.  They were sure it was going to hit Puerto Rico, then it shifted to the north and mostly left them in peace.  But this is why they have that Cone of Uncertainty.  Hurricanes have always been rather unpredictable.  Just less so in recent years, but the further away it is, the more uncertainty there is.


    I’m going to offer to change the course of this hurricane...

    For a small fee, I’ll go somewhere and lay out all my power tools and start building something out of flimsy non-weatherproof materials... the hurricane will instantly shift to that direction. After doing this back and forth in different directions, I believe the hurricane will lose sufficient energy and die out into a weak tropical depression.


    Thanks, but unless you're willing to build your flimsy structure in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, I don't think it will matter.

    I’m fully willing to do this... maybe a barge or raft made of discarded styrofoam coolers... duct taped together, of course... I can be flown back and forth between several rafts or barges way out at sea until all the zig-zagging causes the hurricane to expend all its energy.

    I know scientists will argue this is stupid, but I refute that argument by pointing out that scientists are stupid and their lab coats are funny looking.

    My method is a tried and true technique that has been used by trusted rainmakers and highly respectable charlatans for ages and has guaranteed results*... 

    Of course this will require an up front payment in Bitcoin or Pineapples (equally valuable)... so I can work my magic.

    This is totally not a scam.

    Trust me.





    *Results and interpretation of whether said results are positive or negative can vary depending on expectations of what said results can be interpreted to mean. This offer does not imply results which could be interpreted as positive or non lethal and all positive results are based on interpretation and sanity of the consumer. Any negative results should be ignored as they are just inconvenient and tiresome. No statements should be viewed as a promise of actual results in any manner, way or form.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    there was something i had to do 
    sept a good time to throw out every single sock and start fresh

  • McGyver said:
    McGyver said:
    DanaTA said:

    Worried:  Hurricane track has it going through major parts of Florida.  I have oodles of relatives still down there.  Some right on the beach in big tall condominiums and some on low ground near the shores.  I've been through a low category-3 storm (the one that brought the tree down on our livingroom and took out nearly a dozen of our palm trees, ripped shingles and nails from the roof and scattered them throughout the yard, destroyed the area's power for 5 days, took down traffic lights and left 3 feet of vegetation debris everywhere) but a category-4 storm would be the tipping point with complete roofs flying off, some buildings flying apart, condominium windows blowing out, major flooding, etc.  Doesn't look good.sad

    Not anymore; have you checkedd lately? It looks like it will stay just offshore of Florida and skirt up up the coast to us on the NC Outer Banks. I'm really worried about this one.

    Hmmm..., well, might still hit Florida hard, you never can tell.  The weather guys can be wrong.  For example, they were wrong last night! frown (*sigh*)  Millions of dollars, thousands of people, 21st century science, and 8 hours still blows your predictions out of the water (unintended pun).indecision

    Especially with this one.  It's been described as very erratic and unpredictable.  They were sure it was going to hit Puerto Rico, then it shifted to the north and mostly left them in peace.  But this is why they have that Cone of Uncertainty.  Hurricanes have always been rather unpredictable.  Just less so in recent years, but the further away it is, the more uncertainty there is.


    I’m going to offer to change the course of this hurricane...

    For a small fee, I’ll go somewhere and lay out all my power tools and start building something out of flimsy non-weatherproof materials... the hurricane will instantly shift to that direction. After doing this back and forth in different directions, I believe the hurricane will lose sufficient energy and die out into a weak tropical depression.


    Thanks, but unless you're willing to build your flimsy structure in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, I don't think it will matter.

    I’m fully willing to do this... maybe a barge or raft made of discarded styrofoam coolers... duct taped together, of course... I can be flown back and forth between several rafts or barges way out at sea until all the zig-zagging causes the hurricane to expend all its energy.

    I know scientists will argue this is stupid, but I refute that argument by pointing out that scientists are stupid and their lab coats are funny looking.

    My method is a tried and true technique that has been used by trusted rainmakers and highly respectable charlatans for ages and has guaranteed results*... 

    Of course this will require an up front payment in Bitcoin or Pineapples (equally valuable)... so I can work my magic.

    This is totally not a scam.

    Trust me.





    *Results and interpretation of whether said results are positive or negative can vary depending on expectations of what said results can be interpreted to mean. This offer does not imply results which could be interpreted as positive or non lethal and all positive results are based on interpretation and sanity of the consumer. Any negative results should be ignored as they are just inconvenient and tiresome. No statements should be viewed as a promise of actual results in any manner, way or form.

    Well, I don't have any bitcoin; but how many pineapples do you want to keep it well away from North Carolina? And where should I ship them? laugh

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    McGyver said:
    McGyver said:
    DanaTA said:

    Worried:  Hurricane track has it going through major parts of Florida.  I have oodles of relatives still down there.  Some right on the beach in big tall condominiums and some on low ground near the shores.  I've been through a low category-3 storm (the one that brought the tree down on our livingroom and took out nearly a dozen of our palm trees, ripped shingles and nails from the roof and scattered them throughout the yard, destroyed the area's power for 5 days, took down traffic lights and left 3 feet of vegetation debris everywhere) but a category-4 storm would be the tipping point with complete roofs flying off, some buildings flying apart, condominium windows blowing out, major flooding, etc.  Doesn't look good.sad

    Not anymore; have you checkedd lately? It looks like it will stay just offshore of Florida and skirt up up the coast to us on the NC Outer Banks. I'm really worried about this one.

    Hmmm..., well, might still hit Florida hard, you never can tell.  The weather guys can be wrong.  For example, they were wrong last night! frown (*sigh*)  Millions of dollars, thousands of people, 21st century science, and 8 hours still blows your predictions out of the water (unintended pun).indecision

    Especially with this one.  It's been described as very erratic and unpredictable.  They were sure it was going to hit Puerto Rico, then it shifted to the north and mostly left them in peace.  But this is why they have that Cone of Uncertainty.  Hurricanes have always been rather unpredictable.  Just less so in recent years, but the further away it is, the more uncertainty there is.


    I’m going to offer to change the course of this hurricane...

    For a small fee, I’ll go somewhere and lay out all my power tools and start building something out of flimsy non-weatherproof materials... the hurricane will instantly shift to that direction. After doing this back and forth in different directions, I believe the hurricane will lose sufficient energy and die out into a weak tropical depression.


    Thanks, but unless you're willing to build your flimsy structure in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, I don't think it will matter.

    I’m fully willing to do this... maybe a barge or raft made of discarded styrofoam coolers... duct taped together, of course... I can be flown back and forth between several rafts or barges way out at sea until all the zig-zagging causes the hurricane to expend all its energy.

    I know scientists will argue this is stupid, but I refute that argument by pointing out that scientists are stupid and their lab coats are funny looking.

    My method is a tried and true technique that has been used by trusted rainmakers and highly respectable charlatans for ages and has guaranteed results*... 

    Of course this will require an up front payment in Bitcoin or Pineapples (equally valuable)... so I can work my magic.

    This is totally not a scam.

    Trust me.





    *Results and interpretation of whether said results are positive or negative can vary depending on expectations of what said results can be interpreted to mean. This offer does not imply results which could be interpreted as positive or non lethal and all positive results are based on interpretation and sanity of the consumer. Any negative results should be ignored as they are just inconvenient and tiresome. No statements should be viewed as a promise of actual results in any manner, way or form.

    Well, I don't have any bitcoin; but how many pineapples do you want to keep it well away from North Carolina? And where should I ship them? laugh

    750 standard unmarked Norwegian pineapples in an unmarked box made of Canadian cardboard, addressed to:

    Mr. Snootypants, C/O Susquehanna Hat Company.

    123 Bagel Street 

    Susquehannahat, N.Y. 18847-1234567890000000000 


  • I am weak... I bought stuff from the fast grab... I'm so ashamed. So very ashamed...

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904
    McGyver said:


    750 standard unmarked Norwegian pineapples



  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321
    kyoto kid said:

    ...major 'plaint.

    Those electric rental scooters that are showing up in many cities need to be banned as the people who use them are totally careless. (they are banned in some countries). 

    Tonight when I was at a favourite hangout, I got my beer and exited go to the table I was sitting at outside when I had to jump back (not an easy task with my creaky joints) to not get hit by some idiot barrelling down the sidewalk at full speed on one of those infernal machines.  As I recovered from that and continued to to my table another idiot on one of these scooters nearly clipped me from behind.  I yelled at him about almost hitting me and told him to get on the street (where these are supposed to be ridden as by law, that are motorised vehicles and not supposed to be used on the sidewalks) ) and he gave me backtalk. These things are a total bane to pedestrians.

    Going to write to the city tomorrow about this.

    Sometimes having a cane can be a positive.
    Even if you don't need one to walk.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I am weak... I bought stuff from the fast grab... I'm so ashamed. So very ashamed...

    i grabbed the wyvern

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    3 new items i didnt buy cuz the product info / promos are insufficient.

    my product questions get deleted without notice 

    saving me like 30 bux

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited September 2019

    In Florida, a cane is considered a deadly weapon and you need a license to carry. devil  Adds a whole level of meaning to "stand your ground".surprise

    (To the confused in the audience, they're American jokes, son.  American jokes.)

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • chaynawolfsmoonchaynawolfsmoon Posts: 675
    edited September 2019
    Mystarra said:

    I am weak... I bought stuff from the fast grab... I'm so ashamed. So very ashamed...

    i grabbed the wyvern

    I was tempted by that as well. It has more of the look of my idea of a dragon than the ones with four limbs plus wings. Let me know when you post something with it.

    I got two outfits that I've been wanting for a while. I've had them in and out of my cart so many times.


    Post edited by chaynawolfsmoon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    In Florida, a cane is considered a deadly weapon and you need a license to carry. devil  Adds a whole level of meaning to "stand your ground".surprise

    (To the confused in the audience, they're American jokes, son.  American jokes.)

    and possibly edible if sugar cane

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930


    kyoto kid said:

    ...major 'plaint.

    Those electric rental scooters that are showing up in many cities need to be banned as the people who use them are totally careless. (they are banned in some countries). 

    Tonight when I was at a favourite hangout, I got my beer and exited go to the table I was sitting at outside when I had to jump back (not an easy task with my creaky joints) to not get hit by some idiot barrelling down the sidewalk at full speed on one of those infernal machines.  As I recovered from that and continued to to my table another idiot on one of these scooters nearly clipped me from behind.  I yelled at him about almost hitting me and told him to get on the street (where these are supposed to be ridden as by law, that are motorised vehicles and not supposed to be used on the sidewalks) ) and he gave me backtalk. These things are a total bane to pedestrians.

    Going to write to the city tomorrow about this.

    This is indeed a law enforcement problem.  Banning something probably won't help change people's behaviors, and probably won't happen anyway in the town where you live. 

    After all, they are working very hard to get people out of their cars in your geographic location.  That means that they're fully on-board with scooters.  Writing is important, yes.  But I would recommend you spend more time asking them to enforce current traffic code.  Ultimately, you need to figure out a way to ACTUALLY BE HEARD.  Maybe figure out if you can get your local news to start reporting this?  I'm thinking TV, not newspaper (dead) or radio (not listened to by the people in your demographic).

    Good luck on this. I think you have an uphill climb (because you're asking to have current law enforced, not asking for new laws to be made), but if you can get things changed, that would be worthwhile.

    ...Portland has a reasonable contingent of officers who use bikes (not motorcycles) who are supposed to handle such situations and could be dispatched to patrol troubled areas (the only time we ever see them is if there is a demonstration or protest). There have been news stories, both print and broadcast since last year expressing concern, but little to nothing has come out of it, in fact there are two new scooter rental services we didn't have last year.

    City law prohibits riding these on the sidewalk and riders are required to have helmets as these are considered a motor vehicle like a vespa or motorcycle. Very, very, few riders seem to heed this.

    Yeah cars are a pain, but they don't generally drive full tilt down the sidewalks terrorising pedestrians and people sitting at outdoor tables that cafes and pubs provide. We also have a bike share (which is actually less expensive per hour with docking stations all over the inner city) and the and people who use those tend to be more sensible and ride in the street.

    Before these scooter share services appeared, one only had to beware of the occasional carless cyclist who would take to the sidewalks, which was bad enough. LIke a bike you can't hear these scooters coming from behind, and I've seen many of their riders who tend to not only ride poorly, but stupidly, treating the bloody things toys and pedestrians as if they are obstacles.

    They may not be as fast as a car but at full speed they can still cause serious injury if they hit someone.  A couple weeks ago I saw an incident where one foolish person was riding a scooter full speed the wrong way through a red light and clipped the front wheel of a bike that an older fellow was riding through the intersection on the cross street (with the green light) causing hims to crash.  He was pretty shaken up as well as couldn't move one of his legs so an EMT unit was called to take him to the hospital. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    Petercat said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...major 'plaint.

    Those electric rental scooters that are showing up in many cities need to be banned as the people who use them are totally careless. (they are banned in some countries). 

    Tonight when I was at a favourite hangout, I got my beer and exited go to the table I was sitting at outside when I had to jump back (not an easy task with my creaky joints) to not get hit by some idiot barrelling down the sidewalk at full speed on one of those infernal machines.  As I recovered from that and continued to to my table another idiot on one of these scooters nearly clipped me from behind.  I yelled at him about almost hitting me and told him to get on the street (where these are supposed to be ridden as by law, that are motorised vehicles and not supposed to be used on the sidewalks) ) and he gave me backtalk. These things are a total bane to pedestrians.

    Going to write to the city tomorrow about this.

    Sometimes having a cane can be a positive.
    Even if you don't need one to walk.

    ...that only works for bikes as the wheels on these scooters are very small and have a solid hub.  Dropping tacks doesn't help either as the tyres are solid rubber, not air filled, except for the red and black Razor ones which are more like a mini fold-up bike as they have 18" spoked wheels and a seat.  Those tend to be ridden more on the street, it's the ones you stand on with the small wheels that are the issue.

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,872

    This is old news, but now science is starting to get it also:

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072
    Mystarra said:

    I am weak... I bought stuff from the fast grab... I'm so ashamed. So very ashamed...

    i grabbed the wyvern

    Wyvern don't like to be grabbed. It's best to approach them slowly, then let them smell the back of your hand. If they appear receptive, you may then stroke their head slowly and carefully. With time they may become docile.

    Don't grab them though, or they will bite or maybe even eat you.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    You people let this thread slip to the second page... what kind of a complaint thread are we running here?

    And don’t give me any of that “I was run over by a bus and had to go to the hospital” nonsense, what kind of message does that send to children and pets?  I’ll tell you what... Giveupance is okay... it also sends a message that giving up, making up words and chewing on the furniture is okay, which mostly how children and pets interprete most messages, though I’m not sure in what order... but it’s all your collective faults.



    Thats all... 


  • Will forum threads ever replace real threads?

  • i'm obsessed with this outfit... and hair... even the character... luckily i'venot found the outfit (the hair looks similar to something I have).

  • i'm obsessed with this outfit... and hair... even the character... luckily i'venot found the outfit (the hair looks similar to something I have).

    Pretty swish allrighty smiley

    Should you ever feel the craving to ditch the lucky thing for your finances and switch to lucky for your rendering happiness, then maybe take a peak over at the other site that starts with R. If this forum has spoilers which would be really nice, could put the key words in there.  Does look pretty "fancy" though looks like it has some "punk" in it.

    But since don't want to spoil your luck, and no spoiler possible, so you can decide , nothing more I can do.  lol.  Just happen to agree outfit is amazing, so thought would help eensy teensy bit to get you closer to finding it.

  • i'm obsessed with this outfit... and hair... even the character... luckily i'venot found the outfit (the hair looks similar to something I have).

    Pretty swish allrighty smiley

    Should you ever feel the craving to ditch the lucky thing for your finances and switch to lucky for your rendering happiness, then maybe take a peak over at the other site that starts with R. If this forum has spoilers which would be really nice, could put the key words in there.  Does look pretty "fancy" though looks like it has some "punk" in it.

    But since don't want to spoil your luck, and no spoiler possible, so you can decide , nothing more I can do.  lol.  Just happen to agree outfit is amazing, so thought would help eensy teensy bit to get you closer to finding it.

    I might never find it... LOL Thank you


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    McGyver said:

    You people let this thread slip to the second page... what kind of a complaint thread are we running here?

    And don’t give me any of that “I was run over by a bus and had to go to the hospital” nonsense, what kind of message does that send to children and pets?  I’ll tell you what... Giveupance is okay... it also sends a message that giving up, making up words and chewing on the furniture is okay, which mostly how children and pets interprete most messages, though I’m not sure in what order... but it’s all your collective faults.



    Thats all... 


    ...but us oldsters get a pass to sleep because we no longer can pull those "all nighters" anymore like we could when we were in college, dosed up on pots of coffee while cramming for midterms or playing Axis and Allies.

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