My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,104
    kyoto kid said:

    My computer is acting crazy so I probably should take a shower.

    ...hopefully not with the computer. 

    No, I left the computer in the bedroom and I took the shower in the bathroom.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited August 2019

    Egads!  Even with 60 years of music behind me, I still majorly goofedsurprise  about the note naming convention.  Its even more complicated than I first expressed... B# is C, whereas C♭ is B.  And E# is F, and F♭ is Eblush.  (See footnote in my previous post for more complete explanation.)  And just for jollies, there are double-sharps (##) and double-flats (♭♭) too.  All with quite logical but convoluted reasons that hurt your brain.  It's all because the Western music naming convention was devised 500-600 years ago when monks only used about half as many notes in a scale, for their chanting.  It's like the world is still using rocks in bags to do arithmetic counting their sheep.frown  Several improved music notation conventions have been suggested but I'm afraid it's too late.  And of course all this completely ignores Eastern music with quarter-tones instead of half-tones. Arghhhhhh...... (* brain 'sploding.)  Give me Relativity and quantum physics, it's saner despite things like time dilation and entanglement.indecision

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    kyoto kid said:

    My computer is acting crazy so I probably should take a shower.

    ...hopefully not with the computer. 

    No, I left the computer in the bedroom and I took the shower in the bathroom.

    My Shower is trained to stay in the bathroom all the time so I don't have to take it there.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited August 2019
    Chohole said:
    kyoto kid said:

    My computer is acting crazy so I probably should take a shower.

    ...hopefully not with the computer. 

    No, I left the computer in the bedroom and I took the shower in the bathroom.

    My Shower is trained to stay in the bathroom all the time so I don't have to take it there.

    Good shower.  Stay!

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621

    Egads!  Even with 60 years of music behind me, I still majorly goofedsurprise  about the note naming convention.  Its even more complicated than I first expressed... B# is C, whereas C♭ is B.  And E# is F, and F♭ is Eblush.  (See footnote in my previous post for more complete explanation.)  And just for jollies, there are double-sharps (##) and double-flats (♭♭) too.  All with quite logical but convoluted reasons that hurt your brain.  It's all because the Western music naming convention was devised 500-600 years ago when monks only used about half as many notes in a scale, for their chanting.  It's like the world is still using rocks in bags to do arithmetic counting their sheep.frown  Several improved music notation conventions have been suggested but I'm afraid it's too late.  And of course all this completely ignores Eastern music with quarter-tones instead of half-tones. Arghhhhhh...... (* brain 'sploding.)  Give me Relativity and quantum physics, it's saner despite things like time dilation and entanglement.indecision

    This is pretty close to quantum physics, I studied Gregorian chanting, counterpoint etc. 30 years ago, find it fascinating:)

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072

    Big thank you for the birthday wishes one and all! I had a great day. Had too much pizza. smiley

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Egads!  Even with 60 years of music behind me, I still majorly goofedsurprise  about the note naming convention.  Its even more complicated than I first expressed... B# is C, whereas C♭ is B.  And E# is F, and F♭ is Eblush.  (See footnote in my previous post for more complete explanation.)  And just for jollies, there are double-sharps (##) and double-flats (♭♭) too.  All with quite logical but convoluted reasons that hurt your brain.  It's all because the Western music naming convention was devised 500-600 years ago when monks only used about half as many notes in a scale, for their chanting.  It's like the world is still using rocks in bags to do arithmetic counting their sheep.frown  Several improved music notation conventions have been suggested but I'm afraid it's too late.  And of course all this completely ignores Eastern music with quarter-tones instead of half-tones. Arghhhhhh...... (* brain 'sploding.)  Give me Relativity and quantum physics, it's saner despite things like time dilation and entanglement.indecision

    This is pretty close to quantum physics, I studied Gregorian chanting, counterpoint etc. 30 years ago, find it fascinating:)

    quater tones?

    that just crazy talk

    you couldn't play it on a piano, unless quarters is what the foot pedals do 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    complaint  i work with a holes.  i had my cockpit calendar pinned on my bulletin board, somebody friggin ripped out August, which had the cockpit picture for September on it.  1st of all, August aint even over, and i didn't get to see the picture for Sept.

    it sounds stupid I upset about it,  imagine someone coming into your office and ripping a page out of your wall calendar.

    i feel stupider filing a complaint over it, i want them to replace the calendar with an undamaged one.  It's a keepsake thing.  i have 10 years of cockpit calendars.  all those buttons and switches.  it's porn  like a pinup calendar of spectrum analyzers.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440

    Pizza tastes better on one's birthday.


  • Pizza tastes better on one's birthday.

    It is is always some one's birthday somewhere.

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,635
    edited August 2019

    Complaint: Long term projections for TS Dorian have changed and, while it is too early to tell, it might come up the coast as a catagory 2 or 3 hurricane. I'm definotely not liking that idea.sad

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited August 2019
    Mystarra said:

    Egads!  Even with 60 years of music behind me, I still majorly goofedsurprise  about the note naming convention.  Its even more complicated than I first expressed... B# is C, whereas C♭ is B.  And E# is F, and F♭ is Eblush.  (See footnote in my previous post for more complete explanation.)  And just for jollies, there are double-sharps (##) and double-flats (♭♭) too.  All with quite logical but convoluted reasons that hurt your brain.  It's all because the Western music naming convention was devised 500-600 years ago when monks only used about half as many notes in a scale, for their chanting.  It's like the world is still using rocks in bags to do arithmetic counting their sheep.frown  Several improved music notation conventions have been suggested but I'm afraid it's too late.  And of course all this completely ignores Eastern music with quarter-tones instead of half-tones. Arghhhhhh...... (* brain 'sploding.)  Give me Relativity and quantum physics, it's saner despite things like time dilation and entanglement.indecision

    This is pretty close to quantum physics, I studied Gregorian chanting, counterpoint etc. 30 years ago, find it fascinating:)

    quater tones?

    that just crazy talk

    you couldn't play it on a piano, unless quarters is what the foot pedals do 

    Quarter tones theoretically possible on a piano but you'd have to lean inside and put your finger on the right spots on the strings.frown

    Nope, the pedals only augment the sound.  A good piano will have three pedals. 

    The left pedal (soft pedal or una corda pedal):  Most of the strings of a piano are grouped in threes.  A hammer usually strikes three strings to play the same note for added volume.  The left pedal shifts the whole striking mechanism to the side so that it only hits one string (una corda) instead of all three, producing a softer tone.

    The right pedal (sustain or damper pedal):  When a piano key is pressed and released, several things happen.  The hammer starts moving toward the string, a felt pressure pad (damper) lifts from the string so it can vibrate freely, the hammer strikes the string and falls back, finally as the hammer returns to rest the damper felt is pressed back onto the string to stop the vibration.  Pressing the right (sustain) pedal lifts all the dampers from all the strings as long as the pedal is held down.  This permits any struck notes to continue to ring as other notes are struck.  Also with all strings left free to vibrate, sympathetic vibrations start in harmonic relationship with the struck key(s) for a full rich bell like sound.  Care must be taken to temper the use of the sustain pedal to avoid cacophonous buildup of sound.

    Some pianos (usually small upright pianos) only have two pedals (effectively the left and right pedals).  Whereas better quality upright, and virtually all grand pianos almost always have three pedals.

    The middle pedal (sosenuto pedal):  Because of the horizontal geometry of grand pianos they can use the middle pedal as a way of sustaining the vibration of only those strings that have been struck.  This permits a chord to be struck, then by pressing and holding the sostenuto pedal, those notes will continue to ring while the pianist's hands move to other places on the keyboard and play other non-sustaining notes that harmonize with the still ringing chord.  It is my understanding that because grand piano has horizontal strings (instead of vertical as in an upright piano) implementing individual damping (instead of total damping) then the damping mechanism is simpler to implement.  If you've ever studied exactly how a piano key/hammer/damping mechanism actually works in detail in vertical vs horizontal you'd probably tend to agree, it's head 'sploding. (how lthey accomplish that precision with only wood, string, felt and leather is amazing)

    The other middle pedal (muting pedal or practice pedal): Because of the complexity necessary to implement sostenuto effects in an upright piano mechanism, good quality upright pianos often use the middle pedal as a muting pedal instead.  This pedal is sometimes called the "practice" pedal.  Typically when held down, the middle pedal lowers a sheet of thin felt between all of the hammers and the strings.  This considerably softens the sound produced by the string.  Useful for not driving your apartment neighbors bonkers with your practice sessions.  Usually the practice pedal can be pressed and shifted slightly to the side to lock it down so that the feet are free to use the other two pedals as necessary.


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • complaint: i'm about to gouge my eyes out because this model doesn't come.. with the proper euphemism... and i can't get the ones i've got to match.

    non-complaint: i've learned how to use spot render like a pro. it doesn't take a lot of effort to do so but i had other priorities. check that one off.

    compiled gaming complaints: a game i wanted to play has been cancelled. i realized that i can't really play ESO without a sub because my bags/bank are all overflowing. i logged into gw2 again but couldn't get motivated to do anything.

    blender not really a complaint: i started making another set in blender. maybe i should actually try to figure out how to do materials and textures and uvs and all that so it's not just a big gray... something or other.

    super non-complaint: i'm resisting another sale! they've almost snagged me a couple of times with things i really want but the prices were too hide so... yay me... for now. (my wishlist has ballooed up again.)

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,172
    Mystarra said:

    Egads!  Even with 60 years of music behind me, I still majorly goofedsurprise  about the note naming convention.  Its even more complicated than I first expressed... B# is C, whereas C♭ is B.  And E# is F, and F♭ is Eblush.  (See footnote in my previous post for more complete explanation.)  And just for jollies, there are double-sharps (##) and double-flats (♭♭) too.  All with quite logical but convoluted reasons that hurt your brain.  It's all because the Western music naming convention was devised 500-600 years ago when monks only used about half as many notes in a scale, for their chanting.  It's like the world is still using rocks in bags to do arithmetic counting their sheep.frown  Several improved music notation conventions have been suggested but I'm afraid it's too late.  And of course all this completely ignores Eastern music with quarter-tones instead of half-tones. Arghhhhhh...... (* brain 'sploding.)  Give me Relativity and quantum physics, it's saner despite things like time dilation and entanglement.indecision

    This is pretty close to quantum physics, I studied Gregorian chanting, counterpoint etc. 30 years ago, find it fascinating:)

    quater tones?

    that just crazy talk

    you couldn't play it on a piano, unless quarters is what the foot pedals do 

    No, but you can play them on a good synthesizer!  And perhaps, I'm not sure, but perhaps on a good organ with the sliders.  I think I've heard pitch shifts from a good Hammond B3.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,172

    Complaint: Long term projections for TS Dorian have changed and, while it is too early to tell, it might come up the coast as a catagory 2 or 3 hurricane. I'm definotely not liking that idea.sad

    Oh, me neither!


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    Chohole said:
    kyoto kid said:

    My computer is acting crazy so I probably should take a shower.

    ...hopefully not with the computer. 

    No, I left the computer in the bedroom and I took the shower in the bathroom.

    My Shower is trained to stay in the bathroom all the time so I don't have to take it there. one place where I lived, the floor in the main room of the flat became a footbath whenever there was a heavy rain. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    Tjohn said:

    Big thank you for the birthday wishes one and all! I had a great day. Had too much pizza. smiley bacon, there can never be too much pizza.

    Glad you enjoyed it though. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930
    edited August 2019
    Mystarra said:

    Egads!  Even with 60 years of music behind me, I still majorly goofedsurprise  about the note naming convention.  Its even more complicated than I first expressed... B# is C, whereas C♭ is B.  And E# is F, and F♭ is Eblush.  (See footnote in my previous post for more complete explanation.)  And just for jollies, there are double-sharps (##) and double-flats (♭♭) too.  All with quite logical but convoluted reasons that hurt your brain.  It's all because the Western music naming convention was devised 500-600 years ago when monks only used about half as many notes in a scale, for their chanting.  It's like the world is still using rocks in bags to do arithmetic counting their sheep.frown  Several improved music notation conventions have been suggested but I'm afraid it's too late.  And of course all this completely ignores Eastern music with quarter-tones instead of half-tones. Arghhhhhh...... (* brain 'sploding.)  Give me Relativity and quantum physics, it's saner despite things like time dilation and entanglement.indecision

    This is pretty close to quantum physics, I studied Gregorian chanting, counterpoint etc. 30 years ago, find it fascinating:)

    quater tones?

    that just crazy talk

    you couldn't play it on a piano, unless quarters is what the foot pedals do 

    ...agh LG already beat me to the description of how piano pedals work.

    On some upright (vertical) pianos (depending on the maker), the middle pedal is either omitted, or lifts only the dampers from the lower strings. 

    The quarter tone scale basically breaks up the 12 chromatic notes into 24. To play quarter tone music on a keyed instrument like a piano or fretted instrument like a guitar would require returning the entire instrument while playing on an instrument like a violin or cello (which lacks frets), a trombone (which uses a slide instead of valves), or an electronic synthesizer (which can have the basic octave further subdivided and/or uses a different means of pitch control than a keyboard like a touchpad/slide or proximity sensor [eg. a theremin]) needs no adjustment to the tuning.  A few string instruments which have movable frets (like the sitar) can also perform quarter tone music.  On conventional valved and keyed wind instruments (like a trumpet, flute, oboe or clarinet) it is impossible to perform quarter tone music without redesigning the instrument itself.

    ..and it doesn't stop there, to cause more pain to the brain, there is also microtonal music.such as traditional Indian, Indonesian, thai Burmese and African music as well as electronic music composed according to micro frequency changes.

    During my last stint in college in the 80s, I developed a 16 note row using an arp 2600 to for composing music by one of the races in my SF story (their counting system is based on multiples of 4 & 8 as they only have for digits on each hand) which actually had a rather pleasant sound.  Somewhere in a box, I still have a reel to reel tape of my experiments. 

    OK, all that work for nothing, and being 97° right now, I still need a beer.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • JonnyRay said:

    Complaint: This PA sale hit at the WORST time so far this year for me budget wise. I can only look at the wishlist items that are at historic lows and whimper at the lack of funds to buy them!

    Heads' up:  Christmas is around the corner.  That's usually another big sale time, so start now saving your pennies!

    JonnyRay said:

    Complaint: This PA sale hit at the WORST time so far this year for me budget wise. I can only look at the wishlist items that are at historic lows and whimper at the lack of funds to buy them!

    I just tell myself I'm exercising restraint by not buying anything. Look at me being restrained...woohoo... yippee... cryingcryingcrying

    Christmas.  Save up. 

    I got a complaint that I feel like I cannot complain here.  Not that it is really against the TOS but I think it might be TMI that would be undertstood by half and grossed out by most.  Enough said about that.  Opps I said too much

    Don't worry, we know what you're going through.  Some of us guys have lived with ladies, and we understand.

    I got a complaint that I feel like I cannot complain here.  Not that it is really against the TOS but I think it might be TMI that would be undertstood by half and grossed out by most.  Enough said about that.  Opps I said too much

    An assumption has now formed in my head. A hot water bottle does the trick for me. Plus lots of salty snacks.

    Salt may actually help relieve pressures.  And things.  Especially if you're low on electrolytes.

    Non-complaint:  I'm still all excited about my recent mini-adventure to Chautauqua to hear Rachmaninoff: Symphony #2  I love heart the 1st & 3rd movements and the 4th too, heck the whole damn thing.  The four movements in turn take you through despair, hope, beauty and joy.  A palace of sound, a perfect symphony.smileyyes

    But also today after yet another exhausting walk to the grocery story and post office (although I must admit it's getting easier dealing with not having a car anymore, but slowlyfrown) I came home and collapsed for a mid-afternoon nap and listened to some Dvorak.  A whole CD of Dvorak serenades.  The Serenade in E and the Serenade in D.  I like the first one best but I missed a lot of if because it was just out reach of my consciousness as I drifted in and out of dreamland.

    Music to nap to.  Dvorak: "Serenade in E"


    Have you backed them up or at least included them on your insurance?  Yes, I am the backup nag of the forum.  So, have you?

    kyoto kid said:

    ...major and minor are scale modes.  in a minor scale the third and seventh note of the octave are lowered a half step For example in C major, the sequence is C D E F G A B C (all the "white keys" on a piano keyboard) while for the C minor scale the notes are C D- E♭ F G A B♭ C which produce more richer harmonies and what some feel as being a more "melancholy" rather than "bright" sound.

    And, what isn't widely known:  A lot of modern dance and trance music makes use of minor scales.

    Kyoto kid's explanation is correct.  He's describing the sequence of notes in Major and minor scales (and there are also other types of scales beyond just major and minor).

    To answer your questions about a "half step down" from E the answer is E-flat(♭), and a "half step up" from E is E-sharp(#).  These identify single notes.  But with the complication that this naming convention results in B# and C♭being the same note! surprise  And the same applies to E# and F♭ (wrong: see footnote)frown There's a perfectly logical reason for it but it makes your brain hurt.sad 

    A scale can be based on any starting note so it's possible to have an E-Major scale and an E-minor scale as well as an E♭-Major scale, E♭-minor scale, E#-Major scale and E#-minor scale.

    And if you pick out a selection of 2, 3, or 4 notes from a scale you create a "chord" and each cord type has a name (i.e. tonic, dominant, sub-dominant, mediant, sub-mediant, augmented, 7th, 11th, etc.)  And the chords can change from one to another in certain limited ways to create various moods.

    It's all quite simple (just kidding) once you work with it for 60 years.frown   I get along better with physics, cosmology and rocket science.laugh

    But exactly NONE of those details are necessary to listen to it and enjoy it.indecision   In fact I sometimes think that people who compose music are at a disadvantage for not being able to hear music without dissecting it and analyzing its structure and technique.  It's like trying to enjoy a puppy by carving it up to see what makes it a puppy.  An autopsy report on the puppy may be interesting to some but completely misses the point of a puppy.  That's why I try to describe my feelings about a piece rather than it's technical details. 

    Edited to correct facts.

    *WRONG!!!  B# is C, and C♭ is B, Whereas E# is F, and F♭is E  The difference depends on which "Key" you're writing in.  The goal is to name each note of a scale with a unique and consecutive letter of the alphabet so sometimes to meet this goal you have to use one of the alternative names for thoses two notes.  I could explain "Key" but won't.  (*brain 'sploding*)

    The circle of fifths is a good start.  Google is your friend, or Bing the thing.

    Chohole said:
    kyoto kid said:

    My computer is acting crazy so I probably should take a shower.

    ...hopefully not with the computer. 

    No, I left the computer in the bedroom and I took the shower in the bathroom.

    My Shower is trained to stay in the bathroom all the time so I don't have to take it there.

    Arrrgghhh, you got me on that one.  Usually my cheese detector goes off well in advance, giving me ample time to clear the area and avoid the blast zone.  But you got me that time.  Well played!

    complaint: i'm about to gouge my eyes out because this model doesn't come.. with the proper euphemism... and i can't get the ones i've got to match.

    I hate that when something doesn't come with the proper euphemisms.  That's almost as bad as "Batteries not Included" or "In-App Purchases".

    non-complaint: i've learned how to use spot render like a pro. it doesn't take a lot of effort to do so but i had other priorities. check that one off.

    compiled gaming complaints: a game i wanted to play has been cancelled. i realized that i can't really play ESO without a sub because my bags/bank are all overflowing. i logged into gw2 again but couldn't get motivated to do anything.

    blender not really a complaint: i started making another set in blender. maybe i should actually try to figure out how to do materials and textures and uvs and all that so it's not just a big gray... something or other.

    Yay for you learning Blender!  You rawk!

    super non-complaint: i'm resisting another sale! they've almost snagged me a couple of times with things i really want but the prices were too hide so... yay me... for now. (my wishlist has ballooed up again.)

    Your problem isn't that you are overspending.  You are underearning and it doesn't suit you.  Hope the job search is going better! 

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744

    If we're going to talk about music theory, I have to link one of my favorite "avant garde" choral pieces.

    Philip Glass - Knee Play 3 (Einstein on the Beach)

    Don't try to follow it, just enjoy the experience. :)

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    I just got back from Florida the other day, found the house messed up from a storm last week and tonight in front of my house I was treated to this...

    A young woman texting and driving crashed into the neighbor’s parked car... She's okay... the cars not so much.

    This isn’t uncommon on this street.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    McGyver said:

    I just got back from Florida the other day, found the house messed up from a storm last week and tonight in front of my house I was treated to this...

    A young woman texting and driving crashed into the neighbor’s parked car... She's okay... the cars not so much.

    This isn’t uncommon on this street.

    I beg to differ.  Anyone who texts and drives is NOT OK. angry 


  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904 need a new street.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930

    ...not much better than where I live.  Just today I was was almost run down by some impatient idiot in an SUV who, at the last moment. decided to make a left turn without using his signal while I was in the crosswalk with the green light and walk signal.

    Sadly, there never is a police officer around when this sort of rubbish happens. 

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,172
    McGyver said:

    I just got back from Florida the other day, found the house messed up from a storm last week and tonight in front of my house I was treated to this...

    A young woman texting and driving crashed into the neighbor’s parked car... She's okay... the cars not so much.

    This isn’t uncommon on this street.

    I beg to differ.  Anyone who texts and drives is NOT OK. angry 


    I agree!  And I consider drunk driving to be attempted murder!  Perhaps texting and driving should be added to that.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,172
    kyoto kid said:

    ...not much better than where I live.  Just today I was was almost run down by some impatient idiot in an SUV who, at the last moment. decided to make a left turn without using his signal while I was in the crosswalk with the green light and walk signal.

    Sadly, there never is a police officer around when this sort of rubbish happens. 

    They have and uncanny sense to be somewhere else.  Maybe the paperwork is laborious.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,930

    ...well there is a Voodoo Doughnuts nearby. 

  • why am i not getting notifications when stuff happens in here? how am i supposed to charm everyone with my wit if i don't get notifications? its like walking into a fastfood place and going up to the counter and the person who should be greeting you and taking your order just stares at you. and you wait. and wait. and wait. and wait... 

    odd occurrance: i usually have at least one render going overnight. but last night... nothing. was this a conscious decision? or did i just run out of ideas? did i forget? am i losing my mind?

    i don't even remember what i was working on...

    but at least i can ignore today's sale...

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited August 2019
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...not much better than where I live.  Just today I was was almost run down by some impatient idiot in an SUV who, at the last moment. decided to make a left turn without using his signal while I was in the crosswalk with the green light and walk signal.

    Sadly, there never is a police officer around when this sort of rubbish happens. 

    They have and uncanny sense to be somewhere else.  Maybe the paperwork is laborious.


    Yet if we had a policeman on every corner, we'd undoubtedly be justifiably yelling "police state".frown

    However, I propose that in addition to our roads, we need a PTS (Police Transport System).  A network of small monorails or overhead cable systems that whisk a policeman instantly to the scene of an accident.  A rope tied to their waist that yanks the nearest free policeman from his chair and flys him across the city to where he's needed. We could change their uniform to blue tights with red briefs, cape and boots with the PD logo boldy emblazoned on their chest.enlightened

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,104

    why am i not getting notifications when stuff happens in here? how am i supposed to charm everyone with my wit if i don't get notifications? its like walking into a fastfood place and going up to the counter and the person who should be greeting you and taking your order just stares at you. and you wait. and wait. and wait. and wait... 

    odd occurrance: i usually have at least one render going overnight. but last night... nothing. was this a conscious decision? or did i just run out of ideas? did i forget? am i losing my mind?

    i don't even remember what i was working on...

    but at least i can ignore today's sale...

    check your spam box?

This discussion has been closed.