My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited October 2019
    DanaTA said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    How about...don't take *** if you are allergic to ***.

    Now remember, if you're allergic to peanuts, don't eat any peanuts!!!


    what amuses me are the allergy things in shops when they list ingredients.   Peanut Butter,   caution may contain peanuts

    peanut butter warning.jpg
    479 x 252 - 20K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited October 2019
    DanaTA said:

    @LG: Try to save those little square or rectangular plastic tabs that pinch the plastic bags of bread or English muffins (and some other things, like fruit bags, potato bags).  Get a Sharpie, and use them to identify the cables.  They hang nicely on cables, and help keep a little plastic out of the landfills.


    Yeah, lots of ideas like that.​  All good ideas. yes When I was working, my labs were always neatly cabled, labeled, & stabled.  However, at home, my personal electronic menagerie are pretty much free roaming without branding.surprise  I do have some velcro tie-wraps that I use to bundle major trunks of cables together and they make it easier (though not much) than permanent tie-wraps, to remove or add a cable to the bundle.   I have also adopted the policy of periodically buying different brands of cables so that they have different heads or wire colors which helps in identifying the matching end of a cable, that lies 3 feet away through the narrow slot between the desks in the dark, out of my reach.frown

    However, one habit from work that I have retained is that even though a have a big box of miscellaneous cables, each and every one of them is neatly coiled in its own appropriately sized ziplock baggie.  And the unusual ones also have a 3x5 card or a small Post-It note inside the bag 'splainin' where it came from and what it's s'posed to do.  Avoids all snake orgy tangles and makes sorting through the collection fast, especially if you dump them out of the storage box onto the floor.enlightened

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    DanaTA said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    How about...don't take *** if you are allergic to ***.

    Now remember, if you're allergic to peanuts, don't eat any peanuts!!!


    Oh yeah, you mean that warning like-  "Don't take Zombalta* if you are allergic to Zombalta"... like how the hell do I know if I'm allergic to Zombalta unless I take Zombalta and have a terrible reaction to Zombalta... Shouldn't that say "Have your doctor check to see if you are allergic to Zombalta before using it" and also if there is a chance of allergic reaction, shouldn't you doctor be the one to know this in the first place?… in which case maybe the ad should say "if you are considering taking Zombalta, also consider going to a doctor who is competent enough to understand the drugs they prescribe and not some twit who hands out medications like they are TicTacs"... 


    *Zombalta is a made up anti-zombification from my freebie collection... so no TOS violation there.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Chohole said:
    DanaTA said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    How about...don't take *** if you are allergic to ***.

    Now remember, if you're allergic to peanuts, don't eat any peanuts!!!


    what amuses me are the allergy things in shops when they list ingredients.   Peanut Butter,   caution may contain peanuts

    Well, better than  "Peanut Butter- (in fine print) contains no actual peanuts, peas, nuts or natural ingredients. Not for human consumption. Do not expose to sunlight or oxygen. Product may spontaneously combust".

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    dunno why i bothering to hook up my dual core puter.  should just flashdrive the content and retire it to the closet.
    it's the only puter i have pp12 installed on

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019

    Complaint:   Arghhh... my computer/stereo/TV cable & power wiring is getting out of hand.sad  Regardless of how many power extension cords and switchable plug-in boxes littered around my workstation area, I always seem to have one less power outlet within reach than needed.  And that's just the power situation.  When I buy a new device for my system its data has to be connected too.  I already have audio repeater hubs, audio switching hubs, video switching hubs, telephone hubs, as well as format & protocol converters for fibre, HDMI, mini-HDMI, RCA, VGA, & DVI, one direction or bi-directional.  Of course there is also the seven externally powered hard drives with their USB cables feeding to a powered external USB hub, laying next to my smartphone power cord plug, the USB plug for my camera & Garmin devices, and the powered wireless telephone base. Speaking of wireless I have the phone company modem and wired/wireless router and and two ethernet switches providing service for the four computers and the TV and Blu-Ray player downstairs.  Finally we mustn't forget the A/V cables for the 25 year old VHS video tape recorder, the two sets of speaker cables, two desk lamps & special ambience lighting for two of the three work areas in my "U" shaped escape pod that I call my desk.indecision

    I spent an hour this morning under and behind the workarea desks on my hands & knees (which isn't easy for me at this point in my life) breathing dust kitties and holding a mini-flashlight in my mouth while I traced the source and destination of various wires trying to find how to untangle them with minimum disruption to the runing system around me and figure out how to route just one of them to another place to free up a nearby power plug without having to add yet another extension cord to the tangle.frown  And of course the problem is compounded by the size and shape of the growths on the end of the power cord that convert AC to DC.  Some growths require that the cord extend to the left, others to the right and still others along the direction of the six socket switchable extension box eating up three of the socketsangry  Of course the answer is to put that one at the end of the extension box but that spot is already occupied by a similarly obtuse device, and the opposite end butts up against the switch making it unuseable for such a plug.  So much fun!frown

    During this mini-adventure I discovered a device that was being powered and used but was totally unnecessary if I could find a longer HDMI cable.  Backing out painfully from under the desk I then pulled down my box of cables, scattered them around the floor and actually found what I needed, a 10' cable vs the existing 6' cable.  Now I could remove the usless device, and two 6' cables from the system, and substitute it with the single 10' cable.  The device being removed had a growth on the end of its power cable that could also be removed freeing up TWO power socketsyes, but it was too far from the location of the new device that I was adding.  But with a quick inspiration I was able juggle a few power cords (while holding my breath and hoping that the temporarily unpowered devices were not essential to my data integrity) was able to get everything plugged back in and I was done.  EXCEPT that during the process I had discovered an audio cable with an intermittant connection, but it's working right now so someday when it becomes an unignorable irritant I'll crawl under the desk again for another

    ...conjured up images of cables and wires coming alive and wrapping around someone to pull them to their doom.

    Granted, Halloween is only 11 days away....

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    kyoto kid said:

    Complaint:   Arghhh... my computer/stereo/TV cable & power wiring is getting out of hand.sad  Regardless of how many power extension cords and switchable plug-in boxes littered around my workstation area, I always seem to have one less power outlet within reach than needed.  And that's just the power situation.  When I buy a new device for my system its data has to be connected too.  I already have audio repeater hubs, audio switching hubs, video switching hubs, telephone hubs, as well as format & protocol converters for fibre, HDMI, mini-HDMI, RCA, VGA, & DVI, one direction or bi-directional.  Of course there is also the seven externally powered hard drives with their USB cables feeding to a powered external USB hub, laying next to my smartphone power cord plug, the USB plug for my camera & Garmin devices, and the powered wireless telephone base. Speaking of wireless I have the phone company modem and wired/wireless router and and two ethernet switches providing service for the four computers and the TV and Blu-Ray player downstairs.  Finally we mustn't forget the A/V cables for the 25 year old VHS video tape recorder, the two sets of speaker cables, two desk lamps & special ambience lighting for two of the three work areas in my "U" shaped escape pod that I call my desk.indecision

    I spent an hour this morning under and behind the workarea desks on my hands & knees (which isn't easy for me at this point in my life) breathing dust kitties and holding a mini-flashlight in my mouth while I traced the source and destination of various wires trying to find how to untangle them with minimum disruption to the runing system around me and figure out how to route just one of them to another place to free up a nearby power plug without having to add yet another extension cord to the tangle.frown  And of course the problem is compounded by the size and shape of the growths on the end of the power cord that convert AC to DC.  Some growths require that the cord extend to the left, others to the right and still others along the direction of the six socket switchable extension box eating up three of the socketsangry  Of course the answer is to put that one at the end of the extension box but that spot is already occupied by a similarly obtuse device, and the opposite end butts up against the switch making it unuseable for such a plug.  So much fun!frown

    During this mini-adventure I discovered a device that was being powered and used but was totally unnecessary if I could find a longer HDMI cable.  Backing out painfully from under the desk I then pulled down my box of cables, scattered them around the floor and actually found what I needed, a 10' cable vs the existing 6' cable.  Now I could remove the usless device, and two 6' cables from the system, and substitute it with the single 10' cable.  The device being removed had a growth on the end of its power cable that could also be removed freeing up TWO power socketsyes, but it was too far from the location of the new device that I was adding.  But with a quick inspiration I was able juggle a few power cords (while holding my breath and hoping that the temporarily unpowered devices were not essential to my data integrity) was able to get everything plugged back in and I was done.  EXCEPT that during the process I had discovered an audio cable with an intermittant connection, but it's working right now so someday when it becomes an unignorable irritant I'll crawl under the desk again for another

    ...conjured up images of cables and wires coming alive and wrapping around someone to pull them to their doom.

    Granted, Halloween is only 11 days away....

    Yeah would make a good halloween image


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    trying to figure out how the pieces fit together


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited October 2019

    I met pumpkin kitty again today after several days absence... (I've given up trying to give this cat a name, the kids keep renaming it)... 

    I take back the thing I said about it's ear being a ragged cut... it's clean and flat... it looked like it was, now it's not... definitely the same kitty.

    But this kitty definitely has thumbs... they look opposable too...

    Please note... The kitty is laying under the collector barrels on my tractor... they are not resting on the kitty... but dang, are those thumbs or what?

    I had to upload the pix from my phone to my computer... STILL CANT UPLOAD VIA IOS... sorry... it's annoying.

    More kitty pix...

    oh and by the way, the little vagabond must belong to someone... he showed up wearing a collar today... or with those thumbs he could of put it on himself... who knows...


    Post edited by McGyver on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    he is a pretty kitty,  love his paws

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    Mystarra said:

    remember wayii

    was looking at some old poser renders from the nursoda days

    Last I saw of her, she was hanging out in the forums at thefantasiesattick.  


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited October 2019
    Chohole said:

    he is a pretty kitty,  love his paws

    I'm thinking of taking my kids play piano from when they were little out of the attic and seeing if he can play piano... he's got the paws for it.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    Chohole said:
    DanaTA said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    How about...don't take *** if you are allergic to ***.

    Now remember, if you're allergic to peanuts, don't eat any peanuts!!!


    what amuses me are the allergy things in shops when they list ingredients.   Peanut Butter,   caution may contain peanuts


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    And the fine print is longer still.  Something as simple as a skin care medicine might cause turberculosis, depression, thoughts of suicide.  What the hell?  Why would they be allowed to sell somethign that does that?


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    Shows where the biggest money is.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    McGyver said:
    Chohole said:

    he is a pretty kitty,  love his paws

    I'm thinking of taking my kids play piano from when they were little out of the attic and seeing if he can play piano... he's got the paws for it.

    heh   yeah,   make sure you have the camera ready

  • Chohole said:
    DanaTA said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    How about...don't take *** if you are allergic to ***.

    Now remember, if you're allergic to peanuts, don't eat any peanuts!!!


    what amuses me are the allergy things in shops when they list ingredients.   Peanut Butter,   caution may contain peanuts

    I find the directions to open a candy bar to be equally entertaining... if not perplexing.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    And the fine print is longer still.  Something as simple as a skin care medicine might cause turberculosis, depression, thoughts of suicide.  What the hell?  Why would they be allowed to sell somethign that does that?


    Use cannabis for everything! ...doctors use it...

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    And the fine print is longer still.  Something as simple as a skin care medicine might cause turberculosis, depression, thoughts of suicide.  What the hell?  Why would they be allowed to sell somethign that does that?


    Use cannabis for everything! ...doctors use it...

    a spoty of whiskey to warm the bones and soul on this wet dreary soggy day.  a spot and a nip


    watching river dancing with their arms moving.

    tee hee there some nifty dancing at the ole Chip and Dales  lol  gotta love dancing named after chipmunks

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    And the fine print is longer still.  Something as simple as a skin care medicine might cause turberculosis, depression, thoughts of suicide.  What the hell?  Why would they be allowed to sell somethign that does that?


    Use cannabis for everything! ...doctors use it...

    ...I use the pure CBD variety.  Works wonders, better than popping several Ibuprofen every four hours, I get "gummi" edibles and taking one lasts me a couple days (I also sleep much better as well). CBD does not cause the euphoric effect that "recreational" cannabis does.

  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    kyoto kid said:
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    And the fine print is longer still.  Something as simple as a skin care medicine might cause turberculosis, depression, thoughts of suicide.  What the hell?  Why would they be allowed to sell somethign that does that?


    Use cannabis for everything! ...doctors use it...

    ...I use the pure CBD variety.  Works wonders, better than popping several Ibuprofen every four hours, I get "gummi" edibles and taking one lasts me a couple days (I also sleep much better as well). CBD does not cause the euphoric effect that "recreational" cannabis does.


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    munchies for choccy stroodl

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    Chohole said:
    DanaTA said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    How about...don't take *** if you are allergic to ***.

    Now remember, if you're allergic to peanuts, don't eat any peanuts!!!


    what amuses me are the allergy things in shops when they list ingredients.   Peanut Butter,   caution may contain peanuts

    I find the directions to open a candy bar to be equally entertaining... if not perplexing. the neighbourhood pub I usually frequent there is a pinball machine with a video display on the back glass which when the machine is not in use actually plays a video tutorial of how to use it.  I find it amusing because playing pinball is pretty simple and basic. Then again, maybe those who are totally addicted to video and computer games (or are utterly sloshed) and in need a bit of a "refresher."

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019
    Mystarra said:
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    And the fine print is longer still.  Something as simple as a skin care medicine might cause turberculosis, depression, thoughts of suicide.  What the hell?  Why would they be allowed to sell somethign that does that?


    Use cannabis for everything! ...doctors use it...

    a spoty of whiskey to warm the bones and soul on this wet dreary soggy day.  a spot and a nip


    watching river dancing with their arms moving.

    tee hee there some nifty dancing at the ole Chip and Dales  lol  gotta love dancing named after chipmunks

    ...River Phoenix? 

    Speaking of a spot of whisky, Yesterday as I was bemoaning my team's loss, I got a call form an old friend  who wanted to get together and head of to the German Bier Stube in my old neighbourhood.  We stopped there for a couple draughts and some Wurst after which we headed to a british pub which was another old hangout where I was able to get honest to goodness crisp dry British cider.  The ciders made here in the states are often too sweet and too potent (a proper cider is between 5% and 6% instead 8% or more which is approaching the realm of Scrumpy) and the current trend is to infuse different fruits into it as well making it even sweeter than it should be.  After there we stopped at one more place where my friend got a glass of Viking Blod which is a very potent mead (19%) and only served in small quantity (2.5 oz). They gave me a taste and while it was really good I could see it being really dangerous (good it wasn't served by the pint) so I opted for a nice "stiff" pint of bitters. They also had a bottleshop with all sorts of beers and ales both domestic and import.  I picked up a couple half litre bottles, one of of my favourite, Black Boss Porter from Poland (which is 9.1%) and the other a British barleywine (that is 12%).

    All in a rather enjoyable day after the morning's sporting disappointment (didn't even rain like was forecast) with the really nice part being that my friend insisted on picking up the tab at all three places as he came into abit of a windfall.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072

    1. If I've never taken a medication before, then how can I know if I'm allergic to it?

    2. Also I swear I heard a medication say one of the side effects is death. Death?

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975
    Tjohn said:

    1. If I've never taken a medication before, then how can I know if I'm allergic to it?

    2. Also I swear I heard a medication say one of the side effects is death. Death?


    Yup doesn't it make you feel better knowing that doctors and pharmasuitical companies are practicing on you  .......I know it makes me feel so much better I don't need their meds .....


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    Tjohn said:

    1. If I've never taken a medication before, then how can I know if I'm allergic to it?

    2. Also I swear I heard a medication say one of the side effects is death. Death?

    And then they say, "If you or someone or a loved one has had one of these side effects, call your doctor immediately!"  

    "Hello, doc?  I just died!  It was that medication your prescribed that did it.!    cheeky  surprise  frown

    Yeah, I can do without those medications!


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    DanaTA said:
    Tjohn said:

    1. If I've never taken a medication before, then how can I know if I'm allergic to it?

    2. Also I swear I heard a medication say one of the side effects is death. Death?

    And then they say, "If you or someone or a loved one has had one of these side effects, call your doctor immediately!"  

    "Hello, doc?  I just died!  It was that medication your prescribed that did it.!    cheeky  surprise  frown

    Yeah, I can do without those medications!


    But, if you do die, there is always Zombalta...

    Just make sure you are okay with the side effects first...

    I actually wanted to test if I could place an image from my ShareCG promos here by linking to it... being that I still can't upload images from my iPad.

  • wow... being lazy has consequences.

    i have these 5 and 8 pound free weights that i'll use while working at my desk. i guess i've not used them in a while because they feel much heavier and i managed to hurt my shoulder some how.

    ouch ouch ouch... how am i supposed to daz is i can't move my left arm?

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