My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • $#@&%! my earworm has returned... arghhh


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    kyoto kid said:
    Mystarra said:
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:
    carrie58 said:
    McGyver said:

    So many commercials for medicines... and the warnings are getting weirder...

    "Tell your doctor if you've visited somewhere that certain fungal infections are common"...

    Like where the hell are you vacationing?... Evil Monkey Skull Island?  It's not like you are booking a trip to Pantaloonia and the travel info page boasts about the wonderful hiking trails, white sand beaches and ringworm hills.  When your friends are telling you about their vacation to the Caribbean, do you say "Oooh, snorkeling on a coral reef... cool... but did you pick any cool fungal infections?"... You don't get off a plane and at the airport you see "Welcome to Sarcophagonia, Home of Athlete's Foot Fungus"...

    Then there is the other one I keep hearing... "Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection".... I'd imagine he or she should be telling me about that... because unless I'm covered in vampire frogs, I'm probably going to them to find out if that's a possibility as most parasites don't like sharing their presence.


    What about the warning about side effects that may cause stroke ,sucidal thoughts, depression .........tell your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms .........

    ...or the one that says may result in financial distress or bankruptcy.

    Another complaint I have with drug adverts is that they are often longer than adverts for other products.  

    And the fine print is longer still.  Something as simple as a skin care medicine might cause turberculosis, depression, thoughts of suicide.  What the hell?  Why would they be allowed to sell somethign that does that?


    Use cannabis for everything! ...doctors use it...

    a spoty of whiskey to warm the bones and soul on this wet dreary soggy day.  a spot and a nip


    watching river dancing with their arms moving.

    tee hee there some nifty dancing at the ole Chip and Dales  lol  gotta love dancing named after chipmunks

    ...River Phoenix? 

    Speaking of a spot of whisky, Yesterday as I was bemoaning my team's loss, I got a call form an old friend  who wanted to get together and head of to the German Bier Stube in my old neighbourhood.  We stopped there for a couple draughts and some Wurst after which we headed to a british pub which was another old hangout where I was able to get honest to goodness crisp dry British cider.  The ciders made here in the states are often too sweet and too potent (a proper cider is between 5% and 6% instead 8% or more which is approaching the realm of Scrumpy) and the current trend is to infuse different fruits into it as well making it even sweeter than it should be.  After there we stopped at one more place where my friend got a glass of Viking Blod which is a very potent mead (19%) and only served in small quantity (2.5 oz). They gave me a taste and while it was really good I could see it being really dangerous (good it wasn't served by the pint) so I opted for a nice "stiff" pint of bitters. They also had a bottleshop with all sorts of beers and ales both domestic and import.  I picked up a couple half litre bottles, one of of my favourite, Black Boss Porter from Poland (which is 9.1%) and the other a British barleywine (that is 12%).

    All in a rather enjoyable day after the morning's sporting disappointment (didn't even rain like was forecast) with the really nice part being that my friend insisted on picking up the tab at all three places as he came into abit of a windfall.

    wantz mead

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    lol  misread Stellan Lounge  as  Stallion Lounge 
    was woohooing and wooting before i realized my error
    sometimes i think i'se a gay man trapped in the body of a woman. 
    gettin all worked up to woohooing and wooting for silliness daz contents

  • Mystarra said:

    lol  misread Stellan Lounge  as  Stallion Lounge 
    was woohooing and wooting before i realized my error
    sometimes i think i'se a gay man trapped in the body of a woman. 
    gettin all worked up to woohooing and wooting for silliness daz contents

    sometimes i think i'm a straight woman trapped in the body of a gay woman considering my obsession of finding the perfect male daz model.

    what is awkward is how much my gf gets into helping me find him. as she put it: we are in a search for mr right-now.

    that sent us laughing for a quite a while.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    lol laugh

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited October 2019

    No frustrations here.  Non-complaintus:  A couple weeks ago I started joining the 21st century and finally upgraded to a proper modern computer.  My old computers were at minimum 9 years old and some of them over 15.  But now I've sacrificed and gutted one HP desktop of 2008 era and filled it with modern 'lectronics and it runs wonderfully and even is capable of tolerable performance with DAZ IRay rendering despite not having a dedicated graphics card (yet).  Then this last week I turned my attention to my old laptop.  It's a quality HP with a good display, 4GB memory, a Pentium dual processor CPU that I use only when performing housecalls for customers or when I'm travelling on long adventures.  A year or so ago I upgraded it to use Win10 instead of the Win7 that came with it.  But it became annoyingly slow.sad  Hearing all the wonderful buzz about SSD storage drives I decided to see if it would help so I bought a Crucial 1TB MX500 SSD.  It came this morning.  And tonight I'm happy, happy, happy with the zip that has been injected into this old laptop.smiley  It behaves like a real machine now.yes   So hopefully, it will continue to serve me, when needed, for another 4 or 5 years.  And the best part is that I'd always thought that it had a 1TB drive running at 5400-RPM (I had that written in my notes somewhere and I never double checked) but once I had it in my hand it was actually a 500GB 7200-RPM drive but the substitution of the SSD makes it so much faster even than the 7200 speed.  So, I not only made it run faster but doubled the storage as well.  Yay! yes

    I was very pleased to see that Crucial provides easy to understand instructions and a free copy of Acronis software to perform the disk cloning operation.  The hardest part of the process was trying not to strip the head-slots of the tiny screws holding the drive in its carrier frame.indecision

    Now I am almost fully 21st centuryized.  I have a smart phone, I have a modern desktop and I have a zippy laptop.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • No frustrations here.  Non-complaintus:  A couple weeks ago I started joining the 21st century and finally upgraded to a proper modern computer.  My old computers were at minimum 9 years old and some of them over 15.  But now I've sacrificed and gutted one HP desktop of 2008 era and filled it with modern 'lectronics and it runs wonderfully and even is capable of tolerable performance with DAZ IRay rendering despite not having a dedicated graphics card (yet).  Then this last week I turned my attention to my old laptop.  It's a quality HP with a good display, 4GB memory, a Pentium dual processor CPU that I use only when performing housecalls for customers or when I'm travelling on long adventures.  A year or so ago I upgraded it to use Win10 instead of the Win7 that came with it.  But it became annoyingly slow.sad  Hearing all the wonderful buzz about SSD storage drives I decided to see if it would help so I bought a Crucial 1TB MX500 SSD.  It came this morning.  And tonight I'm happy, happy, happy with the zip that has been injected into this old laptop.smiley  It behaves like a real machine now.yes   So hopefully, it will continue to serve me, when needed, for another 4 or 5 years.  And the best part is that I'd always thought that it had a 1TB drive running at 5400-RPM (I had that written in my notes somewhere and I never double checked) but once I had it in my hand it was actually a 500GB 7200-RPM drive but the substitution of the SSD makes it so much faster even than the 7200 speed.  So, I not only made it run faster but doubled the storage as well.  Yay! yes

    I was very pleased to see that Crucial provides easy to understand instructions and a free copy of Acronis software to perform the disk cloning operation.  The hardest part of the process was trying not to strip the head-slots of the tiny screws holding the drive in its carrier frame.indecision

    Now I am almost fully 21st centuryized.  I have a smart phone, I have a modern desktop and I have a zippy laptop.

    congrates on the SSD... they know what causes that.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    No frustrations here.  Non-complaintus:  A couple weeks ago I started joining the 21st century and finally upgraded to a proper modern computer.  My old computers were at minimum 9 years old and some of them over 15.  But now I've sacrificed and gutted one HP desktop of 2008 era and filled it with modern 'lectronics and it runs wonderfully and even is capable of tolerable performance with DAZ IRay rendering despite not having a dedicated graphics card (yet).  Then this last week I turned my attention to my old laptop.  It's a quality HP with a good display, 4GB memory, a Pentium dual processor CPU that I use only when performing housecalls for customers or when I'm travelling on long adventures.  A year or so ago I upgraded it to use Win10 instead of the Win7 that came with it.  But it became annoyingly slow.sad  Hearing all the wonderful buzz about SSD storage drives I decided to see if it would help so I bought a Crucial 1TB MX500 SSD.  It came this morning.  And tonight I'm happy, happy, happy with the zip that has been injected into this old laptop.smiley  It behaves like a real machine now.yes   So hopefully, it will continue to serve me, when needed, for another 4 or 5 years.  And the best part is that I'd always thought that it had a 1TB drive running at 5400-RPM (I had that written in my notes somewhere and I never double checked) but once I had it in my hand it was actually a 500GB 7200-RPM drive but the substitution of the SSD makes it so much faster even than the 7200 speed.  So, I not only made it run faster but doubled the storage as well.  Yay! yes

    I was very pleased to see that Crucial provides easy to understand instructions and a free copy of Acronis software to perform the disk cloning operation.  The hardest part of the process was trying not to strip the head-slots of the tiny screws holding the drive in its carrier frame.indecision

    Now I am almost fully 21st centuryized.  I have a smart phone, I have a modern desktop and I have a zippy laptop.

    ...nice, I thought of doing that to my old 13 year old duo core Toshiba notebook but that is still running XP Pro so going online is a no-no.  Plus there is the fact I need to use a wireless keyboard with it as all the heat from rendering that I did over the years killed a number of the key switches in the upper part of the keyboard. 

  • I just spent the better part of an hour applying and reapplying skins to my character because one of the earlier test renders looked better than anything else I had tried, and I wanted to go back to it. No, I did not work out what skin it was. Instead, I crashed DAZ Studio. So I restarted it and loaded my last save ..... and there was the #$%^ skin I had been looking for, already applied!

  • I just spent the better part of an hour applying and reapplying skins to my character because one of the earlier test renders looked better than anything else I had tried, and I wanted to go back to it. No, I did not work out what skin it was. Instead, I crashed DAZ Studio. So I restarted it and loaded my last save ..... and there was the #$%^ skin I had been looking for, already applied!

    Isn't that the case that the thing you're looking for is always in the last place you look?frown  Now, if we could just train ourselves to look there first.enlightened

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    I just spent the better part of an hour applying and reapplying skins to my character because one of the earlier test renders looked better than anything else I had tried, and I wanted to go back to it. No, I did not work out what skin it was. Instead, I crashed DAZ Studio. So I restarted it and loaded my last save ..... and there was the #$%^ skin I had been looking for, already applied!

    Isn't that the case that the thing you're looking for is always in the last place you look?frown  Now, if we could just train ourselves to look there first.enlightened

    it's murphy's fault

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    could prolly render this using a light gel

  • My editor sent me an email asking me why I haven't finished the story she edited 2 months ago. Oops. Apparently my couple days off turned into a couple months...

  • Mystarra said:

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

    The world has evolved, preposition ending sentences are no longer taboo.  Yay for progress.yes

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited October 2019

    Complaint:  I've been taking my newly reinvigorated laptop out for a ride.  Frisky little filly it is now.  Yay! smiley HOWEVER..., as recommended by Crucial (manufacturer of my new SSD) I have installed their "Storage Executive" to monitor the health of their device.  That part works well.  Status is AOK.  Also included in the Storage Executive app is a sub-app called the "Momentum Cache", that supposedly does good things for SSDs by cacheing small writes into big writes to avoid numerous small writes.  This helps avoid excessive erases that wear out the SSD quicker.  Good plan.yes   Unfortunately, when I try to enable the Momentum Cache it goes into perpetual "Processing" mode and never finishes and reboots my computer like it promised to. (notice the preposition ending sentence-- completely legalindecision)  So, I initiated a "Chat" with the Crucial help desk and was advised that it should work with my Intel Pentium dual-core CPU (it doesn't work with AMD CPUs) but that I should update my chipset drivers, change my boot priority to SSD and keep the BIOS in AHCI mode (whatever that means).  (Sigh!)  More research, more work.sad

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited October 2019

    Not quite so complaintous:  After some research and work I have, I believe, done everything I think I can to resolve the problem identified in my previous post, but without success.  Enabling the "Momentum Cache" still goes into perpetual "Processing" mode and never reboots as promised.sad  However, I have noticed, among the numerous manual reboots that I have performed during this experience, that the dialog once reported that the Momentum Cache was disabled yet still gave me an option to "Disable" it.  This leads me to believe that it had been at least partially enabled but that one of the safeguards against using too much RAM for the cache had kicked in.  I only have 4GB RAM in the laptop and there is a threshold of 1GB remaining for not permitting disk cacheing in RAM.  So, maybe I'm just spinning my wheels here (as evidenced by the spinning gear icon that the app persists in displaying).frown

    HOWEVER, all is not lost.surprise  More research reveals that the Crucial MX500 SSD (like others of this generation, i.e. Samsung 860 SSD) has sophisticated processing and high speed DRAM cacheing functions within the SSD itself before feeding it to the slower NAND memory cells .  So, for now, I conclude that I will not pursue use of the Momentum Cache and will just trust that the SSD itself has my best interests at heart.indecision  I'm quite happy with the speed improvement the device is giving me already.  I don't want to turn into a digital gearhead.

    Edited to add:

    It should be noted that use of the Momentum Cache has an inherent risk associated with loss of power while data intended to be written to the SSD is still in the cache in RAM.  Crucial warns several times that use of battery backup is greatly encouraged.enlightened  Good thing to know. yes

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    day job makin me watch ethics training

    dunno how it relates but they showing an example of cobra farms in India

    it was 1800s there were a lot of cobras in the city. so govt issued a bounty for every dead cobra the people handed in.  so some enterprising lot started cobra farms, to cash in.  so the govt stopped the bounty thing, the cobra farms closed, basically setting them loose.  there were more cobras in the city than ever before.

    i think the moral was a bad executive decision can have un anticipated consequences.

    i know is wrong to laugh.  it was the graphics showing the cobra population made it funnier than it should be

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    non complaint

    gosh she's pretty

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    sometimes i feel lonely supporting 'where possible' supporting g8 in carrara.

    as long as it doesn't have rigid bits,
    is pretty easy to make a blended weight version of an outfit.
    or save a daz default shader for anything.

    i'm at my day job, cant install ds to whip out a blended weight version.

    can't play with the outfit til i get home.  what fun is that?   not supposed to has fun at work?

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    Mystarra said:

    sometimes i feel lonely supporting 'where possible' supporting g8 in carrara.

    as long as it doesn't have rigid bits,
    is pretty easy to make a blended weight version of an outfit.
    or save a daz default shader for anything.

    i'm at my day job, cant install ds to whip out a blended weight version.

    can't play with the outfit til i get home.  what fun is that?   not supposed to has fun at work?

      at work one is supposed to be working.  

  • forgive me daz for i have sinned... i've only completed one (mediocre) render today. but i am trying to render a scene that is making my computer grouchy.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    Mystarra said:

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

    The world has evolved, preposition ending sentences are no longer taboo.  Yay for progress.yes

    I think that it's rather that nobody cares anymore!  I don't think the rules have changed.  It's just, nobody seems to care about the rules anymore.


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    Chohole said:
    Mystarra said:

    sometimes i feel lonely supporting 'where possible' supporting g8 in carrara.

    as long as it doesn't have rigid bits,
    is pretty easy to make a blended weight version of an outfit.
    or save a daz default shader for anything.

    i'm at my day job, cant install ds to whip out a blended weight version.

    can't play with the outfit til i get home.  what fun is that?   not supposed to has fun at work?

      at work one is supposed to be working.  


  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    forgive me daz for i have sinned... i've only completed one (mediocre) render today. but i am trying to render a scene that is making my computer grouchy.

    Say sixteen Hail Victorias and recite the prayer of NVIATWAS eight times, light a candle and add 4 new items over $10 to your shopping cart and all will be forgiven... However... omit any of these steps and the Badgers Of Doom will visit you in the wee hours of the night.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Mystarra said:

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

    The world has evolved, preposition ending sentences are no longer taboo.  Yay for progress.yes

    Does this have something to do with that grammar thing I keep hearing about?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    my pc+ expired.  but i did the 7.95 store credit recur thing the day before fee was due

    shouldnt complain tho  

    pineapple juice and malibu will make all better

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

    The world has evolved, preposition ending sentences are no longer taboo.  Yay for progress.yes

    Does this have something to do with that grammar thing I keep hearing about?

    remembers latin class, they conjugate everything, even the prepositions,  dunno if counts anymore since they seem to be gone

    death of a language always a sad thing

    imagining what languages    would survive a post alpacalypse era

  • McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

    The world has evolved, preposition ending sentences are no longer taboo.  Yay for progress.yes

    Does this have something to do with that grammar thing I keep hearing about?

    I'm not sure, but I do know that my grammer was a stickler for good writing and she was always chiding me about it.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,877
    Mystarra said:
    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

    The world has evolved, preposition ending sentences are no longer taboo.  Yay for progress.yes

    Does this have something to do with that grammar thing I keep hearing about?

    remembers latin class, they conjugate everything, even the prepositions,  dunno if counts anymore since they seem to be gone

    Prepositions don't conjugate, and actually "conjugate" wouldn't even be the proper word for it if they did. Verbs conjugate, while nouns decline.

This discussion has been closed.