My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Gordig said:
    Mystarra said:
    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:

    noticd this morning not as hard to stand up  did it without the melodrama, groaning, and noisy creaking of joints

    need some fresh exer bike tunes to peddle to

    uh oh ended sentence with a preposition.

    like Ronnie said, uh oh oh oooohhh

    lost where i stashed my archive of choh's art nuveau dresses
    want to try it with carrara soft body

    The world has evolved, preposition ending sentences are no longer taboo.  Yay for progress.yes

    Does this have something to do with that grammar thing I keep hearing about?

    remembers latin class, they conjugate everything, even the prepositions,  dunno if counts anymore since they seem to be gone

    Prepositions don't conjugate, and actually "conjugate" wouldn't even be the proper word for it if they did. Verbs conjugate, while nouns decline.

    i remember having to change the ending letters on words that translated to prepositions,  my latin grammer book buried in the closet.

    something Ovid something.  v is w  whenee weedee wickee

  • English is kind of weird in its own way.frown  Just take the simple act of pluralizing the subject of a simple sentence describing an action.

    For example:  A dog barks at something.  But two dogs bark at something.  Why the h*** does the "s" jump from the verb to the noun?  Weird.indecision

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    genesis octoginta

    quid autem vobis videtur

    you'd think it wound like italian but it really doesn't  lol

    more vowels than welsh 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    Mystarra said:

    non complaint

    gosh she's pretty

    ..I didn't know she was also available for G3.  

    Nice fair skinned petite fey/elf shape.  Wishlisted for now.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    Chohole said:
    Mystarra said:

    sometimes i feel lonely supporting 'where possible' supporting g8 in carrara.

    as long as it doesn't have rigid bits,
    is pretty easy to make a blended weight version of an outfit.
    or save a daz default shader for anything.

    i'm at my day job, cant install ds to whip out a blended weight version.

    can't play with the outfit til i get home.  what fun is that?   not supposed to has fun at work?

      at work one is supposed to be working.  

    ..well, creating scenes in Daz is "working.".

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    McGyver said:

    forgive me daz for i have sinned... i've only completed one (mediocre) render today. but i am trying to render a scene that is making my computer grouchy.

    Say sixteen Hail Victorias and recite the prayer of NVIATWAS eight times, light a candle and add 4 new items over $10 to your shopping cart and all will be forgiven... However... omit any of these steps and the Badgers Of Doom will visit you in the wee hours of the night.

    ..Badgers of Doom?  They certainly weren't that on Saturday unless it was of their own doom.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019

    ...somewhat long 'plaint: Bureaucracy, nothing more than a pox on society. 

    Spent all afternoon in a runaround to beat all runarounds between the Dept. of Ed., Nelnet (the educational loan processing agency), and the SSA to no avail.

    Yesterday I received a letter from Nelnet claiming that my Loan Discharge was was approved.  Odd that in late August, I received a letter from the Dept. of Ed. saying the same thing and that the funds deducted from my SS disability awards would be refunded back to SS.Now I was left in the dark as to whether it would be a paper cheque or just appended to my monthly benefit.  At the end of September I received a cheque from the Treasury Dpt. for a "Student Loan Refund" though However, instead of the full amount for the five months of deductions they took it was only for one. Meanwhile I received a letter from the Dept. of Ed. that my claim was being transferred to this Nelnet agency (the one who sent me the last letter)  A week after that I got one from Nelnet that said they were reviewing my situation even though the Dpt. of Ed ad already awarded me the discharge. 

    Confused yet?  I sure was.

    So I called them today to get some clarification particularly concerning the remainder of the refund (about 590$) that I have yet to receive.  They told me that the cheque which I received was all I was awarded because the certification date the SSA gave them was in late June. 

    Ok, the situation became even more convoluted as in late July, I also received a second letter (dated July 10th which I did not receive until over two weeks later) from the Dept. of Ed. with the same application form (that I already submitted a month before), which said they received documentation from the SSA that showing that I may be eligible for a discharge (apparently the SSA had acted own and contacted the Dept of Ed. unawares I had already started the process rolling a month earlier).  As that letter seemed rather confusing, I called the Dept. of Ed to verify if they had received my electronic application, which they confirmed, and told me to ignore that letter and form as sending it in would likely bollox up my current request which was already in the approval stage.  

    ...beginning to feel a sensation the left foot is oblivious to what the right hand is doing? 

    Ok, so back to this afternoon. I told the officer at Nelnet that I had no idea nor was given any communication from either the SSA or Dpt of Ed that there was the option to have the loans discharged and get a refund. I only learned of it in June when I stumbled across a news story about it, and said had I known back in March that this was an option, I would have done it back then so I asked if the date of certification could be amended. She said she couldn't do that but then connected me to the main  Dept. of Ed center to speak with a loan discharge supervisor.  I again related the entire situation the that person only to be told I had to contact the SSA to have the certification date changed.  So I call the national SS number and wait on hold for nearly 90 minutes on until someone finally picked up the call.  I again detail the entire situation to him, and said I was referred by a supervisor at Dept. of Education to contact the SSA to amend the certification date so that the Dpt. of Ed could release the remaining funds. Well that officer told me that is out of their hands and totally something the Dept. of Ed needs to do (huh?) and they always recommend people call the SSA in situations like this. I finally got him to describe the process of how this all works and it seemed pretty clear.  The SSA sends the full benefit request to Treasury (which is sort of the middleman in process as they only write the cheques/send out the payments), who checks for any garnishments against (and if there are, applies them first), then disburses the final adjusted payment to the recipient. 

    Taking notes? Good there will be a pop quiz on Friday.

    So he said I needed to contact the Dept of Ed.or Nelnet as that ball was in their court, though he also gave me the number for the Treasury Dept's offset office as a second option (don't know why as they act on what other agencies tell them). Well by now I was feeling a bit dizzy with all the circles I had been dealing with. So called Nelnet again, (fortunately they don't have a wait time) and related them what he officer at the SSA told me. and that I just want a resolution on this that includes the remaining 590$. That person again mentioned I had to speak to an SSA supervisor on the matter. 

    I pretty much feel like a pinball with the Tommy at the flippers right now. 

    So, I have to wait until tomorrow morning for the "replay" as by the time I was finished with that call, the SSA was closed.for the day. Given that it appears the SSA acted on their own, I feel they maybe they were the ones who dropped the ball on this as the Dept. of Ed and Nelnet mentioned.  They should have contacted the Dept of Ed. when the first deduction was made back in March (particularly since I called them back then about it as I was given no explanation as to what the deduction was for until an SSA supervisor told me) instead of waiting until June after four months worth of deductions were taken out that apparently I am unable to recover.

    I would not wish this on my worst enemy as it would make a root canal or spinal tap seem almost a pleasurable experience.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • the eyes of my model in my latest render seem to be falling out of, or into, her head. i'm sure no one will notice...

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,123

    English is kind of weird in its own way.frown  Just take the simple act of pluralizing the subject of a simple sentence describing an action.

    For example:  A dog barks at something.  But two dogs bark at something.  Why the h*** does the "s" jump from the verb to the noun?  Weird.indecision

    And when it does, its pronunciation changes from 's' to 'z'!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    my eyes been watery all morning.  is it an age thing?

    more ethics training courses to do at day job.  pacing myself.  never saw anything so boring. the cobra thing was funny.  gonna need 3 shots esspresso to get this done.  i doo like my paycheq and this is mandatory.

    i sent a support ticket on my pc club.  why it didn't take my store credit to renew.  no word back if they can fix it.

    still no idea why 30 polygons on h8f won't move in a morph in carrara.

    still giggling on the mis read the other morning  tee hee stallion lounge.  giggling at a scene in hemann episode. tee hee tee hee  

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the eyes of my model in my latest render seem to be falling out of, or into, her head. i'm sure no one will notice...

    yeah but now that yoyu mentioned it.  it gonna be the first thing i look at   lol

    do you include a comic relief character in your stories?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    kyoto kid said:
    Mystarra said:

    non complaint

    gosh she's pretty

    ..I didn't know she was also available for G3.  

    Nice fair skinned petite fey/elf shape.  Wishlisted for now.

    she needs a nice fluidos puddle to splash in 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    Mystarra said:

    my eyes been watery all morning.  is it an age thing?

    more ethics training courses to do at day job.  pacing myself.  never saw anything so boring. the cobra thing was funny.  gonna need 3 shots esspresso to get this done.  i doo like my paycheq and this is mandatory.

    i sent a support ticket on my pc club.  why it didn't take my store credit to renew.  no word back if they can fix it.

    still no idea why 30 polygons on h8f won't move in a morph in carrara.

    still giggling on the mis read the other morning  tee hee stallion lounge.  giggling at a scene in hemann episode. tee hee tee hee  

    ..I've been getting that myself as well lately, mostly in my right eye. Can't be an allergy or it would affect both eyes.

  • Mystarra said:

    the eyes of my model in my latest render seem to be falling out of, or into, her head. i'm sure no one will notice...

    yeah but now that yoyu mentioned it.  it gonna be the first thing i look at   lol

    do you include a comic relief character in your stories?

    I'm trying to retool my character. I can't seem to grasp how to make Look At Me eyes work. So I may have to go a more traditional route.

    Some stories I have characters for comic relief. Usually, its a guy with a duck.


    Add-On Complaint: I had to pull some poison Ivy off my deck. Even if none of it touched me I'll probably end up with psychosomatic poison ivy rash.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019

    ...follow up 'plaint.  The bureaucratic nightmare seems to have passed into the realm of the absurd. seems every time I talk to one or the other I learn new information that should have been given to me up front months ago until after the fact.  None of agencies I've been dealing with say they can do anything but keeps passing the buck and claiming the other can.  I even learned one department sent me erroneous information and that there is nothing they can, or will do about it.  

    So, I decided to step on the buck and do something.  I called my Senator's office, leaving a voicemail as the person I need to speak to who handles cases like this is currently in a meeting.

    I'm almost at the state that I want to punch a wall or something but I know that would not be very healthy for the wall or particularly, my hand.


    What is really irritating is that between yesterday and today this runaround has used up 242 minutes of my 250 minute limit on my calling plan.  

    Need to go get some strong coffee. maybe a quad americano.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975
    Mystarra said:

    the eyes of my model in my latest render seem to be falling out of, or into, her head. i'm sure no one will notice...

    yeah but now that yoyu mentioned it.  it gonna be the first thing i look at   lol

    do you include a comic relief character in your stories?

    I'm trying to retool my character. I can't seem to grasp how to make Look At Me eyes work. So I may have to go a more traditional route.

    Some stories I have characters for comic relief. Usually, its a guy with a duck.


    Add-On Complaint: I had to pull some poison Ivy off my deck. Even if none of it touched me I'll probably end up with psychosomatic poison ivy rash.


     "Look at Me "  depends on which one Look at Camera ,Look at each Other ,Look at that ,or Look into my eyes....... I use the first 2 alot ,click on your figure click on the Look at Camera icon then try clicking at the preview tab at the bottom of the window that pops up if you don't like the way it looks play with the sliders til you do , Look at Each other ,Control click on both figures ,then on the icon and pretty much same instructions .....

    oh and for a complaint went and bought groceries spent way to much ........


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    kyoto kid said:

    ...follow up 'plaint.  The bureaucratic nightmare seems to have passed into the realm of the absurd. seems every time I talk to one or the other I learn new information that should have been given to me up front months ago until after the fact.  None of agencies I've been dealing with say they can do anything but keeps passing the buck and claiming the other can.  I even learned one department sent me erroneous information and that there is nothing they can, or will do about it.  

    So, I decided to step on the buck and do something.  I called my Senator's office, leaving a voicemail as the person I need to speak to who handles cases like this is currently in a meeting.

    I'm almost at the state that I want to punch a wall or something but I know that would not be very healthy for the wall or particularly, my hand.


    What is really irritating is that between yesterday and today this runaround has used up 242 minutes of my 250 minute limit on my calling plan.  

    Need to go get some strong coffee. maybe a quad americano.

    How much are you paying for that terrible plan?


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystarra said:

    the eyes of my model in my latest render seem to be falling out of, or into, her head. i'm sure no one will notice...

    yeah but now that yoyu mentioned it.  it gonna be the first thing i look at   lol

    do you include a comic relief character in your stories?

    I'm trying to retool my character. I can't seem to grasp how to make Look At Me eyes work. So I may have to go a more traditional route.

    Some stories I have characters for comic relief. Usually, its a guy with a duck.


    Add-On Complaint: I had to pull some poison Ivy off my deck. Even if none of it touched me I'll probably end up with psychosomatic poison ivy rash.

    tenactin.  used to find it at Duane Reade  stuff works.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystarra said:

    the eyes of my model in my latest render seem to be falling out of, or into, her head. i'm sure no one will notice...

    yeah but now that yoyu mentioned it.  it gonna be the first thing i look at   lol

    do you include a comic relief character in your stories?

    I'm trying to retool my character. I can't seem to grasp how to make Look At Me eyes work. So I may have to go a more traditional route.

    Some stories I have characters for comic relief. Usually, its a guy with a duck.


    Add-On Complaint: I had to pull some poison Ivy off my deck. Even if none of it touched me I'll probably end up with psychosomatic poison ivy rash.


    thinking of the cabbage cart guy in last air bender

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...follow up 'plaint.  The bureaucratic nightmare seems to have passed into the realm of the absurd. seems every time I talk to one or the other I learn new information that should have been given to me up front months ago until after the fact.  None of agencies I've been dealing with say they can do anything but keeps passing the buck and claiming the other can.  I even learned one department sent me erroneous information and that there is nothing they can, or will do about it.  

    So, I decided to step on the buck and do something.  I called my Senator's office, leaving a voicemail as the person I need to speak to who handles cases like this is currently in a meeting.

    I'm almost at the state that I want to punch a wall or something but I know that would not be very healthy for the wall or particularly, my hand.


    What is really irritating is that between yesterday and today this runaround has used up 242 minutes of my 250 minute limit on my calling plan.  

    Need to go get some strong coffee. maybe a quad americano.

    How much are you paying for that terrible plan?


    luksusowa smiley

    i'd porescribe a dram, but dunno what a dram is


    not sure wht a bullox is ,  somethimg halfway tween a bull and an ox

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Lee 8 in the fg 

    doesnt activate a hormone

    he got none of the he-man muskle ripples

    onder twin power activate

    smallville did 1 episode with the wonder twins, never saw them again after the justice league caturday morning cartoon

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    oh noes

    bought  the wrong usb cables.  accidentally got samsung charging cables.  was trying tor usb3 for the new hub.  dunno if there a difference in cables for usb2 vs 3.0  dohh  like, does it have an extra wire inside

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited October 2019
    Mystarra said:

    oh noes

    bought  the wrong usb cables.  accidentally got samsung charging cables.  was trying tor usb3 for the new hub.  dunno if there a difference in cables for usb2 vs 3.0  dohh  like, does it have an extra wire inside

    What is the USB cord needed for?  External Hard Drive?  Phone?  Camera?  etc.

    What do the available sockets look like?  "A", "B", "Mini-A", "Mini-B", "C", "Mini-AB", "Micro-A", "Micro-B", "Micro-B-SuperSpeed", or "Micro-AB"  See, very thorough, Wikipedia article. for pictures.

    Rule of thumb:  USB devices are backwards compatable.

    Rule of thumb: if you have a proper cable with correct connector plug to match the sockets on your two devices then it should probably work but may not work as fast as you'd like it to (i.e. a USB-3 device connected to a USB-2 device will only transfer data as fast as the USB-2 device.

    Rule of thumb:  Type "A" and type "B" USB-3 sockets have a blue insert.  So, if you have several USB sockets available, you know which ones are the USB-3.

    Type "A", and type "B" sockets all have 4 connectors.

    Type "C" is an odd duck you'll probably never see one.  (Used for powering laptops and for high speed data)  See wikipedia article:

    Type "Mini..." and type "Micro..." sockets all have 5 connectors.

    SuperSpeed Micro type B USB-3.1 has 10 connectors. (double channels?)

    USB devices that don't have a separate external power supply get their power through a wire in the USB cable from the device they are connected to.  If the device doesn't supply enough power, bad things could happen.  Hopefully just failure to work.  i.e. no blue smoke.

    Now, considering all the complexities above, add just one more concern.  Assuming you have enough power being supplied, is your cable good enough quality to handle it?  And is the cable good enough quality to carry the data bits without garbling them?  Cheap, wimpy, damaged or super long cables (longer than 5 meters for USB-2 or longer than 3 meters for USB-3) might be a problem.

    Rule of thumb: It's best to match USB devices of similar generation.

    But basically, if you have a decent cable and the plugs fit, your device might probably work, somewhat.frown  (DISCLAIMER:  I assume no responsibility for escaping blue smoke or melting cables.)


    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    First-world complaint: I fell asleep so early last night, I woke up while it was still night.

    Anti-complaint: My friend helped me fix my problems with Sims 2, so now I have the love of my life back! That means I'll be making fewer annoying posts on Daz Forums, and more on LiveJournal. 

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072

    I once fell asleep at 4 pm and woke up at 8 pm, thought it was 8 am and I had missed my first class (college days). Once I realized that not only was it the evening of the same day, but was Friday, I got drunk and stumbled downstairs to watch the tube with my friends.

    Ah, youth...

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...follow up 'plaint.  The bureaucratic nightmare seems to have passed into the realm of the absurd. seems every time I talk to one or the other I learn new information that should have been given to me up front months ago until after the fact.  None of agencies I've been dealing with say they can do anything but keeps passing the buck and claiming the other can.  I even learned one department sent me erroneous information and that there is nothing they can, or will do about it.  

    So, I decided to step on the buck and do something.  I called my Senator's office, leaving a voicemail as the person I need to speak to who handles cases like this is currently in a meeting.

    I'm almost at the state that I want to punch a wall or something but I know that would not be very healthy for the wall or particularly, my hand.


    What is really irritating is that between yesterday and today this runaround has used up 242 minutes of my 250 minute limit on my calling plan.  

    Need to go get some strong coffee. maybe a quad americano.

    How much are you paying for that terrible plan?

    Dana I mentioned last spring, they were deducting 147$ a month out of each monthly benefit deposit.  This went on for five months totalling just over 735$ . The refund cheque I received was 590$ short of what I should have been sent in spite of the fact that others who filed later received the full amount of the funds that were deducted, in some cases in the tens of thousands. I mentioned this but seemed to matter nothing to the person at at the loan processing agency who I was talking to. In the end he told me that the amount I didn't get refunded was "theirs," period, even though they were not supposed to garnish SS Disability benefits, which I told him was just wrong and a nothing more than a bloody scam.

    I need to stop talking about this because it is late and making me very angry again, and I need to relax before going to bed.

    ...see new response further on down.  

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited October 2019
    Mystarra said:
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...follow up 'plaint.  The bureaucratic nightmare seems to have passed into the realm of the absurd. seems every time I talk to one or the other I learn new information that should have been given to me up front months ago until after the fact.  None of agencies I've been dealing with say they can do anything but keeps passing the buck and claiming the other can.  I even learned one department sent me erroneous information and that there is nothing they can, or will do about it.  

    So, I decided to step on the buck and do something.  I called my Senator's office, leaving a voicemail as the person I need to speak to who handles cases like this is currently in a meeting.

    I'm almost at the state that I want to punch a wall or something but I know that would not be very healthy for the wall or particularly, my hand.


    What is really irritating is that between yesterday and today this runaround has used up 242 minutes of my 250 minute limit on my calling plan.  

    Need to go get some strong coffee. maybe a quad americano.

    How much are you paying for that terrible plan?


    luksusowa smiley

    i'd porescribe a dram, but dunno what a dram is


    not sure wht a bullox is ,  somethimg halfway tween a bull and an ox.


    ..."redacted" is a British term often used to describe a situation that is totally fouled up.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • chaynawolfsmoonchaynawolfsmoon Posts: 675
    edited October 2019

    silly complaint: I keep forgetting to check out the 1.99 stuff to see if there are any strong wants or must-haves. I still have a coupon I should use... Or did it expire?

    snobbery note: I only look at Genesis 8 stuff and Genesis 3 stuff for females because I can convert that.

    adendum: hair and bikinis are cool because they usually work without any conversion.

    Post edited by chaynawolfsmoon on
  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    kyoto kid said:
    Mystarra said:
    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...follow up 'plaint.  The bureaucratic nightmare seems to have passed into the realm of the absurd. seems every time I talk to one or the other I learn new information that should have been given to me up front months ago until after the fact.  None of agencies I've been dealing with say they can do anything but keeps passing the buck and claiming the other can.  I even learned one department sent me erroneous information and that there is nothing they can, or will do about it.  

    So, I decided to step on the buck and do something.  I called my Senator's office, leaving a voicemail as the person I need to speak to who handles cases like this is currently in a meeting.

    I'm almost at the state that I want to punch a wall or something but I know that would not be very healthy for the wall or particularly, my hand.


    What is really irritating is that between yesterday and today this runaround has used up 242 minutes of my 250 minute limit on my calling plan.  

    Need to go get some strong coffee. maybe a quad americano.

    How much are you paying for that terrible plan?


    luksusowa smiley

    i'd porescribe a dram, but dunno what a dram is


    not sure wht a bullox is ,  somethimg halfway tween a bull and an ox.


    ..."redacted" is a British term often used to describe a situation that is totally fouled up.

    the redacted term, spelled in english with cks not x, is actually a vulgar term, used as a swear word, which means testicles  and the past participle of the redacted word is used to describe things as KK says.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Being a bit of a language geek, I actually think it's interesting to see how curses and profanities differ between languages and cultures. In English, the vast majority of redacted terms seem to originate around the crotch area, while Norwegian swearing centres on Biblical antagonists and dark forces. It was concidered a mild form of black magic, rather than just being rude, as recently as the 20th century. (1980s, in fact...)

This discussion has been closed.