The completely gratuitous complaint thread



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,456
    edited February 2021

    Glad I'm not in Texas but it has been friggin' cold in my apartment these past couple of weeks.  I think the neighbors (who control the thermostat) have now also tinkered with the vanes (air duct valves) in the hot air ducts in the basement and given my heat to themselves.  Not sayin' they did, but why is it so friggin' cold this year?  We've had worse cold weather and I never felt this cold all the time.  It's so bad that last week I went to the foot doctor and he said I had frostbite on the tip of my big toe.surprise  Granted my heart doesn't pump right anymore, and my legs suffer from poor circulation anyway, but they are perpetually cold unless I wrap them in a blanket or place them 8 inches from my electric room heater, or stand barefooted on the one and only heat vent in the floor.  I remember past years where I had to partially close my floor vent to keep from getting too hot.  Somebody's filching my hot air! angry

    I came downstairs this morning expecting a little more heat than the unheated upstairs ( Thank GE for my electric blanket.yes) but it was 59F down here and after running the electric heater most of the morning it's only up to 63F.  Brrrrr.sad 

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,904

    I hate every ape I see

    From chimpan-A to chimpan-Z

  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675

    Daz made me spend all my money again. My wishlist keeps getting bigger.

    My cats wake me up early so they can get treats. Bubba is convinced that dishwashing time is also treat time and has begun to cry every time I start cleaning the kitchen. The cat's bad behaviors are my fault. I wake up, change their water, and give them treats, so the associations were inevitable. It's still bothersome. 

    My tax refund isn't here yet. I want to get a new graphics card but I'm not sure I'll be able to find one for a reasonable price.

    I am so freaked out over what is happening in Texas that I've decided to buy a generator and stock up on water. I can't imagine trying to stay at a friend's house with two cats. Everyone we know has dogs and kids. I guess I need a space heater too or else the whole setup is pointless. My last one broke two years ago. 

    Do generators have to be run on a regular basis?

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited February 2021

    Subtropic Pixel said:

    Chilly this morning, 54.  Is chilly for Florida!  But it's supposed to go to mid-to-high 60s.  Perfect weather for working outside.

    ...that's 3°F warmer than our high today here in Portland.  At least i'ts not as bad as where I used to live. where it was a "balmy" 16°F today (last weekend it didn't get above 0F there)

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072

    I still live in case someone wondered.

    Been keeping busy lately. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    Complaint: The 3D community has lost another wonderful artist...Lisa of Lisa's Botanicals has passed.   crying



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited February 2021

    ...just saw the notice on the Fantasies Attic site a little while ago, also a thread here. 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • I have a few of her floral sets.  Very well done.  She'll be missed.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,456
    edited February 2021

    Complaint:  Arghhh... While in the process of transfering huge archives of data from machine to machine to establish my new data structure I realized that I'm not getting best use of my, new fast machines, USB3 ports and gigabit network.  I got this clue when the transfer time for one archive was estimated to be 13 hours.surprisesad  Upon reflection and crawling under desks tracing cables I discovered by checking device model & specifications that I have an old LAN 10/100Mb switch in the circuit and only one pair of machines will get full benefit of gigabit transfer speed through the fast switch, the others eventually end up going through the old slow switch.  Heck it's not even a switch, it's a hub.frown  

    Non-complaint:  Yay, I get to go catalog shopping again for a new gigabit switch or a bigger gigabit switch and longer cables to elimate one of the switches.  And I get the joy of untying bundles of cables and pulling old short cables and replacing them with new longer cables.  (yay?) indecision

     For 10 years it didn't matter much where I plugged in a new LAN device, it was all 10/100 devices and when I needed a new cable they all worked just fine.  Now I need to inventory my cables too to make sure I haven't got a really ancient cable lost in the maze boogering things up.  Oh joy.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    LeatherGryphon said:

    I have a few of her floral sets.  Very well done.  She'll be missed.

    broken heart a true artist. 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Feels Like19F°  / -2C°  the kind of cold hurts bones. oww

    freezee frame.

  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,677

    Do generators have to be run on a regular basis?

    You want to start it up a few times a year, to make sure it works. If I haven't needed it all year, usually around end of summer I let it run empty and replace the fuel. Not sure if that is needed, but I want it to start when it is actually needed lol. I got a big one myself, needed to have an electrician do the hookup to my main breaker box. And he stressed how dangerous it can be if I forget to turn off the main power switch and run it. I could kill someone working on the wires.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    was gonna doordash panera.  but by the time they fee it up, a doz bagels and a cuppa soup comes to 50 bux.

    packet of instant grits a lot more apetizing of a sudden.

  • Note: today's date in sortable numeric form is "two-zero-two-one-zero-two-two-one" cool

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    TJohn said:

    I still live in case someone wondered.

    Been keeping busy lately. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.


    Now that picture is going to stay with me and probably end up being the thing I think you took up as a hobby after you retired from teaching... for some reason I think you were a professor or you taught chemistry or geology... or that's because of some other picture you posted... maybe that was someone else... you were the guy that used to have a pet rhinoceros he won in a poker game... right?

    Either way, that's a great picture and I'm glad you are okay and still out there shooting rats under the streets of Paris... 

    Truly... I envy you, it's a noble hobby.



  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    i just saw this message on package tracking page:

    Due to severe weather, packages may be delayed.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited February 2021

    ...if it's FedEx, Memphis' airport, which is their primary hub, was shut down for a while (since reopened for passenger flights)..

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    McGyver said:

    TJohn said:

    I still live in case someone wondered.

    Been keeping busy lately. It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it.


    Now that picture is going to stay with me and probably end up being the thing I think you took up as a hobby after you retired from teaching... for some reason I think you were a professor or you taught chemistry or geology... or that's because of some other picture you posted... maybe that was someone else... you were the guy that used to have a pet rhinoceros he won in a poker game... right?

    Either way, that's a great picture and I'm glad you are okay and still out there shooting rats under the streets of Paris... 

    Truly... I envy you, it's a noble hobby.





  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675

    TheKD said:

    And he stressed how dangerous it can be if I forget to turn off the main power switch and run it. I could kill someone working on the wires.

    surprise Scary. I don't think I want something with that kind of responsibility. Sometimes we drink. 

    I wish we could multi-quote.

    I have only tried Doordash once, and afterwards, I regretted it. It's way too expensive. I'll drive or eat canned beans. Then I can buy more stuff that will last. 


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,456
    edited February 2021

    Non-complaint:  Yay!  I've cogitated this afternoon while doing the important things like washing dishes, sweeping snow from the porch, complaining to the landlord about the furnace inadaquacies, munching on popcorn, watching TV, etc. and have come up with a way to simply swap positions of my 8-port gigabit switch and my 8-port 10/100 switch and relocate just two cables and all the fast devices (computers) will be talking through the fast switch and all the "slow" devices (blu-ray, smart TV, etc.) will be connected through the slow switch.  However, just to make sure my current LAN cables (an ancient motly collection, most with no identifying marks to reveal their "category") won't be a bottleneck now or in the future, I've decided to replace all the cables for the fast devices with at least cat-6, brand-new, LAN cables of proper length.  No more wire stretching needed, and no more massive coils of way too long wire gathering dust behind the table.  And at least I won't have to fork out for a new 16-port switch($$) in addition to new cables($$).  Yay!yes

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i feel like sleeping for a week. 4 weeks. til spring.

    dont have a clue how to set up a wifi printer 
    the barcode printer arrived  brother ql, no discs, dont i need drivers and a some soft of barcode font

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    Mystiarra said:

    i feel like sleeping for a week. 4 weeks. til spring.

    dont have a clue how to set up a wifi printer 
    the barcode printer arrived  brother ql, no discs, dont i need drivers and a some soft of barcode font

    You can usually find info, instructions and drivers on the maker's website.  If not, search YouTube!


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    snow coming down thick in huntington.  yeesh.  my new ssd hd was supposed to arrive today.  amazon says is delayed.  planning to convert all my nightshift and dystopia stuff to carrara scene inventory and back it all up on the ssd.  dunno if 1 backup is safe.  should prolly rotate backups to 2 or 3 drives.

    is CPUs breaking 4 giggahertzes yet?  stores not giving filters for cores.  deffnitlee dont want a gaming case.

    The 57th Birthday Cakeless Birthday Complaint Thread
    The Cores Envy  Complaint Thread
    The SCSI Unscuzzed Complaint Thread
    The Cant see the screws Complaint Thread
    The Nuff is E Nuff Blizzardy Complaint Thread
    The Gane of Thrones Unrequited Finale Complaint Thread
    The Spineless Splines Complaint Thread


  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited February 2021

    i check the trackup updates for the packagge.  The last update for the package was on Februrary 16.  The USPS package left Des Moines, Iowa.  The only reason I am buying collectable items now is that the items in stock are almost gone.  Now II'm going to look for a computer power supply.

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    things that make you go hmmmm

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,456
    edited February 2021

    Non-complaint:  Wheee... I have four orders with Amazon totalling 9 items, all arriving today instead of tomorrow as scheduled.  Surprise, surprise.surprise  I'll have new fleecy high-top slippers for my cold feet.  I'll have LAN cables to complete my upgraded LAN network redesign.  I'll have half a case of lima beans (mmm... lima beans).  I'll have a new set of magnetic screwdrivers for little computer screws, no more not being able to get my car mechanic screwdriver into the guts of a crowded computer.  And I'll have more coffee, yay for coffee.yes

    Complaint:  It's snowing like the arctic out there and under that snow, is compacted snow with an ice cover and the driveway hasn't been plowed and I'll have to at least clean off my porch and steps while I wait for the postman who cometh.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072

    Worth a look.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,456
    edited February 2021

    Ooh, excitement!:  Never say that nothing interesting ever happens in our little town.  I was still in my bedroom slippers, out on my porch sweeping & chipping the snow & ice from it to clear a place for my expected postal packages.  I glanced at movement out of the corner of my eye down by the mailboxes and thought "it's too early for the postman".  So, I leaned around the corner to get a better view and a pickup truck was skejawed on the snow covered lawn sitting where our mailboxes used to be.surprise  I knew the postman liked to get close to the boxes but that was going a bit far.frown  But it turned out to not be the postman (duh), but a woman on the way to a doctor's appointment who had gone out of control on the very slippery road.sad  She saw me looking quizically at her and yelled something through the closed vehicle windows then backed the truck onto the street again and drove forward out of my sight.  I figured she'd done a hit-and-run.  But no, a moment later she came walking around the corner crying her eyes out and blubbering she was "sorry, so very sorry".  I tried to calm her a bit and invited her in while we exchanged information.  I gave her the landlord's name and phone number and got her same information.  The whole thing was over in 10 minutes but now we have no mailboxes at the end of our driveway and the ground is frozen and the landlord hasn't answered his phone in several days (I called a few days ago about heat problems).  I think he might be in Florida.frown

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    the i love lucy town smiley

    and remember to bring your parking pass. smileysmiley

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    they made a japanese version of shall we dance.  seems ballroom daning is a huge embarrassment.

This discussion has been closed.