The completely gratuitous complaint thread



  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675
    edited February 2021

    Experiencing serious buyer's remorse after purchasing two anime-themed characters from the other store. I have never in my life made an anime-style render, despite my love of otome games and sailor moon. Will I actually start rendering cartoony bishies? Where would I find better eyebrows for the guy? The ones included are comically short and the style is so distinct, I would probably have to make my own. But I am terrible with that sort of thing. Would they scoff at me if I asked for a refund? I can't decide what to do. sad

    Edited to remove offsite commercial link

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    certaintree38 said:

    DanaTA said:

    Complaint: I didn't see any gift card discounts!  Was it only a short sale?


    It ended at 4 pm mountain time, I am pretty sure. 

    Oh.  Well, thanks for the reply!

    Forum is very slow tonight!


  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited February 2021

    Airplanes are replaced by Dragons, Wyverns and Gryphons in some towns.


    3200 x 2133 - 546K
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • Completely OT non-complaint:  I've been chasing a housefly for the last couple of days.  Very quick little bugger.  Despite having the flyswatter at hand at all times, his agility irked me to no end.  However, this morning I came down and looked forlornly in the kitchen sink at the dirty dishes I'd not bothered to wash yesterday and there in the crystal wine glass that had been set upright with hot water and a drop of detergent to soak, was my fly floating motionless just under the surface.  I let out a Snidley Whiplash call of evilness and exclaimed "got ya'".  Yay for physics and the surface tension destroying attributes of soap in water.devil

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited February 2021

    Is it wrong of me to want to kick the makers of zip lock packaging in the nethers because most ziplock packages suck... do they realize that if the preforated line is a millizillionth of a centimeter from the ziplock detail, you have nothing to pull on to open the damn thing... why put a ziplock detail on a bag if it doesn't work?

    That was a trick question because it's definitely okay to want to kick someone when I can't access my figgin' ham.

    Post edited by McGyver on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Rezca said:

    Airplanes are replaced by Dragons, Wyverns and Gryphons in some towns.


    laugh  thats adorable.  lol 



  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is a morbid curiousity to look at why a thread was locked
    tho certain thread titles, know its comin

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948

    McGyver said:

    Is it wrong of me to want to kick the makers of zip lock packaging in the nethers because most ziplock packages suck... do they realize that if the preforated line is a millizillionth of a centimeter from the ziplock detail, you have nothing to pull on to open the damn thing... why put a ziplock detail on a bag if it doesn't work?

    That was a trick question because it's definitely okay to want to kick someone when I can't access my figgin' ham.

    ...frustrating indeed particularly if you have arthritic hands.  If you try to open from below the ziplock, you can succeed in tearing it open underneath (while the ziplock remains sealed) and then it's useless.  I usually have a box of storage bags with the slider on the open end so when this happens I cut the original package open and transfer the contents.

    My other bane are those inner "safety seals" on which there are tabs so tiny that a human's big fingers can't get a grip on and then also often have a tonne of glue securing them to the opening of the bottle or container.

    I still firmly believe packaging engineers have a sadistic streak when it comes to us older folks. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948

    ...The I Hear Gurgly Noises Outside My Door Complaint Thread.
    ...The Cats Are Poking The Volcano Again Complaint Thread.
    ...The Daleks Are Grating on Me Complaint Thread.
    ...The JJ Adams Cloned a Shatner Army From Potatoes Complaint Thread.
    ...The Cake Was A Lie Complaint Thread.
    ...The Where's My Stimulus Cheque Complaint Thread?
    ...The Daz Made Me Spend All My Money Again Complaint Thread. 
    ...The Still no CAT 8 Complaint Thread.
    ...The Why Do They Make Packaging So Hard to Open Complaint Thread?

  • SeraSera Posts: 1,675

    Complaint: Dollhouse has gone completely off the rails. It's jumped forward in time to some sort of apocalypse-themed reality and I hate it. It's the only episode between me and season 2 though. How can there even be a season 2 after this? Maybe I can watch it in fast-forward mode. 

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    kyoto kid said:

    ...The I Hear Gurgly Noises Outside My Door Complaint Thread.
    ...The Cats Are Poking The Volcano Again Complaint Thread.
    ...The Daleks Are Grating on Me Complaint Thread.
    ...The JJ Adams Cloned a Shatner Army From Potatoes Complaint Thread.
    ...The Cake Was A Lie Complaint Thread.
    ...The Where's My Stimulus Cheque Complaint Thread?
    ...The Daz Made Me Spend All My Money Again Complaint Thread. 
    ...The Still no CAT 8 Complaint Thread.
    ...The Why Do They Make Packaging So Hard to Open Complaint Thread?

    Definitely "The JJ Abrams Cloned A Shatner Army From Potatoes Complaint Thread"... That totally sounds like something I'd come up with if I were drunk or really tired or eating a sandwich or just sitting around reading the forums.

    You know, the cake was really was a lie... a few weeks ago I bought a frozen cake and the thing in the box wasn't what the picture was on the cover... it was cake-like, but not "the cake"... it definitely was a lie... the cake was a lie!... also the pie was a lie too, because a few months ago I bought a small cherry pie and it was actually blueberry inside... it was a damn blueberry pie lie!... the worlds falling apart... what's next? My bacon is going to be made out of bird meat?

    And then there is this...

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948
    edited February 2021

    ...yeah was drinking an imperial pint bottle of Black Boss Porter from Poland (9.3% ABV) when I came up with a few of those.

    It's not just cake and pie that are lie these days, just watch any fast food advert then go to one and see what you actually get.  That delicious looking sub sandwich you see piled high with meats, cheeses, and veggies would take having to order double portions of everything at the restaurant

    ....and don't get me on the subject of burgers.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    If you don't like fast food burgers, don't go to fast food restaurants.  

    Years back, when I worked at COMDEX, we'd go to lunch at a place called Union St. in Newton Center.  They had great burgers.  On Thursdays, they'd have Half Price Burger Day.  I'd get the Cajun Burger.  It was great!  And filling.  Just checked their menu.  They're still there.  But not the Black Jack Burger (the Cajun one).  sad   Well, it's not likely I'd visit there any time soon, anyway.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,948

    ...yeah I don't bother with fast food burgers, haven't for many, many years.  I usually just make them at home. For the price of a Big Mac meal, I can get a pound of 93% lean organic grass fed ground beef which makes three burgers that I season in different ways. I make up all the patties at once cook one and freeze the other two for later. 

    When I do go out there's a nice little place in the Hawthorne District here that a friend and I used to go to before Covid which makes excellent burgers. Yeah a little more pricey compared to FF (about 13$ for the full plate with fries) but they are hand formed from lean locally raised beef and made to order with a generous portion fo hand cut fries which are crisp, not limp & greasy.

    Speaking of Cajun burgers that is what I made the other week, had a nice kick to them. Topped them with aged swiss, sautéed onions, sweet pickles and a bit of Stubbs™ spicy BBQ sauce .   

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072

    McGyver said:

    Is it wrong of me to want to kick the makers of zip lock packaging in the nethers because most ziplock packages suck... do they realize that if the preforated line is a millizillionth of a centimeter from the ziplock detail, you have nothing to pull on to open the damn thing... why put a ziplock detail on a bag if it doesn't work?

    That was a trick question because it's definitely okay to want to kick someone when I can't access my figgin' ham.

    I like the ones with the sliding "zipper". 

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072
    edited February 2021

    I used to eat a burger and fries at Hardee's every day. Until my brother came to live with me and we usually just had breakfast there. Until covid. I'm 67, he's 73 so we eat at home a lot.

    The I Want My @*^$(% Life Back Complaint Thread

    Post edited by TJohn on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    TJohn said:

    I used to eat a burger and fries at Hardee's every day. Until my brother came to live with me and we usually just had breakfast there. Until covid. I'm 67, he's 73 so we eat at home a lot.

    Good plan.


  • TJohn said:

    I used to eat a burger and fries at Hardee's every day. Until my brother came to live with me and we usually just had breakfast there. Until covid. I'm 67, he's 73 so we eat at home a lot.

    The I Want My @*^$(% Life Back Complaint Thread


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,456
    edited February 2021

    Mid-winter non-complaint:  Wheee... spring is around the corner.  While making breakfast this morning I noticed for the first time in months that my window prisims in the kitchen window are giving me my rainbow light show again.  Yay! smiley  It was only for a few minutes, but the sun is getting into position for spring.  Wheee...

    Mmmm... corned beef hash & eggs, V8, half a banana, and coffee for breakfast this morning.yes  Not my usual "GrapeNuts with hot water", or oatmeal.  Ah, decadence! devil

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    edited February 2021

    Wait... you are supposed to eat grape nuts? 
    For years I assumed it was some sort of ballast or aggregate for concrete... maybe budgie gravel or something.

    Its food... huh.

    The first thing that confused me about this product is that grapes don't have nuts... either kind... and the box literature makes no mention of grapes other than the title name... "Grape Nuts"... 

    Years ago I actually tried it in the format of one of those little snack size boxes at some hotel or somewhere and I was pretty sure it was a misplaced janitorial supply maybe used in sandblasting or for throwing on the floor when it rains to give people's shoes more traction.

    I poured it in the bowl, which I already had milk in it and it immediately sank to the bottom, which was unusually because cereal products usually float... but I was up for a challenge, so I gave it a spoonful and it was pretty much gravel... so I figured I'd let it sit in the milk for a while and see if it softened or transformed into something edible... after a half hour it actually seemed to be harder... maybe having catalyzed and cured in some unusual chemical reaction to the lactic acid or calcium... There was only one box on the counter, so I figured maybe the janitor threw it at one of the rats and forgot to pick it up and put it back on his cart... 

    It was actually a nice hotel, but I always assume any place that has food also has rats... especially if the food is good... Ratatouille showed us the harmonious relationship between rats and the culinary staff in most commissary or restaurant type establishments, so I always assume the rat hair is a good thing and means it's been prepared by a highly talented sewer rat chef and his human apprentice.

    I see Grape Nuts in the grocery store all the time and I just pass it by suspiciously, wondering "what's your game Post... what's your game...?".... but I now know that it's actually a food product of some sort... 

    Are you supposed to soak it in hot water?... that was not implied... I'm going to look into this and get an understanding of what is going on...

    ============== Intermission while I look up Grape Nuts ==============

    Let's-all-go-to-the-lobby, let's-all-go-to-the-lobby... let's-all-go-to-the-lobby... and - have - ourselves - a snack!


    Okay... here's what I learned...


    Absolutely nothing.

    But I did find this...

    Grape-Nuts is a breakfast cereal made from flour, salt, tree bark, mining waste and dried yeast developed in 1897 by Charles “Wolverine” Post, a former mental patient and later competitor of the 19th-century breakfast food innovator, sanitarium proprietor and supervillain Dr. John Harvey Kellogg. 

    The cereal was originally prepared by C. W. Post when developing a type of paste to coat naval vessel’s armor to make it impregnable to cannon fire, but the product ended up as a rigid sheet instead. Disappointed, Post opted to test its strength and broke the sheet into pieces by running them through an industrial rock grinder to produce the "nut"-sized kernels he then intended to use as an additive to cannon-shot as shrapnel.

    After accidentally licking some off his assistant, he once again changed course and decided to market it as a natural cereal that could imbue superpowers, enhance health and vitality, and as a "food for brain and nerve centres." Its lightweight and compact nature, nutritional value, diamond-like hardness and resistance to spoilage made it a popular food and weapon for exploration and expedition groups in the 1920s and 1930s. In World War II, Grape-Nuts was a component of special edible fragmentation grenades used by some U.S. and Allied Forces in wartime operations before 1944.

    There was other stuff as well, but I got bored and started looking for lost cookies under the sofa and then I remembered I was writing something and decided to go back to it...

    And here I am...

    Well, not for long because I'm sure nobody wants to keep reading my essays on the historical significance of breakfast gravel or cereal magnates.



    Post edited by McGyver on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

  • FrinkkyFrinkky Posts: 388

    Apologies if I'm not doing this properly - I'm not sure if this thread is for non-3d related stuff but I've got to get this off my chest before my head explodes.

    Pure black metallicity maps. Why, oh why? A pure black map consumes the same amount of vram as any other map. Just set metallicity to zero, for crying out loud. And and and... specific pure black metallicity maps for each and every surface - not even using a generic map. And finally... 4k too? Just.... why? Is it just so you can say you have more maps on the store page? Is it a technical thing; does Substance Painter spit them out and you can't be bothered to optimise your own product?

    I feel a little better. Just... a little.

    *slinks off to remove unnecessary maps and slide sliders to the left*

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,456
    edited February 2021

    @ McGyver:  Sorry your experience with GrapeNuts wasn't satisfactory.  I've been eating that gravel for almost 70 years and like it very much.  It's all in the preparation.  First you must sit in meditation for 2 hours, contemplating your navel (stomach actually) and how it is going to process the incoming gravel like a bird's gizzard.

    Then you pour 1/3 cup of Post GrapeNuts into a bowl and drizzle very hot water (not warm, HOT!) onto it until the liquid just becomes visible among the top grains.  Then as a garnish you apply about a level teaspoon of honey.  Then you stir gently and wait exactly one minute before quickly eating it.  The hot water turns the "gravel" into soft mush (much better than cold milk), and turns the GrapeNuts into a granular oatmeal-like paste.  When you start there's still a little crunch left, but by time you finish, most of the crunch has disappeared.  The honey is for some sweetness, but I've been cutting back on concentrated sugars lately and have learned to like it without the honey, but if you need sweetness, use honey, not sugar.  Mmmmm... marvelous.

    Actually upon reflection I believe I can reveal that the pre-meal two hour meditation is not necessary.   And you can imagine how difficult it was for my mother to teach me how to do it when I was two years old.

    Warning: if you take longer than 5 minutes to eat your perfectly hot-watered GrapeNuts, it does in fact turn into wallpaper paste, soon-to-be brick mortar.  And adding too much hot water makes for a thin, disgusting soup of soon-to-be ineffective wallpaper paste but good crack sealant.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    Frinkky said:

    Apologies if I'm not doing this properly - I'm not sure if this thread is for non-3d related stuff but I've got to get this off my chest before my head explodes.

    Pure black metallicity maps. Why, oh why? A pure black map consumes the same amount of vram as any other map. Just set metallicity to zero, for crying out loud. And and and... specific pure black metallicity maps for each and every surface - not even using a generic map. And finally... 4k too? Just.... why? Is it just so you can say you have more maps on the store page? Is it a technical thing; does Substance Painter spit them out and you can't be bothered to optimise your own product?

    I feel a little better. Just... a little.

    *slinks off to remove unnecessary maps and slide sliders to the left*'

    A worthy complaint.  And proof that just because you can, doesn't mean you should!


  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,180

    @McGyver: Grape nuts are actually made of wheat and barley, with some salt and yeast.

    No thanks!


  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    One set of cards arrived.  Now I am waiting for the other set to arrive.  I've been busy doing some financial stuff online and learning some IT stuff.  Don't worry about me.  I'm o.k.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    up for a 2am snack. a lil bit of chobani.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    mann what is dunkin donuts coffee.

    yesterday i drank a dd coffee, last night hurled every last drop of it.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    cooing tortellini tonight.  in tomato/bell pepper soup.  and opening a reserve bottle of sweet roscato.  angel


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    starionwolf said:

    One set of cards arrived.  Now I am waiting for the other set to arrive.  I've been busy doing some financial stuff online and learning some IT stuff.  Don't worry about me.  I'm o.k.

    yes surviving the stuck at home time 

This discussion has been closed.