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Brrr... when I hear the name Canada, I feel cold, but I never went there to feel the cold... odd.

Here is the story of a man sharing his territory with a feline neighbor: It's my buck !
Full long story in my gallery:
See you next month !
Great image and story to go with it :) It's good that they have learned to share this time but I wonder if Shima would be so generous had she got to the deer first?
oh darn SofaCitizen... Message me with pictures if you do ;) We loooooooooooooove visiting gardens!
Read the story hugueskrebs... Makes me shiver with the cold. Good use of Rons brushes... Thanks for posting in the challenge!
Will do! I'm not much of a photographer but perhaps if I keep making more renders in the meantime then I'll eventually improve on some of the transferable skills like lighting & composition :)
Thank you! Well for that matterI wouldn't dare to bet on a wild animal... but by habit, who knows if she had not pet him yet?
Last day of the month everyone... tomorrow we head for the good ole USofA... AUGUST = Washington, DC, USA Hope you all can join me! See you soon ;)
Phew! Finally finished fighting with this scene and got it posted before the month is out. I guess it's true what they say: never work with children, animals or $4 assets!
Postcards to Dad #07 : Montreal
Gallery link for assets used.
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.... glad the girls made it. You have me intrigued by their trip around the world... lol. I anticipate they will have LOTS of further tales to tell dad when they get home. ;) Not a sports fan myself but I do get that I'm not the norm... lol. My father in law looooooooooves watching hockey on tv... he used to play... way back when. He's 80 now. Thanks for the update on the girls SofaCitizen... can't wait to see where they end up next.
Thanks, I'm glad I made it in time :) This one was partially inspired by real events, since even tho I didn't go to a game when I visited Canada, a friend did take me to a match when I visited her in LA. And it was either this or Ice Road Trucking that had really come to mind.
Only consider myself a casual sports fan but I imagine that if I had been any good at any sports when I was younger then I would probably be more keen.
No ideas yet for this month but will have a think at the weekend :)
Reggie the Rabbit & Slugger the Seadog visit Washy
sooooo cool... You made all the right choices ;) No rush for this month... we have 3 weeks yet... I'm gonna try and not be late... we shall see... (fingers crossed)
WOWzaaaaaaaaaaaa Stezza... You really have some awesome characters! I'd pick up that postcard if I saw it in a gift shoppe ;) LOL. Thanks for starting us off for the month!
Great start to the month Stezza :) Did you make the baseball uniforms yourself? I'm sure there was someone in the forums searching for some the other day so didn't think there were any available.
thanks, yes the characters I modelled in Carrara so they're not compatible for DS unless converted and I don't use DS.
Almost half way through the month... Anyone visiting Washington DC, USA. I'm struggling to find content for this great city. I need to start thinking outside the box I think... hummmmmmmmm
I'm there! Been looking around and found a few good props which would make for a good scene or two - but like last time I am struggling to find the right envinroment for them. The search continues!
I hear ya Sof... Didn't think traveling would be so hard a topic. Who knew??? lol. We still have time... ;)
"Madam President"
oo how nice... a woman for president... Well done Agi :) Thanks for starting us off to Washington ;)
I guess we are slackin' this month... it's the 23rd and only a few artworks for Washington DC. (sighs)... i'll try and finish mine this weekend... Anyone else???
Sorry, last weeked was a wash for me and didn't get any time to work on the render - plan to do better this weekend!
Got a rough start done already although I did have to pivot a bit after my initial idea was ruined by the internet leading me astray - had a nice scene mapped out in my head and the story to go with it and only after grabbing some assets I found out the things I was basing it on were not even in Washington afterall :( Plan B isn't too dissimilar but does require a little more artistic-licence.
I was supposed to post this one yesterday, but I had another scene that required some attention and one thing leading to another, I decided that the flag didn’t look that great (it was a photo of one on a primitive plane before, it's still doesn't look that great, but it's better), so I had to find a replacement, and of course, I modified other things too. And as a citizen of the CPU rendering country, each render takes a loooong time (between 1h30 and 2h for this one, which isn’t that fancy to begin with…)
A bit about the scene itself. The US flag is a bit on the nose, but as someone who never visited Washington, DC, I’m sure there is at least one such flag here, and I didn’t have anything else that could scream 'It’s in America'
(I tried with the Washington Monument on the horizon, but while the photo I found was nice, it didn’t really look all that great as part of a render).
To be honest, this scene didn’t start as a project for this challenge: I only wanted to test the European Bike, which looked and still look a bit too big for a bike (how someone as tall as Victoria can sit on it with her legs correctly extended when the pedals are at their lowest with the saddle so low?), but, like I said, the character’s legs look as they should once the pose is applied. As the bike looked like it could support two persons, I added another one and then I needed a set and before I knew it, I had a travel scene.
With a US flag, it’s in the US, and a small coincidence, but I learned that there is a bike-share services with red bikes in Washington (after setting the colour of the bike)
I hope that image will put a smile on your face, maybe not as big as the one on Victoria’s. Afterall, she is living her best life!
She’s going to a local community pool and the most beautiful woman she knows is going out with her, sitting on the back of her bike. She’s very liberal in her use of the bell, as shown by the position of her thumb. Because Victoria is a meticulous person, she has everything they will need (towels, food, etc.) in the front basket, with two bottles of water visible (but that’s because it’s all I have to show among my props for an afternoon at a pool).
Without further ado, because the temperature is still too hot to read my long rambles, I invite you to the pool, well, at least on the road to the pool
(the basket is so big, I'm sure we can all hide in it):
All the DAZ products used for the render should be linked at the bottom of the gallery page, here. I only used one product bought on another store, the bikini top of Lacey. The gallery page also has more information about the creation of the scene (it’s nothing fancy, I only started using Daz two months ago, but if it can help people who started even more recently than me
I did a bit of postwork to add clouds in the sky and motion blur on the fences and the trees between the fences and the bike. A version of the render without the motion blur is available on the gallery.
Welcome to the thread Elor :) A lovelly summer image, those two look like they are having a fun ride!
Don't worry too much about not having visited any of the cities - the only one I have even passed through myself was Montreal and unless I set my scene in the coach depot I was always going to have to rely on the internet for inspiration.
I don't know if you tried to attach your image to the thread but those have been broken for a while (unless you catch it at just the right time). You can link the image from the gallery in the post tho as some of us have done above.
Thank you for your welcome and answer
I did link the image from the gallery (the only time I tried to attach a file to a message, nothing happened…), but I think I may have used a link to an older version and I think I didn't catch the problem because it was in the cache of my browser.
Hopefully, it's now the correct link and everyone should see the picture directly in the message
Me too SofaCitizen ... Life seems to be getting in the way this month (sighs)... We have til Thursday so I'm not panicing .. yet. ;)
Welcome Elor... I'm sooo happy you added your art to this challenge... It is wonderful! Hope to see you in the coming months... Keep up the great artworks!
Postcards to Dad #08 : Washington DC
Gallery link for some of the used assets but there are not too many this time and the Museum room is barely recognisable. The Columbia Command Module is from the Smithsonian's own Open Access 3D portal,, which has loads of s3d-scanned objects but mostly for other areas of the museum.
Thank you for you kind words and I'm happy you liked my render
I'm planning on at least trying to find a render for each month because it's fun to do themed challenge
, and each project, I learn a little bit more about Daz and 3D rendering 
Nice touch with the astronaut
and overall, I like your render a lot 
Were did Penny found her shirt ? Or more precisely, its texture: it doesn't seem to be part of either the base product (I have it) nor the texture extension sold by Daz or the one I found on Deviantart. Did you do it yourself ?
YAY... the girls made it to America! Well done SofaCitizen... and with time to spare. Thanks for sharing their adventures!
I'm having a real tough time finding Washington stuff. I still have some time... hope inspiration comes soon to me. lol