My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    Chohole said:

    KK If the object is to do chips with the fish there ar always shallow-fried penny cips - slice the potato into thin discs and fry in a fying pan (I refuse to use a deep fat fryer).

    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well with a broken air fryer, the market out of catfish (the only fish I can find there that doesn't fall apart in the skillet), and the only rice pilaf I could find there is from Rice-A-Roni (with an ingredient list that reads more like a graduate chemist's dissertation, ugh), pizza sounds like a go. 

    Hate breaking with tradition though.

    We'll order you a smoked salmon pizza!  You'll love it.

    ...I'm actually allergic to salmon.  What's worse is I live in the Pacific Northwest where it is the most common seafood.

    KInd of like living in Wisconsin and being lactose intolerant.

    Now, scampi shrimp with a parmesan garlic white sauce, deelish.

    Salmon is about the only fish I eat regularly.  I love it, despite the cost.heart  It also helps keep me from getting mercury withdrawal symptoms.devil

    Salmon, from Scottish farms, is relatively cheap here.

    Now I'm imagining a salmon speaking with a Scottish accent... Thanks Richard...

    That at least has replaced "Hammer to Fall" replaying over and over in my head...

    Would you like another ear worm 

    In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight~~~

    Not until he can get rid of that song from his mind!   laugh


  • 13 hours later my render finished, 8 missed calls from boss, i accidentally deleted instead of saved, want to cry but no napkin is sanitary enouph for me, i dont like any of my loved ones, my turtle hates me but i think he died two weeks ago but too tired to check again....


    Maybe you need to watch "Life of Brian"?

    Complaint i miss my computer.

    My computer misses your computer

    hacsart said:

    its snowing.... and we had to put the heat on -2C outside..

    Yeah The Heat Is On...

  • DanaTA said:
    Chohole said:

    KK If the object is to do chips with the fish there ar always shallow-fried penny cips - slice the potato into thin discs and fry in a fying pan (I refuse to use a deep fat fryer).

    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well with a broken air fryer, the market out of catfish (the only fish I can find there that doesn't fall apart in the skillet), and the only rice pilaf I could find there is from Rice-A-Roni (with an ingredient list that reads more like a graduate chemist's dissertation, ugh), pizza sounds like a go. 

    Hate breaking with tradition though.

    We'll order you a smoked salmon pizza!  You'll love it.

    ...I'm actually allergic to salmon.  What's worse is I live in the Pacific Northwest where it is the most common seafood.

    KInd of like living in Wisconsin and being lactose intolerant.

    Now, scampi shrimp with a parmesan garlic white sauce, deelish.

    Salmon is about the only fish I eat regularly.  I love it, despite the cost.heart  It also helps keep me from getting mercury withdrawal symptoms.devil

    Salmon, from Scottish farms, is relatively cheap here.

    Now I'm imagining a salmon speaking with a Scottish accent... Thanks Richard...

    That at least has replaced "Hammer to Fall" replaying over and over in my head...

    Would you like another ear worm 

    In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight~~~

    Not until he can get rid of that song from his mind!   laugh


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932


    Ugh after looking like a juggernaut the last three games outscoring, their opponents by a total of 145 - 14 (including a beat down of #11 Michigan last week) Wisconsin had all sorts of trouble with lowly Northwestern (which is in the "cellar" of the Big 10 east).  Wisconsin won, but barely, starting sluggishly (7 - 3 at halftime) and the normally smothering defence giving up two touchdowns in the fourth quarter for a final score of 24 - 15. Badgers also committed two rare turnovers as well on on an interception the other on a muffed punt.

    Wisconsin's defence outscored the team's normally potent offence 14 - 10 forcing both a fumble and interception that were run back for touchdowns.

    Seems like it was one of those "letdown" games where after a huge win like last week against Michigan, Wisconsin just didn't have their act together today.  I look for them to drop a spot or two in the AP ratings because of this lackluster performance.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited September 2019

    Non-complaint:  After two years of thinking about it, and a couple of aborted attempts to do it, I've finally upgraded to a relatively modern and more powerful computer.smiley  I just sent in my carefully crafted order.  I got everything through Amazon.  I could raid my meager savings and pay for it right now but at my age, emergencies come up unexpectedly.surprise  However, since I have an Amazon StoreCard and I'm already a member of Amazon Prime I was elegible for "Special Financing" of 0% interest for 12 months.  So, I get to have my cake and eat it too.yes

    I bought bits & pieces, not a whole new computer.  My old secondary computer that I've been tinkering with for the last couple of weeks blew up again this morning and I've given up on it.angry  So, by stripping it and salvaging the good parts I already have a case, a couple terabytes of storage, video card, mouse, and keyboard.  I ended up buying a new motherboard, processor, heatsink, memory, powersupply, Win10-Pro, and a couple little things necessary for the build.  All for $654.yes  I'm not going to identify actual parts here to avoid the drama and second-guessing.  At this point I'm happy with what I've bought.  It isn't going to break my bank.  I understand the value, limitations and features of what I bought.  It will satisfy my particular computing needs.  It has room to grow.  If, however, in the future I become not happy, I'll come here to complain. indecision

    And the best thing is that I don't have to canabalize my primary computer.  I may even someday upgrade it from Win7-Pro to Win10-Pro but I won't have to run it on the Internet I have other machines to do that.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    replace ear worms with babel fish.  gargle blaster tastes better with cinnamon


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is Friday over?

    cant imagine anything more awesomer than carraraX(10) including a face rigged dragon

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited September 2019
    Mystarra said:

    replace ear worms with babel fish.  gargle blaster tastes better with cinnamon


    ..ah, the drink that is described as "having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped around a large gold brick."

    Think I'll take an End of the World Delight instead. 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    how he do this with kwwping a straight face?  is ultra human. lol

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,872

    Reluctant Non-complaint:  Try as much I can, I can't justify $2000 or even $1300 for a new DAZing computer.  I really don't do that much high level DAZing.sad  I don't need an I9 or even an i7 machine with 64GB, or even 32GB.  Yes I need more cores (currently only have 2).  I could be happy with 4.  I do want a new motherboard but I could be happy with a mini-ATX instead of a full ATX size board.  I want a motherboard with modern features including the new small SSD formats (M.2 varieties).  I think I've settled on a nice board from ASUS and an Intel i5 with 6 cores(12 threads).  I can put them into one of my old existing cases, add a couple fans, give it 16GB RAM, swap in a bigger powersupply and even get a new copy of Win10 Pro for about $750.  I also don't need a $500 video card because I don't now, or have any plans to, need one for hardware IRAY support.  A faster machine with 6 cores should suffice for any experimentations I might do with IRAY.   So, I think the $750 machine is the way I'm going to go.smiley

    My current prime computer is an 8-year old i5 with 2 cores, and 8GB of DDR3 memory.frown  I could be very happy with my new choice.yes 

    Last night I actually got as far as assembling a $900 order to Amazon for some of the pieces of the $1300 version system but as I clicked to go to the "Checkout" page my computer mysteriously boogered for many minutes and it was necessary to force a powerdown.surprise  I took it as an omen that I should not go the i7 route.  I've ignored these types of mysterious happenings before, to later find out that I should have heeded them.  Usually when I've been ranting online. blush

    That's nonsense and you know it. 

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Reality is a lot more complex than what is commonly believed, and what is cause and what is effect is not always as obvious as it may seem.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited September 2019

    the lip syncing is off


    one for the cats.  meeowrr

    cat class and cat style

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,441
    edited September 2019
    Taoz said:

    Reluctant Non-complaint:  Try as much I can, I can't justify $2000 or even $1300 for a new DAZing computer.  I really don't do that much high level DAZing.sad  I don't need an I9 or even an i7 machine with 64GB, or even 32GB.  Yes I need more cores (currently only have 2).  I could be happy with 4.  I do want a new motherboard but I could be happy with a mini-ATX instead of a full ATX size board.  I want a motherboard with modern features including the new small SSD formats (M.2 varieties).  I think I've settled on a nice board from ASUS and an Intel i5 with 6 cores(12 threads).  I can put them into one of my old existing cases, add a couple fans, give it 16GB RAM, swap in a bigger powersupply and even get a new copy of Win10 Pro for about $750.  I also don't need a $500 video card because I don't now, or have any plans to, need one for hardware IRAY support.  A faster machine with 6 cores should suffice for any experimentations I might do with IRAY.   So, I think the $750 machine is the way I'm going to go.smiley

    My current prime computer is an 8-year old i5 with 2 cores, and 8GB of DDR3 memory.frown  I could be very happy with my new choice.yes 

    Last night I actually got as far as assembling a $900 order to Amazon for some of the pieces of the $1300 version system but as I clicked to go to the "Checkout" page my computer mysteriously boogered for many minutes and it was necessary to force a powerdown.surprise  I took it as an omen that I should not go the i7 route.  I've ignored these types of mysterious happenings before, to later find out that I should have heeded them.  Usually when I've been ranting online. blush

    That's nonsense and you know it. 

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Reality is a lot more complex than what is commonly believed, and what is cause and what is effect is not always as obvious as it may seem.

    Yes.  I'm a pretty logical guy.  I believe in science.  Yet, the more I learn of it, the more I recognize it as a cover on the sea of reality.   Not that I believe in ghosts or gods but I recognize that there are things that can be interpreted as such.  And as for the future affecting the past, well... Just as entanglement and tunneling are now accepted quantum effects, the possibility of quantum  retrocausality has had some evidence and not yet been ruled out.

    All things eventually resolve to some quantum effect or another and since I believe that consciousness itself is an emergent property of quantum effects, I do not totally discount the ability of a mind to see around corners otherwise blind to the body.

    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." -- Shakespeare

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,872
    kyoto kid said:
    DanaTA said:

    Reluctant Non-complaint:  Try as much I can, I can't justify $2000 or even $1300 for a new DAZing computer.  I really don't do that much high level DAZing.sad  I don't need an I9 or even an i7 machine with 64GB, or even 32GB.  Yes I need more cores (currently only have 2).  I could be happy with 4.  I do want a new motherboard but I could be happy with a mini-ATX instead of a full ATX size board.  I want a motherboard with modern features including the new small SSD formats (M.2 varieties).  I think I've settled on a nice board from ASUS and an Intel i5 with 6 cores(12 threads).  I can put them into one of my old existing cases, add a couple fans, give it 16GB RAM, swap in a bigger powersupply and even get a new copy of Win10 Pro for about $750.  I also don't need a $500 video card because I don't now, or have any plans to, need one for hardware IRAY support.  A faster machine with 6 cores should suffice for any experimentations I might do with IRAY.   So, I think the $750 machine is the way I'm going to go.smiley

    My current prime computer is an 8-year old i5 with 2 cores, and 8GB of DDR3 memory.frown  I could be very happy with my new choice.yes 

    Last night I actually got as far as assembling a $900 order to Amazon for some of the pieces of the $1300 version system but as I clicked to go to the "Checkout" page my computer mysteriously boogered for many minutes and it was necessary to force a powerdown.surprise  I took it as an omen that I should not go the i7 route.  I've ignored these types of mysterious happenings before, to later find out that I should have heeded them.  Usually when I've been ranting online. blush

    Hey, I still am working with a Core2Duo, two cores running at 3.0 Ghz, 8 Gigs of RAM, an older nVidia graphics card with only about 34 cores (rather than hundreds), and don't even have USB 3.

    Dana, and I thought 4 cores/8 threads, 12 GB of memory, with a 1GB GPU (not enough for rendering in Iray) was tough to deal with (6 - 8 hour Iray render jobs).  Finally came into the memory and a CPU upgrade I needed as well as Titan-X.  Yeah, still "old tech" in these RTX days, but a vast improvement.

    My render PC has an old Core2 Quad (4 threads) 2.5 Ghz, 8 GB DDR2 RAM, and PCIe 1.1.  But my GTX 1070 works fine in that machine, and it can render Iray a lot faster than any machine with the newest CPU and 64 GB RAM but without an NVidia card.  So with Iray it is the video card and the amount of VRAM that matters, and if you want to render large scenes, RAM.  But you can get a long way even with 8 GB RAM.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173
    DanaTA said:
    Chohole said:

    KK If the object is to do chips with the fish there ar always shallow-fried penny cips - slice the potato into thin discs and fry in a fying pan (I refuse to use a deep fat fryer).

    kyoto kid said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...well with a broken air fryer, the market out of catfish (the only fish I can find there that doesn't fall apart in the skillet), and the only rice pilaf I could find there is from Rice-A-Roni (with an ingredient list that reads more like a graduate chemist's dissertation, ugh), pizza sounds like a go. 

    Hate breaking with tradition though.

    We'll order you a smoked salmon pizza!  You'll love it.

    ...I'm actually allergic to salmon.  What's worse is I live in the Pacific Northwest where it is the most common seafood.

    KInd of like living in Wisconsin and being lactose intolerant.

    Now, scampi shrimp with a parmesan garlic white sauce, deelish.

    Salmon is about the only fish I eat regularly.  I love it, despite the cost.heart  It also helps keep me from getting mercury withdrawal symptoms.devil

    Salmon, from Scottish farms, is relatively cheap here.

    Now I'm imagining a salmon speaking with a Scottish accent... Thanks Richard...

    That at least has replaced "Hammer to Fall" replaying over and over in my head...

    Would you like another ear worm 

    In the jungle, the mighty jungle the lion sleeps tonight~~~

    Not until he can get rid of that song from his mind!   laugh


    Didn't see the movie that this tune was a big hit in.  Won't watch that video, either.  Didn't catch me!   cheeky 


  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited September 2019

    I think I hear road work on a Saturday night.  Ugg.  I think they city finished paving the big road outside of the residential subdivision??

    Edit: the animated characters are Pat and Stan

    Company has videos on their official Youtube channel:

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,173

    Thanks.  I knew they weren't from the movie.  Didn't know who they were, but I have seen clips of the movie in commercials, so I knew they weren't in it.  I just don't want that tune stuck in my head.  wink


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    Taoz said:

    Reluctant Non-complaint:  Try as much I can, I can't justify $2000 or even $1300 for a new DAZing computer.  I really don't do that much high level DAZing.sad  I don't need an I9 or even an i7 machine with 64GB, or even 32GB.  Yes I need more cores (currently only have 2).  I could be happy with 4.  I do want a new motherboard but I could be happy with a mini-ATX instead of a full ATX size board.  I want a motherboard with modern features including the new small SSD formats (M.2 varieties).  I think I've settled on a nice board from ASUS and an Intel i5 with 6 cores(12 threads).  I can put them into one of my old existing cases, add a couple fans, give it 16GB RAM, swap in a bigger powersupply and even get a new copy of Win10 Pro for about $750.  I also don't need a $500 video card because I don't now, or have any plans to, need one for hardware IRAY support.  A faster machine with 6 cores should suffice for any experimentations I might do with IRAY.   So, I think the $750 machine is the way I'm going to go.smiley

    My current prime computer is an 8-year old i5 with 2 cores, and 8GB of DDR3 memory.frown  I could be very happy with my new choice.yes 

    Last night I actually got as far as assembling a $900 order to Amazon for some of the pieces of the $1300 version system but as I clicked to go to the "Checkout" page my computer mysteriously boogered for many minutes and it was necessary to force a powerdown.surprise  I took it as an omen that I should not go the i7 route.  I've ignored these types of mysterious happenings before, to later find out that I should have heeded them.  Usually when I've been ranting online. blush

    That's nonsense and you know it. 

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Reality is a lot more complex than what is commonly believed, and what is cause and what is effect is not always as obvious as it may seem.

    Yes.  I'm a pretty logical guy.  I believe in science.  Yet, the more I learn of it, the more I recognize it as a cover on the sea of reality.   Not that I believe in ghosts or gods but I recognize that there are things that can be interpreted as such.  And as for the future affecting the past, well... Just as entanglement and tunneling are now accepted quantum effects, the possibility of quantum  retrocausality has had some evidence and not yet been ruled out.

    All things eventually resolve to some quantum effect or another and since I believe that consciousness itself is an emergent property of quantum effects, I do not totally discount the ability of a mind to see around corners otherwise blind to the body.

    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." -- Shakespeare


  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975

    *screams and runs in and out of the kitchen*

    Panic! at the kitchen!

    Party starts in 20 minutes!

    Everything all right?

    Cake is done done done done and there's right now pizza crust preparations ongoing... but still!


    Stupid anxiety.

  • kyoto kid said:
    Taoz said:

    Reluctant Non-complaint:  Try as much I can, I can't justify $2000 or even $1300 for a new DAZing computer.  I really don't do that much high level DAZing.sad  I don't need an I9 or even an i7 machine with 64GB, or even 32GB.  Yes I need more cores (currently only have 2).  I could be happy with 4.  I do want a new motherboard but I could be happy with a mini-ATX instead of a full ATX size board.  I want a motherboard with modern features including the new small SSD formats (M.2 varieties).  I think I've settled on a nice board from ASUS and an Intel i5 with 6 cores(12 threads).  I can put them into one of my old existing cases, add a couple fans, give it 16GB RAM, swap in a bigger powersupply and even get a new copy of Win10 Pro for about $750.  I also don't need a $500 video card because I don't now, or have any plans to, need one for hardware IRAY support.  A faster machine with 6 cores should suffice for any experimentations I might do with IRAY.   So, I think the $750 machine is the way I'm going to go.smiley

    My current prime computer is an 8-year old i5 with 2 cores, and 8GB of DDR3 memory.frown  I could be very happy with my new choice.yes 

    Last night I actually got as far as assembling a $900 order to Amazon for some of the pieces of the $1300 version system but as I clicked to go to the "Checkout" page my computer mysteriously boogered for many minutes and it was necessary to force a powerdown.surprise  I took it as an omen that I should not go the i7 route.  I've ignored these types of mysterious happenings before, to later find out that I should have heeded them.  Usually when I've been ranting online. blush

    That's nonsense and you know it. 

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Reality is a lot more complex than what is commonly believed, and what is cause and what is effect is not always as obvious as it may seem.

    Yes.  I'm a pretty logical guy.  I believe in science.  Yet, the more I learn of it, the more I recognize it as a cover on the sea of reality.   Not that I believe in ghosts or gods but I recognize that there are things that can be interpreted as such.  And as for the future affecting the past, well... Just as entanglement and tunneling are now accepted quantum effects, the possibility of quantum  retrocausality has had some evidence and not yet been ruled out.

    All things eventually resolve to some quantum effect or another and since I believe that consciousness itself is an emergent property of quantum effects, I do not totally discount the ability of a mind to see around corners otherwise blind to the body.

    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." -- Shakespeare


    I have two heros. 

    Fictional:  Inspector Morse.

    Real:  Roger Penrose

  • SkirikiSkiriki Posts: 4,975

    The party went well, and there was loads of pizza and cake.

    Those unicorns on the cake were pretty suspicious, tho.

    2048 x 1909 - 598K
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    CAKE heart

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    a bidet is a fancy toilet?  i don't understand

  • I dad turned on the house furace even though the temperature is 80 degrees F outside.

  • Mystarra said:

    a bidet is a fancy toilet?  i don't understand

    Gad no!  A bidet is a butt washing appliance that one uses AFTER using the toilet.  So don't shit in the bidet.surprise

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Mystarra said:

    a bidet is a fancy toilet?  i don't understand

    Gad no!  A bidet is a butt washing appliance that one uses AFTER using the toilet.  So don't shit in the bidet.surprise

    so you move from the toilet to the bidet? 
    somehow without making a mess in transit?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    i have to do better at remembering what i used in a render scene.

    like the character name and outfit and hair.

    dunno poser or ds can save everything internally for a scene?

    the runtimes would have to be exact between render rigs?

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    it's a dangerous day.  saving for my new electric range,

    reminded myself when i woke up this morning not to spend it on the sale.
    i sillily looked at the store, saw straightaway something i wanted. that ancestor set with the furniture and veggies.  who can resist a cucumber with legs. plus tasties.  saw the photobooth thing.  wantz meter mashed all the way to the right.  the griffin ship looks like a kewl crazy ivan ship. Kanade on sale  

    had the willpower to not look at fg, but i feel the willpower wearing away

  • Taoz said:

    Reluctant Non-complaint:  Try as much I can, I can't justify $2000 or even $1300 for a new DAZing computer.  I really don't do that much high level DAZing.sad  I don't need an I9 or even an i7 machine with 64GB, or even 32GB.  Yes I need more cores (currently only have 2).  I could be happy with 4.  I do want a new motherboard but I could be happy with a mini-ATX instead of a full ATX size board.  I want a motherboard with modern features including the new small SSD formats (M.2 varieties).  I think I've settled on a nice board from ASUS and an Intel i5 with 6 cores(12 threads).  I can put them into one of my old existing cases, add a couple fans, give it 16GB RAM, swap in a bigger powersupply and even get a new copy of Win10 Pro for about $750.  I also don't need a $500 video card because I don't now, or have any plans to, need one for hardware IRAY support.  A faster machine with 6 cores should suffice for any experimentations I might do with IRAY.   So, I think the $750 machine is the way I'm going to go.smiley

    My current prime computer is an 8-year old i5 with 2 cores, and 8GB of DDR3 memory.frown  I could be very happy with my new choice.yes 

    Last night I actually got as far as assembling a $900 order to Amazon for some of the pieces of the $1300 version system but as I clicked to go to the "Checkout" page my computer mysteriously boogered for many minutes and it was necessary to force a powerdown.surprise  I took it as an omen that I should not go the i7 route.  I've ignored these types of mysterious happenings before, to later find out that I should have heeded them.  Usually when I've been ranting online. blush

    That's nonsense and you know it. 

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Reality is a lot more complex than what is commonly believed, and what is cause and what is effect is not always as obvious as it may seem.

    Hah, but he came up with solutions.  So I was right!  laugh

    Gryphon, congrats and I hope the rebuild goes smoothly.

  • Complaint:  I can't find my damned Kindle!  Grrr!

  • TaozTaoz Posts: 9,872
    edited September 2019
    kyoto kid said:
    Taoz said:

    Reluctant Non-complaint:  Try as much I can, I can't justify $2000 or even $1300 for a new DAZing computer.  I really don't do that much high level DAZing.sad  I don't need an I9 or even an i7 machine with 64GB, or even 32GB.  Yes I need more cores (currently only have 2).  I could be happy with 4.  I do want a new motherboard but I could be happy with a mini-ATX instead of a full ATX size board.  I want a motherboard with modern features including the new small SSD formats (M.2 varieties).  I think I've settled on a nice board from ASUS and an Intel i5 with 6 cores(12 threads).  I can put them into one of my old existing cases, add a couple fans, give it 16GB RAM, swap in a bigger powersupply and even get a new copy of Win10 Pro for about $750.  I also don't need a $500 video card because I don't now, or have any plans to, need one for hardware IRAY support.  A faster machine with 6 cores should suffice for any experimentations I might do with IRAY.   So, I think the $750 machine is the way I'm going to go.smiley

    My current prime computer is an 8-year old i5 with 2 cores, and 8GB of DDR3 memory.frown  I could be very happy with my new choice.yes 

    Last night I actually got as far as assembling a $900 order to Amazon for some of the pieces of the $1300 version system but as I clicked to go to the "Checkout" page my computer mysteriously boogered for many minutes and it was necessary to force a powerdown.surprise  I took it as an omen that I should not go the i7 route.  I've ignored these types of mysterious happenings before, to later find out that I should have heeded them.  Usually when I've been ranting online. blush

    That's nonsense and you know it. 

    I wouldn't be so sure about that.  Reality is a lot more complex than what is commonly believed, and what is cause and what is effect is not always as obvious as it may seem.

    Yes.  I'm a pretty logical guy.  I believe in science.  Yet, the more I learn of it, the more I recognize it as a cover on the sea of reality.   Not that I believe in ghosts or gods but I recognize that there are things that can be interpreted as such.  And as for the future affecting the past, well... Just as entanglement and tunneling are now accepted quantum effects, the possibility of quantum  retrocausality has had some evidence and not yet been ruled out.

    All things eventually resolve to some quantum effect or another and since I believe that consciousness itself is an emergent property of quantum effects, I do not totally discount the ability of a mind to see around corners otherwise blind to the body.

    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." -- Shakespeare


    I have two heros. 

    Fictional:  Inspector Morse.

    Real:  Roger Penrose

    Penrose is cool but if you want the ultimate key to everything in physics - the Unifying Principle behind it all which mainstream science still haven't found - check out Walter Russell's cosmogony.  The Unifying Principle is actually the same as the old yin-yang principle which Niels Bohr, Heisenberg and others also were inspired by, but only Russell has understood it fully and managed to put it into an logically understandable and coherent scientific context. 

    Quantum physics is on the right track when it comes to the connection between mind and matter but it's flawed - there is over 100 different versions of it which indicates how much confusion there is about it.  Feynman said that "If you think you understand quantum mechanics then you don't" but that's exactly because it's flawed.  The only thing you can "understand" about a flawed theory is that it's flawed, and often in a very obscure and complex way. 

    Viktor Schauberger had a similar knowledge as that of Russell which he'd got by studying nature, though he didn't seem to see the whole picture as Russell did. But he agreed with Russell that the fundamental factors behind it all are very simple and understandable by anyone:
    "The majority believes that everything hard to comprehend must be very profound. This is incorrect. What is hard to understand is what is immature, unclear and often false. The highest wisdom is simple and passes through the brain directly to the heart." - Viktor Schauberger

    "ALL KNOWLEDGE EXISTS as CAUSE. And it is simple. It is limited to LIGHT of MIND and the electric wave of motion which records God’s thinking in matter. EFFECT is complex - infinitely complex – but one can have no KNOWLEDGE of effect. One can but be INFORMED of effect. Information is not knowledge. Our educational processes INFORM us but until we have recognized the eternal truth which underlies that information we have no knowledge of it. Like food in the grocery store, it is not nourishment until it is converted to the blood stream. ALL-KNOWLEDGE is possible for anyone – and the Cosmos gives it to him who asks, but all-information is impossible." - Walter Russell

    Russell made his own version of the periodic table in 1926, if you look at it it becomes obvious that there is an order, symmetry and logic behind the elements and the fundamental forces and phenomena that no one had been able to see before.  It also reveals that there is a number of sort of non-physical elements before hydrogen which science considers the first element (Russell also described the hydrogen isotopes as well as other then unknown elements in his charts many years before science discovered them experimentally, and therefore gave them his own names).

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