My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • Tjohn said:

    i've reached the point where my 3rd party assets have become annoying to scroll through... how does anyone maintain their sanity?

    We  don't.

    "We're all mad here..."

    The "Through the Looking Glass" complaint thread.enlightened

  • Tjohn said:

    i've reached the point where my 3rd party assets have become annoying to scroll through... how does anyone maintain their sanity?

    We  don't.

    "We're all mad here..."

    That explains much...

  • LeatherGryphon said:

    i've reached the point where my 3rd party assets have become annoying to scroll through... how does anyone maintain their sanity?

    We  don't.

    "We're all mad here..."

    The "Through the Looking Glass" complaint thread.enlightened

    I often feel like I've slipped through the looking glass...

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,293
    edited November 2019
    Tjohn said:

    i've reached the point where my 3rd party assets have become annoying to scroll through... how does anyone maintain their sanity?

    We  don't.

    "We're all mad here..."

    The "Through the Looking Glass" complaint thread.enlightened

    I often feel like I've slipped through the looking glass...

    You don't have to be mad to post here, we can soon sort you out.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019

    Non-complaint:  Yay, I'm done with doctor's appointments for the rest of the year.smiley  Today was a, now infrequent, mini-adventure.  Since I no longer have a car, I took the local one-a-day bus 6 miles to the dentist but had to leave home at 8:10 AM and arrive in the city at 8:30 AM which gave me 2 and three-quarter hours to fritter away before having to be at the dentists at 11:15.  I toddled to the drugstore and picked up a couple of more mousetraps for my ongoing battle with the neighbors mice who come to visit me too.  Then I toddled on down to Burger King where I said I'd never have breakfast again!  But being the only place in town within toddling distance and open for breakfast... there I was! frown  However, I avoided some of the salt by trying their "croissan'wich".  It wasn't too bad other that it didn't look as thick and neatly assembled as it does in the picture.indecision  Just kinda' squashed and doughy with some ham and egg squooshed out the side.frown  Then after wasting an hour or so loitering in Burger King I toddled on down to the dentist's office and announced myself an hour early hoping they'd fit me in early.  Nope.  I waited until my appointed time.indecision I filled the time by trying to find a magazine worth looking at but all there was were women's magazines, hunting magazines, and professional dentist magazines.  Sigh.  No Scientific American or Smithsonian or National Geographic or even Popular Science.  And not even "Highlights"(the ubiquitous magazine for kids found in every other dentists office I'd been in since I was old enough to read, back when it was written in Old-Englishwink). I couldn't catch up on the adventures of "Goofus and Gallant". sad  Luckily I had thought to bring my MP3 player with me.  I'd recently added some new songs to it and was going to listen to them.  HOWEVER, somehow I'd boogered up the adding process and there was nothing on the memory chip.  Arghhh...sad  So it was back to the magazine dilemma.  Hmmm... flowers, fashion and cakes.  Or advertisements for uber-expensive dental equipment, pictures of terrible gum disease and crooked teeth.  Or guns, camo-clothing and pictures of dead animals.crying

    I also discovered that the dentist office doesn't have any WiFi that I could use, neither free nor pay.  Ugh.sad  But finally my time had come.  I get in the chair for my 6 month cleaning that my insurance pays for (mostly) and then I'm told that I'm due for "bite-wing" X-Rays.  Ouch, that's $100 my insurance doesn't cover.  Although, I was prepared for it and had been saving for this because they were supposed to have been taken 6 months ago on my last visit.   And then she also says that I'm now due for my 5-year "Full Panorama X-Rays" too ($$$).  ARGHHH.surprise  I quickly declined those and will postpone it as many visits as possible.  Maybe I'll have better insurance someday.  So, there I am all comfortable in the soft reclining dentist chair getting my teeth cleaned when the new young hygenist is going gung-ho and forgets to suction out my saliva until I make an involuntary throat movement and a big gulp of it goes down into my lungs.surprise  It's amazing that I didn't cause her to jab my cheek with that pointy scraping tool she had in her hand as I leaped upright to try to expel goo from my lungs into the spit-bowl.  I think I scared her more than I was scared.devil  I did notice after that event and for the rest of the procedure, she was particularly careful about frequently suctioning out the saliva.  But finally I'm back to normal and the rest of the cleaning and examination goes OK.  No cracked molars, no gum disease, no tooth rot and no loose fillings.  I'm all done and ready to go home.  I get the obligatory lecture about flossing,  I pick up my free new toothbrush (yay), I schedule my next appointment and go sit back down in the waiting room.  I pull out my smart phone and start to schedule an Uber pick-up.  But wait, no WiFi.  Arghhh...frown  So that means, toddle back up to Burger King and it's now noon and time for lunch.  So guess where I had lunch.frown  But finally after a satisfactory, though salt and fat filled, lunch I make my Uber pick-up appointment and get home safely. Yay, for mini-adventures.yes

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675


    people at work who are compelled to see what is on my monitor.
    a few will even walk around my desk to see 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Triboelectric charging  whoozeewhazis ions

    in the quadrotritikele

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    Non complaint... my wife's parents were gifted a box of assorted nuts for Diwali which they were not interested in, so they gave them to us... it's more of a fancy wooden tray with twelve 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm x 2 cm compartments filled with different nuts (including corn nuts, sunflower seed and pumpkin seeds)... Being that neither my wife or the kids are interested in them, they are mine now...

    I've already formulated my devouring strategy... first I'll start with my least favorite nuts (pecans, walnuts and Brazil nuts), then work my way up to the pistachios and macadamia nuts.  Actually, I'm fond of most nuts... pecans and walnuts are not my favorite for eating alone, they need to be in a food...  Brazil nuts that come in mixed nut assortments always taste stale... these ones are actually good.

    I probably used to be a bear in another life... I like nuts, berries and honey and enjoy scratching my back on trees... not big on hibernation through.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:

    Non complaint... my wife's parents were gifted a box of assorted nuts for Diwali which they were not interested in, so they gave them to us... it's more of a fancy wooden tray with twelve 6.5 cm x 6.5 cm x 2 cm compartments filled with different nuts (including corn nuts, sunflower seed and pumpkin seeds)... Being that neither my wife or the kids are interested in them, they are mine now...

    I've already formulated my devouring strategy... first I'll start with my least favorite nuts (pecans, walnuts and Brazil nuts), then work my way up to the pistachios and macadamia nuts.  Actually, I'm fond of most nuts... pecans and walnuts are not my favorite for eating alone, they need to be in a food...  Brazil nuts that come in mixed nut assortments always taste stale... these ones are actually good.

    I probably used to be a bear in another life... I like nuts, berries and honey and enjoy scratching my back on trees... not big on hibernation through.

    senses the ears perking noses wiggling of your local squirrel population, and prolly the hamster ninjas 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    too sexii


    Seagate Backup Plus Hub 8TB Desktop Hard Drive with Rescue Data Recovery Services

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    ...I toddled on down to the dentist's office and announced myself an hour early hoping they'd fit me in early.  Nope.  I waited until my appointed time.indecision I filled the time by trying to find a magazine worth looking at but all there was were women's magazines, hunting magazines, and professional dentist magazines.  Sigh.  No Scientific American or Smithsonian or National Geographic or even Popular Science.  And not even "Highlights"(the ubiquitous magazine for kids found in every other dentists office I'd been in since I was old enough to read, back when it was written in Old-Englishwink). I couldn't catch up on the adventures of "Goofus and Gallant". sad  Luckily I had thought to bring my MP3 player with me.  I'd recently added some new songs to it and was going to listen to them.  HOWEVER, somehow I'd boogered up the adding process and there was nothing on the memory chip.  Arghhh...sad  So it was back to the magazine dilemma.  Hmmm... flowers, fashion and cakes.  Or advertisements for uber-expensive dental equipment, pictures of terrible gum disease and crooked teeth.  Or guns, camo-clothing and pictures of dead noon and time for lunch. 

    I needed a blood test a few months ago, so they sent me to a local testing lab that just opened nearby... it's a very weird place.

    First off the door is automatic, like a supermarket door... the waiting room is empty except for lots of chairs and one really old guy reading a newspaper... the receptionist booth is dark and the little opening where you stick papers in, is closed... also there is a receptionist booth not a desk or kiosk like a normal office... this is more like what you might find at a bank... on the front wall next to the only door is a big 75" TV playing a variety of looping commercials for various drugs with disclaimers indicating that they may horribly maim or kill you... in the middle of the room, at the front is a single tablet device on what could be described as a fancy microphone stand... the place is otherwise devoid of signs or decoration. On closer inspection it appears there is a small note affixed to the glass on the reception booth... "If you have given your information at the kiosk please be seated until you are called"

    Ok... the kiosk is closed... so closed, the lights are off in there... so... oh... I get it... the "kiosk" is the stupid iPad on a stick... I guess. "Kiosk" now means anything on a stick or a stand...  so I proceeded to use the worst GUI in the history of crappy GUIs to enter my information as closely as possible to what might make sense given the vagueness of the questions.  As I turned around to sit down the old guy who sounded a lot like George Carlin, says "Helluva thing... I thought the place was closed... somebody should steal the chairs"

    True... I didn't see a surveillance camera, and I'm always looking for those... you know... just in case... but maybe the chairs are like the lollipops and coffee machines at the bank. The whole thing had a very familiar dystopian feeling to it.

    Eventually someone came out and called my name... the lab in back had like four people working in there doing various lab things... they took my blood and I was off... no papers, no payment, no checking my insurance... no "we are done"... in fact I had to ask that because the phlebotomist just walked away with my blood (also, I'm assuming they were a phlebotomist and not a vampire or random person with a blood fetish)... I had to ask a different random lab person about that.

    When I left, the old George Carlin guy was still there...  I'm pretty sure he wasn't security, so maybe he just reads his newspaper there every day or he was a wisecracking cyborg of some sort.

    Anyway, the chair wasn't very comfortable so I left it out in the woods for chipmunks to eat nuts on.

    I hope this isn't the future of doctor's offices or lab visits... it had more of One Hour Photo feel than a laboratory.

    Also... weird thing I just noted... a few sentences ago I accidentally wrote "Ithink" instead of "I think", and iOS just corrected it to "iThink"... like iPhone or iPad... Uh... I hope Apple isn't planning on new mind control pods. 

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    does your solder suckers use metalized exterior?

    i'm almost esd certified

    got ta pass the test first.  i hope they don't ask about ohms and faradays

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited November 2019

    Passd!  Passssed!  ESD certified

    multeeee pass

    pass gasss

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • McGyver said:

    ...I toddled on down to the dentist's office and announced myself an hour early hoping they'd fit me in early.  Nope.  I waited until my appointed time.indecision I filled the time by trying to find a magazine worth looking at but all there was were women's magazines, hunting magazines, and professional dentist magazines.  Sigh.  No Scientific American or Smithsonian or National Geographic or even Popular Science.  And not even "Highlights"(the ubiquitous magazine for kids found in every other dentists office I'd been in since I was old enough to read, back when it was written in Old-Englishwink). I couldn't catch up on the adventures of "Goofus and Gallant". sad  Luckily I had thought to bring my MP3 player with me.  I'd recently added some new songs to it and was going to listen to them.  HOWEVER, somehow I'd boogered up the adding process and there was nothing on the memory chip.  Arghhh...sad  So it was back to the magazine dilemma.  Hmmm... flowers, fashion and cakes.  Or advertisements for uber-expensive dental equipment, pictures of terrible gum disease and crooked teeth.  Or guns, camo-clothing and pictures of dead noon and time for lunch. 

    I needed a blood test a few months ago, so they sent me to a local testing lab that just opened nearby... it's a very weird place.

    First off the door is automatic, like a supermarket door... the waiting room is empty except for lots of chairs and one really old guy reading a newspaper... the receptionist booth is dark and the little opening where you stick papers in, is closed... also there is a receptionist booth not a desk or kiosk like a normal office... this is more like what you might find at a bank... on the front wall next to the only door is a big 75" TV playing a variety of looping commercials for various drugs with disclaimers indicating that they may horribly maim or kill you... in the middle of the room, at the front is a single tablet device on what could be described as a fancy microphone stand... the place is otherwise devoid of signs or decoration. On closer inspection it appears there is a small note affixed to the glass on the reception booth... "If you have given your information at the kiosk please be seated until you are called"

    Ok... the kiosk is closed... so closed, the lights are off in there... so... oh... I get it... the "kiosk" is the stupid iPad on a stick... I guess. "Kiosk" now means anything on a stick or a stand...  so I proceeded to use the worst GUI in the history of crappy GUIs to enter my information as closely as possible to what might make sense given the vagueness of the questions.  As I turned around to sit down the old guy who sounded a lot like George Carlin, says "Helluva thing... I thought the place was closed... somebody should steal the chairs"

    True... I didn't see a surveillance camera, and I'm always looking for those... you know... just in case... but maybe the chairs are like the lollipops and coffee machines at the bank. The whole thing had a very familiar dystopian feeling to it.

    Eventually someone came out and called my name... the lab in back had like four people working in there doing various lab things... they took my blood and I was off... no papers, no payment, no checking my insurance... no "we are done"... in fact I had to ask that because the phlebotomist just walked away with my blood (also, I'm assuming they were a phlebotomist and not a vampire or random person with a blood fetish)... I had to ask a different random lab person about that.

    When I left, the old George Carlin guy was still there...  I'm pretty sure he wasn't security, so maybe he just reads his newspaper there every day or he was a wisecracking cyborg of some sort.

    Anyway, the chair wasn't very comfortable so I left it out in the woods for chipmunks to eat nuts on.

    I hope this isn't the future of doctor's offices or lab visits... it had more of One Hour Photo feel than a laboratory.

    Also... weird thing I just noted... a few sentences ago I accidentally wrote "Ithink" instead of "I think", and iOS just corrected it to "iThink"... like iPhone or iPad... Uh... I hope Apple isn't planning on new mind control pods. 

    Yep, been to one of those.  I went a few weeks before Halloween and the waiting room (with about a dozen chairs) had about four or five people in it watching the deadly drug commercials on the mesmerizing device hung high on the wall.  The receptionist booth was closed, and the iPad on a stick was  blocking one of the two isles between the chairs.  But on the wall was a Halloween decoration of a vampire complete with bloody fangs.  There was also some official policy words written near there that were hilariously but unintentionally suggestive of "Ve vant your blud".  None of the 4 or 5 patients in the waiting room were talking to each other until I pointed out the possibility of misinterpreting the sign on the wall and the whole room got it at the same time.  This broke the ice and conversations started.  In the process one person who had been sitting there before I came in finally caught on that she had to play with the iPad on a stick before she'd get called to the back, and that nobody was ever going to come back to the receptionist booth. frown

    The alternative to going to that private laboratory was to go to the laboratory in the hospital where the waiting room was designed for 90 people, was 60% full, and the two overworked receptionists always seemed busy with paperwork instead of dealing with the line of people standing in front of her.   And when they did deal with a person it seemed that they had to get out of their chair and go to the printer 3 times before the check-in process was complete.  Your insurance dollars at work. surprise

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    at long last my money came back

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    McGyver said:

    ...I toddled on down to the dentist's office and announced myself an hour early hoping they'd fit me in early.  Nope.  I waited until my appointed time.indecision I filled the time by trying to find a magazine worth looking at but all there was were women's magazines, hunting magazines, and professional dentist magazines.  Sigh.  No Scientific American or Smithsonian or National Geographic or even Popular Science.  And not even "Highlights"(the ubiquitous magazine for kids found in every other dentists office I'd been in since I was old enough to read, back when it was written in Old-Englishwink). I couldn't catch up on the adventures of "Goofus and Gallant". sad  Luckily I had thought to bring my MP3 player with me.  I'd recently added some new songs to it and was going to listen to them.  HOWEVER, somehow I'd boogered up the adding process and there was nothing on the memory chip.  Arghhh...sad  So it was back to the magazine dilemma.  Hmmm... flowers, fashion and cakes.  Or advertisements for uber-expensive dental equipment, pictures of terrible gum disease and crooked teeth.  Or guns, camo-clothing and pictures of dead noon and time for lunch. 

    I needed a blood test a few months ago, so they sent me to a local testing lab that just opened nearby... it's a very weird place.

    First off the door is automatic, like a supermarket door... the waiting room is empty except for lots of chairs and one really old guy reading a newspaper... the receptionist booth is dark and the little opening where you stick papers in, is closed... also there is a receptionist booth not a desk or kiosk like a normal office... this is more like what you might find at a bank... on the front wall next to the only door is a big 75" TV playing a variety of looping commercials for various drugs with disclaimers indicating that they may horribly maim or kill you... in the middle of the room, at the front is a single tablet device on what could be described as a fancy microphone stand... the place is otherwise devoid of signs or decoration. On closer inspection it appears there is a small note affixed to the glass on the reception booth... "If you have given your information at the kiosk please be seated until you are called"

    Ok... the kiosk is closed... so closed, the lights are off in there... so... oh... I get it... the "kiosk" is the stupid iPad on a stick... I guess. "Kiosk" now means anything on a stick or a stand...  so I proceeded to use the worst GUI in the history of crappy GUIs to enter my information as closely as possible to what might make sense given the vagueness of the questions.  As I turned around to sit down the old guy who sounded a lot like George Carlin, says "Helluva thing... I thought the place was closed... somebody should steal the chairs"

    True... I didn't see a surveillance camera, and I'm always looking for those... you know... just in case... but maybe the chairs are like the lollipops and coffee machines at the bank. The whole thing had a very familiar dystopian feeling to it.

    Eventually someone came out and called my name... the lab in back had like four people working in there doing various lab things... they took my blood and I was off... no papers, no payment, no checking my insurance... no "we are done"... in fact I had to ask that because the phlebotomist just walked away with my blood (also, I'm assuming they were a phlebotomist and not a vampire or random person with a blood fetish)... I had to ask a different random lab person about that.

    When I left, the old George Carlin guy was still there...  I'm pretty sure he wasn't security, so maybe he just reads his newspaper there every day or he was a wisecracking cyborg of some sort.

    Anyway, the chair wasn't very comfortable so I left it out in the woods for chipmunks to eat nuts on.

    I hope this isn't the future of doctor's offices or lab visits... it had more of One Hour Photo feel than a laboratory.

    Also... weird thing I just noted... a few sentences ago I accidentally wrote "Ithink" instead of "I think", and iOS just corrected it to "iThink"... like iPhone or iPad... Uh... I hope Apple isn't planning on new mind control pods. 

    ..hmm, sounds like the Automat™ of blood labs.

  • Non-complaint: Duke won over Kansas.

    Complaint: Duke wasn't all that good and only won because of all the turnovers from Kansas.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...can't be football as it's only Tuesday.  Is it that time of year (BB) already?

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,635
    edited November 2019
    kyoto kid said:

    ...can't be football as it's only Tuesday.  Is it that time of year (BB) already?

    Yep. I thought you knew. This was the pre-season State Farm tournament at Madison Square Gardens.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited November 2019

    ...interest in college sports sort of paled a bit after Wisconsin was upset by 31 point underdog Illinois in football the other week and then was stomped by Ohio State the next.  They went from knocking on the door of the CFP (after throttling Michigan and shutting out Michigan State) to being a longshot just to win the Big Ten West and not end up in some corporate named December bowl. 

    I checked ESPN and there were several games.  Wisconsin lost their preseason opener in overtime to #20 St. Mary's on a neutral court.  Badgers  are barely a shadow of what they used to be under Dick Bennett and Bo Ryan, the latter who coached them to their first NCAA finals appearance in 74 years against Duke in 2015, where they lost by 5 when their shooting went cold in the last couple minutes.  Don't think I'll be around in another 74 years.

    At least #1 Sparty (Michigan State) lost as well.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019

    Complaint:  Feet hurt!sad  Yesterday was voting day.  So, I had to make a walking trip to the town fire hall to vote.  In the cold rain. frown  This, after all of the walking during my mini-adventure to the dentist the day before, did my feet in.crying  

    'Nother Complaint:   Now that I've created a new modern desktop computer for DAZzing with years of growth potential,  and I've also upgraded my laptop with an SSD to run like a racehorse again instead of a cow, and I've also upgraded my old old desktop with an SSD and have doubled its RAM to 8GB, you'd think I'd be happy with my re-enlivened family.  But, it's not enough.indecision  I have woken the tinker bug and my hands are itchy and I wanna do more tinkering.devil  So, I look around and there's my old desktop that originally triggered the need to upgrade to a modern machine.  It's maxed out with 8GB of RAM, it has all four of its SATA disk ports occupied with useful devices, it's been expanded to host two USB3.1 ports, it's connected to 8 and sometimes 9 external devices (disks, camera, Garmin, MP3 player, etc.) but I can't bring myself to abandon it or even relegate it to less importance.  It still works quite well except for DAZzing.  I could replace its 1TB hard drive with a 1TB SSD but I'd like to keep both of its internal disks (1TB and 2TB) but I've run out of SATA ports because of the CD/DVD and Blu-Ray drives.  I suppose I could move the Blu-Ray drive to the new modern desktop but that means changing software too.

    Regardless, I've decided that since this old desktop still works tolerably well and is PACKED with specialized expensive ancient software that had to be dragged kicking and screaming up from Win98 and shoehorned into Win7 and would probably never work on Win10, I must keep it at Win7 level but there's no reason that it too can't benefit from an SSD.  So, someday soon (when the budget recovers) I'll have to get my hands dirty (quite literally because of the dust) and have a few days of cathartic tinkering, playing musical chairs with hard drives, organizing wires, and re-energizing this old machine. 

    If you haven't been keeping count, I have four useable computers (a modern desktop, an old desktop, my laptop and an old old desktop).  Three run Win10 or Win10-Pro and one runs Win7-Pro.  But sitting in the the background are two old old old Dell "Dimension 3000" desktops maxed out with RAM, filled with PATA hard drives and running WinXP that I keep around for use as end tables and once in a while for playing old Myst games.  But, believe it or not, I'm not a hardware hoarder.  I used to have 11 machines and about twice as many boxes of computer parts.  Most of it was Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinVista and Win8 stuff.

    Non-complaint:  Yay, tinkering! yes

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Mystarra said:

    at long last my money came back

    If you love something set it free... if it loves you and remembers where you live, it'll come back to you... unless it's a rabid badger, don't just go setting them free all willy-nilly, no matter how much you think they love you.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Mystarra said:

    Passd!  Passssed!  ESD certified

    multeeee pass

    pass gasss

    Electrostatic Deathbot? Do you fix those or just deploy them?... either way... Congratulations!

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:

    Passd!  Passssed!  ESD certified

    multeeee pass

    pass gasss

    Electrostatic Deathbot? Do you fix those or just deploy them?... either way... Congratulations!

    just in time, i need a serial number off of an ESD sensitive device.

    strapped into my esd wristband, snug against my wrist, plugged into the esd testert,  ion anti static spray hygroating oil (yukkie) ready.
    need to test resistative surface for ohms  Triboelectric check!

    think is ready to remove circuit board from antistatic bag.  fully aware holding device with bag in pot holder mode is an unacceptable way of holding esd devices.  neither is laying it on top of an antistatic bag.  call forth the faraday cages

    badgers safely held in faraday cages

    it looks nothing like a tweety bird cage

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Mystarra said:
    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:

    Passd!  Passssed!  ESD certified

    multeeee pass

    pass gasss

    Electrostatic Deathbot? Do you fix those or just deploy them?... either way... Congratulations!

    fully aware holding device with bag in pot holder mode is an unacceptable way of holding esd devices. 

    You take the pot out of the bag first, place it in the pot holder and then... wait... you are allowed to do that at work?… well, I suppose it's a thing now.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047

    I wonder how bad canned sardines are for you?... probably not as bad as canned subway rat.

    They seem to have a lot of sodium... more than subway rat... well, raw subway rat... but they are low in calories and fat... 

    I'm having some now... the sardines, not subway rat... I could look it up, but I just felt like having a soliloquy about sardines and subway rats.

    Subway rat... did anyone see the YouTube videos of Pizza Rat and Cigarette Roach?... you gotta hand it to NYC vermin, they work hard for their treats.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019
    McGyver said:

    I wonder how bad canned sardines are for you?... probably not as bad as canned subway rat.

    They seem to have a lot of sodium... more than subway rat... well, raw subway rat... but they are low in calories and fat... 

    I'm having some now... the sardines, not subway rat... I could look it up, but I just felt like having a soliloquy about sardines and subway rats.

    Subway rat... did anyone see the YouTube videos of Pizza Rat and Cigarette Roach?... you gotta hand it to NYC vermin, they work hard for their treats.

    There's a bug in Florida that I encountered back in the mid-60s when I was going to college.  Back then the 7/11 stores in Florida were open-air.surprise  Yes, and the bugs in Florida are numerous.  And they would crawl in and crawl out as they pleased.  At certain times of year there was a particular type of bug that was about the size of, and looked like, a coffee stained cigarette filter with six spindly legs.  Kind'a like a cylindrical roach.  They would sometimes be very numerous and would gather outside the store attracted by the lights or something.  They would crunch when walked on.  Not that they had any choice in the matter, it was just the sound that they made, not of their own volition.  Physics in action.  But we gave them the affectionate name of "Cigarette Bugs".  

    Yeah, open-air 7/11 stores doesn't sound very civilized but that's the way they were in the '60s.  The stores saved a lot of money by not having air-conditioning.  But I imagine being an employee was a bitch when having to sweep out the bugs at the end of the day (Yes, 7/11's actually used to close at 11:00PMsurprise)  But the real kicker was the first decade of the massive invasion of the little black "Lovebugs" during the '70s when they all would appear twice a year in massive blooms and crawl over everything.  Cars, buildings, trees, the ground, you and everything in the 7/11.  I remember times when walking to the 7/11 or to class at college when the dead Lovebugs would carpet the ground like a thin layer of black snow.  It wasn't long after that started that 7/11 started air-conditioning their stores.   Excellent example of what happens when an invasive species finds itself without preditors. 

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    Complaint:  Feet hurt!sad  Yesterday was voting day.  So, I had to make a walking trip to the town fire hall to vote.  In the cold rain. frown  This, after all of the walking during my mini-adventure to the dentist the day before, did my feet in.crying  

    'Nother Complaint:   Now that I've created a new modern desktop computer for DAZzing with years of growth potential,  and I've also upgraded my laptop with an SSD to run like a racehorse again instead of a cow, and I've also upgraded my old old desktop with an SSD and have doubled its RAM to 8GB, you'd think I'd be happy with my re-enlivened family.  But, it's not enough.indecision  I have woken the tinker bug and my hands are itchy and I wanna do more tinkering.devil  So, I look around and there's my old desktop that originally triggered the need to upgrade to a modern machine.  It's maxed out with 8GB of RAM, it has all four of its SATA disk ports occupied with useful devices, it's been expanded to host two USB3.1 ports, it's connected to 8 and sometimes 9 external devices (disks, camera, Garmin, MP3 player, etc.) but I can't bring myself to abandon it or even relegate it to less importance.  It still works quite well except for DAZzing.  I could replace its 1TB hard drive with a 1TB SSD but I'd like to keep both of its internal disks (1TB and 2TB) but I've run out of SATA ports because of the CD/DVD and Blu-Ray drives.  I suppose I could move the Blu-Ray drive to the new modern desktop but that means changing software too.

    Regardless, I've decided that since this old desktop still works tolerably well and is PACKED with specialized expensive ancient software that had to be dragged kicking and screaming up from Win98 and shoehorned into Win7 and would probably never work on Win10, I must keep it at Win7 level but there's no reason that it too can't benefit from an SSD.  So, someday soon (when the budget recovers) I'll have to get my hands dirty (quite literally because of the dust) and have a few days of cathartic tinkering, playing musical chairs with hard drives, organizing wires, and re-energizing this old machine. 

    If you haven't been keeping count, I have four useable computers (a modern desktop, an old desktop, my laptop and an old old desktop).  Three run Win10 or Win10-Pro and one runs Win7-Pro.  But sitting in the the background are two old old old Dell "Dimension 3000" desktops maxed out with RAM, filled with PATA hard drives and running WinXP that I keep around for use as end tables and once in a while for playing old Myst games.  But, believe it or not, I'm not a hardware hoarder.  I used to have 11 machines and about twice as many boxes of computer parts.  Most of it was Win95, Win98, Win2000, WinVista and Win8 stuff.

    Non-complaint:  Yay, tinkering! yes

    ..sounds like a friend of mine here does much of the same. I remember the cellar rec room in his old place looked more like a development lab than a place to hang out play cards or role play games and drink beer.

    With two desktops and three notebooks my little flat is beginning to look the same.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...ugh unlike LG's triumphs at breathing new life into old systems, I woke up to day to more operational woes. After starting up, Chrome simply stalled dead in its tracks while opening up.  I Went into Windows Task Manager to shut it down but it left two processes opened that just would not go away. Did a restart to clear system buffers only received a warning from my AV that Chrome had "old files" which were not cleaned off the system even though nothing showed in the TM processes tab.  This made me wonder if there wasn't an update to Chrome that either didn't complete properly or messed up in some other way leaving old files hanging somewhere on the system.  After what seemed to take an excruciating amount of time for a relatively simple operation (a total of almost 90 minutes from when I first started things up this morning) everything was finally fixed and running normally again.

    However this experience has really made me loathe the following two words in the "Windowsverse" more than ever:

    not responding.

    Wondering if there is a way to get Chrome to prompt me when an update is imminent like Firefox would so I could manually initiate it, such as when I'm about to go to market or something like that.

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