My phone will not charge complaint thread



  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited November 2019

    ...yeah I only have a conventional oven which takes forever, uses a lot more power, and tends to dry things out like my seasoned red potato wedges and hand cut french fries.  Not going back to pan frying as again it is messy and uses too much oil (which I don't know what to do with afterwards as cooking oil is not recyclable unless you own a restaurant that uses a lot of it).

    So researching and shopping around for a new one locally as often I find the shipping fees offset if not even sometimes exceed any savings from buying online.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019
    Mystarra said:
    Mystarra said:

    Non-complaint:  Wheee... Only about 10 days to my birthday.(*sparkles, cake & candles*)   Although, I've been celebrating for about a month already with my computer hardware upgrades.surprise  I think I'm almost done for now.   I've modernized all four of my useful machines with more or faster RAM or storage to the point where they run like horses instead of cows (racecars are way out of my budget).  Yet, there is still birthday mania flowing in my veins and I've almost decided to get another SSD for one of the two machines still without one.  I'd like to get a Samsung "EVO 970" 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD ($170) or the newer "970 Plus" ($200) but my budget is screaming.  So, I could either cut capacity to 500GB or get a not so prestigious brand.  The two SSDs that I did get were made by Crucial (an "MX500" 1TB and an "MX500" 500GB) that have been favorably discussed and compared with the Samsungs and I'm happy with them (so far).  My SSDs were for my older motherboards that don't have  M.2 sockets, so the SSDs are the standard "SATA 2.5 inch" form similar to a laptop hard drive, not the much faster and tiny NVMe technology in the "PCIe M.2" form.  Yes, the Samsung brand SSDs have nominally better specs, but the Crucial brand has been compared favorably with corresponding Samsung devices and are just a little over half the price.  My new modern motherboard supports the "PCIe M.2" form.  So, I'm sorely tempted to test the claims of blazing speed of "PCIe NVMe M.2" technology and get the Crucial "P1" 1TB NVMe in the M.2 form for $99".  Happy birthday to me!smiley  Now, if only I could surprise myself with a card and wrapped gift, like Mr. Bean.  or

    If I don't spoil myself, who will?

    You may ask; do I really need 4 computers?frown  To which I reply;  "Why yes, yes I do!"cheeky  One never knows when three of them will die simultaneously.surprise  Besides, they're my children.  One cannot abandon one's children (until they become a deadly anchor and their organs would be profitable)devil


    Happy almost birthday,  hmm 10 days to work on a happy birthday render

    actually, what kind of renders do you like?

    besides  whips, mohawks, and squirrels smiley

    I'd show you but the mods would jump on it as TOS violations and erase me.devil  But no special attention please.  I mentioned birthday as a convenient excuse for an annual budget busting binge.indecision  One year it was a big modern TV.  Another year it was a nice office swivel chair & filing cabinets, another year it was a trip to Florida and Orlando attractions.  I don't have a mate any more but I still get mating ritual urges for spending more than is prudent.frown  This year's spending spree would not have been possible without having given up my car and all its attendant expenses, and turning into a mushroom firmly rooted to my apartment out of the light and away from frivolous temptations for things like decent food.


    tos busting?  anything to do with acorns? 

    havent bben to the sunshine state since '83

    imagine epcot been updated since then

    Yeah, Epcot's been modified/enhanced several times since I left Florida in '84.  However,  if you were there after Oct. 1, 1983 and were able to see "Horizons" you haven't missed much.  "Horizons"... best exhibit at Epcot.heart  Horizons is now just a memory.  It closed in January, 1999.  The building itself is completely gone and replaced.sad  Another major makeover at Epcot is going on this coming year.  We loved Epcot.  We were there opening day Oct 1, 1982 and I still have my ticket stub.  We went back many times from Washington, DC until Max died in '94.  I've been back a few times since.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    I couldn't log into the Daz forums this afternoon.  I guess the connection to the server was so slow that it timed out.  I'm trying to save some money to buy stuff next year.

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...something is screwy here as I can't even do direct downloads from my product library today without multiple failures.  This is the only site I have experienced download difficulties with.

  • I had a brief hic-up and had to repost one entry earlier this afternoon.

  • McGyverMcGyver Posts: 7,047
    Mystarra said:

    whas a good air fryer to get?  never tried one.

    never did get the juicer.  need one to make beet juice.

    I don't know if it's still a good model, but we got a thing called "Power Fryer XL"... my wife looked at the reviews and it seemed okay (average 4.5 stars out of 5)... we've had it for almost a year... but we've only used it a little over a dozen or so times... seems sufficient for our needs. We got ours at Kohl's... used some of that "Kohl's Cash" on it, so that reduced what we paid.

    I think it's easy to clean, but there are a few little details I would change... can't remember what, so I'm imagining it's nothing important.

    We generally don't fry a lot, but this make certain things easier... I don't know if these devices technically would meet all frying needs... especially deep frying (I guess that's sorta obvious though).

    As far as beet juice... (switch to Russian accent now)... You must make beet juice old fashion way... grandmother put on boots, throw beets in tub and stomp on them like bolsheviks stomp on hearts of the peasants... but it make good beet juice, make you strong to fight wolves in winter.

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    beets, the other purple juice

    supposed to be fantastx with eye vitamins Î 

  • Subtropic PixelSubtropic Pixel Posts: 2,378
    edited November 2019
    Mystarra said:


    people at work who are compelled to see what is on my monitor.
    a few will even walk around my desk to see 

    If they think you're doing non-work things, they may be looking for something to pin on you.  And it's probably not a ribbon or medal, either.surprise

    kyoto kid said:

    ...just returned from a transit adventure (felt I waited and walked for more time than I was actually on the bus).  Needed to get new shoes before the real rainy season started as my old ones have been falling apart and wet feet in 40° weather is no fun. Also needed a new web belt. as it seems whoever engineers standard buckle belts never gets the eyelets placed just right so it is either too loose or too tight.  For shoes I prefer slip-ons because it has become difficult to tie laces tightly with my stiff arthritic hands and lack of grip.

    So I went to the store where I bought both items the last time.

    Much to my dismay, for belts, all they had were ones made by the big name brand companies that were way too expensive (25$ - 35$) even for the few web belts I saw (I'm used to spending under 10$ for one there, sometimes as little as 7$).

    Buy a gun belt.  Hanks makes excellent belts.  You can contact them and they'll help you get the correct size for your body.

    Here's the one I wear:

    For those of you who are still working (and might need to wear a suit from time to time), then you should consider buying two; one each in brown and black.

    Even if you don't carry a firearm or wear tools, the holes won't become torn out and the belt won't fold over on itself or become misshapen if your waist happens to be .. um.. "pronounced".

    Best of all, you'll cry only once, and then you'll have a belt that will last for years.

    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    ...just returned from a transit adventure (felt I waited and walked for more time than I was actually on the bus).  Needed to get new shoes before the real rainy season started as my old ones have been falling apart and wet feet in 40° weather is no fun. Also needed a new web belt. as it seems whoever engineers standard buckle belts never gets the eyelets placed just right so it is either too loose or too tight.  For shoes I prefer slip-ons because it has become difficult to tie laces tightly with my stiff arthritic hands and lack of grip.

    So I went to the store where I bought both items the last time.

    Much to my dismay, for belts, all they had were ones made by the big name brand companies that were way too expensive (25$ - 35$) even for the few web belts I saw (I'm used to spending under 10$ for one there, sometimes as little as 7$).

    For the shoes I ended up shelling out far more than I wanted (I budgeted for around 40$) for a pair of Sketchers extra wide moccasin slip-ons, that surprisingly don;'t look like gaudy "moon boot" sport shoes.  The rub, they were 65$, and that was on sale. However, they fit perfectly, were made of soft leather like my old ones, and have excellent arch support.  The less expensive brands I tried on were too tight in the toe area (even a size 12 Wide which is one size larger than I normally wear) and were terribly uncomfortable (to the point of being painful) in comparison. When I put the Sketchers on for the very first time, they felt like I had already been wearing them for a couple months.

    So looks like a lean month for the rest of November as I still have my power and phone to pay, but at least I'll have dry, warm, and comfortable feet when the winter rains return. 


    Are you sure?  I've found that real leather tends to stretch a little as you break them in.  If they're already that comfy, they may end up loose in a while.


    My Hanks belt hasn't stretched in almost a year and a half.  But if you're concerned about that, there are beltmakers who add a steel strip inside the length of their belts.

    McGyver said:
    kyoto kid said:


    Much to my dismay, for belts, all they had were ones made by the big name brand companies that were way too expensive (25$ - 35$) even for the few web belts I saw (I'm used to spending under 10$ for one there, sometimes as little as 7$).


    I hate that... what the hell is worth $35 in a damned belt? It's a dollar buckle and a (not even) dollar's worth of leather... All stores sell are name brand belts... I don't want that... I just need a plain black leather belt to keep my pants up, hang my phone, mini mag light and Leatherman multi tool on.

    If I go to an "outlet" store, surprise, surprise, it's the same price maybe $30... Walmart used to have $12-$15 belts, but now they carry the same brands as every other store... there is literally no variety or competition.  Forget getting a plain belt somewhere that sells uniforms or work gear, you might as well be purchasing medical or aerospace grade leather... (it's probably because most people just write the purchase off on taxes or charge the company)...

    The hell I'll buy one on Amazon, you basically have the same choices for pretty much the same price... Prime is a ripoff because if I find a $35 item in a store, it's gonna be $40 in Prime... $35 in non-Prime plus $5 shipping, so no savings 90% of the time... oh but I'll get it next day if it's one of the millions of items that are next day prime... I'm pretty sure they are considering individual grains of sand in hourglasses into that equation, because nothing ever comes one day or two days when that was their big deal. 


    I've got news for you.  Even if you are retired, your time and your energy are worth something.  Driving all around town (or getting rides, waiting for busses, etcetera) is a waste of your time.

    You can bemoan Amazon until the cows come home, or you can fix the problem.  The choice is yours.  Pay (and cry) many times, or just cry once.  If you refuse to buy via Amazon, that's fine.  You don't have to buy from Amazon if you don't want to.  We live in an amazing time, and there are scads of ways to get somebody to deliver something to you.  But nothing will happen if you aren't willing to take some initiative.  Use Amazon as a research tool, then call some manufacturers directly.  Either they'll sell directly or they'll tell you who their resellers are.

    So my Hanks belt was $50.  It was ordered with a bunch of other stuff (probably toilet paper, paper towels, and vacuum cleaner filter bags), so the share of shipping for the belt wasn't a big deal.

    It's a belt.  Making numerous trips around town just isn't the best use of your time, even if you ARE retired.  Find a way that works for you so that you can get back to your life.  smiley

    Complaint:  Arghhh... I sit down at the computer for a few minutes finish my quick list of composer movies and when done I look out the window and see that it's snowing hard outside and accumulating already.  Arghhh...surprise


    DanaTA said:
    kyoto kid said:

    Yeah, what is it about belts that make them cost so much in a store?sad  I gave up looking for affordable belts in a store.  Last belt I bought was from a temporary mall kiosk around Christmas time about 3 or 4 years ago from a local guy who makes leather goods.  He had piles of long, plain or variously embossed, leather belts that were uncut and un-holed.  I picked out a buckle, he installed it with a couple of rivets, then cut and stained the other end.  I  put the belt in my loops and he punched the holes where they needed to be.  $20yes  Wheee... custom made belt!   It's like shooting the arrow into a fence then drawing the target circles around it.  Bullseye every time!smiley

    ..yeah I'll have to check the mall for of those next time.  If I  can get the a good leather one with the holes where they are supposed to be, 20$ is worth it. May have to wait until next month though.. 

    You can always buy a leather hole punch tool.  They aren't too expensive.  I have one.  Can't rememer where I got it.  But I think you could get one at a crafts place like Michael's.  It has a wheel with various size hole punches.


    I have one of these in my garage.  I also have a sharp set of drill bits and several hand or regarchable drivers.  It's easy to drill a new "in-betweener" hole in a belt.

    Mystarra said:

    page 85 ...

    The G8F haz hang nails Complaint Thread
    The Cart Glitch Complaint Thread
    The Cant Get No Satisfaction Complaint Thread
    The Neverending Road Works Complaint Thread
    The  Too Much Muscles Hubba  Complaint Thread
    The Dessert is Lost in the desert Complaint Thread
    The Dalek Girl's Soufet Got No Souf  Complaint Thread
    The Has No Belt Pants Fell Down  Complaint Thread

    Not feeling it for any of these, hmmmm....

    kyoto kid said:

    ...ordering online may be convenient, but often more expensive in the long run than going to a brick & mortar store because of added shipping fees. For example, been shopping around for one of those old style carpet sweepers as don't have a large enough carpet area to warrant purchasing an expensive and noisy powered vacuum.  Well one store chain I checked on line has a reasonably priced one, but charges another 9$ for shipping. However they also have a physical store here ( out on the east side) which, if I go there in person (2.50$ round trip transit fare) I can pick it up or the advertised price and save byself 6.50$ as well as a 4- 5 day wait.  The other nice part is I can actually physically check it out instead of just relying on an image.

    Still something to be said for doing things the old school way.

    Shipping isn't THAT much.  Not when you consider that you're probably spending that much and more waiting in the cold for a bus, being on your feet all day, and paying for it with pain releivers when you get home.  And that's not to mention the added risk for all the moped riders who you've said are apparently targeting you every time you go outside.

    I'm not saying you have to buy online.  I'm just suggesting that your calculus may not be taking everything into account.

    kyoto kid said:

    ...found a few places to check out tomorrow & Saturday.  Lots of deals online, but mostly from places I don't recognise save for the two obvious ones, one of which I don't care to do business with that actually has brick & mortar stores in the area, but may have to grit my teeth and go there anyway because they do have a bunch of different canvas web belts at 10$ or less..

    $10 belts are thinner than the smoked salmon I just had in my salad.  Cheap belts rarely last me even a year.  Broken and unusable.  So that's $10 wasted, plus tax.  Plus my time.  Plus the driving.  And all the time spent waiting in a line to pay for it.  So I buy again.  And in less than a year, I buy again.  And then again.

    kyoto kid said:

    ...thought about a set of bracers, but unless the slacks have buttons for the proper type, the the ones that clip on tend to tear up the waistband and then you have to go buy new slacks (which are more expensive than a belt). 

    Clip-on braces are an awful idea, for the reason you've stated.  Any good tailor can sew buttons into your waist, and they won't charge that much.  Hell, you could even have it done on your blue jeans if you want to.  I wear braces when I need to clean up for a special occasion.  But for my back, I think my gun belt helps provide me good lower back support.

    Tjohn said:
    DanaTA said:
    Tjohn said:


    What's wrong?   frown


    Having tests done for something possibly very bad. Results take forever, of course. I'll let you know more when I know more.

    Hope it turns out okay.

    Mystarra said:

    whas a good air fryer to get?  never tried one.

    never did get the juicer.  need one to make beet juice.

    I use a Foodi pressure-cooker+fryer.  Love it!

    kyoto kid said:

    ...yeah I only have a conventional oven which takes forever, uses a lot more power, and tends to dry things out like my seasoned red potato wedges and hand cut french fries.  Not going back to pan frying as again it is messy and uses too much oil (which I don't know what to do with afterwards as cooking oil is not recyclable unless you own a restaurant that uses a lot of it).

    You should teach yourself how to use the broiler in your oven.  Seriously, a broiler can help give more flavor and texture to your food while also preventing it from drying out.

    kyoto kid said:

    So researching and shopping around for a new one locally as often I find the shipping fees offset if not even sometimes exceed any savings from buying online.

    As with the belt, you may just end up spending more money buying locally.  But that's up to you.

    McGyver said:
    Mystarra said:

    whas a good air fryer to get?  never tried one.

    never did get the juicer.  need one to make beet juice.

    I don't know if it's still a good model, but we got a thing called "Power Fryer XL"... my wife looked at the reviews and it seemed okay (average 4.5 stars out of 5)... we've had it for almost a year... but we've only used it a little over a dozen or so times... seems sufficient for our needs. We got ours at Kohl's... used some of that "Kohl's Cash" on it, so that reduced what we paid.

    I think it's easy to clean, but there are a few little details I would change... can't remember what, so I'm imagining it's nothing important.

    We generally don't fry a lot, but this make certain things easier... I don't know if these devices technically would meet all frying needs... especially deep frying (I guess that's sorta obvious though).

    As far as beet juice... (switch to Russian accent now)... You must make beet juice old fashion way... grandmother put on boots, throw beets in tub and stomp on them like bolsheviks stomp on hearts of the peasants... but it make good beet juice, make you strong to fight wolves in winter.

    Yeah, no feet please.

    Mystarra said:

    beets, the other purple juice

    supposed to be fantastx with eye vitamins Î 

    Have you acutally seen your eye doc?  If he says beets for you, then yeah.  But that all depends on what you ACTUALLY have going on with your eyes.

    Post edited by Subtropic Pixel on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited November 2019

    $10 belts are thinner than the smoked salmon I just had in my salad.  Cheap belts rarely last me even a year.  Broken and unusable.  So that's $10 wasted, plus tax.  Plus my time.  Plus the driving.  And all the time spent waiting in a line to pay for it.  So I buy again.  And in less than a year, I buy again.  And then again. 

    ...the canvas web belts I've been using have each lasted me several years before wearing out. On my monthly income, 50$ at one fell swoop is far too much to drop on a belt no matter how long it lasts. The shoes I bought already set me back quite a bit making for a very tight rest of the month, however proper fitting shoes with good foot support, particularly being diabetic, are extremely important. 

    You should teach yourself how to use the broiler in your oven.  Seriously, a broiler can help give more flavor and texture to your food while also preventing it from drying out.

    ...a broiler in an electric oven takes more energy than just the oven alone. Not interested in running up my power bill like that for a side serving of potatoes or veggies.

    As with the belt, you may just end up spending more money buying locally.  But that's up to you.

    ...already found few places in town where I can get one for less than most of the online services I checked. It only takes a phone call to see if they have what I'm looking for in stock, so no needless running around town.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited November 2019

    sort of ruined my din din but then sorta not

    got so deep into the carrara shading room, forgot to get up and stir the rice

    ended up making a rice pancake. not bad but one side too crispy

    put too much flour, gravy too thick


    non complaint

    u tube show'd me somethin other than a daz ad,

    jack daniels heartheartheart  Hammer clicked the like button

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • kyoto kid said:

    $10 belts are thinner than the smoked salmon I just had in my salad.  Cheap belts rarely last me even a year.  Broken and unusable.  So that's $10 wasted, plus tax.  Plus my time.  Plus the driving.  And all the time spent waiting in a line to pay for it.  So I buy again.  And in less than a year, I buy again.  And then again. 

    ...the canvas web belts I've been using have each lasted me several years before wearing out. On my monthly income, 50$ at one fell swoop is far too much to drop on a belt no matter how long it lasts. The shoes I bought already set me back quite a bit making for a very tight rest of the month, however proper fitting shoes with good foot support, particularly being diabetic, are extremely important. 

    I guess I don't know what a canvas web belt is.  I've never had any belt last "several years" except a heavy leather belt, with or without the steel strip inside.  But if you can get one for $10 and it actually lasts for several years, then more power to you.

    Okay, I just looked up "canvas men's belt" on Amazon.  Basically, they're the old woven "Boy Scout belts".  I get where you're coming from now.  That's a $10 belt for sure; not at all what I thought you were looking for.  That's so thin and not very supportive; maybe should be $5?

    Can you find one for $5?  Hey, look; I found one on Amazon for $5.99.  That would be $5.99 + sales tax for me since I have Prime.  But I'd just throw it in the trunk in case I needed a tornequet to stop somebody from bleeding to death and I didn't care how long it takes me to get to my trunk.  I wouldn't actually wear it!  winklaugh

    kyoto kid said:
    You should teach yourself how to use the broiler in your oven.  Seriously, a broiler can help give more flavor and texture to your food while also preventing it from drying out.

    ...a broiler in an electric oven takes more energy than just the oven alone. Not interested in running up my power bill like that for a side serving of potatoes or veggies.

    If you're thinking that a broiler is "only" for potatoes and veggies, then you're missing out on some of the best and healthiest cooking you could be doing.  I mean, really, 10-15 minutes under a broiler before or after the main cooking period is that expensive when you're already running the coil on the bottom of the oven for what...30 minutes?  50 minutes for a thick steak or chicken quarters? 

    The broiler coil, being the same size as the main coil, would use the same amount of energy and when you're broiling, they don't both run at the same time.  The main difference is that you'd be applying some heat from above, thereby browning the food, giving it some texture, and maybe locking in some moisture.  wink

    Basically, all of that is what your air fryer did.  So your air fryer blows the hot air around all sides of the food.  But after a fashion, you actually still have an air fryer built right into your kitchen.  Since the broiler and main coils don't run at the same time, they can't possibly cost more to operate.  If it just might make mealtime a little more enjoyable, why not think about trying it?

    kyoto kid said:

    As with the belt, you may just end up spending more money buying locally.  But that's up to you.

    ...already found few places in town where I can get one for less than most of the online services I checked. It only takes a phone call to see if they have what I'm looking for in stock, so no needless running around town.

    Very good.  Glad you found something, either a belt or an air fryer. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited November 2019

    ...response A:  Yes those are the type and they've worked well for me over the many, many years I've used them. Never have to be concerned about the placement of the holes for the buckle, no need for a custom fit or drilling/punching extra holes (with tools I don't have), they are much easier to adjust, and I find them fairly comfortable.

    ...response B:  I don't eat steaks or cook whole chickens as I live alone, so firing up the broiler for the small portions of food I make is a waste of power.  Air fryers are effectively small convection ovens which are more efficient than a conventional one . They are also excellent for people like myself who don't need to feed a whole family.

    ...response C:  Actually both, though I have to put off purchasing the air fryer until next month, as like the shoes I just bought, that is another big expense for my tight budget.

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019
    kyoto kid said:


    As with the belt, you may just end up spending more money buying locally.  But that's up to you.

    ...already found few places in town where I can get one for less than most of the online services I checked. It only takes a phone call to see if they have what I'm looking for in stock, so no needless running around town.

    I remember phones.  They are those really simple things that you talk into and your actual voice is reproduced at the other end surprise and conversations are in real-time.  Like instantaneous, no waiting for a reply unless one of you is on the moon.  No typing involved.  Well almost no finger work, but it's just one finger and limited to about 10 characters.  Damn good idea.  Whatever happened to those? indecision 

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kid said:


    As with the belt, you may just end up spending more money buying locally.  But that's up to you.

    ...already found few places in town where I can get one for less than most of the online services I checked. It only takes a phone call to see if they have what I'm looking for in stock, so no needless running around town.

    I remember phones.  They are those really simple things that you talk into and your actual voice is reproduced at the other end surprise and conversations are in real-time.  Like instantaneous, no waiting for a reply unless one of you is on the moon.  No typing involved.  Well almost no finger work, but it's just one finger and limited to about 10 characters.  Damn good idea.  Whatever happened to those? indecision 

    They got replaced by "free to play" and "in-app purchases".

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited November 2019

    I remember phones.  They are those really simple things that you talk into and your actual voice is reproduced at the other end surprise and conversations are in real-time.  Like instantaneous, no waiting for a reply unless one of you is on the moon.  No typing involved.  Well almost no finger work, but it's just one finger and limited to about 10 characters.  Damn good idea.  Whatever happened to those? indecision 

    I still have one.  The cord isn't even tangled yet.   Three, actually, because 2 moves ago I packed it by accident then needed one to call somebody to help with the moving, and had to quick find one and ended up paying the insanely expensive price of $12 for that last-minute emergency purchase.  What a terrifying waste of money on a phone, eh?  Then the last move I needed one at both locations at the same time, and one of the two was packed.  Luckily that one only cost $4.99, so I'm only out a little under $17 for my two extra phones, and have spares for when... uh.. whatever might happen to break a corded phone happens someday. 

    It's not a rotary though.  It's one of them new-fangled modern pushbutton ones.  :-)

    I moved to my new house, and the realtor very reluctantly warned me that she couldn't get cell service here.  I'm like....            ok.

    Post edited by sriesch on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    Martians Discover a Telephone

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    It's only earlyish November, and it's been snowing all day long. Now there's a white cover all over the place. This is the coast, we have a temperate climate and rarely get snow until January. It's pretty right now, but I don't think the cold can last this close to the sea and a warm ocean current. Melting snow is just about the most depressing weather.

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,172
    edited November 2019
    kyoto kid said:


    As with the belt, you may just end up spending more money buying locally.  But that's up to you.

    ...already found few places in town where I can get one for less than most of the online services I checked. It only takes a phone call to see if they have what I'm looking for in stock, so no needless running around town.

    I remember phones.  They are those really simple things that you talk into and your actual voice is reproduced at the other end surprise and conversations are in real-time.  Like instantaneous, no waiting for a reply unless one of you is on the moon.  No typing involved.  Well almost no finger work, but it's just one finger and limited to about 10 characters.  Damn good idea.  Whatever happened to those? indecision 

    We still have a couple wired phones, and some cordless ones that are still just phones.  I won't abandon my land line.  Cell reception is flaky in my house.  Sometimes I don't get calls that Diane says she made.  The nice thing about wired phones, if the power goes out, they still work.  Of course, with the phone modem from FIOS, that's a little different now, but that thing has a battery backup built in.  So we still have phones for a while, until that fades out.  



    Post edited by DanaTA on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    dress barn stire by me closing.  gorgeous sweaters on sale 


    deciding where to put the dragon cam

    on his shoulder? typical game pov,

    on his noe? back of his tail?

    in front of his nose looking back at his face?

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    DanaTA said:

     The nice thing about wired phones, if the power goes out, they still work. 

    Interesting note, with phone companies tearing out copper and putting in fiber that handy side effect is starting to go away.  Formerly the power was transmitted over the copper, but since that's not an option with fiber, power is being sourced near the customer's end instead.  For example Google gives me this:!/smb-digital-phone/KM1241817 ; .  So while it used to work, it may not in the future (or already may not depending on where you live.)

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited November 2019



    Its Toothless and Jon Snow auditioning together. and and a girl night fury laughlaughlaughlaugh

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,172
    sriesch said:
    DanaTA said:

     The nice thing about wired phones, if the power goes out, they still work. 

    Interesting note, with phone companies tearing out copper and putting in fiber that handy side effect is starting to go away.  Formerly the power was transmitted over the copper, but since that's not an option with fiber, power is being sourced near the customer's end instead.  For example Google gives me this:!/smb-digital-phone/KM1241817 ; .  So while it used to work, it may not in the future (or already may not depending on where you live.)

    I hadn't thought about that.  FIOS is fiber all the way to the house.  But, like I said, the phone modem has a backup battery.  I also have the power cable to that modem plugged into a UPS.  So I actually would have even more time.  The corded phones seem to work only with that connection, so I guess it puts enough power into the line to keep them alive.  I wonder just how much power they actually need.  I bet a 9V battery would be enough for a little use.  I'm not about to hack somethign together for that, though.


  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019

    Another feature of the old phones was that they only required one finger to enter the address of the call receipient.  So even a nonophelangiplegic person or nonophelangic amputee could dial the

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...yeah I miss the old land lines sometimes.  I live in a building with a lot of metal in the frame so depending on where I am in the flat the signal can sometimes drop out momentarily. 

    Also to "hack" an old style phone you had to have a lineman's handset (pretty obvious), the basic tools and gear, then climb the pole and figure out which line you needed to tap into.  So much easier, less conspicuous, and safer these days to just sit in a corner of a Starbucks with the proper software.

  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,440
    edited November 2019

    I've got landline service here.  It provides my DSL internet and my phone.  However, I have a "modern" 3-station wireless phone that requires wall power, has lights and screens, and each handset has an overly expensive battery.  I've been through this before.  When the batteries die & won't recharge anymore, I just get a new phone set.  It's cheaper.frown  But, somewhere, in the bottom of a box I have an old dark forest green AT&T "Trimline" phone for emergency use when power is out and I absolutely have to make a call.  I found it at a garage sale, for a dollar.yes  Who ever bought forest green phones?indecision   I hope that when I need to use it, I can find it, in the dark, at the bottom of a box, somewhere.sad


    170 x 259 - 9K
    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ....we had a tan one as an extension in our basement "club room" but ours had a rotary dial. 

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975

    My mother had  a green Trim Line in the kitchen with an extra long cord

  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,172

    I've got landline service here.  It provides my DSL internet and my phone.  However, I have a "modern" 3-station wireless phone that requires wall power, has lights and screens, and each handset has an overly expensive battery.  I've been through this before.  When the batteries die & won't recharge anymore, I just get a new phone set.  It's cheaper.frown  But, somewhere, in the bottom of a box I have an old dark forest green AT&T "Trimline" phone for emergency use when power is out and I absolutely have to make a call.  I found it at a garage sale, for a dollar.yes  Who ever bought forest green phones?indecision   I hope that when I need to use it, I can find it, in the dark, at the bottom of a box, somewhere.sad


    I don't know about forest green, but the olive green ones were popular.  Especially in the kitchen, next to your olive green refrigerator!   laugh  (never had one...but I did paint our first refrigerator harvest gold)​


  • Well, I'm not sure I could describe the difference between Dark Forest Green, or Olive Green or even Avocado Green, but I do remember them in kitchens of the late 20th century.  Not sure deep saturated colors were any more attractive than omnipresent beige or tepid pastels .  Perhaps one should wallpaper one's appliances?   I remember when black cast iron was what our stove was, and not everybody even had a refrigerator.

  • WinterMoonWinterMoon Posts: 1,904

    Anyone here who knows where I can buy a time-gate? I have an unmet need to go visit the 80s. They're home.

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