Oh, Misty, I forgot my Complaint Thread



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,442
    edited March 2022

    Well, I know I post a lot here.  Which, if you knew me, would be a major acomplishment for someone like me who is completely socially inept.surprise    And I blather a lot about my computers.  But I do pop in and make comments about particularly opportune statements of others.  Y'know, things like double ententre' and twistable words.​  Things that I find deliciously droll**.yes  I never comment on pictures.  Yes, I love to tell stories, but after living for almost 3/4 of a century I feel I have a few stories to tell.  And like many people of the ancient persuasion, I forget which stories I've already told to which audience, or I have constructed a better way to tell them.  And yes, I know, my posts can get lengthy and uninteresting to the majority, but I'm not here for praise.  I just have a smidgen of fun in this relatively loose playroom  and my stories will be my only legacy when I'm gone (unless I finally get my tell-all book written).

    But mostly I post here because I want to keep this thread (or at least one like it) open.  A place where people can come and make innocent complaints, and have fun with words and good people.  I'd like to think that my comments sometimes cause a grin.  I've been posting here for years but only rarely does one of my posts ever take off and start a conversation.  That doesn't bother me.  I find that most people who post here just do so to pop in with little tid-bits of info or humor.  And once in a awhile we get an encrypted book by McGyver, which is fun too.yes  I treat this thread like a dynamic book of jokes and biographies.  I like reading about mundane things that irritate people.  Indicating that we're all human...indecision  I love it when this thread gets busy and quips are flying fast & free.

    And as for not finding fun in talking to a void...,  I've discovered that at the advanced age of "ancient", I catch myself talking to the void almost all the time.  Assuming the void is separate from myself then it must be the void that I'm talking to when I notice my self describing things to the otherwise unpeopled room.frown  But that's OK, because I understand most of what I'm saying.devil


    **Droll:  A wry and sarcastic, yet funny comment


    Query:  Would it be better if I resumed posting links to my favorite classical music?indecision 

    (eg: incredible performance of an incredible palace of sound.)

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,037
    edited March 2022

    @NylonGirl believe it or not I still torture myself sometimes reading this thread devil

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,110

    I think I slept most of the morning?

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    DanaTA said:

    Rezca said:

    And it's done!  Looking at it, I spent a lot of time positioning vines that ended up barely being visible - oh well!

    Nice work!


    Aaah thanks!

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670
    edited March 2022

    Teen Bianca HD for Genesis 8 Female is on sale in Flash Grab.  surprise

    Post edited by starionwolf on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    Rezca said:

    I love the feeling when I go to a scene and will "just make a few little tweaks" but it ends up being an all-day thing.   Pic is rendering now finally!

    ..I've had that happen.  

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    Rezca said:

    And it's done!  Looking at it, I spent a lot of time positioning vines that ended up barely being visible - oh well!

    ...looks great. I like the SSS on the wings. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    NylonGirl said:

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  This thread seems to be dying.  I guess everybody's all complained-out.  Everything's going well with y'all?  No frustrations?  No need to vent?  C'mon, you know that's not true, there must be something worth spewing about.  Not that anybody here cares, but this thread is a safe place to get those little irks out in the open so everybody can publicly commiserate or just empathize in silence. (Just steer clear of the DAZ TOS)frown

    I think I started posting a lot less in this particular thread because I felt like a lot of my posts got no response. And it's no fun talking to a void. Plus sometimes you get sucked into the void.

    ...I've had that happen.  As of late when I disappear, it tends to be because I'm preoccupied with "real world" stuff which cannot be discussed here.

    For similar reasons I stopped posting images because it seemed like a lot of people would only comment on images from certain people they always respond to, and the same people only had something to say to me if they had criticism of my hard work.

    Also, particularly in this thread, one of my favorites was WendyLuvsCats and after that person left, there was yet one less person responding to me and one less person making things interesting to me. Also the comments in this thread seemed to be dominated by one particular person and I genuinely don't know how to respond to that person. Maybe I am that person to those people who don't respond to me.

    ...there are a number of people who used to contribute here who I miss, some who just faded away and others who escped the surly bonds.. 

    Complaint: I hit the Reply button last night and it took me 12 hours to finish the post.

     ...I've hit reply, started typing, then figured "nah" and deleted it.  Sometimes the Forum servers make that decision for me.

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,636
    edited March 2022

    NonComplaint: Duke managed to squeek by Michigan State to advance to the sweet sixteen

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932
    edited March 2022

    ..saw that, was hoping Sparty would pull it off. 

    Meanwhile #11 Iowa State Cyclones are giving my #3 Badgers a rough time.  That may be the upset of the day today.  Iowa State has been maintaining a 6 point lead for the last 5 minutes with only 5:40 to go.

    Update: Badgers down by 10 now with under a little over 4 min to go. . Looks like no Sweet 16 for Bucky this year. 

    Post edited by kyoto kid on
  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,636
    edited March 2022

    kyoto kid said:

    ..saw that, was hoping Sparty would pull it off. 

    Meanwhile #11 Iowa State Cyclones are giving my #3 Badgers a rough time.  That may be the upset of the day today.  Iowa State has been maintaining a 6 point lead for the last 5 minutes with only 5:40 to go.

    Update: Badgers down by 10 now with under a little over 4 min to go. . Looks like no Sweet 16 for Bucky this year. 

    54-49 Sorry your team lost. 

    And now on to the Notre Dame vs Texas Tech game to see who Duke will play.

    Update: Duke will be playing against Texas Tech in the Sweet 16.

    Post edited by Charlie Judge on
  • kyoto kid said:

    NylonGirl said:

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Complaint:  This thread seems to be dying.  I guess everybody's all complained-out.  Everything's going well with y'all?  No frustrations?  No need to vent?  C'mon, you know that's not true, there must be something worth spewing about.  Not that anybody here cares, but this thread is a safe place to get those little irks out in the open so everybody can publicly commiserate or just empathize in silence. (Just steer clear of the DAZ TOS)frown

    I think I started posting a lot less in this particular thread because I felt like a lot of my posts got no response. And it's no fun talking to a void. Plus sometimes you get sucked into the void.

    ...I've had that happen.  As of late when I disappear, it tends to be because I'm preoccupied with "real world" stuff which cannot be discussed here.

    This is precisely why I disappear for weeks at a time:  "Stuff which cannot be discussed here", meaning that many of my real life interests such as firearms, constitutional law, crime and the punishment for it, the true reasons tyrants still thrive unfettered, as well as the true reasons why poverty and hunger still exist in the world too.  

    Saying more than this would likely get me scolded by my fellow members or outright banned by the hard moderating here.  I'm not complaining, but the fact is, the moderating truly is hard here.  I would never get away with having the word "resist" in my signature line, but some have done it here with seemingly nothing said.  And I had to hold my peace and find another outlet for my frustration.

    It's true, I don't march to the same drummer as most members here.  I still love you all and I consider you friends, and that's the truth.  But my reality is that I actually have less freedom than some of you, for a whole host of reasons.  That's how I'm feeling most days, anyhow.  So when I'm feeling really down, I simply CANNOT come here.  You all really aren't interested in what is getting me down.  And I won't fight that, because the potential penalty is so very high (loss of access, denial of participation).  I also lost my parents a few years ago, less than a year between them both, so I can't talk to them.  The rest of my family lives closer to LG than they do to me, and I won't change to a worse job or move to a worse place just to be close to anybody.

    So I simply go away when things go pear-shaped in the world or in my life.  Call me a "fair weather friend" here in The Commons, because it's true and that's the way it has to be for me.  I can't share a lot about the real me.

    For similar reasons I stopped posting images because it seemed like a lot of people would only comment on images from certain people they always respond to, and the same people only had something to say to me if they had criticism of my hard work.

    Also, particularly in this thread, one of my favorites was WendyLuvsCats and after that person left, there was yet one less person responding to me and one less person making things interesting to me. Also the comments in this thread seemed to be dominated by one particular person and I genuinely don't know how to respond to that person. Maybe I am that person to those people who don't respond to me.

    ...there are a number of people who used to contribute here who I miss, some who just faded away and others who escped the surly bonds.. 

    This is true of life for me; not just here.  I still wake up sometimes aching to be able to tell my mom and dad I love them.  I thank God that I actually had the chance to be present at both of their passing, and I did have the opportunity to tell them each just that in their final moments.  But it's still not enough.

    Complaint: I hit the Reply button last night and it took me 12 hours to finish the post.

     ...I've hit reply, started typing, then figured "nah" and deleted it.  Sometimes the Forum servers make that decision for me.

    I already did this once today.  I probably only post about 1/3 of everything I start typing a response to, then abandon it for the reasons noted above.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    kyoto kid said:

    Rezca said:

    And it's done!  Looking at it, I spent a lot of time positioning vines that ended up barely being visible - oh well!

    ...looks great. I like the SSS on the wings. 

    Thanks,  I liked the way it turned out too :>

    I kinda know how it feels for posts to kinda go unnoticed,  or to see a lot of other people talking and just not knowing what to say or have nothing to contribute in return... Sometimes part of why I don't talk as much beyond sharing arts I might get up to,  since it feels like most of my interests aren't shared by those frequenting the thread and the commonly discussed topics I just don't have anything to say to usuaully.  They can be interesting to read sometimes, but I don't have anything I could say :O

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,110

    I don't feel well and I don't know why.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    Sfariah said:

    I don't feel well and I don't know why.

    Sorry to hear :( 

  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,072

    Sfariah said:

    I don't feel well and I don't know why.

    I hope you feel better soon. 

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited March 2022

    Actually doing a spot of actual modelling for once!  Kind of simple but I'm happy all the same.

    Screenshot 2022-03-21 213655.jpg
    617 x 562 - 98K
    Screenshot 2022-03-21 213709.jpg
    592 x 428 - 62K
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    So I was painting weights on some joints, and didn't realize I had the Symmetry option enabled.  Now I've spent the last forty minutes trying to sort things out with one wing ending up affecting the opposite one and every time I seemingly fix one thing another thing breaks indecision

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393
    edited March 2022

    Mostly got it worked out now.  All that's left is fine-tuning :)

    Placed it into the scene I've been working on almost all day to show off the new wing-joints its sporting!



    1920 x 1080 - 634K
    Post edited by Rezca on
  • MimicMollyMimicMolly Posts: 2,145

    Complaint(s): Have a product inquiry about some products sold at another store but don't exactly know where to ask. The other store's forum is dead and I tried asking elsewhere but got ignored/buried under other conversation. Also, Office Depot's customer service is terrible and makes me glad I haven't bought anything from them in years.

    Non-Complaint: Using online translation apps is the best decision I've ever made in regards to writing. But that's because I sometimes have difficulty explaining things in English, or English phrases feel insufficient to describe whatever.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,110

    Cheerios for breakfast!

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,110

    I ate all my jelly beans within 24 hours but I did give two bags to two different friends.

  • starionwolfstarionwolf Posts: 3,670

    I forgot to buy hair for Genesis 3 males when hairstyles were on sale a few days ago.

  • RezcaRezca Posts: 3,393

    Posted!  :)


    Happy to have finished this one~

  • carrie58carrie58 Posts: 3,975
    edited March 2022

    Complaint : I have had a sciatica flare up ,shooting pains down my left leg ,very hard to walk this has been going on now for 3 weeks ........ I've been trying stretches and I read that walking will help but if it hurts too much to walk how the heck are you suppose to walk it out ....I don't understand and I getting cranky ....

    Post edited by carrie58 on
  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    TJohn said:

    Sfariah said:

    I don't feel well and I don't know why.

    I hope you feel better soon. 


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    Rezca said:

    Mostly got it worked out now.  All that's left is fine-tuning :)

    Placed it into the scene I've been working on almost all day to show off the new wing-joints its sporting!



    ..very nice, I like the colours.. 

  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    carrie58 said:

    Complaint : I have had a sciatica flare up ,shooting pains down my left leg ,very hard to walk this has been going on now for 3 weeks ........ I've been trying stretches and I read that walking will .help but if it hurts too much to walk how the heck are you suppose to walk it out ....I don't understand and I getting cranky ....

    ...I get bouts of it myself in the opposite leg which i likely due to the hip joint that has been bothering me off and on. Not as severe sounding but still a bother. Now when that pinched nerve acts ip it affects both legs and I am in excruciating pain.  I can easily understand being cranky about it.


  • kyoto kidkyoto kid Posts: 40,932

    ...well an uncharacteristically nice day today as for the most part been cloudy cool and wet here. Made it into the upper 60s with lots of sun so decided to take a good long walk to finally stretch the muscles and joints out. Sat in the sun for a while just soaking up the rays, then did some grocery shopping.  Was able to open the windows to air the place out a bit as well.

    Tonight and tomorrow back to the "same old same old" as the radar already showing wet stuff approaching  the other side of the West Hills..  Will be short lived however and become more springlike with temperatures in the 60s for the balance of the week.

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,110

    I'm thirsty, but I left my coffee at home.  I also don't have any water with me.

This discussion has been closed.